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Ace Attorney Mafia - Game Over (Won the Lawsuit!)


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##Unvote i'm fine with df now

JB, why is Toren scum if you think he's crumbing vig?

I was more interested with JB's iso. I think he could be scum, a read that would be stronger if Eury flips scum. tl;dr reasons for it are:

-Baiting Toren's claim (why would anyone protown draw attention to a crumbed vig claim? esp. from a player that seems new to mafia and might respond exactly how Toren did?)

-casing the two most inactive players (at the time) is easy and less likely to be genuine

-defending Eury with just "IDK why people are voting her? I wasn't personally scumreading her" (my paraphrase) without actually explaining why she's not scummy. Just tries to nudge people into considering town!Eury without argument

-"how is GP clarifying the rules townie at all?" I mean... without the mod clarification, my clarification would have literally confirmed scum!Kirsche on d1 :|

admittedly i didn't know toren was new
what is the reason for baiting out the fact that you can kill as part of your role? either you're a vig (which toren claims to be), or SK trying to appear as a town vig (and before you guys laugh i did this before) (in 2011) (and it almost worked). it strikes me as trying to gain towncred, to be honest.
it was genuine but i'll take that criticism
my read on the eury case was that people were voting her for not really saying much or backing up her words with actions, but I was personally ok with that because Eury said she was busy all of D1 and understandably, mafia takes a backseat to stuff like that. So I wasn't seeing her as necessarily town!eury, just BusyNullRead!eury. (though now i'm perfectly cool w voting her)
i don't think clarifying the rules necessarily needs to be a town or scum thing to do? like everyone benefits from clarity on the rules (see the time we wasted discussing the validity of the miller claim). admittedly, i didn't think too thoroughly about the implications regarding your clarification and i still cbf to because it makes my head hurt, but yeah.

If I claim, I'm liable to being killed. But hey, with the vig claim, maybe they'll be hit over me. But then again, it's a one-shot, so would probably still get shot over them. Damn, life sucks.

Could bother getting some reads/thoughts out, but work is just killing me atm, so just gonna say it and be done with it (since I would probably be mislynched either way and you'd see then? Lol).

> I am a Role cop.

Also part of the reason why I wasn't overly concerned about being seen as a lynch target. Being read as super townie just gets me shot faster, and so long as there's doubt on my slot, scum would be more okay with letting me live and just get out some scans. This just may be delaying the inevitable death (dying instead due to getting shot this next incoming night phase over getting mislynched over my apathetic state), but I figure it ought to buy town at least more time to not hit town again.

i'm really not feeling this argument at all? like why do you need to play 'scummy' or be seen as a low-priority lynch target to get the most out of your role? that's a fairly convenient excuse for being... well, actual scum?

Miller :


Role cop:


TL;DR: If I scanned Kirsche, it'd probably pop up with, "Hey, he's a Miller ___ (whatever else he is, if he does have a secondary thing)". Not whether he's Mafia or not.

I. Do. not. see. the. conflict.

i do

if you role scan kirsche, and you get the result "miller", you have effectively cleared both his alliance and his role. as compared to scanning, say, a tracker or something which can very easily be both town or scum.

(unless kirsche is lying about being a miller but i don't think that's the case)

assume im like spirit voting eury or something

I was more interested with JB's iso. I think he could be scum, a read that would be stronger if Eury flips scum. tl;dr reasons for it are:

-Baiting Toren's claim (why would anyone protown draw attention to a crumbed vig claim? esp. from a player that seems new to mafia and might respond exactly how Toren did?)

-casing the two most inactive players (at the time) is easy and less likely to be genuine

-defending Eury with just "IDK why people are voting her? I wasn't personally scumreading her" (my paraphrase) without actually explaining why she's not scummy. Just tries to nudge people into considering town!Eury without argument

-"how is GP clarifying the rules townie at all?" I mean... without the mod clarification, my clarification would have literally confirmed scum!Kirsche on d1 :|

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if you role scan kirsche, and you get the result "miller", you have effectively cleared both his alliance and his role. as compared to scanning, say, a tracker or something which can very easily be both town or scum.

just saying

we've had scum millers here before

just saying

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if eury is actually a town-aligned rolecop i will punch myself in the face so hard i'll send myself back in time 3 years

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I don't even know what my reads are on anyone else until I see Eury's flip. I have a surefire super townread and a surefire super scumread if she flips scum, if she flips town I have two scumreads I guess.

JB is bothering me because he's been very under-the-radar does he always play like that

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Would be okay with lynching Eury right now. This day phase has stagnated because literally everyone either wants to lynch Eurykins or doesn't have an opinion, and Eurykins herself has only offered a questionable claim and no reads of any sort on her part.

