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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 3 Reunion


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The library had become more populated during the last day or so, Scuttle's plan to keep everyone away was likely to only have been for the single day. There had to be at least a dozen people within the library, spread across the tables and shelves. There were not a huge number of books in the library, a lot of them were fairly common titles albeit a little older and less up to date than Hull's own library. A few minutes had passed in Claire's search, and thankfully her knees were still safe.

The magical volumes were particularly limited, Claire would certainly recognise a few core texts from her early years at the college. Things weren't looking hopeful, one book after another proved to be a basic reference guide - nothing near the level Malaphar was at. She wasn't the only one searching for magical theory though, Decima of all people was standing at the shelf adjacent to her, running a finger across the spines of the shelved books, dismissing them one by one. Turning her head, Claire caught her much by surprise, almost dropping the book she was holding.

"Claire? Sorry, you surprised me. I was so caught up in looking for books I didn't realise." she replied quickly, bowing her head apologetically. "I was hoping to find something that might help me with spells... compared to you and the other mages I feel, well, a little inferior. Is there something you're looking for?"

Cubs and Shrubs

The herbalist's hut smelled rather suspect, a strange leafy aroma that wasn't quite right. The man at the counter looked rather rough and ready, his long hair and beard beginning to grey at the roots. Still, he seemed merry enough, and his pipe was smoking away with a thick grey mist. He didn't see alarmed by the limp cub Angus was carrying, if anything, he was rather amused by him.

"You got a sick bear? I haven't seen one of those in a long time. Normally it's rotten fruit rather than booze." he replied, letting out a trio of puffs from his pipe. "I think I gave the last one a couple of herbs to chew on, plenty of water... think it died three days after. Might want to ask Farmer Perroy, heard he's good with animals."


The Reliants waved at Serge and Emmet as they head away from the group. "You might need to dunk her in the pond too, boss." Lars joked, Emily's efforts doubled upon Serge's suggestion. "Might as well start using her as a brush if this keeps up. You'd have thought someone who can shoot fire would be a little more precise."

Second Sale

Rashid was indeed still at his stall, and much of his stock was still the same as before. Unfortunately for Cass, the sword had vanished, being replaced by a small leather bound book. Waving at the Princess, Rashid seemed keen to catch her attention. "Good morning, it is a pleasure to see you again." he called out. "I am only here for a single day longer, perhaps you would like to see my wares again? I fear the sword from before has been taken, a man in the village was keen to add it to his collection."

Edited by Shin
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"I heard." Serge replied in an equally quiet voice. "And I also heard she made off with some of our equipment. We'll have to be on the lookout for her." After everything that had happened, Scuttle's disappearance made her far more suspicious of her true intentions. Was he wrong to put his trust in her? Were the contents of that vial so important to her that she would risk so many friendships just to get it? Was anyone else going to snap and start killing over that vial? What the hell had he gotten himself in to? One thing was for sure; to escape Sebastian takes some skill, and he wasn't entirely sure he could he could take down someone like that easily should push come to shove.

A short walk later, and Serge and Emmet had arrived at their first destination. He could smell the smoke of the roaring fires just from outside, and wondered if he should have gotten one of his own weapons fixed here. "Excuse me!" He said to the first person he saw working. "My friend here left his bow to be repaired and was wondering if those repairs were finished."

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[spoiler=let's talk]

