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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 3 Reunion


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Claire ignored Charlotte's comment about standards, not wanting to dwell on the subject. Decima herself had avoided Claire's question, interestingly enough and had already beaten her to the staves topic - leaving her without much to add. "I don't really know either. I think there are some similarities between tomes and staves, but it's not the same thing." The mage shook her head. "With tomes, you need to understand the contents, but you don't exactly read much of a staff." she remarked dryly.

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"Oh, no pig. Oh well, I still have you two, close enough," she muttered, nearly laughing openly at Esclabor's plight. The boy didn't make matters any easier, Cass ending up chuckling a bit, watching him go at it through a pained smile. "Really, Thomas, if you're not up for this, I'm sure Angus can handle the job twice over. I'm confident that Angus was born on some sort of farm, and even if he wasn't, I can promise he's used to getting his hands dirty."

The boy was an amusing fellow, prodding at Esclabor, with more than his words. Cass wandered over to him, continuing to enjoy Tommy's unfortunate situation, if only for the schadenfreude of it. "Who are you then, young man? I'm Cassandra. A pleasure." She offered her hand to shake, as a curtsy would probably be lost on the country fellow. "Is there anything I can do around here? I might look dainty, but I can probably get done almost as much as Angus. Almost... Though, maybe more heavy lifting, less digging around in the mud. If there's any of that?"

Edited by Narumeia
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"Really, I'm here 'cause this'un..." (here, a gesture towards Esclabor) "...that'n with Perroy..." (now, a finger directed at his little one) "...an' this fool righ' here!" (finally, two thumbs up for Wyke's most inept mother) "We made a few bad decisions, an' we gotta pay th'toll." The farm-ready boy finds no small laughter in the fleeing pig, and even more at the scowl on Esclabor's face. As much as one can think through gales of laughter, Angus imagined that image as the kind that inspired men to a lifetime's devotion to art, the sort of "I saw Engel on the mountain" experience that brought around a whole lot of fancy glass! Struggling against his enthrallment (not made easier by coming closer, mind!), Angus reaches for Esclabor's right hand. The youth sputters for a moment, blowing a tremendous raspberry to find the composure to speak. An enormous grin exhorts Thomas to admit defeat.

"You heard 'er! This is it, buddy, this is your out~!" [Don't look 'im in the eye, don't look 'im in the eye, you're gonna lose your shit again!], Angus implores of himself. His only hope: something sobering to fix his gaze on. Cass--nope. The fields Esclabor was being subjected to--definitely not. The shit-eating face on Orpheus? No hope after that one.

Edited by Terrador
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"I see... so not something you'd really be informed of much," Sidney confirmed. "Oh well... it's not an immediate concern anyway, just something I've been thinking of for a while to add a few more tricks to my arsenal. My magical skill's not all that bad, just somewhat unrefined..." She trailed off a bit. Nona is the oldest one, right? So this is Decima or Morta, she mentally puzzled out. No boy comments from either... no sense of adventure!

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"Ah, thank you." Owen nodded, stepping into the chapel as he was invited. That old lady seemed rather friendly, though her age made Owen wonder how she was still so dedicated to her work. She's probably older than father... all things considered, her health seems excellent, she shouldn't push it.

The old lady's musings were thought-provoking, to be sure. "You think so? That's... an interesting way to see it." As the prince entered, he took note that the younger, newer-looking ornaments did seem to stand out from their older counterparts. Not in gaudiness, but in their complexity. Surely they could convey more that way. "I'd always thought that the older generation had much knowledge and experience to part with, and the young should heed it well. Though perhaps there are new things that you wouldn't experience in your time?"

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The stall owner was a woman, probably somewhere in her forties. Thankfully, Serge had managed to pick a stall that actually sold food - trying to buy grain from the arms dealer would have been rather embarrassing. Most of the products were grains, mostly oats and wheat. There were the odd apples and pears, but the variety wasn't particularly huge. "You're in the right place, boy." she replied, smiling at Serge's demeanour. "It really depends how many friends you have and what kind of journey. My husband's last harvest was relatively good, so we should be able to offer you something... depending on what you're looking for, of course."


Literally tormenting Esclabor

Orpheus grinned, shooting another glance at Esclabor. "I'm Orpheus Perroy, my father runs the farm and I help him sometimes!" he replied, hopping forward to shake Cass' hand. "It's OK, your henchmen can do all the hardwork. It's why you have them after all!"

He wasn't entirely sure what they dynamics were between these people, but Cass seemed more important than the two men. Whether they were her servants or slaves wasn't clear, but he was certain that they were more suited to digging than talking. "You're more than welcome to use my stick, it's really good for poking them. I don't know where this Wyke place is, but people from there aren't very good at digging. Pa said I was so good that he made my own shovel. It's a bit small, but when I grow up I'll have a big proper sized one!"

Esclabor watched in horror as the young boy acted so chummy with royalty, did he not know who she was? Glancing at Angus, almost as if he wanted his opinion, Esclabor couldn't help but regret his situation more than ever before. He was so powerless to stop this tiny tyrant, acting out would throw away getting what he'd asked for. Giving up and submitting to Angus wasn't an option either, he'd rather suffer than admit that he needed his aid.


Magical Talk

"Almost everyone has magical potential, Charlotte, but it takes a little practice to bring it out." Decima added, her own experience had still taken quite some time to fluorish - it had been months before she could cast anything useful. "I'm not sure Nona would be the best teacher, she has her own way of doing things... sometimes it's hard to keep up with her. She's always in her own world, I sometimes wonder if anyone else can actually live in something like that... I know for sure that Baron Nelon and Baron Esclabor won't."


New Hope

"The old sometimes forget that the young are the old of tomorrow." she replied, sitting down on one of the benches to rest. "Young people surprise me every day. There's this charming young boy who I see from time to time. He doesn't seem to care what other people think of him, he claims that he'll find his own way of doing things. I think he might be one of Farmer Perroy's boys."

She laughed, letting out a gentle cough at the end of her laughter. "But regardless of age, cooperation and understanding matter more. If the young and old can share what they know, I believe the world could be a better place. I believe Engel wants his children to get along, and accept each other despite their differences... it might be a little different to how other people see it, but it is what I truly believe."

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'She has her own way of doing things?' That sounds like an understatement. Claire thought, thinking back to what Esclabor had told her a few days prior. "Hey, Decima, if you don't mind me asking," Claire hesitated for a second, unsure if she would be prying too much. In the end, her curiosity got the better of her, especially after such an extreme reaction from Ceirch.

"Well, what exactly happened between Nona and Sir Nelon? When I checked on him a couple of days ago, he seemed more than a little uncomfortable when she came up in conversation." There was definitely a history between the two, and she wanted to find out what it was exactly.

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It wasn't a far walk to the edge of town from the Black Smith's. Emmet made doubly sure there was no one in front of him before loosing an arrow. He was certain any villager happening by would be rather impressed by the light show Pinaka produced when firing its magic arrow. Emmet only missed one out his ten shots. He nodded with satisfaction. Of course a moving target is much more difficult to hit than the tree he was firing at but it was still a noticeable improvement. Even the the draw strength seemed better. Once again he felt powerful and in command of his own destiny. he looked at the treeline wistfully. Casually hoping the bard would appear there so he could challenge her again.

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Can I get no respect from anyone? Such is the way of nobles so very frequently, it seems, but I had hoped for better... "I'm Freya, the princess's guard," she reminded Nona. "And I don't think a name would go very well on my armor." The soldier woman looked at the duckling that the pegasus rider was so focused on. "Nor would it lead to much use to read my name on the battlefield. Do you have a fondness for animals, lady Nona?" Learning more about her allies, no matter how eccentric, couldn't hurt- after all, it had been their father who had ordered her to aid Cassandra in the first place.

