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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 3 Reunion


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"The demands of nobility are not ones that my time is best put towards. I am capable of plenty of things, but I have no problem admitting that those tasks aren't ones I would be successful at. The life of a soldier is just fine for me," Freya spoke, not lingering on the topic when Alain raised his hands after. "Gathering supplies rarely proved difficult. I just did what was expected of me and worked at it. Better than working for... a bakery or some other such thing, if you ask me. Not that there's anything wrong with such a profession, but I've always been strong and it'd be a shame not to put my skills to use."

The topic of the wizard menace was somewhat less positive than reminiscing on her youth to Freya. "Yes, that would be an unfortunate time for such evil to strike, or even random misfortune. Though if Malaphar specifically were to attack, I think enough among us are inebriated already that it would hardly make a difference. I hope we needn't find out. It is rather amusing you mention the man with a turban, though... I spent about a good hour going around town looking for someone shady of that description, only to find him at the marketplace. Hans and Lars later brought up the idea that the person could've been the bard Scuttle in her ridiculous attire she started donning recently, but I haven't run into her today." She glanced around the bar upon bringing her up. "She's not here now, is she? How unusual. I would think she would be drinking heartily and inventing some new tales, but it seems not."

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"Scuttle, huh..." he lingered on the name. So it was true then. Not everyone was aware of Scuttle's assault earlier on in the day. "I don't see her around no," he said, pretending to conduct an earnest search among the bar's attendees. "Perhaps she's not one for drinking," he said, holding up his now empty glass of water. "Or perhaps she had other business to attend to," he shrugged. "I really can't say for sure though, I haven't spoken to her much." Maybe I should go check on her and Sebastian and see if she's woken up yet. He figured he'd give it just a while longer before slipping away. He wasn't going to be doing any drinking that night anyway, so he figured he wasn't going to miss much.

He'd been staring at the door long enough to see Morganna getting ready to leave. Serge had gone to her table to talk to her about something. Maybe he said something to upset her? Or maybe she had just been waiting to get permission to leave. Well, it's no concern of mine. "So tell me, Miss Freya, are there any pastimes you care to indulge in? I imagine even a strong woman like yourself must have something she likes to do when she isn't required to don her armor. Oh, and there's a caveat. Your answer can't be related to your profession, past or present, in any way," he said. "Oh, and one more thing," he teased, a sly smile crossing his expression, "if you say sparring, I'm afraid I will have to take my leave of you."

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"Hmm, perhaps not," Freya agreed. "I didn't manage to see almost anyone I knew other than Hans and Lars all day. I wonder if others just had similar luck not spotting each other, then. Nothing wrong with not wanting to be here, just... a bit curious, I think."

Alain's question struck her as a bit unusual. "When I'm not required to wear my armor? But I do anyway, Sir Alain," she objected, pointing a finger at said armor on her chest. "It is always a guard's duty to remain vigilant, and I put much of my time towards it... I genuinely find myself with little time for hobbies. Sometimes I read, and do exercises to remain strong, but other than that, I don't do much unrelated to my post. Maybe you'll see that as boring, but I don't. Protecting people against injustice, knowing that even without a high standing I make a positive difference in some people's lives, is something I truly enjoy." She gave the foreign diplomat a wry smile. "But I apologize if that isn't enough for you to continue being in my company. It is the answer I have, and I will stand by it proudly."

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His surrounding finally came to attention as his sister came to speak to him, how long has he been reflecting for? Everybody seemed like they're drank quite a few each! Surely they weren't that fond of drinking themselves under. "Ah, Cass..." This is meant to be fun for them, at least. I shouldn't be spoiling the mood. Willing himself to lift his glass of wine once more, taking a sip as he prepared to listed to whatever his sister had to say.

Wine was spat over the table barely a moment after.

"I--" He coughed, "Excuse me, what?" He was starting to wonder whether his sister had one too many drinks at that point. What... what was he supposed to say? I... gah, this is such bad timing, too. He held a frown he wished to put away, placing a hand over his head. "Sister, I don't--look, Charlotte has been a great person, but that's a bit early, isn't it? --I mean..." He sighed, Gosh, where do I even start? "I don't... want to think of it as passing down the lineage, Cass." He could at least say that much.