The morning after for Cass, once Adele had finally tossed her into the barn they were going to occupy, was one of the worst experiences of her life. Awaking early to the sound of a crowing rooster--a late rooster, it was just past nine--, her head panged with an immeasurable pain, nearly putting her back out of it. After moments of reconciling with her head and the light slipping into the barn, she forced herself to sit up, groggy, tired, and with this splitting headache. I suppose drinking does have its drawbacks...
Still, there were things to be done today. Despite the headache, she still remembered everything she'd done the previous night... And some of it, she regretted. Not knowing if Owen was awake yet, nor Adele, she decided to look for Claire. She seemed like the type of person to be awake early, and ready for the day, despite probably sharing a dreadful migraine.
As luck would have it, the mage was awake, though none the better for it. Cass shook her head--gently!--before approaching Claire, keeping her voice quiet as to not disturb the others, or herself.
"Good morning, Claire... Well, I suppose it could be worse, though it might get better... Right, so-- I'm skipping any further pleasantries; I'm sure you have questions. If not, wonderful! I have something to explain to you, either way."
That would do it. Hopefully her kissing Adele could be washed over fairly quickly, and she could calm-- or reignite, Claire's worries about the vial.
Claire's morning had not been much better than Cass'. Visiting Nelon had at least gotten her to bed earlier, meaning that when Angus had been summoned for his farm-task gauntlet, her getting woken up as a side effect wasn't the worst thing in the world. Or it would've been, had it not been for a cracking headache.
Her attempts to return to the peace of dreamland were completely unsuccessful, due to the combined efforts the aforementioned migraine and all of the sounds of the early morning farm animals. Someone needs to tell that rooster to go fuck itself. she thought, glowering silently. Claire slowly rose to her feet, rubbing her temple soothingly. It was obvious that she wasn't going to get back to sleep now, and there was no point lying around with a slicing headache.
"Argh..." She eased the barn door open, but the squeaking sound it made didn't improve her mood much. After creeping through the small gap she'd made, she pressed it shut once again. It was a little louder this time, but it was difficult to care. Either way, the mage had absolutely no intention of helping out with the farm chores. Angus had dug his own grave there, but she didn't want to roam far from the group in case she would miss anything.
But a couple of meters from their makeshift accommodation was fine. Hopefully, the morning air would help to clear her head, and this was a safe distance to start practicing. Fundamentals first... She breathed in, in an attempt to focus her mind, and then began. Spellcasting without a catalyst wasn't something Claire was used to, and the tiny glint of a flame hovering above her fingertips was proof to that.
It grew slowly, as the mage fought to ignore her nagging brain's protest. Twice the size. Three times. Four. And then it fizzled. "Ughhhhhhh." She brought her hand to her face - and regretted it immediately after. Perhaps it wasn't the most productive time to be trying this, but that didn't stop her from giving it two or three more attempts with largely similar results - before Cass' approach broke her concentration completely.
"Morning..." she muttered back, scrunching up her face as she rubbed what little remaining of sleep from her eyes. Claire felt awake now at least, but the hangover still had an edge to it. "Questions? Erm..." She racked her brain, trying to recall the events of the previous night.
Talking with Serge. Drinking. Kind of losing it. Leaving. Seeing Cass with- oh. That's what this is about, huh?
"Angus knows about what happened last night." she told her, folding her arms. "I know you had a couple of drinks Ca- Princess." The evening was over now, so the mage mentally kicked herself as she reverted back to the usual formalities. "But still, you can't go around doing things like that. He didn't seem too bothered by it at first, but who knows how he'll react when the alcohol wears off..." She wasn't sure if she was in any position to be lecturing the princess, but she couldn't just let the topic slide. She felt bad for the mooncalf.
It wasn't nice to see that Claire was having similar issues, but it did bring a weird form of peace to her mind; that this headache was normal after such an adventure meant there wasn't something wrong with her body, and her intake of booze. It was a tad alarming that so many did this and considered these after effects as worth the merriment and looseness, but maybe after doing it for so long they grew a form of tolerance, like one's body towards magic if you were to take blows for so long. It was something to think about, not to practice. If she was any more loose the previous night, she would have let slip the talks of the vial, and that would have been nearly worse than everything else she'd dropped.
Speaking of things dropped, perhaps the most egregious one had been her relationship to Adele. Not only had their cover been blown wide open, in front of the rest of the group, and a large amount of the Wykian nobility, but it had more than definitely put pressure and burden on Angus. I'll have to speak to him as well... What a fool I've been, truly. Thinking that this was a good idea in the first place... Angus isn't the one I should be putting on the spot over this. It's Adele; and more so, myself. I'll explain myself to her, and if she cannot accept my plans... Then perhaps this was a mistake, in the end of it all.
"Yes. That. I'm going to speak slowly so that you don't pain your head further over the explanation, but know that there is one, before I begin." She cleared her throat, rubbing a hand on her forehead. "I am in love with Adeltrudis Herman. And my marriage with Angus is... Was a smokescreen to keep me safe from whoever has been targeting me due to my... Preferences. And... Oh, you don't even... Sorry, I am going too fast, aren't I?"
She sighed.
"Right... Let me take it one step back, for you. I don't know if I can trust you, Claire-- the last person I told some of this to ended up trying to kill us. But... I'm announcing things once we return either way. If you know now; if you know then, unless you're the person I have to be worried about, it changes nothing. And you betraying myself and Owen? That is something I very much so do not believe."
Where to begin, then... It would make sense to start only a bit before the bar, but, where, specifically? Perhaps...
"I confirmed my feelings for Adele during the Dettard campaign. I won't get into the full details, but... I asked her to marry me once we'd returned. Obviously she said no, but she feels the same as I. So... We've kept it secret. A wonderful, painful, pleasant secret. That is what it was supposed to remain, but that's not how life works, is it? Not when you're as popular as the princess of Wyke, no, no..."
She placed another hand on her head, taking a deep breath.
"That night we went out to celebrate the end of Dettard-- his supposed end, as you all thought it, I was kidnapped. I stepped out for a breath of air from the bar, and even with Angus with me, I was sacked, carried, and woke up somewhere I'd not seen before. Someone had tried to set me up with the Talmot boy, force me to carry his child. I'm fine now, I hope. It was resolved, as was for him-- but. Someone in Wyke wants to end my relationship with Adele, by force, if necessary."
That was the best way to explain it. There wasn't any other way to really explain it, was there? Someone wished to force her to bear a child, a disgusting ploy that had horrible consequences for her, but reinforced Wyke; the future generations of the royal family. Maybe if Owen had been faster with Sidney, or someone else, this wouldn't be a concern for any of the nobility. That didn't make this Owen's fault, not in the least-- whoever was twisted enough to perform this would have likely done it whether or not Owen had procreated.
"And that's where Angus comes in. In my panic I had a talk with him and Owen, and we decided on this... And I've felt awful about it ever since we left. It doesn't feel right. I-I hate it, hiding who I am, who I love. Owen and Sidney, despite his apprehension, can flaunt about that they care for each other, but I put my lips on Adele and suddenly I'm the concerned eye of every Wykian... S-Sorry. I was getting on a tangent, there."
She nodded again, was there anything else left to say?
"So... So, yes. Angus knows. Gods, does he know. And he's suffered far too much from my own cowardice and lack of resolve. But I have that now. I'll be talking to him today, hopefully, tomorrow if his duties keep him too long. To apologize, and to let him off of my sick hook. He's stopped being my friend, less so my vassal, and for this past month it feels like he's been nothing but a slave to my feelings. No longer."
She started to smile. It was scary. It was beyond scary-- it was terrifying. Whoever had it out for her had the means to attack her directly. Would announcing this bring worse than kidnapping? Perhaps assassination would be their next step--
No. Wyke had to know. The people had to know. And her own conscience had to be cleared from everything she'd done to hurt those around her. No more running.
"I'd be glad to clear anything else up for you, Claire."
It took Claire a moment to realise that Cass' comment about not hurting her head wasn't an insult. The scowl that had formed on her face quickly relaxed afterwards, as she tried to absorb all of the information the princess was throwing at her. "That's a lot to take in." she sighed, wishing that she could've listened to this recap with a clearer head.
Cass being in love with Adele kind of made sense, even discounting the previous day, but she wouldn't have pegged it as a romantic attraction by any means. Then again, it wasn't like Claire had a lot of experience with these things, so... maybe she was just oblivious. Probably.
Moving on from that, there was the information about the kidnapping. The mage remembered vaguely that it had happened, but she had no idea about its significance or what the motives for the event had been. "So you were just using Angus to try and stop them from making another attempt? Have I got this right?" She furrowed her eyebrows, not sure what else it could be.
"I'm assuming you don't know who's behind all of this? That's another question we need to answer, then." she sighed once more, not particularly pleased with what she was hearing. "Is this a bigger issue than Malaphar then? I don't even know..." What had they done to make so many enemies? It seemed like they weren't allowed even a moment of rest.