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There was definitely some undeniable truth to the old lady's words, as unorthodox as they were. "The young are the old of tomorrow... that's an undeniable truth." It was a rather interesting way to put it in focus for the prince. The generations would pass, there would be a new set of young tomorrow. What kind of wisdom could be shared by the next generations then?

"A world where we all accept each other's difference looks to be a bit surreal." Owen confessed his doubts, "There are many in this world that would point a sword that those unabiding of their views without a second thought." Not only Malaphar, but Raewald and Deira are likely guilty of that as well... "Though I feel there's a point to be had. Many conflicts would have been avoided if kings, nobles, or even neighboring farmers could live with their differences." What makes differences that grave for starters? A lack of understanding? Pride? Fear? It was certainly a musing one couldn't solve in a single sitting. A world where Cass wouldn't face the problems she does... Whoever thought of kidnapping her, I can't let them go unpunished.

"Speaking about differences, there was something I've been wondering..." Owen sidetracked, "What is Belial to Engel? That has always been something that left me confused. Engel is all-powerful and the image of our ideal. Belial, wicked as he is, can't entirely stand to Engel. What purpose does a deity like Belial have, that he wasn't stopped by Engel from messing with the heart of men?"

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A firm handshake, and polite, too! How wonderful~ "Henchman? Maybe Esclabor. Angus is my friend, though, no doubt about that; definitely not a henchman. Still, nothing to do? How unfortunate. Though, I suppose it will keep me clean and tidy for when Claire and my brother return. Ah, well. It is a pleasure to meet you, Orpheus. I'll leave the poking and prodding to you; let's see how long it takes for one of them to snap, eh?" She giggled at the thought, folding her arms and scoffing at Angus' taunts to poor Esclabor.

"Really, Esclabor, it's no knock against you if you wish to leave this to Angus. You may be handy in a fight, but farm work is a skill all its own, so I've learned. Take it easy if you're not up to the task." She was enjoying railing into him, but it wouldn't do to make the man they'd just rescued work himself to the bone like this... In fact, why was he even working in the first place? Had Angus roped him into something? ...Was he just that selfless? Oh, perhaps this had to do with how they were able to stay at the farm for the night...

"So, Orpheus, other than prodding at my henchman, what do you do for fun around here? I've seen all the town, what's out here on the farm?"

Edited by Narumeia
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Long Loan

Decima paused briefly, it seemed there was a lot to tell... and she wasn't entirely sure how much of it she should. Sitting herself down on a chair, she decided to at least have a try at explaining things. "It's a long story, Claire... They've spent a lot of time together but I'm not sure what exactly set things off." she began, looking between Sidney and Claire. "Baron Nelon's known us since we were little girls, our father was good friends with his, so we saw a lot of him."

The next part took a little while for Decima to produce, there was definitely an awkward period of silence. "There was one day a couple of years ago when Baron Nelon came to visit. I don't know exactly why, but he left suddenly and never came back after that. It's a shame, he got along really well with Morta... I have a feeling that Nona managed to scare him away somehow. He's always been mild mannered, but he's been a little less open since then."

Animal Matters

Freya? There were so many names for Nona to remember, the nobles were easy, but there were so many commoners in their group that it was hard to keep up. "Freya? I'll do my best to remember your name, especially if you have such an important job." Nona replied, ushering Freya to join her observing the ducklings. "Not particularly, my sister Morta seems to like them... but it's sometimes nice to watch the simple things. Being a noble can be very complicated, you don't have to do very much, but what you must has to be done in a very specific way."

Two sides of a coin

The vicar clasped her hands together, impressed by such a complex question from someone so young. Did he really think much of the world around him? She'd seen men twice his age without any care for those around them, this young man certainly wasn't like the rest of his generation. "Belial is the shadow that is created by Engel's light. There cannot be a force of good and righteousness without a darkness which compliments it. Belial is a reminder of the darkness within us all." she replied, curious to the troubles of Owen's mind.

"You ask a lot of interesting questions, young man, you remind me of someone I knew many years ago." she laughed, recalling her earlier years. "The world's changed a lot since then, but I feel it needs people like you, who care about those around them, to continue on."

Bottom of the pile

Esclabor gritted his teeth, all three of them were as bad as each other. Was this really what he deserved for all his efforts? Now wasn't the place to retaliate, nor was Cass someone he would be able to stand up to. His mind had convinced him Angus was no doubt enjoying his ridicule - how did that ape of a man manage to rise to become his equal?

"I'm fine, Princess." Esclabor replied, unsure which of the three was his greatest tormentor. "It's part of a deal Kearney and I made to acquire a place to stay and help Baron Nelon out... and I have no intention of not doing my fair share, regardless of how suitable Kearney is for farmwork-..."

His complaints were cut short by another prod from Orpheus. "It depends how much you like farm animals." Orpheus replied, spearing his stick into the ground next to him. "It's the same things every day, the village doesn't change much... when I'm grown up, I'm going to see what the rest of the world's like. I bet there are some places that don't even have cows... people can talk freely."
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"Maybe I'll ask the princess, then. We've been getting along well enough, I'm sure she wouldn't say no," Sidney pondered. "And even when we disagree it's not that bad. I'd say we're pretty good friends by now!" Unfortunately, even when Decima did open up a bit more on the story, it didn't reveal very much. "No wonder he seemed so uncomfortable when we split up our groups before, being stuck with Nona and a bunch of other ladies. Well, hopefully we don't have to split up like that any time soon again anyway, so I suppose it doesn't really matter."

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"Oh, so it is. Then carry on, I'm sure your finished work will be fine, even if it's more arduous. I wouldn't want to take work away from you when you seem so bent on completing it!" She'd had her fun, and it was time to lay off the taunting, as Esclabor did truly seem dedicated to completing this task... Even if Angus would have been a better for for it, hand down, even solo. Strange, that. How had Angus become so adept at something that he could perform the work of it for two, able bodied barons of Wyke? It just seemed so strange that Esclabor would be so... So inept! Truly strange.

This Orpheus, he was more her speed. Cass nodded, only approval on her mind for his wants. "I think you'll find the world has plenty to offer. Plenty good, and plenty bad. Just take care not to lose sight of the good, Orpheus." It is a path I do not wish to tread any time soon. "But you seem to speak plenty freely already. You know I'm a princess, right? Well, if you didn't, you know now, but you're having little issue talking to me. I'd say you've got half your goals accomplished already."

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"Hm..." Decima's long, drawn out silence did not go unnoticed to Claire. Is that really all she knows about it? The mage frowned slightly. She wasn't sure about that. I can't exactly make her tell me though... Even if the riders response had been unsatisfactory, it was likely all that she was getting. "That's a shame. I didn't think he seemed too upset that day." she recalled.

"Maybe Malaphar's world just took a lot out of him." Claire knew better than anyone that there was more to it than that, but for obvious reasons she was a little less comfortable bringing it up. "I don't suppose any of you have seen Sir Nelon since we arrived, have you? I haven't seen him since the first evening." It was likely that they would be leaving very shortly, so Claire hoped that the baron's condition had improved to the point that he was at least travel ready.

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"We're, uh...We're going to Raewald, actually." It only now dawned on Serge how that might sound. He still remember the words of his previous foe atop that accursed mountain, and it was only now that he considered others might share the same sentiment. ...And on an unrelated note, how much exactly was he buying? Was he responsible for the entire party? Or just his own? Did Adele want him buying her food for her? ...Did Prince Owen or Princess Cassandra want that?

