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Cut Cutscene?


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To anyone who's played both the JP and USA version of Fire Emblem Fates, I've heard somewhere saying that Treehouse got rid of an entire cutscene in the game in our version, but I can't find anything saying they did. So, I'm wondering, did they actually get rid of a cutscene or anything?

People have been spreading a load of BS about the localization.

The worst we have related to this is the Beruka and Saizo C support.

Also, the Director of TMS was initially not thrilled with the localization changes, but eventually made his peace and thought the replacement outfits "looked cute".

Edited by The DanMan
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Also, the Director of TMS was initially not thrilled with the localization changes, but eventually made his peace and thought the replacement outfits "looked cute".

Can I get a link to where he said that? Besides, the fact that he wasn't thrilled just shows how little respect Treehouse and NoA really have for the devs that worked so hard on the game. From what I've heard about TMS, apparently they didn't even talk to the creator or the devs about the "localization" changes.

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Can I get a link to this article? Because I remember reading this one other article on twitter saying that the creator of the game was pretty dissapointed that the game got censored and wasn't presented as it was intended.

Yup, here ya go

Besides, the fact that he wasn't thrilled just shows how little respect Treehouse and NoA really have for the devs that worked so hard on the game.

Respect is one thing, but sometimes it's necessary (or preferable) to adapt games. In addition, who says the localisers don't respect the developer's wishes? Besides, the developers aren't always right, especially when it comes to foreign markets

Here are some choice quotes from the devs themselves.

Hitoshi Yamagami: Each country has its unique culture and taste. There are times when common sense in one country can be thoughtlessness in another. However, if we create a game with only that common sense that causes no problems in any of the countries, it can be a very boring game.
...It is true that as we build up the settings and characters, we are sometimes obliged to change something in part of the game. This optimization does not destroy the identity of what we as developers want to convey

Also, this practice has been going on since the first Fire Emblem to be released in the West. Honestly, I think it's OK to not like changes and discuss them, but at some points, I think fans are starting to miss the bigger picture by being so critical of change.

Edited by VincentASM
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By my confusingly many gods, is this how I come across when I'm harping on Fates' story?

I...think I need to sit down and look in a mirror for a while.

At least you have a point, even if I think you go overboard and continuously beat a dead horse. The localization salt was always unjustified and always will be be unless we get a localization like the Radiant Duelogy's again

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By my confusingly many gods, is this how I come across when I'm harping on Fates' story?

I...think I need to sit down and look in a mirror for a while.


There's dislike, and then there's carrying a torch for an immutable topic. All the complaining in the world won't change how Fates was released, or the vast majority of the content. That's why I either say my piece and leave, or find a hobby that is both creative and positive.

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There's dislike, and then there's carrying a torch for an immutable topic. All the complaining in the world won't change how Fates was released, or the vast majority of the content. That's why I either say my piece and leave, or find a hobby that is both creative and positive.

Wait, you think all I do all day is whining about Fates? That's cold, man! I'll have you know I'm a very balanced individual with a lot of creative hobbies!

...Watching clouds counts as something creative and positive, right?

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Wait, you think all I do all day is whining about Fates? That's cold, man! I'll have you know I'm a very balanced individual with a lot of creative hobbies!

...Watching clouds counts as something creative and positive, right?

Only if you can find a cloud that looks like the continent of Archanea.

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I wanted to answer this topic's question before, but here is most accurate answer you'll get:

[spoiler=Warning, this video contains nope]

Quite elegantly said, if I do say so myself...

By my confusingly many gods, is this how I come across when I'm harping on Fates' story?

Because I don't think a one word answer can't properly answer your question:

[spoiler=Warning, this video contains yes]

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Only if you can find a cloud that looks like the continent of Archanea.

I'd totes go out and do that and take a phot of it, buuut I'm pretty sure my cell phone is actually just a brick from the late 17:th century, so that's not going to happen.

Because I don't think a one word answer can't properly answer your question:

[spoiler=Warning, this video contains yes]

Pff, noob. Here's a real "yes" video:

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By my confusingly many gods, is this how I come across when I'm harping on Fates' story?

I...think I need to sit down and look in a mirror for a while.

Yeah, it's why I've tried to tone down my blatant dislike of the story and not post about it as much. I still don't like it but I understand if others get annoyed by it. That is, I annoy a lot of people by fangirling I don't want to annoy them by hating things too.

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By my confusingly many gods, is this how I come across when I'm harping on Fates' story?

I...think I need to sit down and look in a mirror for a while.

I realize I'm biased as a fellow Fates critic but I like to think the people who analyze and pick apart the writing of Fates do so because they are invested in the series (and storytelling in general). We're fans talking to other fans about what we felt went wrong; an autopsy for a friend.

OP seems to be just be out for blood, looking into dubious claims to justify his hatred.

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My freaking gosh, every time this OP makes a thread it's alway crap flinging in regards to localization.

As someone who has both region copies and doesn't feel the need to look for excuses to throw crap at Treehouse, this is getting tiresome.

he's posted like 2 threads out of 5 regarding the subject, chill your shit bro.

regarding the OP, no, only Skinship and I think some swim suits were taken out of the USA, EU and AUS versions.

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he's posted like 2 threads out of 5 regarding the subject, chill your shit bro.

And each of those threads have subtle shots at localization despite having a completely different focus.

I have a personal problem with the guy because he's literally insulted many people on my YouTube regarding liking localizations and Fates in general.

Making topics like this isn't doing anything to change that view of them.

Moving on:

The JP copy has a more serious tone than the localized version, certainly...

But you're being absolutely idiotic, OP if you think the JP version is pure and free of memes and bad Otaku references, that only Japanese would get.