"And Emmet haaaad to go and drink the vial, just to top it all off." she groaned. Not only was it dangerous, ridiculous and downright idiotic, but it also ruined one of her only leads as far as stopping Malaphar went. If she saw him today and found that he sprouted a third arm out of his back or something, she'd probably just say that he deserved it for his stupidity.
"I know, I'm sorry... But it had to be said. Everyone has to know. I can't run from this any longer, and... After everything that happened with Scuttles, Susan-- whoever she is now, I want to try and get closer to everyone that I can. And I've been far too distant from you, Claire. For one of Owen's vassals, we've barely spoken, despite you being someone I probably would've enjoyed speaking with. I want to fix that." It was time for her to smile, finally able to rest easy. One on her agenda had gone well, and that meant she could carry her positive feelings into the next. Most likely Adele. That one was going to be... Interesting.
"Yes, I have been. I've been using him for a while, and even if it's only been a month, that's a month of his life he'll never have back. I feel awful for it, and I can't hold him to this any longer." Not now that the cat was out of the bag, she couldn't. "And now, that... There are a few candidates. Even Esclabor fits all we know. But I'm hoping my announcement will force them out of hiding. I'm better at direction confrontations, anyway. Bigger than Malaphar, no, I don't think so. This is just an upset noble, not someone who could threaten the entire country."
For poor Claire's aching head, Cass did have one moment of good news. Lighting up and holding up a finger to pause the mage, she frisked her hand down the top of her dress and produced-- "Ta-da~ It didn't fall out, that's good. And it's perfectly fine. Emmet lied, to try and diffuse the situation. He hoped that Scuttle would stop her assault if her target was no longer there. So... Well, here it is. But--"
She stored it back in her brazier for safe keeping, making sure Claire was paying attention. "We're keeping it that way. I want everyone to think it's gone. You will know, I will know, Emmet, Sebastian, Adele and Alain will know... And that is all. I may tell Owen if the situation arises, but the less people that think the vial is still around, the better. It's caused far too much trouble, and keeping it on my person is the smartest move. As long as no one knows I have it, I remain an uninterested third party, and we move on with our lives."
"I think I understand." the mage nodded slowly. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think he particularly cares. Angus is an open book most of the time, and he literally left the bar singing yesterday. It was horrifying." Claire smirked to herself for a second. "Just don't do anything reckless, Princess. You might end up drawing out the assailant, but he's not going to the only one unhappy with the decision." From a personal standpoint, Claire didn't care who Cass was attracted towards, but considering her heritage it made sense that others would be less enthusiastic about her choice to avoid having children.
The reemergence of the elixir, however, stunned her for a moment. She blinked a couple of times, wondering if she was still drunk somehow. Somehow, despite everything, the vial was still there. Her eyes had lit up by this. She didn't really care what Emmet had done, but this was a second chance. ...Until Cass put it away again. Seriously? She fought back the urge to groan, instead choosing her words a little more carefully.
"Princess, I understand what you're trying to do," Claire frowned, a little miffed. "But Scuttle is gone now. It might be dangerous, but it's still the best lead we have on stopping Malaphar. And I like to think that I can keep a secret too. Everyone thinks the vial is gone now, and I was able to keep it a secret until- for a while on my own." She had to stop herself from pointing out that it was Cass' fault that word of the elixir had gotten out in the first place. Instead, she sighed as she finished speaking. "I appreciate your concern Princess, but this I have to disagree here." She crossed her arms, hoping she'd made her point clear.
"He might not care, but I do. I can't do this to him, anymore. It just doesn't feel right-- and it isn't." She nodded, chuckling a bit over the thought of Angus singing. "I'll make sure to be as careful as possible... And if not, I have the rest of you to help me, as much as it will do. I trust you all, as much as I can. We'll make it through this... I'll make it through this." Cass was reinvigorated. There was only so much pain you could sit through before forcing yourself to deal with it, as much as it hurt. Cass had reached that point, and struggled to get back up to where it had to be.
And it wasn't going to be dealing with any of what Claire was proposing. "That's lovely, Claire, but I'm holding onto it, at least for now. You were almost killed just for having it... If people think it's gone, I'm going to keep it that way, and I don't want anyone interested in speaking with the last person known looking into it... If things have calmed down regarding the vial, once we get back to Wyke, it's yours. But then, and only then, Claire... I don't want to see you hurt like that, ever again."
"I know that. Just don't give yourself too much grief over it, alright?" She'd already learned that they had far too much to do without wallowing in self-loathing. Unfortunately, however, Cass didn't seem willing to budge on the vial. "But Prince Owen wanted me to keep-urrrrgh." She raised her voice too much, and her pounding headache was proof enough of that. "Alright... I'll find another way." she sighed. It was touching in a way to know that the princess was so concerned about her, but in a scenario like this Claire couldn't help but be a little annoyed by it.
"'But prince Owen' is not going to work on someone like me, Claire. I'm his sister, after all. Even if he ranks above me in Wyke, I'm not someone he can boss around without reason, not all the way out here... I'll speak to him about this, and I'll see what he says, alright?"
That was all Cass was comfortable with affording Claire. If Owen deemed her safe enough to carry the vial again, then Cass would relinquish it. Otherwise, to her, this was far safer. "Let me have this much, alright? I don't want to have to pull another arrow out of your leg, or see your pretty face hurt. I'm sure Owen would agree... Heh, women really are lovely creatures, aren't they? Er... Tangent. Was there anything else you wanted to ask? I have to go and make amends for most of what I did last night."
"Alright then..." Claire just had to trust Owen on this matter if Cass was unwilling to bulge. And at the very least if he agreed with the princess, she wouldn't be letting him down again.
The comment about her 'pretty face' made her "Ermmm..." quietly, surprising her a little bit. She supposed that it kind of made sense considering what Cass was into, but she still felt her cheeks flush a little. "I er, yeah I don't think so." she answered bashfully. Taking compliments was hard. "Thank you for letting me know about all of this..." It seemed like she'd missed a lot, stuck in her books. She had no idea.
"You don't think so? Well, continue to not think so, Claire, but you'd be wrong. You're not exactly as striking as Adele, to be sure, but that's perhaps because you've got your face stuck in your books all day. I'm sure if we took the time to pretty you up with a nice dress and some makeup even my brother wouldn't be able to to pass up a double take. I know I wouldn't... Not that we're a loss for attractive individuals around here. Well..." She paused, considering what she'd said.
"Mostly just the women, really. I can't quite see what people see in Angus, physically... Perhaps that's just because of how I am, but really, aside from being strong, he's... I wouldn't put him up there, is all I'll say. As a person, definitely! He's reliable, brave, a bit blunt, dutiful, and definitely around when you need him. But, well, the personality doesn't always save the whole case, I suppose."
She sighed wistfully, pausing for longer than necessary, before speaking up again. "I suppose I fit more into the looks half of that equation, don't I? I can be quite the rotten brat, hah... Well, I hope we can talk more, Claire. With less hangovers. I quite like this gossip; I never got the chance to be an average girl. I know you're far from it, but I think I could learn a thing or two from speaking with you and the Valter sisters some more." She smiled, going to say goodbye, but catching herself and leaving it. She truly did appreciate these talks... And cutting it off prematurely would feel rather awful.
"Ummm..." Claire stammered, not sure how reply. Engel, this isn't even what I meant by that... She brought her palm to her face to try and not show Cass that she'd gone as red as a tomato. Considering how warm she felt, she somehow doubted that it was working out well. It hadn't been this hot earlier on, had it?
Claire didn't understand the first thing about romance, unsure of how to respond to even the smallest of compliments from someone who wasn't even after her. And this... well, it was bigger than that. "I don't even know if I'm looking for any of that right now." she managed finally, withdrawing her hand, even if the colour hadn't changed. She shifted awkwardly, not quite meeting Cass' eye. "We just have so much to do, I haven't even had time to think about any of that." she sighed. As far as she was concerned, they had bigger fish to fry.
The conversation had been fine, the mage agreed, until all of this had been brought up. Now she just felt flustered.
"You don't have to, really. I know that most people think it's all about the physical; I know my drunken self last night was an awful example... But really, even if you don't have all that hugging and kissing, it's fantastic to know that someone's going to always have your back. When I was kidnapped, the first person there for me was Adele. So... Well, if you're not looking for affection, at the least, try to find someone you can lean on, like that." Perhaps Claire had been expecting the Cass from last night, and was getting flustered over that. It was amusing, either way.
"Sorry to make you red, Claire. I figured you could use the compliment. I only ever see you in those robes, after all. Put on a nice dress, every once in a while. Make the boys swoon... I, do suppose that will be all, then," she started, disappointment lingering on her voice.
"Thank you. I hope I can speak to you again, soon." With a small curtsy, she was off, trying to find Adele.
Someone to lean on? Well, I guess... That part of what Cass said made sense to Claire, at the very least. The rest still made her head hurt to think about.
Wait, no. That was just the hangover. Ugh...
"I'll, well, think about it. I guess." she shrugged, still feeling very awkward about the direction the conversation had taken. "See you later, Princess." she responded, quietly breathing a sigh of relief as she went. It was good that she wasn't in the dark about everything anymore, but still - she could've done without any of that...

