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Introduction of the Burning Horizon

The Red Blur

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Online name: The Red Blur, Red, TRB, Blur. Anything you want, really

Real name: Chris

DoB: 31st July '99 (yep, probably one of the younger people here!)

Favourite FE game: Fates (Conquest) so far, although I'm slowly working my way through the older ones, so maybe that'll change one day!

Favourite game other than FE: Difficult to say, let's just say I also like kingdom hearts, the world ends with you, and the sonic series (I know, shoot me)

Least favourite game: Worst I've ever played is Sonic Boom, because I generally play games regarded as "good"

Sports: I haven't really gotten into any, yet.

Favourite music: I'm quite... let's just say eclectic, regarding my music tastes. I just like what I like

Country: England

Good Point: Generally active on forums

Bad Point: Heavy procrastinator

So, hey guys! I finally bit the bullet and joined this forum. I've only played awakening and fates fully rght now, and I'm... most of the way through sacred stones, so I'd still regard myself as a FE noob, but hopefully I can change that! I'm also working on a hack entitled "Project Burning Horizon", so, you never know, you might see me in FEE3 next year!

Thanks for reading, ya glorious buggers!


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Let me be the first person to officially welcome you to the Forest! Play with drugs and be mildly inconvenienced by your stay!

I'm pretty sure that's how it goes, right guys!

Also it's cool to see more fans of TWEWY! It's such a great game, and one day I'll finally get Jedi to play it...

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Welcome to the Forest, The Red Blur!

I'm also working on a hack entitled "Project Burning Horizon", so, you never know, you might see me in FEE3 next year!

Well, I wish you the best of luck on your project!

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Hey, people replied! Thank you all for your warm welcome!

Hello and welcome to the forums, heeeeey a fellow englishman, so how do you take your tea ?

I... Actually don't. Blasphemous, I know, I just find it far too bitter, really. Then again, I have a MASSIVE sweet tooth, so that probably doesn't help.

Let me be the first person to officially welcome you to the Forest! Play with drugs and be mildly inconvenienced by your stay!

I'm pretty sure that's how it goes, right guys!

Also it's cool to see more fans of TWEWY! It's such a great game, and one day I'll finally get Jedi to play it...

YOU NEED TO MAKE HIM, EVEN IF IT MUST BE FORCEFUL. But, anyway, good to see another twewy fan, because most people I make references to are like "what?" Every. Single. Time.

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You'll find that there's a LOT of TWEWY fans here, so feel free to make a reference or twenty~!

Ahem. . .welcome! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

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Welcome young'un, your birthday's a day after mine, though a different year.

If you're looking to play old FE games, I'd recommend starting with the GBA games. I find they have a good interface and simple enough to not get overwhelmed. Titles older than them, I've found a bit hard to play.

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