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Phoenix Mode Conquest Autobattle Draft


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Pre-Auto Battle Segment

Prologue: 2/2 Turns
Did +Str -Mag Female Avatar with Ninja reclass

Chapter 1: 4/6
Lol Phoenxcide

Chapter 2: 3/9

Moved up the right side, defeated Kaze and his goon the 2nd turn and then blasted Rinkah and her goon turn 3

Chapter 3: 5/14

Paired Avatar with Gunther Moved Down, Jakob shortly behind, switched pair up partners, used the Dragon Vein and divided my units, Jakob weakened the boss on EP, Avatar finished and Jakob Seized.

Chapter 4: 6/20

Paired Kaze/Rinkah, had my avatar to go to the village, next turn used the dragon vein, had Kaze and Rinkah move upward and then made a beeline for the left to get to the dude going for Sakura over the mountain, Avatar did another dragon vein and took the boss and another dude out while Kaze and Rinkah cleaned house, Hinoka and Ryoma did their part too.

Chapter 5 3/23

Dragon moves left, Kaze/Rinkah move right, Azura dances them and they get in the mage range, kill mages, weaken other guy, Rinkah kills the weakened dude Azura dances and Kaze gets transfered to her, Avatar takes care of the other dude, dance Avatar to boss, but Ryoma needs to hit the boss every round or this 3 turn isn't really possible.

Chapter 6 2/25

Did Refa's strat basically, Xander missed Sakura the first few attempts. Kinda annoying

Units   Class                 Lvl   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Aerith  Nohr Princess          6    21   13    3   8    9    11   8    5 
Jakob   Butler                 3    22   9     8   13   11   11   8    10

Now the real fun begins.

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Chapter 7- 8/33 turns

I set the Autobattle mode to w/e mode makes your dudes attack the nearest enemy. Also I reclassed Jakob to a Paladin and bought him a Bronze Lance and Bronze Sword before the map (also a Speed Tonic so he could double w/a Faust pair up).

I paired Faust up with Jakob turn 1 and well...let the game play itself. They went to the left, killed most of the dudes there, and then came right back around. I DID take control of Silas, Elise, and Arthur but only to get them out of the fucking way and wait every turn (so no AI manipulation shenanigans). The Jakob/Faust duo took the top half with plenty of time to spare (if I had control, I'd probably have done things differently but no sense complaining now). Effie took the bottom half, getting doubled by the boss and dying at one point but coming out victorious in the end.

I'll edit this post later when I get further but yeah.

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guys I think we can actually Auto battle starting C4 turn 3 but I guess we'll just start post-split since Jedi and Refa already finished

CHAPTER 4: 7/22

yeah I'm not as good at this as you guys, but if I finally beat the game I've already won

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prologue: 2/2

chapter 1: 4/6

chapter 2: 3/9

chapter 3: 5/14

chapter 4 looks like it has autobattle enabled, so i'm gonna deal with that


well you guys can do whatever, i'm gonna be autobattling my way to victory

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CHAPTER 5: 4/26

q_q I even know where I lost the turn but so lazy

CHAPTER 6: 3/29

I need support convos to help me win

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i'm going to be using auto battle from here on

Chapter 4: 8/22

it begins

ITC: kaze rinkah and ryouma take all the exp

Chapter 5: 6/28

feat: azura running down the right side solo and dying three times

ryoma actually killed the boss before my dudes could reach them

Chapter 6: 4/32

i do'nt think xander actually hit ryoma once

the ai has also seemed to get over its fear of archers and flying units, because camilla died to takumi twice

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so I didn't know this but apparently it's ok in drafts to visit online towns purely for DV points, but not to shop

CHAPTER 7: 11/40

I also reclassed Jakob and brought him weapons. I didn't buy him a speed tonic cuz I didn't think he'd need one to double enemies on normal mode but I guess that was a dumb assumption. I also didn't pair Jakob and Corrin together cuz I thought they'd be able to kill stuff better with dual attacks and stuff except they like never stood beside each other except when it was unnecessary so gg. Jakob and Corrin went left; Jakob died somewhere in the middle. Arthur went down, killed a few people, then got knocked down to 1 HP and ran back up away from the boss except he died anyways to the dual Faceless coming from above. He almost drew the dual Faceless in range to attack Effie who was hiding in the corner, but luckily Corrin and Jakob came back to save the day and killed them before they attacked Effie and I had to restart. Then the AI made the great decision to fight the boss at a chokepoint where only Corrin could attack him and everybody else just stood around, but luckily Corrin crit with a vengeance after he was reborn and it didn't take 5 turns.

oh and I had to restart my first run because Corrin had a Dragonstone equipped and the AI didn't switch his weapon to Yato...