Claire groaned quietly as she replaced the sixth text she'd picked up - all of them were worthless for what she had in mind. All of these books are for novices. Is there really nothing in here that can help me? She hadn't exactly been expecting the Hull Royal Library or anything, but this was just disappointing. I mean, it's not like there are many mages around here anyway..." she supposed. The fortune teller - if they were real - maybe counted as one, but she hadn't seen a single trace of a conventional mage since they'd arrived here.

Well, from outside of their group, anyway. Claire was as surprised to see the Valter sister as she'd been to see her. "You don't need to apologise. It was the same for me, really." Somehow, the normie just had a way of blending in. If Decima hadn't spoken up, she might not've noticed her entirely. "I'm looking for well, anything that might be helpful. In figuring out Malaphar's magic, I mean." she sighed, shaking her head. She wasn't having much success so far.

"Well, I've seen a lot of the basic materials here, but not much else. Hm..." She cast her mind back to a few days prior, during their battle to rescue Esclabor. There hadn't been a lot of time to just casually observe Decima, but from what she'd seen her form seemed very... rough, for a lack of a better word. Claire hadn't spotted any glaring flaws in what the rider was doing, but her spells had seemed a little slower than she would've expected from a well-trained mage, and she didn't look particularly comfortable either.

"How did you start learning magic, Decima? It doesn't look like you went to college in Wihtwar or anything like that." She frowned pensively, recalling her own lessons at the institute. "Erm, no offense meant." she added hastily, a few moment later, face relaxing. If she wanted to improve, Claire needed to know what kind of level the sister was working at. She seemed to have the natural talent, but learning magic without a proper tutor was difficult. I don't even know if I'm up for the job. She supposed that trying couldn't hurt, though.

Edited by SB.
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"Good morning, Rashid... And drat." I suppose that wasn't a racket, then. She sighed, looking over his wares. There didn't seem to be a sword in sight. "Would there be anything behind the counter that would be... Sword, like...?" She smiled a bit, laughing awkwardly. "I wished to get a present for my brother, and he's a swordfighter, so I guessed... Well, that would be the best thing I would know to give him. Unless you would suggest me something else. I am fairly awful at presents, so I'm not very knowledgeable... Any suggestions? Oh, what am I doing asking you for suggestions on a stranger. Goodness..." She laughed again, sighing, and placing a hand on her face. The tome seemed decent, at least... Maybe Claire would appreciate it after her harrowing adventures?

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Pinaka Deluxe

The blacksmith was working away at his anvil, hammering away at a red hot blade. He didn't seem to notice Serge at first, striking his work a few times before pausing. Looking at Serge, puzzled to who he was, the man didn't appear certain how to reply. Putting his finger to to his chin, he pondered for a few moments before jumping up in exclamation.

"That you, Steve? I said your axe would be ready in two da-... oh, you ain't him. A bow?" he asked. "There was this strange fella with a bow that needed fixing... did he you mean him? It's all sorted, you seen him around?"

Self Taught

"You mean all those strange disappearing things he did?" she asked, Claire having caught her off guard. "I've never seen anything like it, all I can think of is one of my father's friends... I think, Earl Edion? He seemed really good at his tricks. He used to show them to use when we were little. His best one was making an apple move from one hand to another."

The mention of her technique only embarrassed her further, was she really that bad? Claire was a proper mage after all, so she probably knew how to do things properly.

"I never went at all, I only got to read a few books that mother left behind. Neither Nona or Morta were very interested in them, but I felt one of us had to do it... and it was me." she added, still looking very uncomfortable. "I mean, I can do the basic spells alright, it's just that I've never had anyone except Earl Edion give me any pointers, and that was years ago."

Bargain of a lifetime

Rashid nodded his head, sympathising with Cass' plight. A customer who could not make the purchase they desired was akin to the shopkeeper who could not sell. Well, they were different, but both made him feel sad! Regardless, he listened to her words, waiting until she had finished before offering any suggestions.

"It is not what the gift is worth or what it can do, it is the sentiment that is important." Rashid replied, scanning his stall for something that would aid the Princess. Lifting a red ribbon from his wares, Rashid presented it to Cass. Its smooth surface glistened in the sunlight "This is made from the finest silk in all of my country. It may not be able to aid your brother in battle as a sword would, but in my country, it is a sign of closeness between individuals, whether they be friends or family. When times are dire, the comfort of family is able to pull one through."

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"Oh! Why that's lovely..." Cass turned her attention to the fine ornament, gleefully taking it and looking it over. It was dreadfully smooth to the touch, and despite being a tad feminine, perhaps Owen would appreciate it, all the same. She nodded, this would do nicely, but she couldn't just leave Rashid without buying something. She'd been at his stall twice now, and was now leaving with a freebie! "I'll take the tome, Rashid. It looks like some powerful magic, and we have a worthwhile mage or two in our group. How much would you offer for it? You've been so kind and pleasant to me, and you're leaving today, it wouldn't do to not buy anything. Come now, tell me, I'll pay whatever price."

