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The post an image of your desktop thread


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Hello SF, lets play a fun game where we post our Desktops so that everyone else can comment on your shit taste in Desktop Backgrounds and horrible organization.

Remember to use spoiler tags or we'll play a different game called "How many ways can I snarkily remind you to use the spoiler tags like an utter tossbucket"


Also taking this screenshot made me realize that despite doing a spring cleaning on my Desktop I still have quite a few apps on there that I don't use or need, yay.

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holy shit yo

ye i love my kotomemes

i might as well post my chrome theme too even though its super dumb


i wishi could get rid of the little human bill in the corner but meh

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I literally never use my desktop itself, so to better convey my workflow I took a picture of what it looks like when I'm working on my projects.


I even moved my taskbar to the right side solely so I have more space for things without having to group them and thus increase clicks required to access something, while still having enough text to usually identify what something is if it's not something I usually have open. (which is rare)

The first folder is always a music or BGM folder, then the FEXNA editors folder, then my resources folder, then the game content folder, then if anything else is open it's a directory where I have extra stuff stored. I also always arrange the FEXNA programs in the order of Solution->EditorMain->EventEditor->TextEditor. Everything else's order is kind of subject to fluctuation, although I almost always have some messenger program between my folders and everything else. I also usually keep the windows always in the same position, too. Music folder in the top right, work folders in the top left, solution in fullscreen, editors in a bundle, music players and messenger hubs hidden behind top left folders. ...if Discord had a compact mode... STILL WAITING ON THAT. MY SCREEN SPACE IS PRECIOUS.

There are lots of times when I end up with programs fighting for taskbar space and have to constantly manage them so they don't cause a scroll arrow to show up. It's such a hassle when that happens...

No, I don't have OCD or anything, I just have found a setup that I've gotten very used to and works well for me.

Edited by Ritisa
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I have a slideshow of backgrounds of screenshots I took from Guild Wars 2, I dunno if people wanna see all of them but here's this one at least


maybe I could collect the rest of them and leave them as links (since images under spoilers still load afaik)

Edit: actually no, you know what

I'm gonna effort post this because I love this game's scenery and I want to make it easier to share and give tiny little previews and if anybody's intrigued by it they can just click to see the full version






row 2 column 1 and row 3 column 2 show the character I used to take all these screenshots \o/ she is a pretty plant lady character and I love her

Edited by Freohr Datia
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i'm also on rotation


this was my background at the time of asking

my rotation also includes

[spoiler=some sweet eo fanart]d72d49b15ee9f11eed1a485ef26bf1d3.jpg

[spoiler=this set of ponies]3d6f54f9b7ea4bc5ba7d9b8b7265a0a3.jpg

[spoiler=a few pieces of old specta original art like]d6c68865e6d5377f5a00041747c31be7.jpg

[spoiler=a dark souls a mate of mine painted]dfb5ada78ab3e630a94493bcb150ea11.jpg

[spoiler=One touhou]05cfd5520e18cd2cc3b4a46ac8062dfc.jpg

[spoiler=this terraria steam trading card]f2cff09cac3d0971ffbabebb61037062.jpg

[spoiler=and, of course,]6cd2ee5e22dadd8d153ef4da18932af7.jpg

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And no one was surprised. (I shrunk the image to not be super big haha)


I'm surprised that image doesn't have chao-tzu, even if he's kinda lame. He seems about as routinely around as Tien and Yamcha. It's still a nice pic. Edited by HELP
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mine just got changed this morning to celebrate infinite's comeback

i have a giant folder of bgs but i usually pick instead of putting on rotation :'')



[spoiler=what it just was and will probably be again tho]


Edited by Specta
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