"Uhm, so how much for a bag of oats?" He asked. If Nelon survived, then they could probably survive on...what was it called? Oatmeal? Yeah, that, they could probably survive on that. Probably. ...This is a pain. Serge, before all this, had only ever had to concern about what HE had to eat. What HE had to wear. Now he was looking out for so many others, and it meant he was spending so much more. It was hard. It was annoying. But if he didn't do it, he would be a terrible boss, right? Besides, they were trusting him with their lives. The mercs, anyway. And Adele.

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The shadow created by Engel's light... do we truly need it? Humanity had a shot to live without darkness, what does it teach us? Do we have to pay for our forefathers and their decisions? Is that in part our decision as well, to live with both light and shadow? "Perhaps one day we will learn to live without the need for darkness. We probably are too green as it stands, even our elders." That would be a future to strive for, one that would give meaning to the struggles of their present.

"I... carry the weight of quite some people, so that would be why my thoughts are driven towards others." 'Quite some' would be selling it rather short, but there was no need to speak of it in detail yet. "They consider me their superior... in certain way, I could do without caring as much and they wouldn't be any the wiser. I choose not to, because..." It's quite the introverted adventure. Many would be glad about their position, stress far less, call for feasts whenever desired... "I choose not to because my heart feels the weight of my choices. I can be much, I feel the winds of change with each step, but I still hesitate, wondering what I should do. Wondering what change I can bring." Owen paused, looking down to the floor. The more he seemed close to a conclusion, the more options he realized there were... Life had a way to become ever more complex. "I suppose I need to open my eyes more to what I want... that's always been a struggle of mine."

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Medical Report

Decima could tell that neither of Claire or Sidney were terribly impressed with the story, but thankfully Claire had already decided to move the conversation along. "Oh, Baron Nelon? I went to see him with Morta yesterday evening. I think he's doing a lot better." Decima replied, glad that the topic didn't dwell too long on Malaphar. "I'm not sure if he'll be able to fight too soon, but he said he was awake for the entire day."

Could Sidney really learn from Cass? The Princess did seem rather good with staves, but she'd never come across as the teaching type. In fact, the rumours that she'd heard in the past suggested very much that Cass only accepted her own way of doing things.

King of the Field

Orpheus laughed at Cass, his father shooting him a grin from the fence. "It doesn't matter if you're a princess or not, miss. You're on our farm so you're just Cass here." he said proudly, crossing his arms. "Pa said that people have to earn respect, it don't just come with a fancy title. In this village, you're only as important as anyone else. Being a princess doesn't get you anything special."

Perroy nodded in agreement, sharing the same sentiment as his son. "Means that you gotta treat them no worse than anyone else either, Orphy." he lectured, pointing his hammer at Esclabor, who had very much decided to keep his head down. Orpheus looked at Esclabor, shaking his head. It was quite clear that Orpheus didn't seem to feel much pity for him. "I'd be nicer to him if he didn't dig like a girl." Orpheus teased. "Everyone has to do their part!"

Novice Purchase

The woman at the stall picked up on Serge's uncertainty, had he ever bought supplies before? Where had he actually come from, and more importantly, how did he survive this long without knowing anything? "It really depends if you wanted them fresh or rolled. You do know the difference between the two, don't you?" she replied, unsure whether it would be fair to actually sell him anything. "Maybe you should come back with someone who has some experience with buying supplies, I'd hate to sell you something that you couldn't use."

The Light

"The wisest people are those who have the most options available to them." the vicar replied, standing herself up slowly. "It's not possible to plan for the rest of one's life, challenges and problems will always present themselves, but it is important to know that you are not alone in facing them. Even the most cunning or experienced invididuals are doomed to fail if they cannot realise the value of their bonds."

She laughed a little, was another young man really going to leave her with such a profound philosophy again? "Being a leader isn't about being above everyone else, it's having the courage to admit that you need the help of others." she added. "You may not have the answers for all you seek, but there will always be someone who you will be able to ask."
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"Hah!" Cass scoffed, and then laughed, smiling wide. "Oh, how I've longed to hear that~ You've no IDEA how annoying it is, always getting held up to a preset standard. Princess this, princess that. I should've run off to a farm forever ago, goodness... And don't kid yourself, Orpheus. If we're still here after I've met with who I have to, I'll show you just how well a girl can dig... I suppose I'm not the standard, though, so carry on." Most of the girls Cass knew were rather prim and proper; you'd never see them near a shovel, let alone on a farm... Excluding Adele, she was her own brand of weird, just like Cass.

The Valter girls, though, Cass couldn't imagine anyone but perhaps Morta getting their hands as dirty as Esclabor was right now. I could just be assuming... Maybe I should get to know them better?

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[spoiler=Literally Tormenting Claire II]

With the whole Scuttle debacle seemingly squared away for the moment, Angus took off in a clumsy, ill-fated trot after Claire. It took one--no, two--eventually, four falls to find his way there; Geoffrey did little better. The knight couldn't rightfully recall whether he'd told Claire of their destination; either way, he staggered to her side and offered a few events from his own day.

"Took Nelon t'see Perrarr. He c'n do suurrrrrrp." Angus wafts the burp away with a buffeting, flapping arm. "'scuse me. Good wi' healin'. Ooooool' Tommyboy an' I leaved 'im 'ere. Doom a chuckle, ask 'scalibur how 'e gotttt t'see th'farmer, eh?" Angus guffaws crudely at the thought; cleaning waste with a hangover was no terror to him, and no man could put a price on a first encounter with a "full" stable. His laughter fades. Supplanting it are pensive, irregular footfalls, as Angus' thoughts turn once again to that fateful... minute? hour? in that other world.

"Miind'feye take 'is skull nex' time we seem?" Oblivious to the lack of context he provided, Angus' ramble continues. "Gonna, mind. Fate shit, proooob'ly, eh? Git'im this time. Stab 'is skull, smash 'is 'ead, kill that sorry serpent dead." A tune! The baron had even better accompaniment than a choir or an orchestra; with enough mead, the whole world was a stage!


Stab 'is skull, smash 'is 'ead,

Kill that sorrrrrrry serpent dead!

I'mma stab 'im with me friends

An' slap the wretched bastard... darrrh."

The rhyme escaped Angus at the last second, but that was the price of a drunken performance; making an ass of yourself for want of a line. Better than his usual reasons, at least?

"I knooow we're going to see Nelon." she sighed, turning back to see Angus lumbering along behind her, half expecting him to topple over. "I meant actuallly where, you know? Not that where." Claire huffed, silently reminding herself to try and avoid the drunken Kearney in the future. And that was before he even started singing. Dear lord.

"Stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop..." she groaned, face contorted in pain as she was subjected to the horribly tuned mess of sounds. Maybe even Geoffrey would make a better singer than he did. "Anguuuus, there are people sleepiiiing here..." She had no clue if it was actually true, but hopefully it would make him quieten down. She didn't have a clue what he was saying, and the noise he was making was unbearable.

Esclabor was beginning to regret almost every aspect of the campaign. If he had known he'd be left to a fool like Angus, he'd have considered his chances with the barbarians. The reminder of his work was cruel enough, but there was at least one positive from it.

"At least I won't be shovelling manure whilst hungover, Kearney. But I'm sure you've had practice in your youth." Esclabor retorted, the mental image of Angus falling into a well rather appealing. "Ceirch would have done the same for any of us, I don't know the first thing about being a farmer, but if that runt can do it, so can I."

The noise emitting from Angus mouth was somewhere between a fart and a groan, either would have made sense coming from the likes of him. As the trio wandered onto the farm, they could see the farmer's boy, Orpheus. Watching as Angus staggered along, he was rather amused by the baron, smirking as Angus provided a mockery of music to the surrounding area.