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Claire nodded at Decima's question, even though 'strange disappearing things' was putting it very lightly. "Malaphar's magic was on a much larger scale, but it sounds sort of similar." It was a small thing to go off of, but it wasn't like they had a lot of solid evidence to use. She didn't know Earl Edion very well at all though. She'd heard of him, and knew he was supposed to be a decent mage, but she couldn't recall actually meeting the man. Well, that's something to look into when we get back home. she supposed, although Claire hoped that they would have discovered at least something more concrete to work from by then.

Decima's plight, however, seemed a little easier to solve. The girl's experience roughly lined up with Claire's expectations: having no formal teachings and most, if not all, of her knowledge on the subject came from reading. "Well, I don't think there are any major problems with your technique." she started, taking note of the rider's discomfort. "But it's just, well, you didn't seem too sure of yourself from what I've seen of you. I don't know if it's difficult to try and fight while riding a pegasus, or-" Actually... She remembered something.

"That's a lie, actually. I tried once and I almost fell." she laughed bitterly - whenever she flew with Doug, the ordeal seemed to end in disaster.Claire still wasn't sure who's fault that was. "But erm, regardless, it looked like you weren't totally focused and were hurrying through through spells a little. Not massively, or else you would have a real problem on your hands, but try not to rush things. It'll make your magic weaker, or at least harder to control." Nelon's current state was proof enough of that, she reminded herself.

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[The bear... might have died?] Angus had heard more than enough. With a halfhearted wave and nod--perhaps Perroy would know how to handle a hungover bear--he steps quickly backwards from the rank odor and careless herbalist.

True to the herbalist's suggestion, man and bear return to the farm. On a hunch, Angus returns to where he first met the old farmer; perhaps he could be found there?

Angus goes to the farm!

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The third morning came somewhat late for Sidney, and overall none too pleasant. While she hadn't drunk to excess the first night due to the conversations engaging her, a rather unwise choice led her to think a follow up trip to the bar the next night was a good idea.

It was not.

"Unnh," she complained after a point she couldn't even pretend was reasonable to stay sleeping past. "For someone so clever, Sidney, you sure aren't always the best at decision making," she muttered to herself, stretching a bit before eventually heading off towards the center of the small town.

The days without responsibility or travel were certainly much preferred to her, as the thief wandered idly around until deciding to stop at the library, which was much livelier than it had been two days before. "Good morning, you two," she spoke to Claire and... one of the pegasus sisters. She didn't have their names down yet, so she avoided saying one. "Lovely weather out... what are you reading?"

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by eclipse, November 11, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by eclipse, November 11, 2016 - No reason given

nice SF meme

Edited by Reinfleche
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Young Mentor

"Thinking about it, that makes sense." Decima replied, her nerves calming somewhat. "Other than Earl Edion, I've never had anyone say anything about my technique... and it's worked for the most part. The last battle was the first time I'd ever used it in actual combat, I've only ever hit targets before. Maybe it'd be easier if I stayed still? It's a lot harder to aim properly in the air."

Her heart sank when Claire mentioned her confidence, Decima was disappointed to see that it was that obvious. If she could just get a few tips and refine her technique, maybe that would help things? If she got this far with not knowing how to do things, perhaps she could get better with the right help. Claire seemed nice enough, it was strange to think they'd never had a chance to meet before. Charlotte had joined them rather unexpectedly, was she much of a reader?

"Charlotte? Oh, Claire and I were just looking at books regarding magic." Decima replied, placing a book back on the shelf. "Claire was also giving me a few pointers, it's amazing how much she must have learned at the college. Are you looking for a book too, Charlotte?"


The blacksmith looked behind Serge, recognising Emmet almost instantly. "Ah, you're the one!" he laughed, turning to open his hut's door. "Your bow's as good as new! Even managed to sort the sights out a little. Never quite seen something like it, took a while to figure out, spend most of yesterday on it."

Reaching into his hut, he soon produced Pinaka, the weapon subtly more sleek and refined - a stark contrast to the blackened gloves of the smith. "It wasn't an easy job, but it was good fun, I'll cut the price down to one and a half thousand. Don't think you'd be able to get away with fixing it up any further, weapons like this tend to go downhill if you keep patching them up!"

Old McKearney had a bear

Angus could see Esclabor knee deep in mud as he entered the farm, the noble shovelling away as Orpheus sat watching him. Either the boy had nothing better to do, or he took pleasure in watching someone else do his work. Esclabor glanced at Angus, his expression sour enough to spoil milk. Perroy wasn't too far from them, he appeared to be tending to part of the fence with another young man.

"Percy, that post ain't straight." Perroy lectured, pointing over to the post in question. "If you don't sort that out now, you'll be dealing with ten by the time summer comes. Get a move on, Jason will need a hand with the pigs soon."

The young man next to him shook his head, sighing as he rose to his feet. "Right away, pa. Wish I could've suckered someone into doing my work. The last guy did pretty good." he complained, spotting Angus with a bewildered look. "Looks like he's back? I figured Orphy only got one day out of him... what can we do for you, stranger?"

Forgotten Winds

Rashid was rather surprised by the Princess' choice, although if she were allies with magic users, it made enough sense. "This tome produces a wind powerful enough to move even the most sturdy of foes. I believe similar volumes exist on this continent, but none quite the same as these." he replied, wondering how much his customer even knew about magic. "I would have considered the price of nine hundred, but I am to be leaving soon, so eight hundred shall suffice. Business has been kind in these lands, and returning with surplus stock would only increase the burden of my return."
Edited by Shin
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When the sun rose, Owen had already made out of the barn that day. It wasn't exactly comfortable for him, neither had him much to do in the evenings. Rising just in time to catch the yet chill air of an early morning was pleasant, at least. Owen decided to spend the early part of the morning by the pond, taking some bread with him as he'd been warned. Spending some time alone by the pond, with only a cold breeze to greet him, felt much to his liking after the many worries his mind cultivated.

The sun was finally catching to the land, the temperature was rising, and he was running out of bread. The prince stood up, his mood more neutral after the break. "Goodness, how long was this?" He hadn't done as much reflecting as he'd hoped, so finally decided to move left him a bit empty for the time he'd done nothing with. It still beat having his worries stress him that early in the day, though.

Shrugging, the prince decided his next move was to take cover at the nearest building, deciding he wasn't quite up for take some Magonsaeten sun yet. It quickly hit him that said building was a place of prayer! Those are Engel's ornaments. So even people here worship Him, huh? That was interesting food for thought, curiosity piqued the prince.

Owen goes to the chapel!