PARALOGUE 1: 12/40

yay free exp?

I tried incentivizing Jakob/Corrin to go down while getting Arthur to go left. In the end they just all went down, but after a few turns of Jakob leaving Arthur behind in the dust he got the hint and went left. I TALKED TO MOZU and then switched back to Jakob but tbh I probably should have just let Corrin get exp. After the first enemy or two Jakob started doubling and ORKOing everyone though so that was neat. B support Corrin/Jakob OP. Arthur died once but Jakob didn't cuz he ORKOd everything with WTA what a beast. I hope he can keep this up where it actually matters...

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also EXECUTIVE DECISION you can switch weapons before going into auto every turn

CHAPTER 8: 11/51

I wanted Jakob to have a javelin for this map, so I sold the Goddess Icon and Freeze staff to drum up the money. Then I realized Jakob didn't have D lances... Anyways so I did the map. Arthur died like almost every turn whereas Jakob almost died but survived, just, through the entire map. I was annoyed they were going for random mooks rather than rushing the boss but once he meandered into the boss's range, Jakob prioritized him over random mooks. Lost two turns to FREEZE though.

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chapter 7 REDO: 10/42

i don't care enough to try and convince elise that being bloodthirsty is not the answer

chapter 8: 9/51

[5:36:39 PM] Cam: wait wyvern elise went on a fucking rampage

[5:36:42 PM] Cam: killed the entire top half of the map

[5:36:51 PM] Cam: including the boss

[5:37:05 PM] Cam: niles soloed the bottom and corrin kind of died to mages two or three times

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ok so heads up guys AIs don't seize so you can do that manually once the space is empty

CHAPTER 9: 17/68

god the AI is trash. Firstly I had to make an exception and have Corrin manually go over to talk to Nyx at the beginning cuz AI wouldn't bring him in her range, which ruined the first run. Then my second run got ruined cuz I didn't realize AI wouldn't seize by itself. Then the third run was shit because the AI, after killing all the enemies except the boss and the one archer standing by himself at the end of the spiral, all simultaneously went for the archer over the boss... Finally this run was somewhat okay even though Jakob was a piece of shit who ran away from the boss to go stand beside Azura to get healed when there were no other enemies on the map...

I also decided I'm gonna go Corrin/Arthur even though she already has an A support with Jakob so I get a better Percy.

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chapter mozu: whocares/51

this one took a few tries because rng had to put niles in a place where he and jakob would both fight the boss at once (so wyvern elise would fly down and save mozu in time)

chapter 9: 13/64

wyvern elise is slowly reaching her final form

also niles ORKOs everything jesus

[6:20:12 PM] Cam: fuck it i just know pally jakob is the right choice

[6:20:31 PM] Cam: ninja corn it is

[6:24:01 PM] Cam: lmao bronze daggers

[6:24:15 PM] Cam: fuck ninja corn

[6:24:51 PM] Cam: i should be DIFFERENT and go STRATEGIST JAKOB

chapter 10 is horseshit; the ai does not know ow to defend (and there isn't really an option to do it)

all i can think of i manually dropping people onto the defend points and having them just sit there every turn

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ok how about this; you can have the AI direct drafted/free characters to wait instead of auto, but you can't direct where they move? That way it's not just hurrdurr have people go sit on the green spots and end turn every time

actually it still doesn't work lol; it might just be better to play this chapter manually... it's a defend chapter anyways so it's not like it makes a turn difference

if you guys still want to make this work on autobattle though pls make suggestions; I've stopped for now

CHAPTER 10: 11/75

I ended up being able to make it work with the strat I suggested earlier. Reclassed Corrin to Cav between chapters with the Heart Seal the C9 boss drops. I had everyone but Jakob wait in the middle, with Corrin/Arthur paired. One of the tricks was to ensure that even once enemies started coming into the middle, Niles stayed close to his starting spot so he could always OHKO pegs when I needed him to. I ended up using Selena instead of Silas cuz I accidentally forgot to have her wait one turn and then she moved and got attacked. Since Silas hadn't done anything to that point I just had him move to the corner.