"Pa told me to go see what the noise was, he thought one of the cows was dying." Orpheus taunted, clearly not a fan of Angus' voice. "If you're here, you can go see your friend. He's resting in the farmhouse, Pa did his best with him."

Claire had been about to inquire about the runt, before the child made himself known. It seemed like she wasn't the only one who was hoping for Angus to quieten down, even if the kid seemed like kind of a pain to deal with. "If you keep thaaat up Angus, you mmmmight end up doing him iiin yourself." She shook her head, suddenly feeling veeery wobbly. Once she straightened herself up again, she concentrated on a small nod towards the boy, before passing him on the way to the farmhouse in the distance.

Angus' dulcet tones are, thankfully, supplanted by a drunken cackle and a very sorry whiff at Thomas' arm. "F'r meeeee this was MOOOOOONdayyyyyyy!", relayed the Kearney. "Na' eeeeeevery, bu' Fargus! H'don't care." Angus' retelling of his brotherly shenanigans resembled the tradition of drunken gibbering rather more than it did the bardic one, though the phrases "chain've chick'ns" and "Duncan's bed's burrrrnin'" could be picked from the wreckage. He hadn't had quite enough monumental lunacy for the night, though; their arrival at the barn inspired him to offer what comfort he could to Nelon.

"Sooooooooz, li'l buddy!" Angus smooth-talks the impartial, regal beast, as if daring a comrade to pants Hogan. "How'sabutt you see? Tell'im 'lo, boy! 'less y'ain't up to it!" Head bobbing, arms folded, the noble squats, doing his best impression of what might be Geoffrey's prey, clucking and all--if he even ate live chickens? Something to hopefully remember in the morning. That encouragement failing, a gentle hand at least points the fuzzball in their injured hero's general direction. With any luck, he wouldn't poop on anything too tender!

Geoffrey looked up at Angus feebly for a few moments, the bear puking onto his boots. Orpheus and even Esclabor smirked at Angus' misfortune. The baron didn't seem too pleased to be sharing Angus' suffering with him, if anything he'd have rather sided with Angus.

Esclabor shot the boy a grumpy scowl, who in return stuck his tongue out at the noble. "I hope those fancy pants of yours like manure. There's plenty of it for you two to shovel." Orpheus teased, watching as they head towards the house. "Take the first door on the left, he should be resting in there."

"Yeah, you're definitely second on my list now, Kearney." Esclabor complained, gesturing to let Claire enter the door first. "Just don't pull anything stupid with Ceirch, The last thing he needs is you or your pet throwing up on his face."

The now-familiar sound coming from Geoffrey made Claire wince slightly - she didn't even need to look to know what had happened. "Angusss, keep him under controooool..." She agreed with Esclabor's sentiments completely. Sir Nelon was already struggling, and he didn't need a mooncalf and his drunken pet to make matters any worse.

She entered the farmhouse quietly, feeling quite like an intruder. Claire still spotted the room Orpheus had referred to quickly, and after taking a moment to compose herself (or at least, as well as the mage could manage while drunk), she slid the door open and peered inside. "Sir Nelon?" she asked, quietly, fidgeting with her fingers behind her as she stood in the doorway. She wondered if the baron was even awake, and if they should disturb his rest if he wasn't.

As Claire edged the door open, she could see Nelon lying in a bed in the middle of the room. His eyes were closed, a pained expression spread across his face. Wincing as Claire approached, Nelon took a shallow breath, opening his eyes wearily and looking across at the mage. Esclabor looked as if he wanted to step forwards and greet his friend, but instead he allowed Claire to go first.

"Lady... Claire?" Nelon muttered weakly, lifting his head up slowly. "Did... did Malaphar harm you? Is Prince Owen alright? Forgive my weakness... I was unable to carry out my duty, but I am glad you are still with us."

Esclabor put his hand on Angus' shoulder, shaking his head. "Didn't even think about the fact he nearly died." Esclabor whispered, trying to stay out of sight. "I don't know what happened when he was with Malaphar, but that guy did a number on him. I just wish I'd been there to stop it."

He's awake, that's... good. Well, Claire was glad to see Nelon recovering, but part of her wished that he had incipacitated for the time being. "I'm fineee, Sir Nelon." she responded, looking him up and down with worry. "...Prince Owen is safe tooooo. We all are..." At least for now, a nagging voice in the back of her head.

Esclabor's whisper still carried far enough for her to hear - and the girl hung her head in shame as she listened. "I'm, I'm soooo sorrrrry, Sir Nelon." Her voice was a quiet wail by this point, overwhelmed by guilt, worry and everything else that happened over the past few days. "Thisss, this is alllll my fault... If I had't- you wouldn't beee- I just- urghhh..." He didn't even know that his wounds hadn't come from Malaphar. But she couldn't admit it to him. Whether it was because of anxiety or alcohol, she wasn't sure, but she just couldn't form the words.

Angus, in turn, claps his hand firmly onto Esclabor's shoulder. looking him dead in the eye. The mooncalf's jaw slacks, but nothing is said. How could it? Nothing in that world was human; drunk as he was, Angus could sooner depict the sun with mud. Still, searching desperately, he stares at the injured man's friend. As Claire broke down, Angus finally found some small scrap. Some memory of his own experience.

"S'not... was on toppa'm, when it..." Angus turns his head. "You could'na done nnnothin'. N'b'dy knooows wha' happened. We ain't ready fr'im, na' yet." His admission is punctuated by the vicious grip of his hand, maybe not even conscious. "Na' yet." Angus withdraws his hand, folding his arms uncomfortably. Engel's watchful eye was on them, but their personal inability was too enormous for a drunken slur.

Nelon reached his hand out weakly towards Claire, opening his palm and turning it upwards. "Do not apologise... Lady Claire. Whatever actions you took lead to the survival of Prince Owen and everyone around us." Nelon replied, his pained expression softening. "Your courage is admirable, to face such a monster is no trivial matter... thank you, Lady Claire. I am grateful that you were by my side."

Esclabor grumbled, Angus seemed to have a way of being right in the least satisfying way. "How did you survive, Kearney? To face such a menace who almost destroyed Ceirch with such ease? Were you not afraid? Or does that thick skull of yours prevent fear as well?" Esclabor joked, half-serious in his statement. "We'll make sure that we're ready next time. I'd given up when I was captured by the bandits, but I've got something to work towards now. Make sure you don't slack and hold everyone back."

Claire had remained silent for what felt like an eternity. Don't apologise? But... This was, by definition, her fault, Claire thought as she ran over the events again in her head for the hundredth time. Malaphar had been a threat, and they'd all known it. She struck first to try and protect the others. They were transported to Malpahar's world, where he almost killed Nelon. She stopped him at the last moment. They escaped.

She couldn't have known about Malaphar's world, and she'd saved Nelon's life. That thought, at least, comforted her a little. A calmer, less anxious mage looked back at Nelon, noticing the hand offered out to her. Get over yourself, idiot. We're not dead. The nagging voice in the back of her head made her laugh softly, finally breaking the silence.

"Thank youuu, Sir Nelon." Claire smiled, taking his hand. She didn't hold it too tightly, just in case it ended harming him in his feeble state, but she was glad that his temperature felt normal. "This means more to meee than you coullld know." Owen and Cass had already told her that she should stop torturing herself over it, but hearing the words from the baron's mouth himself finally put her at ease. Perhaps he still wasn't aware of who had wounded him, but something told Claire that he would forgive her anyway. That was enough for her.

Nelon paused for a moment, hesitating only briefly as he squeezed her hand gently. "Please, I do not deserve such formality, Lady Claire. Please call me Ceirch... I always feel so uneasy when being referred to by my family name and title." Nelon replied, the pain fading from his face momentarily. "I owe you a great service, your deeds were noble... even if your mind and heart tell you otherwise.