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The morning had come swiftly enough for Alain. The villagers had begun moving about their day, and Alain was quick to join them in taking a stroll through the confines of the village. Word had gotten out that Scuttle had made a grand disappearance somehow. It didn't seem right to put the blame entirely on Sebastian, but leaving her alone, no matter the circumstance, seemed ill-attentive and reckless. He considered whether she was still around and about the village, plotting a round two of sorts. But eventually he came to the conclusion that even she would be smart enough to realize wouldn't receive the same mercy twice. Well, out of sight out of mind...

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Freya set her lance aside, wiping at her brow. Break or not, it wasn't acceptable to her to be at anything less than her best, especially with how much went on out of the ordinary. And so it was well into the morning before she decided her daily training to be adequate, leaving the field she'd chosen to isolate herself in to head back towards the village.

Still, here did seem to be rather peaceful. The most trouble they'd run into was entirely from within their own group, what with Scuttle's unexpected outburst and the drunken errors the party had made two nights before. The unenviable task of having to lead the drunken princess to the barn that evening was not one she had enjoyed much, and if anything, the night only further served to confirm her thoughts that perhaps more than anything else, the princess was her own greatest danger- and with the nature of the princess there was extremely little the soldier could do about that, no matter how much she trained.

The town came quickly enough, though Freya found herself without a destination in mind. The stores were ruled out, as she had too little money to her name, so she found herself wandering the streets somewhat aimlessly for a bit of time. Eventually she made her way over to the pond instead after picking up some bread.

Removing her armor, she placed it by the shore before breaking off little bits of bread to toss towards the ducks. Funny creatures, aren't they? Birds that love the water...

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Claire smiled to herself, glad to see that her advice perhaps had some merit to it, even if Decima seemed a little put out by it. "If it means anything to you, getting this far without a proper tutor is impressive." she assured her, although her words weren't without truth to them. She was probably almost on par with a couple of the members of Claire's class, even with seven years of formal training.

Charlotte's arrival was surprising, but Claire didn't mind it too much. "Good morning, Charlotte." she responded, nodding at Decima's first statement before taking another glance at the bookshelves. "I haven't found anything yet. Maybe it was a little optimistic to expect something more advanced in a small town like this though." At least there was probably something helpful for Decima in here.

Her comment about the academy made Claire think a little. "Honestly, I think all of the practice I've had lately has done just as much good for me as the seven years in Wihtwar." It was kind of strange to think of it like that, but felt as though she'd progressed massively even in such a short period of time. "I think I'm twice the mage I was two months ago." Maybe that was an over exaggeration, but she certainly felt that way. Aside from mock duels at the college, the Dettard campaign was her first real combat experience as well. It only made sense that it would've sped up her progress.

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"I'm not an expert on offensive magic, but we have a few in our group that would definitely be able to make use of what you're describing, Rashid. Here, one moment." Cass tied the ribbon to her wrist and then frisked about a string around her waist, a small brown pouch attached to it. She'd made sure to bring enough gold with her to purchase the sword, so this tome at nearly half the price was an easy pickup. Leaving the coins on his stall, she picked it up and pushed a finger through the pages, attempting to decipher anything she could of it... This amounted to little. What was I expecting, hah.

"She's going to love this, I'm sure. Thank you so very much, Rashid. If we ever meet again, I'll be sure to listen in to any more tales you have of your home land. Take care." With a proper curtsy, she headed off towards their farm, again. That was where they were to meet before leaving... Probably? Either way, Claire would return eventually, as would Owen, and she would be able to dole out her gifts then.

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Engel's Child

The Chapel stood before Owen, open for its usual purpose. It was probably a good thing, whilst secure looking it had failed to act as a prison for Scuttle. The plants at its front were as well tended as ever, the elderly priestess tending to them as she had before. Looking up, she gave Owen a polite wave, slowly rising to her feet. She wasn't spry at all, her movements were all rather rigid and

"Do come inside, my child. Engel is not the kind to smite visitors." she laughed, hobbling towards the chapel. "These ornaments and displays go back many years. Many were made long before you walked this world, although I often find that the newer ones convey more meaning. Perhaps the old should listen to the young once in a while?"

Quick Quack

Owen had fed the ducks at the pond well, by the time Freya had arrived, many had retreated to their nests to avoid the mid-morning sun. The elderly and the young had gathered around the pond again, both entertained by the lazy antics of the fowl. Most of the people around her were villagers, none particularly memorable or familiar. Nona, however, was knelt by the water's edge, watching a solitary duckling as it swam in a circle. Either lost in her own thoughts or fascinated by the fowl, she had drawn some attention. Some of the village children had noticed her odd antics, watching her from a distance.

Nona turned, Freya breaking her out of her trance. She smiled, pausing for a few moments as she leisurely tried to recall the guard. "No, I don't remember your name at all." she sighed, letting out a small chuckle. "I find it hard to remember servants' names, we've got so many at home that I start mixing them up. Daddy even tried to get them to wear their names on their uniforms, but I would spend a few seconds each time reading them."

Axe Fest

Rashid bid Cass a fairwell after her purchase, the merchant knowing it was likely the last time they would meet. "May the spirits be with you, and guide you forwards." he replied, bowing his head. "I wish the best for you and your brother."

Not many of the group had gathered at the farm, the only pair that were in view were Esclabor and Angus. Esclabor appeared to be busy with farmwork, grumbling as a small child seemed to take joy from his labour. Angus on the other hand was engaging with the farmer and another young man, although it was rather difficult to make out what they were saying. There was another individual present though. A grunting noise sounded from around Cass' feet, a young piglet, far smaller than Geoffrey, was wrapping itself around her ankles.

Cass purchases Turbulent Wind!


Decima put her hand to her heart, relieved to hear that Claire hadn't always been some sort of prodigy. It wasn't about being inferior or superior, it sounded like Claire had worked hard to get where she was. Decima would just need to do the same - even if she couldn't get as good results. She'd succeed by her own standards, not by anyone else's.

"If you're willing to help me, I'd be happy to listen to your advice." Decima replied, giving a gentle smile. There was one other question she needed to ask though, there were a few things that didn't make sense. "Is it alright if I ask you another question? It's a bit strange so you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

She gulped, her heart was racing already, she hadn't even asked Claire yet. She knew for sure that Angus wasn't as off-limits as it appeared. Both her own observations and the information she'd gathered had confirmed it.

"Do you like Angus? It's a bit out of the blue, but I was talking to Morta about him last night... she said he was an idiot who deserved to get eaten by a bear, I just wanted to know what you think. He doesn't seem very popular with the other nobles. Baron Esclabor and my father don't like him very much... but you went back with him and Esclabor two nights ago." she asked, trying to unravel the mystery of their dynamics. Claire seemed so well acquainted with the men of the group, she wasn't like Nona, was she?