"...Wait, what do you mean you have plenty of experience in it?" The realization just hit him, a befuddled stare back to his sister.

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"What?" Had people taken to the question so poorly? She didn't quite get why, it was just sex... They were all adults, weren't they? "Goodness, and I thought I was quite the immature person. You're all gawking at sex like I invited Belial to the table. Don't think of it like that then, Owen, just think of it as laying with the woman you love~ Honestly, so embarrassed about such a simple thing..." She was caught off guard by his questioning her own experience, glancing quickly at Adele, a motion she hoped only Owen caught, before hiding her face in her glass.

"Don't try to change the subject! A girl has to have some secrets..." She chugged what was left of her cider, slamming the mug down onto the table with a happy gasp. "Anyway~! You've been far too tense! A little stress relief is more than in order! Too soon nothing." She stuck her tongue out and leaned back triumphantly in her chair. I'm the best at this.

Edited by Narmaya
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"Nah. It's not the rough life style" Emmet muttered. "I've been part of rougher groups than the Reliants. I'm just not feeling the love. I don't think me and the boss are compatible. Isn't that right Sergeant?" Emmet raised his drink to the nearby Serge. "Maybe I'm being too hasty though. We can work on our relationship. Go to some counseling maybe." He chuckled to himself. "Speaking of roughness though, did you know I got shot today?" He gestured towards the arrow hole in his cloak. "That bard completely lost it and attacked me. At least I should be invincible now for my troubles."

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"Not so much as the others, I'd think. I never was one for this sort of scene." Adeltrudis replied to Owen as he addressed her, feeling lucky that the Prince seemed mostly sober... he did have a drink in front of him, but based on how he held himself and the lack of other glasses about, it was likely his first. Of course, that was only true for him, and between Claire's delirious groaning about a Steve... did they have any Steves among them? She was fairly sure they did not... regardless, between that and Cassandra immediately digging into her brother's sex life, or lack thereof, whilst coyly referencing her own, well, it was more an embarrassment to all involved than any sort of entertainment. Bracing her face against her hand, Adele let out a groan as the teasing and such ensued, trying to ignore the conversation so she might avoid being dragged into it.

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"Truly? Every waking moment is time spent with your armor on?" he asked, a bit incredulous. A sense of justice was well and good, but this was something else. "You said you were a city guard before this assignment. Surely you were not required to be at your post, or on patrol, for the entirety of the day?" Freya's life seemed rather dreadful. Or perhaps that was just the way things were, for all people of middling birth. It might have been how he would have ended up in a different life. I think I'd sooner return to my old life than suffer such monotony.

"I tend to be a man of my word, but alas. Tonight, I suppose I'll make an exception," he said, forcing a smile. He still wanted to kill some more time before heading to the church so he figured he'd stick around for a couple more minutes. But that did lend itself to another problem of sorts. Making exceptions was well and good, but he found himself at a loss for words. For years he'd spent time surrounded by like minded individuals who shared a common goal or interest. Nothing to talk about? Magic was the answer. Talking to someone as, for lack of a better term, 'simple' as Freya was oddly strenuous. Should I ask her what she likes to read? He considered that option for a moment, but he had a good guess already. Training manuals, I'm sure of it...

"Well then, any particularly riveting stories of your time as a guard?" he asked, drumming his fingers along the table's edge. "You seem to be keen on performing your duty, so surely you must have a heroic tale or two to tell? Overpowering a band of ne'er-do-wells with your bare hands? Protecting a high-profile client from an unsavory assassin. I don't know, something of that sort?"