First and foremost example of that is the Soleil magic potion controversy.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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First and foremost example of that is the Soleil magic potion controversy.

Does... that count as a meme?

What happened to memes indeed.

I get what you're saying, I just think that was a bad example.

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Holy shit, that IS a meme is Japan. And I thought us americans were fucked up

Holy shit indeed.

Now I'm really curious what else has become a meme in Japan but not here...

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My boyfriend's buddy lived in japan for a year and picked up Fates there. The petting game scared the DHEFOIEDJF outta him XD. I think that's why it was removed in the localized versions. People like that.

However, I kinda wish that they could've left it in or at least replaced it with something. I remember that before i knew about the petting game, I did feel that it was missing something. Like The heart # would just go up and they all leave happy despite doing nothing to earn that :/... It made me feel a little uncomfortable. Even the husband/wife portions made me feel weird. Oh well, what's done is done, right?

When I go to Japan I plan on getting a Japanese 3ds and Japanese Fates so everything will be better then :D

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And each of those threads have subtle shots at localization despite having a completely different focus.

I have a personal problem with the guy because he's literally insulted many people on my YouTube regarding liking localizations and Fates in general.

Making topics like this isn't doing anything to change that view of them.

Moving on:

The JP copy has a more serious tone than the localized version, certainly...

But you're being absolutely idiotic, OP if you think the JP version is pure and free of memes and bad Otaku references, that only Japanese would get.

First and foremost example of that is the Soleil magic potion controversy.

First off, when have I ever dissed you on youtube? I don't even remember half of the butthurt weebs I've pissed off before on YT. Second, how does it not piss you off that the localized version is less mature than the JP version? Because of Treehouse, they're making FE pander to kids and I'm tired of it. One of the reasons FE appealed to me to begin with was just how mature and grown up it felt to various other Nintendo franchises. But because of what Treehouse is doing to these kinds of games, they're taking away a huge aspect of what made FE good to veteran players.

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First off, when have I ever dissed you on youtube? I don't even remember half of the butthurt weebs I've pissed off before on YT. Second, how does it not piss you off that the localized version is less mature than the JP version? Because of Treehouse, they're making FE pander to kids and I'm tired of it. One of the reasons FE appealed to me to begin with was just how mature and grown up it felt to various other Nintendo franchises. But because of what Treehouse is doing to these kinds of games, they're taking away a huge aspect of what made FE good to veteran players.

"How Mature and grown up it felt"

Sorry, I really don't see it. FE is darker than most Nintendo franchises, I'll give it that, but it's not that hard to be darker than fucking Mario brothers. Also, I'll take a more lighthearted product of a grim one anyday. I play games to escape reality. Why the fuck would I want to play something dark and realistic in that case. If there was truly so many changes in transition from Japanese Fates to American Fates that made Fates a more lighthearted product, then thank God for Treehouse, because I'll take Fates' lighthearted humor over a grim and dark experience any day.

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But you're being absolutely idiotic, OP if you think the JP version is pure and free of memes and bad Otaku references, that only Japanese would get.

First and foremost example of that is the Soleil magic potion controversy.

Thank you, I was trying to find proof of the meme, but I couldn't understand much of the japanese text.

Second, how does it not piss you off that the localized version is less mature than the JP version? Because of Treehouse, they're making FE pander to kids and I'm tired of it. One of the reasons FE appealed to me to begin with was just how mature and grown up it felt to various other Nintendo franchises.

Pander to kids? Have you seen the fanservice parts of the game? Do you honestly think that's for kids?

And sorry, Fire Emblem can be serious at times, but it never was a mature and grown up series. Just where did you get that idea?

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Pander to kids? Have you seen the fanservice parts of the game? Do you honestly think that's for kids?

And sorry, Fire Emblem can be serious at times, but it never was a mature and grown up series. Just where did you get that idea?

How about the entire premise and themes of Genealogy of the Holy War and Path of Radiance? They were fairly mature.

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Second, how does it not piss you off that the localized version is less mature than the JP version? Because of Treehouse, they're making FE pander to kids and I'm tired of it. One of the reasons FE appealed to me to begin with was just how mature and grown up it felt to various other Nintendo franchises. But because of what Treehouse is doing to these kinds of games, they're taking away a huge aspect of what made FE good to veteran players.

Well, the localized version of Fates does have:

-Flora committing suicide by burning herself alive in front of her sister

-Ryoma committing suicide by cutting himself open and electrocuting himself in front of his sibling

-Xander accidentally murdering his younger sister, and then having his sibling kill him

-Corrin being able to marry his/her siblings (whom they are conveniently unrelated to) and his cousin (whom they aren't conveniently unrelated to)

-Sumeragi becoming a pincushion and being murdered in front of his young child

-Garon and his many, many affairs and illegitimate children


Well, there's still no face-petting, but that married dialogue would be too hardcore for most reasonable people anyway.

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butthurt weebs

*Laughs for 10 years*

It's ironic that you say those words when you're the one complaining about Fates localization at least every other post.

Everything you want is pretty much the Japanese version.

Except you want subtitles.

Which has references to their culture and behavior you probably wouldn't even get.

First off, when have I ever dissed you on youtube? I don't even remember half of the butthurt weebs I've pissed off before on YT.



I don't give a crap if you diss me.

I give a crap if you use words and insults towards others in this extreme manner.

Man, if you're going to be the gatekeeper of Fire Emblem's "honor", I'd rather it turn into an ero VN.

If you love the non-censorship so much... why don't you, you know... learn Japanese and import the game?

Oh wait, that takes effort.

Unlike constantly throwing crap at people who localize games or people who don't share your dissatisfaction.

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