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Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are 10 years old now

The Draco Knight

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Now that I think about it, BW earlygame has even worst distribution that the Gen 1 earlygame games.

Gen 1 was actually stupidly ridiculous. Its the only game in the series that gives you 410 BST pokemon with little effort shortly after Gym 1, and the early game is filled with the starter being the best representative of their type except for Blastoise(Blastoise is like outclassed by every single Water type that comes in late game even if hes the best starter), Spearow with Peck for Viridian Forest(can be trained into Drill Peck until you get the broken Dodrio), and Karate Chop Mankey

Gen 2 and Gen 3 is probably the worst because the good shit you can get requires a high amount of extra work early on. The only all around non starter good pokemon you can get early in Gen 3 was Makuhita, and the birdies

Edited by JSND
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Gen 1 was actually stupidly ridiculous. Its the only game in the series that gives you 410 BST pokemon with little effort shortly after Gym 1, and the early game is filled with the starter being the best representative of their type except for Blastoise(Blastoise is like outclassed by every single Water type that comes in late game even if hes the best starter), Spearow with Peck for Viridian Forest(can be trained into Drill Peck until you get the broken Dodrio), and Karate Chop Mankey

Gen 2 and Gen 3 is probably the worst because the good shit you can get requires a high amount of extra work early on. The only all around non starter good pokemon you can get early in Gen 3 was Makuhita, and the birdies

Is Gen 2 and Gen 3 really bad?

In Gen 2, you have access to Mareep, Onix, Zubat and Gastly all before the first Gym. Though I will agree it takes a while for the last two to be good.

In Gen 3, you have acess to Lotad(In S/E/AS), Ralts, and like you said, Makuhita and the birds. But like before it takes a while for some of them to be good. Though Ralts utterly destroy Brawly in ORAS.


Thinking about it, I think I see the problem, there are good Pokemon early, but it takes a while to train them. Is that what you meant?

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Is Gen 2 and Gen 3 really bad?

In Gen 2, you have access to Mareep, Onix, Zubat and Gastly all before the first Gym. Though I will agree it takes a while for the last two to be good.

In Gen 3, you have acess to Lotad(In S/E/AS), Ralts, and like you said, Makuhita and the birds. But like before it takes a while for some of them to be good. Though Ralts utterly destroy Brawly in ORAS.


Thinking about it, I think I see the problem, there are good Pokemon early, but it takes a while to train them. Is that what you meant?

Gen 2 is actually pretty decent once i look back at it. The example you lists except for Mareep requires trade or some hax to use(Onix need trade but is kinda OK, Zubat best move until somewhat high level is Leech Life, Gastly is hilariously useless without Trade since its only good TM move before Kanto is Thunder) and those are indeed the one that immediately comes to mind

The best early game mon in Gen 2 is actually Furret(who is meh until Curl-Out), Phanpy(a better-ish Furret with natural curl out and late game earthquake, but a rare, fleeing Level 2), and Poliwag(Night only)

Funny enough all 3 starter in GSC was actually really good(Chikorita being bad is hilariously wrong because it gets natural Body Slam and Razor Leaf)

Gen 3 mention was more because i forgot Zigzagoon is the most broken in game pokemon of all time

Edited by JSND
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Gen 3 has Shroomish which is how I used to beat the first two gyms. Stun Spore + Leech Seed + Mega Drain was the only way for me to beat Brawly, since Combusken was never strong enough to do alone. It can also Leech Seed one of Watsons Pokemon.

Maybe I should have actually caught some other stuff but everything early game didn't appeal to me.

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One that have really great early game option is B2W2. Outside Riolu before the first gym, there's also Mareep (really great against Cheren's Pidove in Challenge Mode). Growlithe, Magnemite, Magby/Elekid before the 2nd Gym.

Edited by Tamanoir
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Ah, DP. I got back into Pokemon with Pearl actually, as I didn't have a GBA or even knew it continued after Crystal. The last time I actually used a legendary in the main game and the first time I actually played with a bit more awareness of the team I had. Lost that cart almost a year later.

It really is the worst of that gen though, mostly because Platinum is that much better and HGSS is a thing.

Edited by Dayni
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Guys, guys! There are two new Pokemon themes for the 3DS available now, and they feature evil teams. One is Team Rocket, of course. But the other? It's Team Galactic! There aren't any other evil team themes right now. Is this another foreshadowing of DP remakes? :D

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Why is the physical/special split considered good anyway? It did ruin the competitive.

How, exactly?

The Physical/Special has always been praised as something that helped a lot of Pokemon become useful.

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How, exactly?

The Physical/Special has always been praised as something that helped a lot of Pokemon become useful.

Which ones for example? I don't think Tyranitar and the pseudo-legendary dragons needed another buff, and these were the mons who benefited from it the most (as did Togekiss and Weavile). Salamence was already a key player in RSE OU, and getting this buff caused it to become too strong for OU in the next gen.

I imagine it was the ubiquitous Choice items and Life Orb that really ruined the competitive rather than the gen 4 split.

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How about Pokemon like Flareon and Rapidash? Fire type moves were special only before the split, and these two had high attack rather than high sp. attack. They couldn't make full use of that high attack because they couldn't have a physical STAB move. Now they can in moves like Fire Fang and Flare Blitz.

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They were fine using Fire Blast and Flamethrower tbqh. 95 and 80 base special attack is nothing to sneeze at. Neither witnessed a sudden appearance in the upper tiers following the split either. Entei probably did because of that high burn chance?

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Gyarados? Sneasel/Weavile? Blaziken? Medicham/Gallade? Arcanine/Entei? Gengar (special Shadow Ball)?

Just some off the top of my head.

Edited by Shuuda
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To add to that list, other Pokemon that benefited from the Physical/Special split are Roselia/Roserade, Vileplume, Breloom, Murkrow/Honchkrow, Sharpedo, Crawdaunt, Absol, Kingler, Quagsire, Feraligatr, Mamoswine, Swampert, Misdreavus/Mismagius, Metagross.

A lot of Pokemon became more useful woth the Physical/Special split.

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