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How long did it take you to memorize the new weapon triangle?


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Ah, I just remembered one too: Falcon Knights traditionally beat mages, which justifies the Lance advantage over tomes. I also just remembered how Ninjas (and to a lesser extent, Maids/Butlers) in this game tend to have high Res, so in a way, it does justify the Shuriken advantage if we consider it a new trend.

All in all, it is definitely not something to overthink, as it only applies to a few select examples, but I wouldn't be surprised if the developers thought this way too.

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Not very long, considering I knew the change since before release. I find myself almost making decisions in older FEs that I shouldn't because of the new Triangle. Thanks Fates!

[spoiler=This is bigger than I expected]



Edited by TrueEm
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I still have not memorized it, though I feel pretty dumb not catching onto the color thing mentioned in the thread.

I didn't even notice the colors were indicators of the triangle until I saw it mentioned in an LP.

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I read about the color-coding thing somewhere and realized the Pokemon-like triangle right away. I didn't yet memorize which weapons were which colors, but the color thing should have been enough anyway...

However, funny story. When it came time to play the actual game, I made a dumb mistake that kept me from figuring out the triangle until midway through my first playthrough (Birthright). You see, the blue weapons (lances *ahem* I mean naginata, and shurikens), have a little splash of red at the bottom of their icon to show that they beat red weapons. Well, the little bit of red coloring jumped out to me more than the big square of blue, so I was like, "That's a red weapon." Scrolls and katana? Also red. Clubs and yumi were green. So I went through half the game wondering why I was only seeing red and green weapons. It didn't help that the weapon advantages in FE (a change in hit rate and ~1 point damage adjustment) are far less drastic than super-effectiveness in Pokemon (x2 damage!) so I didn't really notice the advantages or disadvantages in combat.

I guess at some point I thought back to the thing that introduced me to the existence of the FE weapon triangle in general and realized something wasn't right, took a closer look, and discovered the mistake I'd made.

I remembered most of it pretty quickly, but I always, always, always forget that tomes beat bows. Like for some reason I keep thinking bows beat tomes, but I just don't know why it happens. Like I'd see the tome users and I'll think, okay time to bring my bow users, then mid chapter I'd remember that tomes beat bows and I'll be like, 'Um, bad idea?'

In practice, the bow users I've used so far (Setsuna and Niles) both fare very well against tome-users, having much higher Resistance than Defense and enough Strength to make the squishy mages hurt. And enough Skill (+Certain Blow in Setsuna's case) that the weapon triangle disadvantage doesn't really hinder them. Not to mention that since the scrolls/tomes have a max range of 2, I can park the bow users on the edge of the mages' range to bait the dumb AI into attacking them at a distance from which they can retaliate. So yeah, "Enemy mages? Break out the bows" indeed!

Edited by ajmiam
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It didn't take that long. I just grouped tomes, shuriken and bows with swords, lances and axes respectively until my brain finally memorized it. Now, there is little to no effort in remembering.

I still have trouble with the anima magic triangle, though.

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I remember it by tomes and swords (Tacitican/Grandmaster/Dark Knight) being on the same point and the axes/bows both beating your standard Pegasus Knight (reminding that bows beat lances). The last point (lances/shurkiens) by process of elimination.

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The way I first remembered it at first was just to think of pegasus knights. They use lances, are strong against magic, and weak against bows. Therefore tomes = swords and bows = axes, and by process of elimination shuriken = lances.

Once I experienced more of the game the "ninjas are mage-slayers" dynamic become ingrained in my mind and that helped firm up where shuriken are.

Obviously at this point I have this well-memorised; it's much more intuitive than the Tellius magic weapon triangle, at least, which I could never remember until I realised it corresponded to Bolt Axe > Flame Lance > Sonic Sword > Bolt Axe.

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