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"It's... ugh, it's not that simple, Cass," Sidney started. Inebriated or not, she wasn't completely lapse of judgement, so she tried to word things delicately. Of course Cass doesn't think of it being about lineage, seeing as that's not an issue between two girls... "First of all, it's certainly not just stress relief for Owen when he's the prince of Wyke. N-nor am I someone who's just to be bedded or lay with, regardless of love, thank you very much. I could get pregnant, and surely why that would be complicated is obvious..." Owen's own statement about not wanting to see it as passing down lineage gave Sidney more insight to his thoughts, as well. That sort of impersonal view... poor Owen. I'm sure he must face a lot of pressure as heir to Wyke, and I can't be helping him feel much better about it. "Besides, it's not really up to you, Cass... especially if you're keeping secrets!" In truth she didn't care about the details for Cass, but she thought it hopefully a good way to ward off further prying.

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"I didn't say every moment is spent in armor." Now it was Freya's turn to laugh. "But I'm rather used to it. I'm strong enough that the weight doesn't bother me, and in my line of work there's no such thing as too careful. Hull is a dangerous city, and traveling with the princess has shown to be fraught with peril as well."

The constant questioning of her habits was starting to bother her, however. "Officially, my post was afternoon to evening. But sometimes I would do more. Maybe you don't understand it, but... I found being a city guard gratifying. It's not glamorous, like any sort of story like that you outlined. Cass is the only high profile person I've been around for an extended period of time. But whether it was breaking up an attack, or even just helping someone through a dangerous area, being able to help the innocent is its own reward to me." The soldier paused to think about it. "If I wasn't there, they could be injured or worse. To me, it's barely effort. I'm sure I've saved some people's lives without them knowing it. But whether or not they know or care, I can feel proud that I assisted them. Maybe not everyone sees it that way, but for me, I couldn't imagine doing anything else."

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"Indeed. Perhaps I should follow your example and get my own suit of armor. These robes do little against the edge of tempered steel," he said, talking to himself more than anything. "Your sense of honor and justice is impressive. If it were I in your stead, I would have clocked out the moment I could. I suppose that either speaks to the flaw of my character, or the virtue of yours. Perhaps a bit of both," he pondered. Yes, to some, he would indeed be considered a flawed person--corrupted even. A product of his environment, or simply a core facet of his being? A question not worth more than a fleeting moment of consideration. The answer changed nothing, really.

"Anyway, I think I can understand, at least a little," he replied, desperately wishing she would have at least humored him with an embellished story. He looked down at his glass, seriously considering requesting a drink or three. It's not like he had an alter ego to conjure up and ask to take over, but a drunken Alain might have sufficed. Maybe I should just leave now, I'm sure Sebastian would appreciate some company.

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Seeing Charlotte's face glow red and the talk about her and Owen wanting it to be more than just royal business set the mage off giggling again, and she quickly swallowed the last of her glass. Her decision to stop drinking hadn't lasted very long. "You twoooo are sooo cute together! Ahaha..." She laughed into her palm, not wanting to ruin the moment - although her sober self would have known that it never existed to begin with.

Once she managed to settle down, she she spoke up again in reply to the princess. "It's not muuuuch of a seeeeecret anymore Casssss." Claire shook her head, which quickly turned out to be a mistake. The world suddenly felt very wobbly. "Maybe Angussss iss s-s," When did words become so difficult? Gosh... She continued much more slowly, and slightly clearer than she'd managed before. "He might have certain needs to attend to, but that has nothing to do with Owen and Charlotte." Silly Angus, dragging the princess into all of these shenanigans. Claire would have to have a word with him later, when he wasn't being crushed by his bear.

Edited by SB.
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Between the face palm from Adele, the sharp retort from Sidney, and Claire's own drunken misunderstanding, it would seem that Cass' opinions at the table were being outweighed! And even from you, Adele... Now that stings. Even if you can't bring yourself to admit it, you'd think you would at least side with me. Maybe we see our relationship differently...

But Cass was not one to be deterred, especially about this. She knew she was right about how she felt, the drink was just making it hard to word, but the disapproving reaction were not making it hard to ignore! "I know it's not that simple, I just... Ugh! Everyone is so damn stuck on what other people are going to think! What the nobles will think, what their family will think, your lineage, complications, are you good enough for them... So what!?" She slammed a half drunk fist on the table, staring daggers into the wood.

