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Is it me or are there less members on SerenesForest lately?


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FE13, FE14, and Genei Ibun Roku/Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.

Many members also grew up and now have full time jobs and responsibilities. I'm guessing new members couldn't keep up with the numbers leaving.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I agree with Power Master. I roam on the site less often than I did when I joined on the site (I also did join the site for the information on Fates). I think I popped online for the first time in a month yesterday.

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To be honest, I find the word "people" to be one of fluid quantity, sort of like water or sand. I see a crowd and see "a lot of people" without knowing the exact number, but a rough estimate. So I say "less people" unironically. Conversely, I would say "fewer persons". Or less cattle vs fewer cows.

On topic: I think it's because the Fates rush has died down. It's been a few months since the whole world has had it, and we had almost two years of build-up and then post release hubub that's now finally dying down. I was a lurker for years, before finally joining the forums here.

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There's also the fact that there's only so much that can be discussed without going into circles. Also if TMS wasn't as niche, on a different system and was more akin to its initial perception of it, I think more people would still show up around here since that game has barely if at all been digested thoroughly in SF.

We'll probably get some people for FE mobile but probably not by much. We'll need to wait for FE 15 for any major surge again.

EDIT: Schools and universities starting could also be another issue. People don't have the time.

Edited by Raguna
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Yeah, it's a cyclical thing.

Activity and members online will spike for game announces/releases, and during the especulation and initial playing phases.

After that, things quiet down until the next spike.

As it is, we are at the FE Minimum... or so.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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We have ~300 online concurrently for most of the day, and thousands active daily overall. If you mean registered users logged in only, most people log in when they actually intend to post, and not everyone is a super active poster.

Excluding the Fates buzz pops, our activity is more or less in line with last year's and better than the non-Awakening years before it.

Edited by Tangerine
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Idk regarding numbers, but there are moments I see quite a bunch of people online.

I'd maybe argue there has been less activity of older users. Chances are, new users and newbies in FE just join SF as part of a trend, fad or FE hype, and then migrate to other sites or don't have solid contributions to the forum and rather participate on trivial topics; while older users show less activity or have stuff like life or both.

Tbh I have less activity on SF because threads are overly discussed and has topics discussing the same and the same, and making a point in 1 thread means making your point in 10 threads more because they're all the same; particularly I don't like the trend of FE nowadays so I abstain from joining it; I have stuff to do in life; and it isn't as fun to interact in here because older/friendlier users are now less active.

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it's not summer break any more, most of us are adulting at the moment and don't have enough time to be here

I usually slow down my posting when college is getting started

but I still intend to shitpost at least once a week

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FE13, FE14, and Genei Ibun Roku/Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.

Many members also grew up and now have full time jobs and responsibilities. I'm guessing new members couldn't keep up with the numbers leaving.

Pretty much this, but how active is #FE section anyway?


im sorry it really hurt me

Don't apologise.
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Yeah, personally I only ever come on for chatting on IPC, so this is literally the first moment I've considered participating in the Forum part. So if I'm any example, it's because of the lack of hype in the series. I'll try to be in more forums if it helps increase activity.

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Personally, I just can't be bothered to participate in discussions that more often than not tend to go absolutely nowhere, so I've lost most of my motivation to post at all. At some point I simply decided that I had better things to do with my time than argue with a wall or add yet another opinion to the pile that nobody really gives a damn about.

I do still like to read topics that interest me, I just don't care to chime in myself most of the time.

Or maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to be lazy. I don't really know.

Edited by Scarlet
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Most of my free time is spent doing other things. Arriving home from work makes me very lazy when it comes to posting or doing anything for that matter. I tend to lurk more but I try to comment on things every now and then.

Edited by Avarice_Shadow
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