Esclabor looked at Angus smugly, nudging him again. "You're not even one tenth the gentleman Ceirch is. No wonder the princess picked you," he taunted, hoping to finally get a rise from Angus. "You tried to carry her like a sack of potatoes, you could learn a thing or two about manners from him. Maybe shovelling manure tomorrow will give you time to reflect on that."

The hosed Kearney releases an unexpected giggle at Thomas' remark. What, was he going to critique Geoffrey's table manners next? "Thar's... thaaaaaaaar's a good'un!" Considering the second bout of comments a joke and nothing more, Angus laughs it off... but when he rallies, the earlier comments on fear did give him something to pontificate on.

"'fraid? Thought ever'body was, 'least soooooooooometimes." A caterpillar eyebrow tries to claw its way up Angus' face, but finds the task impossible drunk. "Fearrr don' matter. Y'do it. Siiiiimple shit. Dunno howw, mind," the death-defying mooncalf admits, "buuuuutcha gotta!" To Angus' imagination, every knight thought that way... didn't they?

Claire paused for a moment. Considering the difference in rank, she didn't think that she was close enough to Nelon to use his first name. "Well, if you're suuuure..." It wasn't like she had any objection to it. "Thank you, Ceirch." She managed that part without slurring, thankfully. "You don't oweee me anything, thouuugh." All of them surviving, and her mistake not causing any permanent damage, was rewarding enough.

Either way, Esclabor was still poking fun at Angus from beyond the doorway, which was starting to get a little annoying to her. Stop being such a kid. If he wanted to keep bickering like an old married woman, he could've stayed at the Boot. She turned over her shoulder to face him. "Soo are you twooo just going to standdd there, or are yyyou actuallyyyyy going to come and seeee him?" It was also a little uncomfortable having them just stand there watching and making jeering remarks, so Claire was more than happy to drag the barons into the conversation.

Esclabor decided it was time to say hello, he'd stayed in the background for long enough. Stepping before Angus had a chance to enter the room, he stood by his friend's bedside. "Good to see you're still with us, Ceirch." Esclabor laughed, relieved to see Nelon had improved. Crouching down, he looked Nelon straight in the eyes. "Just like you to try and help people to your own detriment. It's a shame that wizard didn't knock some sense into that head of yours."

Nelon gave a weak laugh. "Wasn't it you who volunteered... to do a day's labour, despite never having held a shovel before, Thomas?" he replied, somewhat amused. "I do not regret my choice, but I am fortunate of the outcome... we will have to see if you're still capable after a day of digging. You may be worse off than me."

Shaking his head, Esclabor sighed. "You may be right, if Kearney has one thing on me, it's rolling around in mud with the pigs. That and putting up with the Valter sisters, that's a talent no man deserves to have."

Angus is the last to join Ceirch: a shoddy, leaden automaton trying its hand at stealth. He eventually settles a respectful distance away, listening with no little enjoyment to the friends speaking again. Still, the itch to understand that Esclabor nagged at Angus; how could Nelon's condition compare to an easy day in the fields?

"Weeeee live by th'sword, eh?", Angus unhelpfully interjects. "Annny day I ain't shot, stabbed, emanstipated...?" The wrong word, for sure, but the mooncalf only gives it a few moments' consideration. "...crushed, froze, clawed, maimed, blown, 'r sent t'hellll, tha's a goodday!"

Esclabor's snide remarks conitnued even after he started speaking with Nelon, much to Claire's annoyance. He never stops complaining, does he? "I don't thinkkk the Valter sisteeers are bad," she reasoned, before recalling the first night she'd met them when they'd been a complete mess. "...Not soberrrr, anyway." Morta and Nona had been a complete mess that night - but Esclabor didn't need any drinks to act like an ass anyway so that was a moot point.

Angus' speech was still non-sensical sadly, to the point that he may have been better off waiting outside. At least he hadn't completely lost his wits (not that he had much to begin with) and actually sent Geoffrey to Nelon's side. Not yet anyway. As silly as he was acting, Claire had absolutely nothing to say to him for once. Perhaps even Ceirch's mental state was more stable than the Kearney's.

Nelon's hand began to shake on the mention of the Valter sisters, the knight taking a few moments to steady his nerves. "Baron Kearney, you do seem to have... a unique manner of thinking." Nelon added, his last few words requiring a little time to choose. "I hope you may have better days than those... lacking severe injuries. I have nothing to add on Earl Valter's daughters... I would very much prefer to keep my distance from them if possible."

Esclabor nudged Angus again, giving him a wink as he continued his obnoxious antics. "I think Kearney feels quite the opposite, I think he can see them in a better light, isn't that right? I heard that he gets along with both Morta and Nona very well. He must have a real connection."

Claire had almost forgotten about Nelon's hand, until she felt it begin to tremble. Holding it a little more firmly now, she bit her lip and quickly glanced at Esclabor, who didn't seem bothered by Ceirch's reaction at all. At least that probably meant it wasn't his health causing his shaking, but... Do the sisters really bother him that much? The baron was brave enough to stand his ground against Malaphar, so why would he be so afraid of the girls? Maybe Morta could be kind of nasty sometimes, but that wasn't worth freaking out over.

When Esclabor mentioned the youngest Valter, Claire had a pretty good idea of why Morta might get along better with the Kearney, but she had no idea about how Nona felt about him. "Maybe you'd get alongggg with them betterrr iiiif you didn't spend sooo much time runningggg awaaay from them, Sir Esclaborrrr." A small smirk was on her face now. Giving the baron grief was already amusing enough, but there was always the off-chance that he might let slip something about why he despised the Valter siblings so much. Perhaps that would shed some light on Nelon's reactions as well.

The badgered baron finally sits closer to Ceirch and Thomas, the cub free to wander. With all the talk of the Valter sisters, it was only fair that someone who knew them would offer his perspective! Leaning in for the benefit of all three, Angus begins to speak.

"Mooorta's an oddd duck," he comments. "Sooo I dropped by all social-like, eh? She's playin' a... a..." Angus knocks his head a few times, but the instrument isn't falling out. "A somethin'. Goood, too, but hell'f I'd know! Annnnywise, Joffer rips one, an' she damn near tears th'whole place down!" His drunken arms flail wildly, trying to communicate the apocalypse he bore witness to. "Took a biiit t'calm down, an'... Esclabor?" Angus' clumsy elbow hits the prick in the arm as he offers a conspiratorial wink to Claire. "Couldn' even turn 'er down by th'end of that nigh'! Na' th'most upstandin' thing, but whooooo hasn't? 'sides th'lady here, I mean." Two bombshells later, Angus waves to clear the air--once he found his composure, he still hadn't said a word on the oldest of the sisters!

"Nowww," Angus confides, "'f'you thought Morta was odd, ain't nooo figurin' on Nona." A tremendous shrug hangs Angus' hands from the air, an ape at a loss. "Don' even think you c'n get 'er daaaandurrrr up.. but she drinks like a demon! Tried a bit o'her booze, an' POW!" The mooncalf hammers a fist into his palm, bug-eyed focus on Esclabor. "I don' remember nothin'! Now, seein' as I thiiiink I got me a piece, I'd'a liked t'remember that." Was Nelon wearing a grimace of terror, or was Angus just drunk? At any rate, he drapes an arm around Esclabor's shoulders, leaning wildly over to accomplish the feat. "How 'bout youuu, eh~? Any luck ou' here?"