"I'll show you, Sidney. We'll see how many skeletons are left in my closet once we return to Wyke. I'm sick of hiding my secrets, and I'm going to face the rest of the world with an open book, and no matter who wants to judge me, it's not going to slow me down! You and Owen could learn a thing or two from this. Dancing around Owen's title like who you love should matter at all." She spat at the floor, shoving herself out of her chair. "Be content among yourselves to posture and worry then, see if I care~ I know what I'm doing once we return, and the nobles can cry at me all they wish. Fie on what they want." She gave Adele a stare, not caring if anyone saw this time, trying to read her, and failing to do so. We'll see what I am to you, Adele...

With a huff, she excused herself from the table, and found an opening at the bar to continue drinking herself into a stupor. Better than listen to people make more excuses. Just get it over with, if you actually care about her... Are we really not adults, yet? With everything we're being put through, it certainly feels like it.

Cass vs. Cider fourrrrrrrr, welcome to drunk~

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Did you not see me admit defeat to my pet bear

Angus again claws his way to the heights at which people lived, this time preventing the inevitable with a most noble and helpful chair. Another mead beside his own threatened in more than one way to floor him: it seemed old Esclabor thought Angus had any hope of draining another. He shakes his head, a hiccuping cough. "Na'chance. I'm wrecked! Wrecked on th'sea of honeys an' why d'that mean th'world still gotta spin, a momute, gimme a minent." Angus' blurry eyes told him of four glasses on the table: Geoffrey's, two of his, and Thomas'. Left hand, forward; yup, mead. Right hand, forward; mead again. Wasn't seeing double. With a mad grin, he offers his peer an option that might liven things up for everyone.

"Iiiiii'm done. Th'boy, he can't--he can't anymore. Don' got 'nother in 'im." Clumsy arms gather up the three--er, two, after spilling one all over the table, planting them with a slosh at Esclabor's seat. "Howwwww 'bout... whatif you-you-you're better at drinkin' than the boyr, the bar, bear. Bear." The last repitition delivered with a final, brief emphasis, Angus takes on a smug countenance, even if he dare not lean back. He looks left. He looks right. Did anybody else want to see this?

Edited by Terrador
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"Uhhhhhhhhh..." Claire stammered as she watched Cass storm off - and this time, alcohol was only part of the problem. She turned slowly back towards the rest of the table, making sure that she was steady in her chair, before asking the question. "So err, is she prenga-pregnant?" She chose her words carefully (for a drunk, at any rate, but they still hadn't come out quite right. What a shame. "Or do the otherrrrrrr nobles reaaaaallly hate Angus that much?" That was a little harsh. Sure, Kearney wasn't without his flaws, but was that meant nothing when true love was involved. Claire smiled to herself quietly. You show those stuffy nobles, Cass! she cheered silently, completely clueless.

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Cute together? Not you too, Claire, Sidney mentally whined. But Cass's escalating voice was not to go unmatched. "Of course it matters! I can't go around just not thinking at all about that! I'm sure Owen's a great lover and we'd enjoy each other very much, but sometimes it's not about what's nice in the moment. I'd be a horrible mother right now." But the princess left off, leaving Sidney to vent at someone else to vent her frustrations at. That was okay, Claire was frustrating too.

"Ugh, Claire, of course she's not pregnant, and this has nothing to do with Angus!" Sidney snapped, the mage's cluelessness starting to annoy her. "Cass isn't even with-- that's not even the point she's trying to make!" She shook her head, burying her face in her arms on the table. "It shouldn't matter to you guys... nothing about what me and Owen are or aren't doing in bed is any of your concern. Ugh, I'm so sorry, Owen... you're probably having no fun at all..."

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Esclabor watched as Angus could barely string his words together, struggling to crawl his way back up the table. The crowd were in hysterics at the young man, any hopes he had of a good day's work tomorrow had been dashed. Angus' clumsy movement of the drinks sent the vessels over, spilling them over Esclabor as he sat. The man was noticeably displeased, the sticky mead dripping down his clothes. Clenching his fist, there was one place that he certainly wanted to place it, but not in front of the Prince and his people. The crowd went silent for a second, their eyes fixed on the two barons.

