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Why is it that female cavaliers/generals wear no pants?


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It only stroke me today but looking back at it they are indeed butt naked. I am confident that this was never common back in medieval times and nobody dared to try so I feel confuse. Now maybe it's an inside joke about Generals thinking that their armor covers anything but their butts or Cavaliers who think by sitting on their horse nobody will notice yet I am unsure. What's your take on it ?

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Garon wants something to look at, so he made a law banning Nohrian women from wearing pants.

Not much will convince me otherwise.

Not just the women, Hans doesn't wear pants either.
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The protagonist is a corrupt aristocrat who loves to molest his subjects so much that it is an actual game mechanic. So it's hardly a surprise that he would force them to dress up like that. Heck, Corrin's maids have to wear the stereotypical French Maid fetish gear.

Edited by BrightBow
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Garon wants something to look at, so he made a law banning Nohrian women from wearing pants.

Not much will convince me otherwise.

Nohr is going to war with Hoshido because Hoshido is the only manufacturer of women's pants and refuses to share.

Greatest comments here haha! Yeah put it that way he does enjoy watching staring at women hence why he likes going to Nestra so much. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edited by WinterOkami
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The protagonist is a corrupt aristocrat who loves to molest his subjects so much that it is an actual game mechanic. So it's hardly a surprise that he would force them to dress up like that. Heck, Corrin's maids have to wear the stereotypical French Maid fetish gear.

Yeah makes sense it's actually why for Corrin's army this is a feature as well. Maan I guess being the savior of this world has its advantage

Edit: Sorry for the double post by the way thought I was writing in the edit section.

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Yeah makes sense it's actually why for Corrin's army this is a feature as well. Maan I guess being the savior of this world has its advantage

It's more a matter of being born into nobility. Or "abducted into nobility" as the case may be. As Soren once said, "From the moment of our birth to our final dying gasp, we commoners know we are not allowed to defy the upper classes."

Edited by BrightBow
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It's more a matter of being born into nobility. Or "abducted into nobility" as the case may be. As Soren once said, "From the moment of our birth to our final dying gasp, we commoners know we are not allowed to defy the upper classes."

Born into nobility, kidnapped into nobility, then becomes the monarch of a nation created out of nothing with no people in it.

Man, Corrin's life is just a rollercoaster, isn't it? [spoiler=]Good thing they've got nine siblings and one cousin to fall back on. If life just becomes a bit too strange, they can just talk to their dragon goldfish maid servant sister in their pocket dimension.

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Garon can't touch, but he can certainly look! :hat:

Nohr is going to war with Hoshido because Hoshido is the only manufacturer of women's pants and refuses to share.

So THAT'S the resources Nohr were limited on! Pants material!

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It's more a matter of being born into nobility. Or "abducted into nobility" as the case may be. As Soren once said, "From the moment of our birth to our final dying gasp, we commoners know we are not allowed to defy the upper classes."

Great point but there are characters of the same social class as Kamui or even higher depending of the point in the story like Izana, Ryoma and Xander. I could understand for Fuga if he got petted and accepted because Corrin is of royal blood and had a kingdom with no people in it like Thane said however for the rest I sort of don't know.

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Don't you know? The less of your body your armor covers, the more protection it grants*

*Women only

The protagonist is a corrupt aristocrat who loves to molest his subjects so much that it is an actual game mechanic. So it's hardly a surprise that he would force them to dress up like that. Heck, Corrin's maids have to wear the stereotypical French Maid fetish gear.

Also this:

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Iirc female Paladins didn't wear panties back in Awakening, same goes for female Dark Knights as well, so this isn't new... o3o

Nohr managed to take the battle panties and give them even less material. Awakening has booty shorts, Fates has almost-thongs.

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Because Fire Emblem is medieval-fantasy, and they don't call it fantasy for nothing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). On a more serious not, Chainmail Bikini is so synonymous with the genre nowadays it's pretty much the default.

EDIT: If it's Japanese media that is, the West is a bit better about it.

Edited by Phillius
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Garon can't touch, but he can certainly look! :hat:

So THAT'S the resources Nohr were limited on! Pants material!

Definitely is!

Garon: Give me my booty. Go kill the Hoshidian couple that makes ladies pants.

Bandit: But... I like wearing pants....

Garon: DO IT.... JUST... DO IT.

And that's the story of Oboro's hatred towards Nohr. The end.

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My big problem is why does Great Knight covers it? Now whenever I promote Sophie I am stuck between either missing out on Def and Str gains or miss out on a butt window.

In the case of the Great Knight there is some cloth on their back that makes it difficult to see the hole but you still get a clear view from the front. The Paladins simply do it the other way around, having some cloth at the front while leaving the rear completely exposed.

At least this shows that IS listens to user feedback. I recall at least a few people stating how irritated they were at the finale of Awakening when they were suddenly mooned by their dismounted Great Knight avatar. So IS fixed that problem by adding this cape thingy to hide the crotch hole, kinda like how NoA covered Tharja's butt by putting a curtain over it.

Edited by BrightBow
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