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Why are there so few characters in the 3DS era FE with facial hair?


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Make comments about Japanese standards being "bishonen pretty boy" all you want but in reality it's just kinda really hard for a lot of east asian men to grow a proper beard, and clean-shaven is better than some half-assed sprinkle beard dust. Also we look young to start with. It's actually really fucking annoying sometimes because my master-degreed industry-professional Asian ass gets mistaken for a fucking high schooler; My 47 year old mom gets mistaken for my sister, etc

We just don't age the same way westerners do ok

Well I mean... I just figured their standards were like that because they had trouble growing facial hair

I guess I could have stood to clarify but their general lack of facial hair is why I thought they preferred perfectly clean shaven

Like I figured there had to be some basis behind it

native americans, from the region/nation that I'm from at least, have trouble growing facial hair as well. My older brother is certainly trying though! And from what I've heard the native americans from my region moved over and settled from china.

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Well I mean... I just figured their standards were like that because they had trouble growing facial hair

I guess I could have stood to clarify but their general lack of facial hair is why I thought they preferred perfectly clean shaven

Like I figured there had to be some basis behind it

native americans, from the region/nation that I'm from at least, have trouble growing facial hair as well. My older brother is certainly trying though! And from what I've heard the native americans from my region moved over and settled from china.

Yeah I mean like if you look at an average good-looking asian dude in real life

eastern standards of masculine beauty is, after all, based on things that asian dudes in general can actually have

(clothing sizes are still too goddamn small, though; I fit a Chinese male Large and I'm a 5'3" Chinese woman)

yeah that reminds me most photos of native american men I've seen do not have facial hair as well

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Yeah I mean like if you look at an average good-looking asian dude in real life

eastern standards of masculine beauty is, after all, based on things that asian dudes in general can actually have

(clothing sizes are still too goddamn small, though; I fit a Chinese male Large and I'm a 5'3" Chinese woman)

yeah that reminds me most photos of native american men I've seen do not have facial hair as well

mhm, exactly that

yeah I get to experience that as somebody who has been getting into the lolita fashion. IF they even have sizes the japanese clothing tend to fit me in size medium and if they don't have sizes they're either my size or they are way too small. With the chinese stores on taobao, I either fit size medium or large.

ALTHOUGH I am a 4'10 american with native american/european heritage so I don't have the best asian background and figure in me \o/

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Yeah I mean like if you look at an average good-looking asian dude in real life

eastern standards of masculine beauty is, after all, based on things that asian dudes in general can actually have

(clothing sizes are still too goddamn small, though; I fit a Chinese male Large and I'm a 5'3" Chinese woman)

yeah that reminds me most photos of native american men I've seen do not have facial hair as well

mhm, exactly that

yeah I get to experience that as somebody who has been getting into the lolita fashion. IF they even have sizes the japanese clothing tend to fit me in size medium and if they don't have sizes they're either my size or they are way too small. With the chinese stores on taobao, I either fit size medium or large.

ALTHOUGH I am a 4'10 american with native american/european heritage so I don't have the best asian background and figure in me \o/

Yeah, trying being 5'11" and trying to fit into Asian sizes. I'm like 3XL or something whenever I try to order Asian clothing.

I've got three cousins with Native American blood, I can't speak for facial hair, since they're all girls, but I definitely can see the difference in the ability to get a tan, since I only burn and they have beautiful skin year round.

Edited by Rezzy
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No wonder the url for this thread has "666" in it, you're all hellishly thirsty.

Also, I agree with Rezzy, I want a FE game where I can feel like a white mom, I want to buy tupperware, attend soccer events, scream and drink wine at wine o'clock.

p.s. rezzy your art is getting better and better bless your soul senpai

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No wonder the url for this thread has "666" in it, you're all hellishly thirsty.

Also, I agree with Rezzy, I want a FE game where I can feel like a white mom, I want to buy tupperware, attend soccer events, scream and drink wine at wine o'clock.

p.s. rezzy your art is getting better and better bless your soul senpai

goddamn roast in ironic form?

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Yeah, trying being 5'11" and trying to fit into Asian sizes. I'm like 3XL or something whenever I try to order Asian clothing.

I've got three cousins with Native American blood, I can't speak for facial hair, since they're all girls, but I definitely can see the difference in the ability to get a tan, since I only burn and they have beautiful skin year round.

oh yeah I'm sure tall people have a really tough time, even the skinny ones

it's just that the two of us are asian height and one of us even is asian and yet we'd still have to buy large sized clothing

of course, not even the US makes clothing that works for my height >u> And the clothing that does work for my height is 1. child sized ^o^ BUT the main point was 2. is too skinny for me~!

But I've got a thick build (but losing weight has been helping me) so I'm probably just in a minority group that isn't quite worth the money of catering toward

which is pretty much just looping back to the problem relating to this topic, wow~!

