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I just realized I'm a male tsundere

The DanMan

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Family member sees me smiling at something related to something they said/did:

"What are you smiling about?"


"You were smiling about something I said/did, weren't you?"

"If I was smiling, I was thinking of something else."

Somebody cooked something and it actually tastes good:

"I've had worse."

Somebody asks what I'm doing:

"Nothing of any importance to you."

I am most critical of those I'm closest too and generally don't have the smoothest relationship with all of them, but I still treasure them as family- I just forget to show it sometimes.

I don't like talking about my interests and get flustered/embarrassed whenever they're brought up.

It all makes sense.

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I guess everyone has a tsundere part on the inside

I think I'm more of a yandere

I can come off worse than Woody if I am obsessed over something

Edited by Rapier
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I am not cold or bitter to anyone but I am very very sensitive when someone attacks a family member..I also tend to be treated as the jock/nerd...

People think I am a little shit {Which I agree on}

Or I am a stubborn and an obnoxious tsundere.

Or the smart kid that gets treated as the dumb kid.

Or the kid that gets bullied for shits and giggles...

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You aren't the most extreme of tsunderes, are you?

if those examples mean you're tsundere your tsundere levels are pretty weak sorry

I live with an entire family of tsunderes

Eh, yeah. My train of thought went towards tsunderes once, and then I recalled the many times of "I wasn't smiling and if I was I totally wasn't doing it because of you" and the comparison just wrote itself.

The whole "having a reputation of being an outward jerk to family but still loving them" also lead me there, but specific examples get personal. And this is Far From the Forest, where nothing is too serious.

Edited by The DanMan
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Eh, yeah. My train of thought went towards tsunderes once, and then I recalled the many times of "I wasn't smiling and if I was I totally wasn't doing it because of you" and the comparison just wrote itself.

The whole "having a reputation of being an outward jerk to family but still loving them" also lead me there, but specific examples get personal. And this is Far From the Forest, where nothing is too serious.

not saying that you are one or not, just that the examples are.... very weak forms of tsundereness ^o^ or at least as far as I understand it

without exaggeration, the magical Spectegrifamily would have examples more like this:

Family member sees me smiling at something related to something they said/did:

"What are you smiling about?"

"Your face" (cuz like it's ugly u know, that would be their implied meaning)

Somebody cooked something and it actually tastes good:

well, actually, they would.... most likely say that it's incredibly good

they love it whenever people treat them right ^o^

but if they were in an extra mean mood then let's say they'd be more like "this sux"

Somebody asks what I'm doing:

well actually this answer would probably vary based on each person...

ones that come to mind are

Integridad and Specta I can both see saying: "Whatever I want! You aren't the boss of me!" or something like that

then there's the incredibly intelligent human being, Integrity: "ur mom


(I guess that's less him being tsundere and more him being dumb c:)

Spectamom is probably the least tsundere of the group... but she can still be tsundere too

And this is Far From the Forest, where nothing is too serious.

so what you're saying is "looooooool just kidding I'm not actually tsundere at all and I completely made up those examples" ???

just because this is the "not so serious forum" doesn't mean everybody is constantly joking all the time =b

the purpose of fftf is that it gives more freedom (USA, USA, USA) on what to talk about, not that it's made entirely for jokes and pranks and lying

freedom means freedom, so it's not strictly for seriousness and not strictly for non-seriousness

VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: omg this topic id is great

Edited by Freohr Datia
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so what you're saying is "looooooool just kidding I'm not actually tsundere at all and I completely made up those examples" ???

just because this is the "not so serious forum" doesn't mean everybody is constantly joking all the time =b

the purpose of fftf is that it gives more freedom (USA, USA, USA) on what to talk about, not that it's made entirely for jokes and pranks and lying

freedom means freedom, so it's not strictly for seriousness and not strictly for non-seriousness

VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: omg this topic id is great

I didn't make up the examples at all- I'm just not super serious about saying "I'm a male tsundere". In the same post I explained my logic- random train of thought ended up at tsunderes and then I ended up putting my member title to use, with this being the result. As I said, "nothing too serious".

I don't think that I'm a straight-up male tsundere- just that certain facets of my behavior can be quite humorously framed as such. This is tongue-in-cheek.

I'm afraid to say that you may have a case of autism.

I actually do have high-functioning autism/aspergers/whateverthecrap you want to call it.

Edited by The DanMan
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That's not being a tsundere, that's you being ambivalent.




Which, now that the same thing as being a tsudere. One could say that ambivalence is the scientific term for tsundere.


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