          CLASS     EXP        HP     STR    MAG    SKL    SPD    LCK    DEF    RES    SUPPORTS
BBM        CAV      12.53      29     12     4      16     14     10      9      4     A JAKOB, C ARTHUR
JAKOB      PAL      --/15.70   29     19     2      17     18     20      15     14    A BBM
ARTHUR     FIG      12.91      34     14     0      14     11     2       11     5     C BBM
AZURA      SON      2.18       17     6      2      9      9      6+4     4      8 
NYX        DM       11.36      20     1      13     5      13     4       4      8
BERUKA     WR       9.77       23     13+2   0      14     9      10      14     7

I'm not sure but I think my Jakob is pretty blessed; he seems to get STR and SPD almost every level.

We need to come up with a c11 ruling for stairs... I was thinking you can manually move them to the stairs and up them if they're in a room without enemies, but while there are enemies in the room you can't control them.

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Chapter 11 10: defend/75

picked beruka and selena

after four attempts to make some kind of "WAIT UNTIL THEY GET CLOSE THEN BLITZ" strategy work (it didn't because they refused to actually go backwards to protect the green) I gave up and did this manually. Which is just as well, i suppose, because that meant I could feed some kills to Mozu instead of having her die repeatedly.

edit: i'm also going to take this as vindication because i also did the pre-split chapters on auto

name      lv   hp   str  mag  skl  spd  lck  def  res    Job
SKYNET    13   27   13   7    15   14   14   10   6      Nohr Princess
Jakob     11   25   8    11   15   12   18   7    16     Strategist
Elise     14   24   8+2  15   6    17   17   14   12+2   Wyvern Rider
Niles     12   24   11   6    12   18   8    8    13     Outlaw
Mozu      4    19   8    0    6    9    4    6    1      Villager
Azura     2    16   not enough                           Songstress
Camilla   1    lol banned till c16                       Malig Knight
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CHAPTER 11: 14/89

so I had Jakob go left and everyone else go right. But what happened was Jakob killed all the non-Setsuna archers with exactly 1 hp left, but while standing outside Setsuna's range. Since she doesn't move, she wouldn't attack Jakob, and Jakob wouldn't do anything with only 1 HP, so he was stuck there the rest of the chapter... On the right side, Corrin/Arthur were paired but then they became unpaired after Corrin died due to Hexing Rod, which was probably better tbh. AI killed Asama pretty fast but the myrms took a while in the next room because AXES.

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sorry for the double post, but here are the exceptions for Chapter 12:

1. Corrin can escape if she's in range.

2. You can manually break either 5 pots OR 3 pots + use the DV.

someone who's played this route really should have mentioned all this before

by the way I'm summarizing all the individual chapter exceptions in the OP.

CHAPTER 12: 9/98

so my first try I tried the 5 pot strat cuz I thought breaking all the pots would make them go all over the place. But what happened is they went down to fight reinforcements instead of going up towards the escape tiles, so I ended up 14-turning when Jakob killed Ryoma. But I was unhappy with that so I tried it again with this time using the DV, and yeah it was faster. It could've easily been 7-8 turns but ~AI oh well.

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chapter 12 11: 18/93

i could probably cut down with some tweaks but at this point i don't really care anymore

elise murderfaced one side and, surprisingly, mozu the other. level 7, got herself a perfect level or two... sooner or later she'll be an actual combatant. it's seriously easier to train her if she's allowed to die

will do chapter 13 and 14 (and stats) tomorrow probably

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CHAPTER 13: 9/107

Corrin/Arthur and Kaze/Peri went left; Nyx, Jakob, and Beruka went right (well Beruka actually went down first but she died fast to Takumi). Nyx got OHKOd by everything on the map pretty much but luckily she also ORKOs every non special unit on the map so STILL USEFUL. Azura is uh very aggressive and sometimes she picks up kills when Kaze leaves people at 1 hp with Poison Strike, which is funny. Had to redo this twice, cuz first time I made dumb mistakes like not realizing Reina was on top of water and I needed ranged weapons to kill her and also Ending instead of Autoing once, and second time Charlotte got attacked.

I'll continue tomorrow evening.