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How did I roast anyone? The white mom part? I'm 100% that it's true and should be embraced.

I don't really deny my whiteness, but I'm sure other moms wouldn't mind either.

oh yeah I'm sure tall people have a really tough time, even the skinny ones

it's just that the two of us are asian height and one of us even is asian and yet we'd still have to buy large sized clothing

of course, not even the US makes clothing that works for my height >u> And the clothing that does work for my height is 1. child sized ^o^ BUT the main point was 2. is too skinny for me~!

But I've got a thick build (but losing weight has been helping me) so I'm probably just in a minority group that isn't quite worth the money of catering toward

which is pretty much just looping back to the problem relating to this topic, wow~!

I was thin, and hope to be again soon. I was 5'11" and 140 plus/minus 5 pounds for around a dozen years. Finding clothes that fit can be a pain.

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being a teenager is the best thing ever

Sounds like something I said as a teen and then grew up and realized was completely and utterly incorrect.

Anyway beards and facial hair are fucking amazing and I'm all about them. I wish at least a few characters had them. Who was the last new playable character to have one anyway? Frey?

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Yeah heightwise I'm fairly average as far as East Asian women go, though I have been fed more American food than them :P

I wear female L and male M in American sizes vs L in Chinese M and I haven't bought any female clothing from Asian stores bc generally I prefer masculine clothing and Chinese women's fashion are...well, not my style at all but if I did I'd probably be an XL too; I was already an L in Chinese women's when I was thinner

...neither are most american stuff either, i really just get button downs bc they are the right cut but sometimes I really like the designs on the dude button downs but they don't fit me :x

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The Latino blood in our family line makes growing facial hair rather easy for my brother and dad. BIG BUSHY HANDLEBAR MUSTACHES.

As for Native Americans, i can vouch that they really do have trouble growing facial hair. An old friend i knew who was basically full blooded Me Wuk Native, managed to grow a tiny beard. He still has it because otherwise, he'd not be able to grow it back the same way.

I went shopping at a store that has mostly Japanese Lolita styles and let me tell you, they are tiny in sizing. They had things that were long enough for me (odd cuz im a jotun), but the size of the waist and the upper part were just too small. Their Larges were the only sizes big enough to fit around my chest. RIP. My friend was trying to buy some stockings for a friend of his there, but the stockings were too narrow and it was the largest sizes. A lot of these clothes were legit Japanese.

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Benny, then Basilio, then Frey.

After looking at images over time I'm seeing that it's mostly just chin fluff ((Frey has sideburns too at least)) and it's shrinking over the years for our Token "Bearded" Character

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p.s. rezzy your art is getting better and better bless your soul senpai


The Latino blood in our family line makes growing facial hair rather easy for my brother and dad. BIG BUSHY HANDLEBAR MUSTACHES.

As for Native Americans, i can vouch that they really do have trouble growing facial hair. An old friend i knew who was basically full blooded Me Wuk Native, managed to grow a tiny beard. He still has it because otherwise, he'd not be able to grow it back the same way.

I went shopping at a store that has mostly Japanese Lolita styles and let me tell you, they are tiny in sizing. They had things that were long enough for me (odd cuz im a jotun), but the size of the waist and the upper part were just too small. Their Larges were the only sizes big enough to fit around my chest. RIP. My friend was trying to buy some stockings for a friend of his there, but the stockings were too narrow and it was the largest sizes. A lot of these clothes were legit Japanese.

It's almost impossible for me to find stockings that are high enough. I bought some "thigh highs" that come to rest below my knees.

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I've had pretty full beards for a while now but I just got a beard trimmer recently. I used to actually go to a barber, but I think trimming it is actually easier now that I'm doing it myself. Maybe it looks terrible, but I like my face with facial hair much more than without.

The next FE protagonist should be a 30 year old mother of two to cater to this untapped demographic.

The next FE protagonist should be unemployed. I'm not, but I want to see that.


^Would make a great FE protag^

Make comments about Japanese standards being "bishonen pretty boy" all you want but in reality it's just kinda really hard for a lot of east asian men to grow a proper beard, and clean-shaven is better than some half-assed sprinkle beard dust. Also we look young to start with. It's actually really fucking annoying sometimes because my master-degreed industry-professional Asian ass gets mistaken for a fucking high schooler; My 47 year old mom gets mistaken for my sister, etc

So where did they go wrong? (where wrong is not having a beard, perhaps a questionable conclusion)



Do you think guan yu having an amazing beard is just myth? There are classical chinese characters with GREAT beards. Top tier. I mean, I'm sure height was exaggerated, as was the fierce mien, but beards? Your typical older powerful japanese statesmen from the late 1800s and early 1900s have legitimately great facial hair. I don't know if they had to work harder than their western counterparts to get it, but did they only start growing it in their middle to old age?