As much as Claire had enjoyed mocking Esclabor, Angus' drunken ramblings soon wiped the smile from her face. Instead, a confused frown took its place, as the mage tried to puzzle her way through the Kearney's horrible mess of a retelling. Besides the fact that Angus had clearly... enjoyed, his time with them, the mage really didn't get his point, especially when he brushed is arm into her side. "Don't draggggg me into thiiiis..." she groaned, shifting slightly away from him.

"Annnnd I don't thiiink that he wasss asking about yourrr stupid escapapades..." she stammered, shaking her head at both the baron's act and her own silly speech. The fact that he was literally hitting himself in the face during his recount was slightly amusing to Claire, but she realllly didn't need to hear about this - especially since he was supposed to be engaged. Perhaps Cass wasn't the only one having second thoughts about it.

By the looks of things, poor Ceirch was even less comfortable with the topic than Claire was, if the shaking and horrified expression on his face were anything to go by. Just don't get any bright ideas, Angus... Claire thought to herself. Perhaps he'd had a good time with the Valter sisters the last time he'd been hammered, but she didn't want any part of it.

Esclabor grimaced, the mention of Nona was too much for even him. "She's all yours, Kearney. Went drinking with her once, regretted the entire thing, she can drink like a horse. Managed to escape through the bathroom window, the fifteen foot drop was more than worth it." he replied, unable to even think of comeback after Angus' escapades. "You're a madman, Kearney. The more unpleasant or lethal something is, the more you seem to enjoy it. There must be something redeemable in that head of yours, otherwise the Prince wouldn't trust you so much. Lady Claire would have ditched you too... I bet she doesn't stick around for your charming personality and dashing looks. I bet she's not impressed by-..."

"A... harpsichord, Lady Morta plays the harpsichord." Nelon interjected, almost tactically trying to avert the tales of Angus' sex life. Claire could feel his nerves settling, they'd reached their peak part way through Angus' tale. "She's... different to her sisters. Please don't play with her heart, she's different when she is not surrounded by others."

"She's... different to her sisters. Please don't play with her heart, she's different when she is not surrounded by others."

[Nah... no way! It's been what, three weeks?!] Far from jealous, Angus instead started laughing, leaning back... further... unbalancing, heels over head... finally, facedown in the dirt, snickering beyond any hope. His hands claw at the ground, lifting Angus' face from the pitch-dark floor, facing it instead with...

The pitch-dark room.

Angus squeezes out a barely-intelligible "nert!", crashing again into the floor. Just as well for the mooncalf; every moment awake earned him a groggier morning, and he passed out with the sneaking suspicion that he'd made a bit of an ass of himself.

Claire gazed at Esclabor as he told his story, totally bewildered. "Fifteen feeeeet? Noooo wayyyy..." She shook her head - this had to be some kind of joke, right? It was an absolutely ridiculous tale, he had to be exaggerating it. Considering Ceirch's terror though, there had to be some level of truth to it.

But of course, as she should've expected, Esclabor somehow managed to twist it all back around into insulting Angus. Does this idiot ever shut up? She had half a mind to bring up his own oh so charming personality in retort, if not for Nelon's welcome interjection. It was a struggle for Claire to imagine Morta playing such a delicate instrument, but she doubted that he was lying. Moving the topic away from Angus' bedtime adventures seemed to have a calming effect on him.

Considering his health and the time of night (which Claire had completely lost track of by this point, but she knew it was quite late), it was probably best to leave him to rest now that they'd made sure that he was alright.

Of course, it was at that moment when she heard a loud thud, and she turned to see Angus Kearney in sprawled out on the floor. "Umm..." She released Ceirch's hand, crouching next to Angus with a concerned frown visible on her face for only a moment, until she heard it. "He's... snoring." And it was getting louder by the second, much to her chagrin. Unbelievable... Her sigh of disappointment was almost completely drowned out by the oaf next to her, but both conscious barons could see the palm over her face as she rose back to her feet.

"I think we shouuuld be going, then..." she told Esclabor, glancing towards Angus in the hopes that he would put aside his stupid grudge for a few minutes and carry the Kearney out, "Rest eeeeasy, Ceirch." Hopefully he would be able to recover quickly. Magon seemed peaceful, but they were still a long way from home.

Esclabor nodded in agreement, grabbing Angus by the ankle and dragging him to the door. "We probably should go, take care of yourself, Ceirch. You're never particularly good at doing that." he added, giving Nelon a wave with his free hand. He wasn't being particularly careful with Angus, but he at least had the decency to avoid knocking his head as he pulled him along. "You should probably get some sleep too, Lady Claire. I think we've had enough antics for one night. Leave Kearney to me, I don't want to damage that brain of his any further."

Nelon raised his hand to wave his companions a good night. "Good night to you both, I will do my best to recover, I am eager to return to duty." Nelon replied, lying back into the bed. "I pray the winds are kind tonight, may the clothes on your backs protect you from the cold."

For a moment, Claire thought about telling Esclabor to be more careful as he dragged Angus' across the room, but she couldn't bring herself to care. She only returned a small nod at his suggestion of sleeping. The events of the day had taken a lot out of her, and she welcomed a nights rest - even if they had to sleep in a barn. "Thank you Ceirch." She returned his wave, and after Esclabor is clear of the door, followed him out. She fell asleep almost immediately that night, hoping for a slightly less dangerous morning.

"Oh. That's reassuring then." Claire smiled. "As long as he's healthy enough to travel, we can handle anything that comes up." She was pleased to hear the good news about Ceirch, and hoped that they wouldn't have to leave him behind. "I suppose if he isn't, we'd have to leave him with Sir Esclabor or something like that to make sure he's alright. ...I don't envy him." The mage felt like she'd go insane if left alone with the king of complaining, although perhaps with Angus out of the picture he'd be less of an annoyance, but still.

Taking one last look at the bookshelf, she shook her head in disappointment. "Either way, Decima, most of the books here are beginner level. I don't really know how useful you'd find them." She turned back to face the rider. "I could help pick something out back in Hull, or maybe lend you something if you'd like, but I don't think you'd get a lot of use out of these."

Edited by SB.
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Freya nodded at the pegasus knight's words, sitting next to her when motioned to. "You're right... taking a step back to stay in touch with the little things can be helpful. Sort of like how stopping here gave a needed break from the hectic outside world. This whole journey is a lot of work on all of us, so hopefully it goes well from here on..." She observed a few of the other ducklings bob around in the water, quacking. "We all have important parts to play. We just have to do the best that we can at them."

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Emmet was still feeling a little light headed the next morning. Though that might have had more to do with the blood loss than the alcohol. He rose early in the morning, careful not to wake his sleeping coworkers. He was aware he needed to paint a fence for their upkeep but judging by the state of the reliants the night before, he was certain he had a least an hour to spare.

The town was quite pleasant in the dawn light. If things were different he might have walked purely for the sake of leisure. But he had something to focus on. His mind as sharp as one of his arrows, he made his way directly towards the church where the bard was held captive.

As Emmet approached the chapel, he could see what he could only assume was the resident vicar - an older woman tending to the flowers outside. The more familiar figure of Sebastian was stood at the door, the man leaning against its frame. Emmet's appearance didn't appear to surprise him, if anything Sebastian had been expecting him.

"She escaped during the night, I couldn't believe it myself." he lamented, hoping his childhood friend would have kept her word. "The lock I used was one of Master Jeeves', similar kinds are used in the royal dungeons... to think she was able to tackle it so quickly. It was a grave miscalculation on my part."

For some reason Emmet wasn't entirely surprised by this news. He should have been livid. Angry as all hell with the butler but the calm and rational part of his brain told him it would be pointless. "A simple bard should not be so skilled with a lock pick" Emmet muttered. He looked directly at Sebastian with a piercing glare. "Did you find out who this women is, Sebastian?"