"Kearney... I think you're right, you've had plenty to drink." Esclabor assured quietly, trying to keep a straight face. "Perhaps it's best if I take you back before you cause any more mischief. I'm sure your bride to be wouldn't want you to make a fool of yourself. We can go see how Ceirch is doing, just make sure Nona doesn't follow us, she'd be the death of all three of us."

Geoffrey however had already taken to the remains of the spilled drinks, lapping away at the puddle on the floor. The crowd soon returned to making noise, still rather amused with the notion of a drinking bear.


Rough Stuff

This Emmet certainly was unusual, neither brother could really make sense of him. Did he like the boss or not? Noble types always did have a strange way of doing things - it would be far easier for them if how they acted and what they thought matched up. "Like how? The boss seems pretty reasonable to us, if yer got a problem, might be worth talking it out with him." Hans suggested.

Larissa smiled, taking a sip from her glass. "It's a shame, Emmet. I was really hoping to get to know you better." she added, wondering what this man's motives really were. "If you happen to change your mind, it'd certainly be a good thing for me."


Comprehension 101

As Cass made her powerful speech to her friends, she'd caught the attention of both Decima and Emily. Emily clearly wasn't faring too well, her legs looked like they were going to give way. However, that hadn't stopped her from taking in what little she could of Cass' declaration. Morta had seemed to have skulked away, perhaps not too keen on listening in.

"The Princess carries the third child of the Bear Baron..." she slurred, nearly falling onto Decima. Standing herself up, she wiped her eyes, in awe of Cass' supposed courage. "No matter how much people will look down on her for wanting to marry him, she's going to fight to prove her love. He might not have showered in seven years and lost a fight to the boss after a single punch, but he makes up for his many flaws with determination! Even your father can't be mad when true love brings them together, December. I've never seen something so powerful."

Decima tried to steady Emily, deciding that the woman shouldn't even be allowed near any alcohol for at least the night. "I'm not sure that's what she means, I'm sure she-... she's just trying to help Lady Charlotte." Decima replied, casting a quick glance at Cass, her eyes far calmer than she'd ever seen them. There was something that the girl knew, or at least seemed to know. "It's rude to be shouting at royalty, Emily, I'm sure they've had just a hard a time as everyone else."
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Adele wasn't sure if Cassandra's display was just a drunken outburst, or her resenting the pressure to keep things hidden... well, it was likely a mix of the two, but Adele didn't know which was the primary driving force, which made things... complicated. The long stare as she exited the table didn't help matters. Following after the Princess, she grabbed at Cassandra's hand as she sat at the bar, about to imbibe in another beverage.

"Put it down Cass, you've had enough already."

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"...Shot? Oh brother, I thought this village was supposed to be peaceful..." He brought his palm up to face. Did anything go right for them? However, Serge couldn't help but overhear Emily's drunken ravings, and felt that he should step him. Walking over, he tried to make the swaying girl stable by holding her shoulders.

"Emily, I think you've had enough, you can barely stand. Let's go sit you down somewhere." Then he turned his attention to the pegasus knight. "I'm terribly sorry about this. I didn't expect her to drink so much. If you'll excuse us. Come on, Emily." With that, he took her over to the table, slowly. He pulled up a chair and eased her down into it before moving her over to the table. Wasn't she older than him? She barely acted like it, sometimes.

"Right." He turned back to Emmet. "Okay, you said you got shot. Shot by who?"

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Claire frowned at Charlotte in total bewilderment. What was Cass' secret all about then? And why did she think that she knew it? The answers escaped the mage, and Adele left the table to chase after the princess who'd already had a few too many drinks, leaving Claire to third wheel at the table in a verrrrrrrry awkward situation that she didn't really want to be involved in anymore.

"I'mmmm gonna go for a walk." she announced, slowly rising to her feet. Success! "Have fun, you two." Probably not the most fitting send-off for the situation, but all of the booze had left Claire severely lacking in tact. It was probably still better than staying around though.