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Your typical older powerful japanese statesmen from the late 1800s and early 1900s have legitimately great facial hair. I don't know if they had to work harder than their western counterparts to get it, but did they only start growing it in their middle to old age?

How in the world do you work hard to grow a beard?

Most men who don't have a beard in their early 20s get one in their early 30s. That's when testosterone levels are at an all time high, IIRC.

Edited by Magnificence Incarnate
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So where did they go wrong? (where wrong is not having a beard, perhaps a questionable conclusion)



Do you think guan yu having an amazing beard is just myth? There are classical chinese characters with GREAT beards. Top tier. I mean, I'm sure height was exaggerated, as was the fierce mien, but beards? Your typical older powerful japanese statesmen from the late 1800s and early 1900s have legitimately great facial hair. I don't know if they had to work harder than their western counterparts to get it, but did they only start growing it in their middle to old age?

It's not like every east asian dude can't grow a beard

Just a significant amount of them can't in the modern day and it'd be disingenuous to compare two very well known historical figures who stood out from the average in a number of aspects to the average guy

I mean the average guy also can't fight through 5 gates(?) and kill 6 generals either

Edited by Thor Odinson
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It's not like every east asian dude can't grow a beard

Just a significant amount of them can't in the modern day and it'd be disingenuous to compare two very well known historical figures who stood out from the average in a number of aspects to the average guy

I mean the average guy also can't fight through 5 gates(?) and kill 6 generals either

Ya, sure, it's definitely some sort of inability to grow facial hair, and has no relation to centuries of oppression of growing out head hair and facial hair (the queue).

I recognize I cited two relatively "exceptional" examples, but traditional art in china depicts men of all stripes with facial hair from one period to another.

Maybe the oppression during the queue period was so excessive that they culled the gene pool of the guys with the best facial hair? Or maybe the queue period, among other things, created a sense that facial hair was unusual among parts of the populace because it was.

Lord, you still have bans on facial hair in certain sectors of japanese society in the past decade or so. I guess that's because asian guys are so unable to grow good facial hair that they had to make laws so no one working with them had to look at their faces and wish the beard was a little more filled out.

I wasn't citing guan yu and mifune as evidence, but I can bring out a lot more if I actually need to from all walks of society.

I wouldn't be amazed if genetics cause asians to grow less facial hair, but I kind of suspect that things like the queue were big factors in changing attitudes of beauty in china.

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Ya, sure, it's definitely some sort of inability to grow facial hair, and has no relation to centuries of oppression of growing out head hair and facial hair (the queue).

I recognize I cited two relatively "exceptional" examples, but traditional art in china depicts men of all stripes with facial hair from one period to another.

Maybe the oppression during the queue period was so excessive that they culled the gene pool of the guys with the best facial hair? Or maybe the queue period, among other things, created a sense that facial hair was unusual among parts of the populace because it was.

Lord, you still have bans on facial hair in certain sectors of japanese society in the past decade or so. I guess that's because asian guys are so unable to grow good facial hair that they had to make laws so no one working with them had to look at their faces and wish the beard was a little more filled out.

I wasn't citing guan yu and mifune as evidence, but I can bring out a lot more if I actually need to from all walks of society.

I wouldn't be amazed if genetics cause asians to grow less facial hair, but I kind of suspect that things like the queue were big factors in changing attitudes of beauty in china.

Look man I know actual east asian guys

I am friends with a lot of asian guys because guess what I'm a fucking asian with asian friends and I work in tech so there's a fuckton of asian guys who are my friends, it's like im surrounded by asian men all the time

last time I asked them if they'd ever grow out a beard they laughed and told me they just kinda can't, or a good one anyway --- a lot of them told me that they grew out really patchy and can't come close to those glorious full beard westerners often sport.

We talking Asian Americans too--lots of dudes of other ethnicities in my office has beards, it's certainly not taboo there, the guys who can grow beards fucking love their beards.

The thing is, in Ancient Chinese culture at least, it was disrespectful to cut hair because they're given to you by your parents, so even if you had a shit beard you still grew it out if it was kinda bad and just try to trim it to look nicer. On special days. So if you have a lifetime of not shaving, yeah, there might be something there. And if you're Guan Yu and got the Guan Yu genes, sure you can have a fucking glorious beard.

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tbh I don't even know why there's an argument? It's not like I ever said all Asian dudes can't grow facial hair, but rather just a significant enough portion of (east) Asian ones grow shittier ones than the average westerner so they just don't

I mean hell it's not even an East Asian exclusive problem, my boyfriend also says he can't really pull off a proper beard and he's a white guy, but proportionally, and granted I've not done any studies on this but given my exposure to dudes (again, I work in tech, I talk to men a lot more than women due to profession) it's been the case that many of my male Chinese friends say their beards if they try growing one, are just kinda shit.

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