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Ace Attorney Mafia - Game Over (Won the Lawsuit!)


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it could be accurate in the sense that a cop "accurately" scans kirsche as being scum/miller?

also i'm assuming whoever has the most votes at the end of D1 will be lynched? since no hammer

A scum miller seems a little pointless...

Also, apparently the host changed his mind? We need seven for the hammer.

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I asked Enigmar via role pm to clarify on the second rule, specifically on if it means that all investigation results are guaranteed to be accurate, and got yes as the answer.

Same (well worded differently but yeah).

it could be accurate in the sense that a cop "accurately" scans kirsche as being scum/miller?

What do you think about this?

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If miller is legit then the rule means no redirecting roles exist i guess but im hesitant to believe the latter over the former?

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Miller isn't tampering, tailor is tampering. My claim is not a joke.

I asked Enigmar via role pm to clarify on the second rule, specifically on if it means that all investigation results are guaranteed to be accurate, and got yes as the answer.


##Unvote: Eurykins

##Vote: Kirsche

Kirsche, can you clarify what the Miller component of your role actually does?

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it could be accurate in the sense that a cop "accurately" scans kirsche as being scum/miller?

also i'm assuming whoever has the most votes at the end of D1 will be lynched? since no hammer

Yeah, most votes gets lynched.

Also, Joshaymin O_O

I thought you quit SF Mafia...?

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In this context, a roles such as Miller or Godfather do not count as tampering. Tampering here is considered to be when another player gets ahold of results and changes them to something else. Edited by Enigmar
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@Proto: I show up guilty to investigation.

SB in what world would godfather not count as "tampering" but miller would?


##Vote: SB

Scum don't like clearing townies =)

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@Proto- Why the Kirsche vote? You don't seem to actually be bothered by him.

If miller is legit then the rule means no redirecting roles exist i guess but im hesitant to believe the latter over the former?

Bad gut feeling about this; it just doesn't feel like a town's thought process (miller is confirmed to be possible by several players -> no redirecting roles exist (this in itself doesn't follow from a miller existing) -> can't buy miller existing over redirection for no adequately explained reason).


##Vote: Elieson

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Also doesn't actually express any suspicions. Do you think Kirsche is scummier because of it? Why didn't you mention that in your post, then (no, holding onto an RVS vote and then saying nothing later doesn't qualify). What about the people who mentioned that they asked the mods about it (e.g. me and GP)?

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Bad gut feeling about this; it just doesn't feel like a town's thought process (miller is confirmed to be possible by several players -> no redirecting roles exist (this in itself doesn't follow from a miller existing) -> can't buy miller existing over redirection for no adequately explained reason).

Who confirmed this prior to Elie's post?

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I'm sick what a great way to start this game


##Vote: Proto

Proto is giving me weird gutvibes, the Eury jokevote feels like a scum jokevote (don't ask me why it just does) and the Kirsche vote is bad. Asking what Kirsche's role does seems like padding a question onto the vote for the sake of it too which was weird.

FWIW I don't see Kirsche making a mistake like that (claiming miller when the rules confirmed there not being millers/godfathers in game) which is why I didn't comment on it when it happened; I felt I'd wait for reactions first since I wasn't swayed either way by anything that happened yet. I didn't think his claim was a joke though.

GP do you have any comments on peoples' reactions to the Kirsche claim? What do you think of Elieson?
(also you and Refa confirmed it prior, but Refa's confirm was easy to miss IMO)

Also Arctic Fox since some stuff was starting to happen when you responded to my jokevote on you, do you have any thoughts?

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(also you and Refa confirmed it prior, but Refa's confirm was easy to miss IMO)

"All investigation results are guaranteed to be accurate" precludes standard millers from existing. Refa's and my post weren't confirmation that a miller could exist (at the time, they confirmed the complete opposite) so, not seeing where these confirmations were, I asked him to explain.

GP do you have any comments on peoples' reactions to the Kirsche claim? What do you think of Elieson?

Didn't like how Arctic Fox stopped by to post but didn't express a thought on the game.

Proto's question reads like he's trying to see if Kirsche's miller is non-standard, out of disbelief that we'd otherwise have confirmed scum a day into the game. I didn't ask a similar question because I was very confident in scum!Kirsche upon receiving the answer to my role pm question and didn't want to give him any outs.

Elie's post just makes me think he didn't read mine.

A bit miffed on how the modconfirm went from essentially "millers don't exist" to "millers might exist." I'm just thinking on that and waiting for Toren and Refa's replies to my questions.

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I get your stance on the Proto business but it's the best read that I have. I'm weird gut on Refa too but I don't have a lot to back that up so I'm not going to pursue it right now.

glad you agree with me on Arctic tho lol

Millers count as investigation-tampering to me so it seems like this might be a case of the mod having a different definition of that in mind when they put the rules together and didn't realize it would affect the game like this. (I don't mean this as an insult towards the mod or anything but my role PM had a mistake in it that I had to ask for clarification on so I really think this might just be another roundabout case of that)

(sorry if I sounded aggressive by the way I'll tone it down)

(sorry if I sounded aggressive whoops I'll tone it down)

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Millers count as investigation-tampering to me so it seems like this might be a case of the mod having a different definition of that in mind when they put the rules together and didn't realize it would affect the game like this.

That's my assumption as well.

(sorry if I sounded aggressive by the way I'll tone it down)

Not at all, don't worry.

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Votals 1.1 - the courtroom edition

Proto (2): Quote, SB

Elieson (1): Refa

SB (1): Kirsche

Kirsche (2): Proto, Elieson

Refa (1): Eurykins

Not Voting: Polydeuces, Green Poet, Arctic Fox, Riptor, Toren, Jaybee

Phase ends in 47 hours on August 16th at 4:00 PM CST/GMT-5.

With 13 players left, it takes 7 to hammer and auto end the phase. At the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be lynched if a hammer does not occur

Will attempt to add ISOs to OP within a few hours.

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Rules state that no roles can mess with results.

If a miller -does- exist jn coersion with this rule, then it specifically means something else. If that's the case, then what does that rule imply? No redirection. What else could it imply? No fabrication maybe like tailor/lawyer?

Regardless, I think you are wrong and I think the rule specifically prevents a miller from existing, which means that i think kirsche is scum who slipped super hard. If I am wrong on kirsche then my second theory (mentioned above) is what i will believe.

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