She avoided the drunken mess of a princess, and approached the bear and his fool instead. "Engellll Angus, you look worse than Cass." she laughed, watching him spill his drinks all over a somewhat distraught Esclabor. Hearing Nelon's name quietened her however, causing her to avert her gaze to the wobbling floor beneath her. "I sssssshould probably come along too..." she muttered, the memories of Malaphar's world still fresh in her mind.

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Each reaction seemed more absurd than the other. Owen could only shake his head and sigh as Cass hinted at the partner she shared said experiences with. For a moment I was going to fear for being a young uncle, but that makes a lot more sense. Note to self: never go that tangent with Cass involved.

But the worst was definitely her outburst.

Every word felt like she'd twisted logic to her own little world. Is this serious? Fearing the nobles' opinions? Is this really what you think this is all about? He slumped on the table, massaging his temples. Engel forbid me genuinely needing time to think about these things. No, Charlotte is clearly the woman for me and has been since the day we've met and we should bed already, so has decreed Saint Cassandra. Cass always had some temper, but why did she have to make this so personal? The nail in the coffin was her spit, the act of disgust, hitting his pride well before it hit the floor. Is this because of the fort incident? Is she just trying to coerce me with guilt now that she knows it worked? No, that line of though wouldn't go anywhere healthy. The prince let out an exasperated sigh, mustering to the best of his ability to just let Cass have her final words and continue drinking herself all the way to the same dreamland her logic was born in. Just go. I don't want to say something I'm going to regret.

This had tested the prince's patience more than before, except he didn't understand why he was being mouthed off this time. He was livid, and that was the worst moment to make decisions. It's easy to say that when you have your childhood friend and the girl of your dreams as a lover... Owen stood up from his chair, leaving the rest of his drink at the table. "I think that's enough of this night for me." He forced himself not to cringe, contemplating his next words. "I'm sorry, Sidney. It's not about you--not even about nobles, not anything convoluted--, just..." He walked closer, lowering his voice. The bar was much too loud, and he wanted no eavesdroppers on him. "This is a personal thing. I'm sorry if I'm leaving to be desired, I understand if that upsets or offends you." Hoo boy, this sure was a topic.

"But... I'm just not comfortable with going all the way, I'm not... feeling it yet. If I was certain this was love beyond words I wouldn't give a damn if you truly were just some lowborn thief--" He cut himself, "I'm sorry, that wasn't proper." Owen sighed again, it was his turn to plant his face in his palms. Damn me, I'm blewing it. I'm ruining it all. "Sorry, this is all... this is all a mess. I'm a mess. I'm tired of being a mess, damn it." This isn't about being the prince, this is about being me. Owen lifted his head once more, taking in a deep breath, bracing himself. "Slap me, I've been a ratty fool, I deserve it."

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Emmet finished off the last of his drink as the twin spoke. It's not something that can be so easily put into words he thought to himself. ​It's the constant derision. Emmet had no feelings of ill will towards Serge but he felt as if his commander didn't like him particularly much. Add to that Serge's immediate attempt to get out of paying him and the ridiculously poor management of affairs when Niko up and left, though he could hardly blame Serge for that. Still, I'm a professional damnit. I need to be treated like one. And aside from Serge there was the pure animalistic hostility he received from Charlotte that made Claire's snark seem endearing. It all built up to make a less than pleasant work environment. Still, this group is useful for keeping me near the vial. I'll just have to see how things pan out when we reach Raewald.

Emmet watched as Serge helped one of their drunken companions. The boy had a kind heart. That was clear to see. A bit of a temper but still an earnest kindness. It's probably what's made the other Reilants so keen on him. You don't get many commanders like that. "I'll think it over some more" he said getting to his feet. As he left to get another drink Serge came back to their table and stopped him. ​What's he talking about? He was there too. Clearly he's playing along but I don't see the necessity of it. "I got shot by that crazy ass bard" Emmet said with a slight slur in his voice. In truth Emmet wasn't drunk yet. He hadn't even reached half his limit. But putting on an act was useful for making people underestimate him and things he said. It was also generally enjoyable to willfully release one's inhibitions every now and then. "I'm getting another drink" he muttered. Stumbling slightly as he walked.