Sebastian nodded his head slowly, figuring it was best to reveal what he knew of Scuttle. "We were both at the same orphanage. I hadn't seen her in years, but it appears Master Jeeves took a shining to her, passing down a few of his tricks. He's the only man I know who would have been able to deal with such a potent lock so quickly." he replied, noting Emmet's gaze.

"Perhaps I could offer you a drink of water?" he added, maintaining his cool composure. "It must be very difficult to drink from a vial which is still corked, am I correct? Especially after how intent you appeared to be to obtain it."

They were at the same orphanage? Sebastian's claim of Scuttle's miraculous escape now seemed much more dubious in Emmet's eyes but he saw no merit in pushing the issue any further. Though right now he was feeling doubly glad he sent Cassandra after him to fetch the vial. "My intentions are to keep the vial safe. If I really wanted it half as much as you people seem to think I do then I would have been the one in that street firing arrows at young girls, instead of the one taking them." Emmet spoke with a mild but of distaste. "I neglected to thank you yesterday by the way. For turning up when you did. Of course I would have rather you diffused the situation before I got shot but the help was still much appreciated."

Sebastian nodded his head slowly, vowing to keep an eye on Emmet. "It is my pleasure, it would be poor form to allow too much trouble to occur. The vial's safekeeping will be decided upon later by Prince Owen. Perhaps even its disposal, several people seem to have gone to great lengths to obtain it." Sebastian replied, not entirely certain of what good keeping it would cause. "We are expected to leave within the next two days, I can only hope that further... happenings do not occur in the interim."

"Well any potential problems can be mitigated if we keep the world thinking we no longer have it. I trust the princess told you to keep the fact that I didn't drink it a secret? I would not suggest destroying it however. We have some powerful enemies and it could be a very useful weapon." Emmet shivered slightly. "You were not there. In that other world. Things were dire. I was this close to asking Claire to hand it over to me." Emmet held up his thumb and forefinger, pressed tightly together. "I'm not sure the specifics of how Malaphar's world works but I'm reasonably sure we were quite lucky to have escaped with such little harm. I know I for one would feel very reassured having the vial as a backup plan should we find ourselves in that world again. But as you say, it is the prince's decision. I must be going now. There are some things I need to do before I begin working for Serge. If you should speak to the Lady Herman, tell her there's something I want to discuss with her. I'll be waiting by the pond, at sunset when I have finished work."

Sebastian smiled, it appeared that Emmet had some use for his cooperation after all. "I'll keep that in mind. It'll be amusing to see what happens when people ask of the powers you've obtained from the vial." Sebastian replied slyly. listening carefully to Emmet's account of Malaphar's power. It didn't sound like it was a simple vanishing act, not by any stretch of the imagination. "I shall pass on your request to Lady Adeltrudis. I'm certain that she would be interested to form a plan."

"Indeed" Emmet muttered. "My ruse has taken the target off Lady Claire's back and put it firmly on mine. I hope if someone decides to test the limits of my new found immortality you'll be able to save me as swiftly a second time."

Edited by Jotari
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Owen chuckled, the vicar's speech was strangely uplifting, this time. He couldn't deny he liked the ring of what she said, especially with regards to being a leader. To have the courage to admit you need the help of others... I wonder who were the people my dad relied on, aside from Duke Herman.

"That might be hard right now, it feels like those around me are as green as an old, undisturbed forest." He forced a smile, sitting close to the vicar. "But that's where I can ask the old for advice as well, right? And I'm sure some of them will grow to their own wisdoms, like I had to."

"Thank you, I suppose I was still in need of guidance, but it's true I can't do it alone. I thought --and still believe-- that leading by example is the greatest virtue a leader could have." A soft chuckle escaped him again, "Why would you preach of kindness and acceptance if you don't enact it, right? However, we are not Engel, we can't do on our own without a shoulder to rely on at times. We are human, we fail, we forgive. I suppose I shouldn't be embarrassed of that."

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Bold Claims

"Digging's not hard, any idiot can handle a shovel." Orpheus replied, his gaze diverting to Esclabor yet again. Esclabor had given up by this point, the sooner he finished the work, the better he'd feel. "Doing it day in, day out is the hard part. It's barely been three hours and he's tired already. At least the other one lasted all day. Hard work's hard because you have to keep doing it!"

Perroy was rather amused by his son's boasting, laughing as he watched him parade around their guests. "And that's why you got two men to do yours for you? You'd probably like being a noble, Orphy, lots of telling people what to do." Perroy replied, keeping his son from getting too preachy. "My boy might have a loud mouth, but he's learned to treat people for who they are and not what they have. He's more trouble than the rest of his brothers put together."

Book Buddies

Decima lit up when Claire mentioned the beginner's books - it was at some proof she wasn't a total novice. "I'd appreciate that very much, hopefully I'll be good enough until we get back." she replied, wondering if there was anyone else worth getting tips from. "I think you're probably the best spellcaster in our group, Claire. The mercenaries seem alright... but I'd be far more comfortable learning from someone I knew better."

People and Places

"There are so many little things in this world, I sometimes forget they exist." Nona replied, watching the ducklings alongside Freya. "I see many servants and soldiers, peasants and paupers, I don't have enough space in my memory for all those things. I remember important things, like my peers and things I've read, but I can't say I do very well with other things."

Nona looked at Freya, giving her a friendly smile. "It's not because I think people like you aren't important, but it'd be hard to keep track of all the castle guards. I'll do my best to remember you." she added, pondering for a moment. "Maybe a nametag would be helpful... it took me forever to learn that mercenary's name... Serge? Or was it Steve?"

Prayers Above

Owen seemed to have reached his own decisions, or at least he'd gotten tired enough of the vicar's ramblings to want to leave. "Words without actions are hollow, and actions without words are empty. If you ever find yourself needing guidance from Engel, I am certain you know where to ask." she replied. "No matter who surrounds you, or what challenges you face, your friends and comrades can provide you with support."

Owen may now embrace Engel if he so chooses!

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The morning after he got shot, Emmet visited the church only to discover the bard had disappeared. He told Sebastian that he wished to speak with Adele, just in case the princess neglected to mention it. After that he spent some time helping the librarian clean up the mess the bard had made, before reuniting with Serge and painting the fence. It's wasn't particularly hard work but he was still glad to be finished when the day drew to a close. He headed to the duck pond wheere he sat on a bench and waited for Adele and Cassandra to appear.

After a long, long day of speaking to everyone she'd needed to, Cass brought Adele along with her to speak with Emmet. Whatever he wanted to talk about was not known to her, but he's made it seem rather important, and potentially positive. So, worthwhile? Time would tell.

Stepping along into the duck pond, a quaint little area, Emmet was easily spotted on his bench, and Cass wasted no time in heading over to him. "Hello Emmet! Sorry that I took so long. I had a lot of people to speak with, after last night. I've been running my mouth nonstop for the past two days, haha~ So, what was it you had to discuss? I'm all ears, and so is Adele-- and since I've mentioned her, I'll tell you: we're betrothed! I'm practically beside myself with happiness~ Come what may when we get back to Wyke, I am damn well going to slip a ring onto her finger. And you can put one on mine, darling." Cass made eyes at Adele, before giving her attention back to Emmet.

"So, er, yes, what was on your mind?"

Emmet gave a somber laugh. "Betrothed huh. That's pretty coincidental . It's just what I wanted to talk to you about. You've done a pretty poor job of keeping that secret of yours.Despite your rank the nobles back in Wyke could cause a lot of trouble for you. Especially if your father is too ill to effectively protect you. You might see yourself forcibly wedded to the good Baron without your will. However," Emmet's eyes moved towards Adele. "If you were already married in the eyes of Engel then they would have no ability to meddle with your personal affairs." He got to his feet and stood at the edge of the pond. "You probably don't know much about my history, but I was a monk for a few years. Technically I still am despite my lifestyle." He turned back to them. "So if you desire it, I can officiate a ceremony between the two of you."