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One and a half thousand huh Emmet thought to himself. A bit more expensive that I was expecting, but I suppose that's what I get for not negotiating prices before hand. And considering Pinaka's esoteric qualities, it's probably a good price. He nodded. "Alright." Emmet handed over the money. It cost him everything he had saved up himself. Fortunately he had been wise enough to borrow some money from the war chest just in case.

He took the bow up in his hand. It really had never looked better. Just having it close to him again made him feel secure. Secure and powerful. "Thank you" he whispered to the blacksmith. "It looks fantastic." He turned to Serge. "If it's alright with you, I want to head to the outskirts of town and try it out."

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Claire was glad to hear Decima was so eager to learn, although she was slightly less enthusiastic about her next question. "Like Angus? As in, what kind of like?" Claire was slightly exasperated. Cass thought I hated him and the Valter sisters seem to think I'm in love with him. This is ridiculous. She shook her head, struggling to put her thoughts into words.

"Angus is okay, I suppose. He can be an idiot for sure, but he's reliable in his own way." That was probably a good way to put it. And not just reliably stupid. Most of the time. "Regardless," she continued. "I can understand why some of the others would hate him - he does some really stupid things sometimes, but his heart's in the right place at least. I guess I trust him." After a moment's pause, she turned the question back towards Decima. "Why do you ask?" She knew that Morta was less truthful than she appeared, after their talk during the Esclabor rescue mission, but that didn't explain Decima's curiosity.

It also occured to the mage a moment later that she hadn't given a definitive answer, but wouldn't it seem defensive to go back just to clarify that there was nothing romantic between them? Considering Charlotte was around and would proooobably tease her about it, Claire kept her mouth shut. She'd had more than enough of that with Cass during the previous day.

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Banjos intensify

Angus offers the boy Percy a gentle nod of the head--to get down on his level would disturb the bear, and that wasn't acceptable. "I was actually told your papa ain't jus' good with people," Angus explains. His attention then turns to Perroy. "You know that grass merchant you lot have?", he inquires, giving Geoffrey a reassuring pet on the back. "Well, it's been two days since this one got drunk, an' he's not back to normal. The graybeard told me you'd be the man t'ask, so..." Angus rests Geoffrey gently on the ground, opening his arms to indicate the cub.

"I'll, ah... I'll be in the way. Don't worry; 'e's harmless!" Angus rubs his pet's ear one last time before rising, turning away to a most welcome sight. He trudges in Cassandra's direction to greet her, only to find that Geoffrey wasn't the only animal that seemed to be fond of her!

"Weeelll, lookit who the cat dragged in!" The mooncalf can't hold quite all of his laughs, and doesn't even try. "Better get 'im, Cass! You would not believe how far one o' them suckers can run!"

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[spoiler=It's Settled]

After a quick breakfast provided by the farmer, and a lot of walking around, Cass finally bumped into Adele around noon. What she was doing in the market was beyond Cass, she hadn't taken her lover for a casual shopper. Well, there was always time to find out what was up with her before things got serious. Coming up behind Adele with a spring in her step, Cass gently tapped her shoulder, snickering.

"Surprise~ Guess who? Your favorite princess~" Cass laughed at herself and stepped off of her toes, having stood on them to poke Adele proper. "what's got you dawdling around the market, Adele? Trying to find little ol' me a lovely gift? Or perhaps the proper punishment for how much of a fool I acted last night?" She stuck her tongue out some, sighing.

"I did want to talk to you, but I'm truly curious as to what's got you here. If you're willing to share..."

As Cassandra came up behind her, Adele turned around, smiling at the Princess' positive disposition, It certainly was an improvement over the night before, that was for certain.

"The only thing I'm surprised by is that you're walking straight, let alone not cursing the sun for existing. Your proper punishment, as you put it, was supposed to be wishing to Engel that your head would loose itself from your shoulders so you might bow out of your wretched hangover." Adele teased with a smirk, before shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm not really buying anything in particular, so much as perusing what is available. I might buy, if something catches my eye, I suppose."

"I had a dreadful headache... A few hours ago. Perroy was kind enough to help me whip up a breakfast to take care of something like that. So don't you worry, I suffered plenty. I won't be drinking any time soon... I just wanted to take the edge off. Sebastian was quite serious about the bard going mental. I may lose my lunch the next time I have to remove a dug in arrow from someone's shin..." She shook her head; it wasn't any more pleasant to think about it the day after.

"Nothing, hmm? Could I steal you away for some talks, then? Though I warn they... May become heavy. But heavy or not, they're necessary, after everything that's happened. Necessary for the both of us." Cass looked around, a small road away from the market leading towards the armory. It wasn't exactly private, but it was away from the market, definitely a public space. She began to head that way, hoping Adele would come with her.

"Only if you're up for it, of course. Else, I need to find my brother... But, we'll have to talk eventually."

Adele cringed a bit as Cassandra gave her description of the events of the day before... how could all of this have happened under her nose, only finding out about it when it was well and over with? So many things she still need to improve on, her timing, her awareness... it had to get better, if she wanted to try and stop these sorts of things from happening again...

"Yes, I'm free to talk, if that's what you would wish." Adele replied gently following after Cassandra... heavy talks, huh? At this point, it could have meant just about anything...

They were far enough away from any of the other villagers, this would do. It would at least let Cass speak of things on her mind, as long as she kept a proper volume for all of them.

"So... My first priority is to issue you a heartfelt apology for my actions last night. I remember everything, as much as I wish i had taken just a bit more, and forgotten most of it... And I ruined the little veil was had setup, though I haven't been doing a fantastic job so far, have I?" She sighed, shaking her head.

"But, that's fine. I'm... I'm going to come out on who I am, once we get back to Hull. If you wish to no longer be a part of this, that's fine. I can just... Reveal only myself, and leave you out of it. But I can't do it anymore, Adele. I can't pretend to be married to Angus. I can't pretend I don't love you, with all of my heart. Whoever wishes harm on me can face me, and I will take them on. No more skulking about... That's, the heavy I was talking about."

Cass smiled, but watched Adele, for a response, anything... Some hint of a yes, of agreement. She would be crushed if Adele still wanted away from all of this, after everything.

"That's alright... I blame the drink, more than you. It makes you lose your senses, makes you unable to discern whether an idea or thought is good or bad." Adele replied, her expression scrunching into a frown for a moment as Cassandra elaborated on her plans, before letting out an exasperated sigh.

"I suppose I should not be surprised. You were always too brash for secrecy... I won't stop you, just... make sure that you're aware of the danger you're putting yourself in. I will give it my all, no matter what you choose, but... I might not be strong enough to protect you..."

"I am quite aware of the danger involved... Not just for myself, but for you, as well." Cassandra took Adele's hands, holding them tight. "I know you can't protect me from everything, my love... But I can be strong, too. And that's not what I wish to know. I already knew you'd do whatever it took to keep me safe... What I really want to know..."