Emmet returned with three drinks. He gave one to the boss. He had heard Serge was banned from a bar in Hull. Perhaps it'd be fun to drink their commander under the table. The third drink he gave to Larissa as he sat down beside her. There was certainly more room here than squashed between the two twins. "You say you wish to get to know me, Larrisa." He flourished his hands in an exaggerated motion. "Ask away."

Emmet + 1 Mead

Edited by Jotari
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And now they were alone.

Sidney peeked from above her arms as the others got up and left, leaving her just with Owen. What a mess... She looked up at him as he approached, and started to talk about feelings. He says it's not about me, but it sounds like it is... "I'm not going to hit you, silly..." she started off, putting a finger on the prince's nose instead. "Owen. Let's... let's talk. We can be reasonable about this. I'm a little tipsy, but not so much I don't know my own feelings, and you didn't have that much to drink. So we can talk." She pat the seat next to herself for him, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Do you... well, I think this is where to start, anyway, but you don't think this is love beyond words, then?" It pained her to even ask, but ignoring it was not going to help either. "When we danced together, or when you let me sing for you, my heart fluttered... that was the day I knew I loved you. If it was up to me, no strings attached, we would be finding a room tonight and making love for hours without a regret in the world. But I thought... I thought that was how you felt about me, too. I thought you didn't want to get weighed down in what would be the aftermath of that, not that you weren't sure about the idea. And even though you said it's not about me, of course it feels like it's about me if you don't want to. So it feels like I'm not good enough for you... and that hurts me, Owen."

She started to tear up now, struggling to find words for several moments. She wiped at her cheeks, sniffling a bit before speaking again. "If all you need is time... I won't rush you. I love you with all my heart and soul. I'd love for the time where I can be perfect to you to be now, for you to sweep me off my feet, but I can wait. The politics of it all, the thoughts of others, the burdens of motherhood... none of them mean as much as your love. I can endure them. I will endure them. But only when you ask that of me. So until then, I'll take things slowly..." She gave him a quick kiss on the lips still, managing to smile. "If you want to wait, I'll enjoy the little things instead," she whispered.

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"I don't blame others for not following the same path I do. It's demanding, unforgiving, and only rewarding in the mind. But to me, it's worth it." Freya eyed Alain over briefly, raising an eyebrow. "You don't exactly look the type that would do well bringing armor around all the time, for starters... you're best off trying not to be hit in the first place, I'd imagine."

She noticed him glancing at the drink, and looked around at the state of the other members of the party- generally not very good. "Things sure seem to be winding down a bit, sort of," she observed. "Too much for some to handle. There are definitely some people well past where they should be."

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"Enough?" Cass asked with a scoff, tugging on her arm, but not having stability or the strength to wrench herself free, so she sat, squirming awkwardly, before realizing she had two hands. She chuckled, letting Adele have her arm, grabbing the drink with her other, and nearly chugging it all down, coughing afterwards. "Iiiiii'll tell you when I've had enough, mmmmissy! And I have had enough when I say so~" She began to sway on the bar stool, slowly raising her arm up, the one Adele was holding. "Youuuu thought you had me, ahah~ But I am too tricky for that sort of business, Ms. Herman."

Her gaze fell on Sidney and Owen, watching them get close, exchange their small kiss, the action making her smile just a bit, even if her heart ached over it. "I knew saying something was the right idea~ Owen'll prolly hate me later but thas okay. I don' mind bein' the center of that sort of attention. S'better than them bein' quiet about it, heehee~" The thought of them talking about it at a later date had not dawned on Cass, her mind far too distorted by all the alcohol swimming in it. How many had it been, now? Three, four, five glasses? Counting was hard.

"Ssssay, gorgeous," she started, lazily dragging a hand up to Adele's cheek and giving it a loving caress. "What say I get a nice smack like them, hhuhhhh? I'll stop drinking if you do~ Not another drop... And don't worry, no tongue~ I know you're not into this whole drinkin' business, ahaha~ Wouldn't wanna sully your mouth with the taste, right darling...?" Cass had forgotten herself, or rather, she didn't care anymore in the moment of her drunken stupor, slowly getting worse by the moment.

Edited by Narmaya
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