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Who did you S-Support?


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Ophelia in Conquest

Shiro in Birthright

Rhajat in Revelation (playing as MCorrin)

Those choices are mostly because of Fates' stupid system that you miss out on a character if you marry a 1st gen character when playing as a male Corrin.

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On my first Birthright and second Revelation run, f!Kamui ended up with Tsubaki.

On my second Birthright run, m!Kamui ended up with Kagero.

On my first Revelation run, m!Kamui ended up with Azura.

On my first Conquest run, m!Kamui ended up with Niles.

On my second Conquest run, f!Kamui ended up with Laslow.

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Gunter. When I saw his design, I already liked him. Then I heard that I can marry the Jeigan. "Fuck yeah!" I thought. I was spoilered about his creepy S-support (MU just has some daddy issues, alright), but I wanted to fucking marry my Jeigan. I don't regret it. He gives Kana a nice hair colour as well.

In my first and only Birthright run I chosen Kaze. His supports are so sweet.

I'm not too sure about my first Rev S-support, but I think it was Saizo. He's as awesome as his brother.

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The first time I played the game, I played as a chick and married Jakob in CQ because I felt sort of bad. It's obvious he will never be happy with anyone other than Corrin, so I married him to help prevent such a fate. When I played BR for the first time, again I played as a girl and married Izana because I didn't want to leave any other playable girl unmarried. I thought he was cute and his support with Kana, while generic, had a amusing flair with all the pet names he would give him. Revelation was, of course, played as a girl and I married Shura; he is a DILF and that should be sufficient reason to explain why I chose him as my main squeeze.

I've recently begun playing as a dude. I'm planning to marry Nyx during my Lunatic!CQ run, Mozu during the Lunatic!BR run and, on the Revelation!Lunatic run I'm currently doing, I'm likely going to marry either Reina or Orochi!Ophelia.

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My first waifus(in order of game):

Beruka in conquest(love everything about her. My favorite Fates character).

Hana in birthright(i don't care about the supports, she's just had too many things that I like).

Reina in revelations(badass as well as lovely).

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Depends. First playthrough was Oboro for BR, Flora for CQ, and Anna for Revelations.

Now if I'm doing a personal playthrough it'd be Rinkah for BR and Ophelia for CQ and Rev.

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In Birthright, I went with Rinkah. I was a fan of her design.

In Conquest, I went with Niles. I had to do the gay option. I don't regret it at all. I really like Niles.

In Revelation, I went with Reina. I really like her design and she is one of my favorite corrinsexuals

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Azura in Birthright (boring waifu), Silas in Conquest (boring husbando), and Anna in Revelation (greedy waifu) so far.

I'm working on a second Conquest playthrough and considering S-supporting Felicia, but I think I might switch to Selena.

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Male Corrin - everyone except Sakura & Kagero

Female Corrin - I still need Fuga, Izana, Yukimura and Gunter.

My motivation is waning to finish up, but I'll get around to it eventually.

Curious since you're another person to have unlocked nearly all the S-supports; who ended up being your favorites?

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everyone. had to fill out that stupid support log.

in my original playthroughs though...

Birthright - No one(fem corrin), Anna(male corrin)

Conquest - Niles (fem corrin), Jakob (fem corrin)

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hinata, kaze, and jakob on birthright, and then as m!mu i married flora but that was on revelations

my goal is to fill out the support logs (though i'm not sure if i'm ever going to finish), but so far i've done the four listed.

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Male Avatar:

Birthright: Scarlet

Conquest: Flora

Revelation: Flora (I would have picked Scarlet had she not died in Chpt. 18 which is a waste of S-Support... -_-)

Female Avatar:

Birthright: Izana

Conquest: Izana

Revelation: Fuga (To be honest, I kinda like him more than Izana. Wind animation ftw)

Edited by Douglas MacArthur
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Conquest: Xander, because I'm absolute Corrin x Xander trash. The Support itself was pretty good, thankfully.

Birthright: Rhajat. Because I like girl x girl. I actually like Rhajat, and her Support with F!Corrin in the Japanese version is really nice, I think. Forever salty they tossed it out in the English version

Revelation: Xander again. Because I couldn't in Birthright.

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Kaden in Birthright and Revelation, I'm so happy with him

Leo in Conquest, because there is no Kaden in Conquest, Leo is the only Nohrian I really like a lot and because of supports (but still don't like the idea of marrying him)

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The Canon Runs - Always Azura (I like to do "canon" runs before delving into my endgame stuffs. If there is a pairing that seems obvious, I'll do it in these files and may branch out when I do my main ones. This is why I did Lucina and Chrom pairings in Awakening.)

Main F!Conquest File: Xander (For some reason, it feels natural for F!Corrin to end up with Xander. No idea why, despite the implications.)

Main M!Birthright File: Leaning toward Hana, but unsure. (I don't care much for Birthright's cast. Conquest is where it's at!)

Female Birthright: Leaning toward Silas, but unsure. May end up going with Kaze instead.

Personal Endgame - Revelations: Leaning toward Ophelia due to design and pair synergy, but also like Flora and Selena as well.

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For my Conquest Hard run, it was Laslow because I loved him in Awakening, Soleil was monstruous as a Great Lord.

I'm going to marry Mozu!Sophie in Lunatic Birthright, because... I wanted Nohrian skills (unfortunately I made a fast Corrin instead of a tanky one, so Hoshidan Unity will be kinda useless for Pavise, from my talent, and Aegis), Sophie's funny and I love her VA, and I realized It would make a good Kinshi Knight Kana (from Kiragi).

For Revelations, it will depend on my Corrin's gender.

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I've gone with Camilla, Felicia, Ignatius (regretted not going with Odin this run TBH, though Odin x feMU's supports suck so bleehhh), and Oboro, who's my favorite.

Thought about Kagero, Selkie, and Rhajat as well.

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