"I'm starting to feel as though you two might have set me up." Adeltrudis chimed in, bracing her head against her palm. Quite a day, this had been, everything happening all at once, Cassandra forcibly moving the agenda not only up, but practically off the edge of a cliff, and now this? Forget not knowing subtlety, Cassandra seemed poised to ensure that such a thing couldn't exist in her presence whatsoever.

"Still, there seems much more about you than I had known, Emmet. Every corner turned seems to bring forth something new."

"What?" Cassandra shared Adele's surprise. This was what he had come to ask her about? But she hadn't even told him until now! "This is far too coincidental, Emmet. Are you sure this is what you'd come to speak with us about? Adele, truly, I didn't tell him until now, I promise... Though, I have told Owen as well, I'm simply too overjoyed to keep quiet... Haha." An awkward laugh proceeded her words, leaning gently against Adele's arm, hoping she would forgive her for being so forward with everything.

But, as happy as she was, this wasn't something she wished to rush. "As grateful as I am for the offer Emmet, I wish to wait until we have returned to ordain things properly. The last time I tried to rush Adele, it ended in tears for me... She's said yes, and I'm elated, but let's leave it at just a yes, for now. Was there anything else, other than that? I will hold onto this, I promise." Could things get better? Likely not...

"I assure you, it's a coincidence. It's an idea struck me when I was reflecting on things after escaping that dark world of Malaphar's. But it's only a suggestion. I would not wish to rush you either. Only bear in mind the benefits it would provide before returning to Wyke. If you change your mind in the near future then my offer is open." Emmet paused for a second. "I also noticed yesterday that after healing Lady Claire you weren't quite sure how to check her vitals, princess. If you wish I can give you some lessons on the less magical side of the healing arts. There's a surprising amount one can do even without a stave."

"I suppose it's fine, you aren't malicious about it, it's simply an odd coincidence, is all. I thank you for your offer, Emmet, but as Cassandra said, it might be best to allow it to sit, at least for now. We do have rather pressing matters ahead of us, all things considered." Adele replied, chuckling a bit at Cassandra's misfortune, as Emmet brought up her lack of knowledge to accompany her healing staff.

"She did ever so hate her lessons with the staff, biting at me with disdain whenever she discussed them. If you can give her some interest in such things, it might do good."

"Would you not be able to hold ceremony in Wyke? I've heard that Raewald fairs about the same in their liking for my... Persuasion." She blushed a bit, scratching gently at her face. "And I fear a marriage outside the country would hold little value... Though, I suppose your pedigree would do the same, wouldn't it... Oh, we'll consider it."

The staff talk made her grumble some, but they were right-- even Adele, as unfortunate as that was. "I was never taught anything of medicine... The maids just felt it was ladylike to learn how to wield a staff. A proper skill for a proper princess... Or something hokey. Alright, let's have it then. Administer me your medical training."

"You have not heard princess? I do not plan to head back to Wyke with your company. I will stay in my homeland for some time yet. The offer remains open to you for as long as I am present but I will not always be here at your beck and call. Likewise I will give you some medical training as long as I'm able. Though I wasn't expecting you to take up my offer so promptly. I don't really have anything prepared."

"Oh... No, I hadn't. That would explain things." What a shame, to lose someone of Emmet's skill and value. Maybe if there was... "We'll make sure to keep that in mind, of course. I will take any lessons as well, as... Much as I am loathe to admit such a fault. I can heal just fine, who cares about a pulse..." Cassandra huffed, before looking at Adele, then back at Emmet.

"If... If mercenary life isn't to your style, perhaps... Nobility would? I know we have had our altercations before, Emmet, but you have been incredibly helpful, skillful, and protective, of the both of us. Would there be any way to offer service, to you, in Wyke? Perhaps not to come with us on these... These excursions, but just to have you around. Your skill with magic would certainly provide you with a wealthy job." Wyke wasn't exactly known for its magicians, and barely its priests.

"Hmm." Emmet pondered. "It is something to consider. However to be any sort of respectable mage I will first have to learn how to use a tome. Perhaps I should ask Miss Bennet for some pointers."

Oh. Oops. I'm sorry, Claire... "That would be one way, of course... I hope you consider it. Was there anything else? It not, well... We have some talking to do, and some thinking to do after that."

"Willful as always, Cass... you should speak with your brother before making such offers, but... considering recent goings on, I don't think he would turn your recommendation down... but on a more prudent note, this is the first I am hearing of your departure as well. Did you have a falling out with the Reliants, or was my own conduct as your employer amiss?" Adele asked, biting her lip anxiously. She wasn't very experienced with holding employees... that was mostly her Father's work up until now.

"Hmm. So Serge didn't tell you" Emmet muttered. "I suppose that's a perfect example of one of my reasons for leaving. The management of the Reliants has been less than favourable. With Niko suddenly quitting and a very immediate order to travel to Raewald it's been quite hectic. I've tried to give Serge my support but he's been quite curt and reluctant to open up to me. In short I consider myself a professional and the Reliants haven't held up to their prestigious name. I don't blame Serge personally but I do not feel welcome. That morning when I suggested we kill Malaphar I discovered I do not really fit in with much of the rest of our party either so I see no reason to stay." Emmet's gaze drifted away from Adele and slightly towards Cass. Aside from the vial...

"Why should I have to speak to Owen for everything? Am I not the princess? I can hire people for myself, if I want." Cass stuck out her tongue, a behaviour left over from earlier years that she would probably do well to try and rid herself of. Whatever the case, if Emmet were to be hired, he would be hired as her own vassal, and Owen need not be involved. Simple as that.

Emmet's answer was fairly simple as well, and it made sense. "Serge has been given plenty of responsibility, when he hasn't been used to any of it... I'm not sure why Niko picked him, over you or Doug, to be quite honest. Maybe he'll become a strong, tried and true mercenary leader in time, but now... I know I've had my issues, but I'm on the turnaround; I'm getting better. From the sounds of it... He hasn't improved. Deary me..."

"As for not fitting in... Well, I know that one agreement doesn't solve your other issues, but I told Owen that it was the best moment to kill him as well. I truly feel like we should have, at least with more effort. We waited too long... And lost our chance, for it." She sighed, gently placing a hand on her face and trying not to remember the morning in detail. It had been awful, and nothing but. "Take your time to think the offer over, Emmet. I'm sure Raewald will provide you work that pays just as well, so it would only be on if you value my company over those back home."

"I will consider it" Emmet promised. "But for the time being I am still attached to the reliants. I'd best be getting back to them least they forget about me. Goodbye to you both."

"Of course. Have a good evening, Emmet." Cass curtsied as he wandered off, taking a small sigh and turning to Adele. "So... We've a lot of thinking to do, don't we, darling? Married in Raewald... I wonder what people would say? I wonder if people would be happy... I know I would. But... I won't push you again. Take as much time as you need to think it all over, hun." Cass leaned up and planted a kiss on Adele's cheek, smiling calmly. "Things are finally turning out good..."

"I suppose we do... it's a lot to take in, all at once. I don't even want to think of how the populace, or Engel forbid, the nobility, might react... it's something I'd like to leave alone until need be, that..." Adele replied, wrapping her arm around Cassandra's waist and giving her a gentle squeeze, as the Princess moved in.

"Yes, in one sense. I should talk to Serge soon, I suppose, make sure they remain that way."

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