         CLASS     EXP        HP     STR    MAG    SKL    SPD    LCK    DEF    RES    SUPPORTS
BBM       CAV      17.40      34     13     6      18     18     13      15     6     A JAKOB, B ARTHUR, B AZURA, C NYX
JAKOB     PAL      --/19.17   31     20     3      20     19     22      15     13+2  A BBM, C NYX
ARTHUR    FIG      14.81      36     15     0      16     11     2       12     6     B BBM
AZURA     SON      4.18       18     8      3      11     11     7+4     4      9     B BBM
NYX       DM       16.30      22     2      17     7      16     6       4      9     C BBM, C JAKOB
BERUKA    WR       14.53      27     18+2   0      17     14     13      18     7
KAZE      NIN      13.97      25     11     0      15     20     7       8      16    C PERI
PERI      CAV      11.58      25     14     0      9      13     10      10     10    C KAZE

gotta get Arthur and Peri more exp

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CHAPTER 14: 13/120

I'm not 100% sure about this turncount because I forgot to check, but I think it's right. Blitz all day erry day; Azura still best bait NA for preventing undrafted characters from getting attacked. Arthur got the bosskill with a crit after Corrin died and dropped him. I could probably improve this TC by having Beruka drop Jakob via suicide partway across the map, but knowing AI he would just come back instead of going forward.

CHAPTER 15: 14/134

Yeah uh another exception; you can manually escape with units in range, or move them towards the tiles if all the units on the island are dead. Idk if you guys want to allow the DV or not; I just paired Azura with Corrin and had Corrim kill everything. Prolly lost a turn or two when Corrin died partway through and Azura split off and then was terrible. Oh well. Corrin hit level 20 so time for DOUBLE PALADINS AWW YEAH

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Chapter 12: 14/107

i'm not going to try to get this any lower because my murder machine elise was out of commission so we instead had laslow failing to kill anything

Chapter 13: 11/118

"elise murders everything: the map"

also azura got a kill

Chapter 14: 10/128

if i could somehow engineer it so elise actually flies towards the boss i could probably cut several turns off

name      lv      hp   str  mag  skl  spd  lck  def  res   Job
SKYNET    18      31   16   10   17   18   16   11   6     Nohr Princess
Jakob     ??/17   30   12   14   19   13   23   9    18+2  Strategist
Elise     16/3    27   10+2 22   7    21   18   20   23+2  Malig Knight
Niles     12      29   12   8    17   23   10   9    17    Outlaw
Mozu      9       22   10   0    11   12   8    10   3     Villager
Laslow    15      31   16   0    18   14   16   11   9     Mercenary
Azura     5       17   who really cares                    Songstress
Camilla   ??/1    30   B    A    N    N    E    D          Malig Knight
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Chapter 15: 11/139

MASTER NINJA CORRIN kills everything, gunter kind of sits behind her and doesn't do shit

Chapter 16: 10/149

Camilla hype!

I got lucky and had the team split up on turn one (Jakob even ended in range of the northeast soldier turn 1) but then ultimately had to sit there while niles got Freeze'd several turns in a row while walking around to the far east one (the last soldier)

Chapter 17: 18/167

painstakingly walked around and watched everyone die to caltrops

elise kept getting sidetracked by reinforcements (she is, in fact, a better combat unit than camilla at this point)

Chapter 18: 16/183

camilla and elise literally inexplicably ran away from the south boss to go assist with reinforcements in the north

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Chapter 19: 12/195

it was annoying that half of my team got stuck behind the snag. That being said, MOZU went on a rampage on one side, with elise and camilla clearing out the other. Having Azura clean up the various savage blow scraps was nice too

Chapter 20: 15/210

could be two or three turns quicker if elise/camilla would just hit the fucking boss

Chapter Kana: 6/notrelevant

FLORA HYPE jk she sucks

did you know that most of the enemies can't damage kana? me neither!

Chapter Dwyer: 14/free

hero flora is a go (and is just as bad)

laslow just kind of paired with elise and ran down th emiddle and everything died.

Chapter 21: 5/215

This chapter is really dumb and I basically skipped it by deploying only Camilla+Skynet and resetting until Camilla decided to go up.

name      lv      hp   str  mag  skl  spd  lck  def  res   Job
SKYNET    18/10   34   15   8    30   28   21   12   18    Master Ninja
Jakob     ??/21   34   21   10   24   17   25   15   19+2  Paladin
Elise     16/14   30   15+2 30   12   28   26   21   32+2  Malig Knight
Niles     18/11   35   18   11   28   30   16   14   21    Bow Knight
Mozu      19/1    31   20   0    17   24   15   18   8     Master of Arms
Laslow    18/10   41   25   0    29   27   26   18   20    Bow Knight
Azura     14      20   11   2    19   20   15   7    17    Sky Knight
Camilla   ??/16   35   26+2 16   22   28   16   25   24    Malig Knight
Flora     ??/7    32   23   11   27   17   11   17   23    Hero
Kana      20/7    34   18   18   21   23   21   18   16    Nohr Noble
Dwyer     20/6    31   14   20   17   21   21   13   20    Strategist   
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