Refa: Scum
- His case on me was based on points that I already addressed, which implies that he didn't thoroughly read my posts. Only scum would try to find good excuses to case somebody without acknowledging whether they actually replied to those.
- Refa also shifted to Eurykins (because he didn't want to vote me solely due to RVS stuff) and kept his vote there until 6 minutes before deadline, where he whipped up a quote from me and voted for me. Almost like he was scouring my ISO to justify vote-changing to me before Eurykins gets lynched.

Don't see how my case on you was based on points that you already addressed. Additionally, you're automatically assuming that I have scum intent (e.g. saying that I made an active attempt to case you without acknowledging your replies) instead of finding scum intent in my posts.

Are you suggesting that as scum, I'd case my scumbuddy (suggesting a bus), vote someone else in the same post (suggesting not a bus), change my vote to her later on (suggesting a bus again), AND THEN change my vote to that same person as before right before deadline (suggesting not a bus)?

...Because I wouldn't. The amount of leaps in logic you have to make in order to consider that is Olympic medal worthy.

just saying

we've had scum millers here before

just saying

Yeah, this scenario went through my mind at least (Kirsche being scum miller, Eurykins being town, and there potentially not being a cop at all). The problem for me is that Kirsche's interactions with SB don't read as scum/scum interactions to me, and Eurykins doesn't feel particularly concerned with pushing anyone.

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With the clang of the gavel, Eury has been hammered.

...Scientifically speaking of course.

You are Ema Skye, the town Rolecop.

You are an avid detective, but you love the art of scientific investigation so much more. In fact, your initial goal in life was to be a scientific investigator. Once per night, you may activate ##Investigate: player and you will check for fingerprints. Upon finding these fingerprints, you will discover the role of your target.

You are aligned with the Defense, and you win when all [Prosecutors are beaten in court.

It is now Night 2. Phase ends in 24 hours on August 21 at 11:00 A.M. CST/GMT-5.

Edited by Enigmar
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This morning, there is one dead. You try to analyze the body.

It's Elieson.

You are Athena Cykes, the town Doctor.

As an expert in analytical psychology, you can read the tone of hearts. What does this mean? Of course, this obviously means that you can save lives. Somehow. With the command ##Listen to the heart of player, you can help them cheat death. Use this to your advantage if you desire.

You are aligned with the Defense, and you win when all Prosecutors are beaten in court.

Elieson is no longer psyched.

It is now Day 3. Day 3 ends in 72 hours on August 24 at 11:00 A.M. CST/GMT-5.

With 10 left alive, it takes 6 to hammer.

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I'm really not buying Kirsche's claim. Other than that, my gut feeling is that GP is scum by process of elimination (also because she never gave a good explanation to why she was fading in the background yesterday). I'm confident that Riptor/LG/Quote/Toren are town, and while I'm not sure about Dragonflare7 or JB, JB's reactions to the Eury wagon felt like a natural progression (as scum, I don't get why he'd jump onto a mislynch wagon that he was previously not cool w/voting anyways) and I just don't know about Dragonflare7 anymore.

##Vote: Kirsche

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No wait, Elieson probably docced GP. I think. Because of this.

Green Poet is super town. I'm pretty sure that after yesterphase, she's like 100% town. I also feel 400% better about kirsche.

Now I hate myself for being dumb.

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Group question: Do you think scum would N1 GP*? If not, who do you think that they'd N1 and why?

*Yes, I know I said that Elie most likely docced her but ignore that for this

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GP had zero suspicion going on her going into N1 so it's possible.

Nothing to say what to say except we were trolled by the set up, so let's not let that happen again Refa pls. Assuming Elie did target GP, then Refa pointing that out is very good so I'll clear him. That leaves, JB, Gaius, Dragonflare and Bizz. Iunno if DF would've killed Elie since he was arguing she is town on meta? He was willing to sheep overall so I guess it's possible but less likely.

People should choose between this lot imo and talk about them. I want to reread before that though. Like I said, DF might be least likely to be maf.

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I don't even know what my reads are on anyone else until I see Eury's flip. I have a surefire super townread and a surefire super scumread if she flips scum, if she flips town I have two scumreads I guess.

JB is bothering me because he's been very under-the-radar does he always play like that

I don't like this. You voted in both mislynches, tunneled on Eury from the start of Day 2 and claimed to not have any other reads. What are the post-flip reads that you mentioned?

Group question: Do you think scum would N1 GP*? If not, who do you think that they'd N1 and why?

*Yes, I know I said that Elie most likely docced her but ignore that for this

I'd believe it, she was pretty active on D1 and no one voiced any suspicions about her.
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