She paused, rubbing a thumb over the back of Adele's hand, reluctant to ask, yet yearning for an answer. "Will you... Will you be strong enough, to stand with me? Can I announce this, and my marriage, to the young and beautiful Adeltrudis Herman?" Her hands squeezed Adele's tighter. "This isn't like before... This isn't an impulsive, jealous thought. I want to spend my life with you, until death do us part. Just you, and I... And I want everyone to know. I want to share my love for you with the world. Shout from the castle top, 'I love you, Adeltrudis!' Hah... I never thought I'd become such a hopeless romantic... But here we are."

"Will you stand with me, Adele? Against everything Wyke tries to throw at us...?" It would not be easy. There would be the nobles, then there would be the church, and the people that backed it... It all scared Cass, but it did not deter.

"You're always far too blunt, you are aware of that, right?" Adele replied with another sigh, though this one was obviously more light-hearted and teasing than anything truly negative. Giving her head a light shake, the young heiress returned Cassandra's light touches of the hand, before leaning towards the Princess, and giving her a light kiss on her lips.

"They say a songbird can never show it's true beauty, unless you loose it from it's cage and allow it to fly free. I... don't know if this compulsion of yours is for the best... it might be disastrous... no one can truly say for certain what will come from it, only that nothing will be the same, in it's wake." Adele began, pulling gently away from Cassandra as she spoke, before loosing yet another sigh, before chuckling slightly.

"But then, what would Cassandra Meredith Gaffney be, if not a wild hurricane sweeping up all in her path without remorse or reason, leaving it to lay as it landed in her wake? Well... she would be the love of my life. I'll stand with you, no matter what."

Cass chuckled, but huffed, frowning through her smile. "A hurricane? You could think of nothing prettier? I'd prefer to call myself a destructive waltz, beautiful to watch, and crashing into everything I find unpleasant to the eye... It's a good thing I'm not so picky, heheh." Despite her casual demeanor, Cassandra was holding back tears; Adele had said yes! She could be elated about that at a later time, perhaps with someone to gush to-- for now, she wished to spend time with this fantastic woman.

"Shall we head back to the market, then? I'd be blessed to be able to spend some time with you, Adele. Nothing would make me happier, right now~" She'd have plenty of time to find her brother. Plenty of time to talk with him and do what she wished to do... Right now, after everything that had happened, to be given this pleasant moment with her love... She was going to take it, without a moment's delay.

It seemed that there was plenty to do on the farm, even without Claire and Owen present. Their latest baron, her favorite baron, and-- "a pig! Hah. Hello, little fellow. How adorable. Quite unlike how you'll be in a few months, I'm sure. I'd pick you up, but I wish to remain entirely presentable for my brother and for Claire, so..." She took a small step back and bent over, petting the piglet on its tiny head. "How about you be a good boy, and follow me for a bit, instead, hmm?" Angus approached, smelling of... Well, Angus. Better than before, but still an odd musk. Maybe it had just permeated his skin?

"I think he'll behave, and if not, it's his loss. I've promised him pets and carries if he's patient and polite, so we'll just have to see how the pig carries itself, hmm?" She snickered, speaking of the pig like a small boy was amusing. "What of you and Esclabor then? What have you been up to?" She motioned for the pig to follow her, stepping towards good ol' Thomas and the work he was doing. "Having a hard time, Esclabor? I suppose it was wrong of me to assume you were all as weird and able as Angus at this sort of thing."

Edited by Narmaya
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"Hello hello," Sidney acknowledged their greetings with a smile, still not wanting to mess up the pegasus knight's name. "I like to do some reading when I can, though we've all been so awfully busy lately that I haven't had terribly much time for that. So you're talking magic and boys, huh?" Sidney shook her head instead of going too much into teasing. "Really, you two can both do much better... you're both pretty enough and probably have enough appeal as far as background goes that you could get someone less short-sighted, more thoughtful... Unrelatedly, on the magic front, how much do either of you know about staves? I've been thinking of looking into them a bit."

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Fixed Up

The blacksmith was more than happy to return Pinaka to Emmet, after receiving payment of course. "If there's anything else you need, let me know." he replied, counting the money quickly. "Good customers are hard to come by, a lot of travellers try to skip out of town without paying... it's a lot harder to do that if they have to pay up front!"

FARMily boding

Perroy seemed to understand what Angus was after, or at least could tell from the state of Geoffrey. "Part of me's tempted to make you work another day, but I'll have a look at your cub." Perroy replied, bending down and lifting the cub into his arms. "I heard stories from one of my sons about a fool who was drank under the table by a bear, your state yesterday makes a lot more sense."

The piglet just about tolerated Cass' pat on the head, squealing as it hurried away back towards its pen. Esclabor was covered in dirt and sweat, clearly not used to the hardships of farm-work. "I'm fine, Princess." he replied, doing his best to try and smile. "It's not exactly what I'm used to, but a peasant's job isn't particularly difficult."

Orpheus prodded the baron with a small branch, amused by Esclabor's facade. "Maybe you can do it a bit better then?" he teased, poking him again. "The bear whisperer did a better job after drowning himself in booze. Couldn't even tell the difference between a pitchfork and a trident. You're not digging for fish, mister. It's nearly more work watching you than doing it myself!"

Not really in a position to say much in response, Esclabor looked away from the boy. Most likely a smart move - both Angus and Cass could see the murderous intent in his eyes.


Decima smirked, it was funny to hear such words from someone who'd thrown themselves at the prince. Angus might have been crude, but at least there would be nobody after him for prestige. Not that she'd say anything, causing trouble was very much her sisters' domain. "Staves? You'd have to ask my sister, Nona, about them. I've only really dealt with combat magic." Decima replied, somewhat puzzled by Charlotte's unusual request. "They require a lot of time and concentration... I'm not entirely sure how Nona picked them up so quickly."

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"Try it out on what? An unmoving tree?" Serge said jokingly, shaking his head. "Well, I guess I'm gonna have to carry these supplies on my own, then. I'll meet you back at the house." He then nodded at the blacksmith, acknowledging his comment, and left Emmet to do...whatever it is archers did to practice. Probably kill some defenseless animal.

Making his way over, Serge entered the village market intending to purchase supplies. "Right...The first thing we'll probably want is...food. Who's selling food?" He said, mostly asking himself. He looked around, spotting a stall and jogged his way over. " 'Scuse me, but do you have any food I could buy? Me and my friends are going on a bit of a journey." At the back of his mind, Serge wondered if he should buy for everyone, not just his mercs. ...Did he even have enough for that?

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