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Ensemble Mafia - N5


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@Spinal @Irony

Pop a vote on one of the meaningful wagons or start a legitimate attempt to swing one in a direction. It's shaking out one way or another.

@Yedi @YOLO

Both of you have said you would vote GP, correct? Majority does not end day. Can you vote there or else move to try and secure your Rainbow lynch.

i actually had GP as a town read mostly because of his Irony post.

i would prefer not to lynch them, but I would rather see them go than elemina

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Green Poet (7): SB, Hober Mallow, kirsche, Elemina, Ryker, Spinal, YOLOSWAG

​Elemina (4): Rainbow, Refa, Green Poet, Blitz

Rainbow (1): yedi

No Lynch (1): Irony

Not voting: None

D1 ends at 10:15 PM PST, October 31. You have approximately 40 minutes left in D1. Reminder that a hammer is not needed to lynch on D1, and will not end early even if you do.

Edited by Paperblade
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ele who woulda been a better lynch? refa?

Blitz, how do you read rainbow's trend of just popping in to say a few things and then leaving for a while. from what i can tell, they've been missing for the entirety of this pre deadline discussion.

you did say if that slot becomes inactive we should worry, I'm assuming you don't classify this behavior as inactive?

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:shrug: okay, so I'm soon to be dead. phase isn't over yet so right now the best thing I can do is talk about d2.

-everyone, don't forget to check blitz's claim.he probably did not lie, but it's worth keeping an eye out for regardless.

-of all the people on my wagon, imo HM was the scummiest. could be i'm biased but it felt like my posts were constantly ignored/misrepped in order to pursue my lynch. if I were vig and not dead I'd be shooting him tonight.

-compared to HM, ryker at least explained that he didn't feel as though my role was necessarily a town role, and even though I disagree on that, I do agree with kirsche that his #634 makes sense from his pov.

-I don't think people should be fully clearing refa just off of my townflip alone. obviously I trust you all to look at flip interactions, but the amount of people going "yeah, I like this gp lynch because it'll make me sure what I think of refa" right now is worrying, it should not make anyone completely sure.

-yoloswag should actually post stuff when he can. so far he's just dropped into the thread intermittently and tried to motion to people to wagon rainbow, which isn't terribly contributory

-same goes for irony. irony, you should give your opinion on what happened this phase, what you learned from my lynch, what you think about those who were on my wagon, and when they got on it. so far you've passed under the radar and a lot of people are glossing over your play largely by virtue of you being new, which should discontinue.

ok, that's all that comes to mind. good luck town, and my apologies to those who feel like they deserve one.

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also as a general note - please try to keep the post count lower. I think a lot of the arguments and cases that were made today were partially due to misunderstandings created by the inability of every player to read every post. we're on page 35 right now, which is pretty ridiculous - there are tons of quality SF games that lasted several day phases, and don't even reach 35 pages. a lot of the playerlist is busy for more of the day than they are not, and have expressed that they simply will not be able to hunt scum effectively with as much fluff as we've seen, given the fewer hours they can dedicate to the game.

arguments can be productive, conditionally. spam... not so much.

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Green Poet (7): SB, Hober Mallow, kirsche, Elemina, Ryker, Spinal, YOLOSWAG

​Elemina (4): Rainbow, Refa, Green Poet, Blitz
Rainbow (1): yedi

No Lynch (1): Irony

Not voting: None

Green Poet is sick of all your shit. "... I'm not dealing with all this spam. I'm out. This is your problem now."

Dear Green Poet,

You are Alina. You're a supposedly ordinary person, except not really -- which is why you're in this situation to begin with. What you do know for certain is that nothing ever gets done around here. So you're going to have to take matters into your own hands if you want the Forces of Evil gone, since the Ensemble sure doesn't do anything.

Although you have no powers, you are terrifying and in charge and you make decisions no one else can argue with. During the day phase, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X: Forcibly Remove <USER>." This command must be submitted within the 24-48 hour window of the phase. If the lynch threshold isn't met, <USER> will be lynched.

In other words, you are the muckraker.

You are aligned with the Ensemble. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

It is now N1. N1 ends at 10:15 PM PST on November 1.

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Sheesh. And here I wanted to stay on the sidelines, read the game, and make terrible comments on everyone's avatars. But, alas.

First off. . .how to vote, SF style! I can guarantee one person who knows the scum team, and is providing no indication as to who's scum, and why. Since town doesn't know who scum is, and this person does, this person is clearly scum.


##Vote: Sunwoo

Second. . .that mod announcement. The Code of Conduct still applies here, so don't go out of your way to break it. Mafia inherently breaks a few of those rules, namely some of the forum attitude ones. I allow arguments to be ripped to shreds, because that's what the game is about. Things get hazier when the arguments go beyond the role PM - I rely on context to figure out whether or not someone is pissing on the spirit of the Code of Conduct (which is "don't be a dick"). For example (note: none of the people mentioned here are actually playing in this game):

Eury I missed skipping your wallposts <3

If some random person on a mafia forum posted this to another random person, there's no telling what kind of reaction this would garner. On this forum, Eury knows that she's the queen of wallposts. It's a running joke, so BBM posting this is a reference to that. No hurt feelings, just giggles here.

psych what the fuck are you even doing

This quote is bad without context. However, Psych is well-known for his antics, as well as being called out for said antics (like, giving the town mason group to the mafia in an OC game). Furthermore, Psych is VERY accustomed to this sort of reaction to his actions. In other words, if you're going to post something like this, you MUST know the other person very well - well enough that such a comment isn't going to make them IRL mad.

So, how does this apply to THIS game? I don't recognize a bunch of you, which means that personal in-jokes are off of the table. Thus, posts will need to be made as if you're talking to a literal stranger. If your style involves intentionally pissing people off, that's being a dick. If your arguments go beyond the person's role PM and actions in-thread, that's a problem. If you're passive-aggressive about all of it, that's even worse. I strongly suggest clicking on Preview Post first, then asking yourself how the other person will react to that. If the answer is "badly", change your post until it's less likely to get the other person mad.

If y'all have any questions about this, feel free to PM me. I can help with "how does this look from another point of view", but I will NOT play the game for you.

omfg I hate quoting shit on this site

Quoting primer time! First off, turn off the WYSIWYG editor (a.k.a. the thing with the pretty formatting). To do that, hit the switch above the bold button. It makes formatting more complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it's infinitely cleaner and easier.

So, there's two ways to quote:

1. Open up a bunch of quotes via the Quote button, then copy-paste them all into the thread. While I do it this way, I am also certifiably insane.

2. Click MultiQuote on every single thing you want to quote. When you're done, click on the Reply to X posts in the lower-right corner. All the quotes will be compiled into one window for your quoting convenience.

For super-long things, there's also spoiler tags. If anyone has questions on how to format a post/what the forum software is capable of doing, feel free to PM me as well. That's part of my job~!

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First of all, thank you Eclipse, I am so glad we have you here.

Before I get started on providing reads and asking questions, I want everyone to talk about what they thought about the GP lynch, including the people who were around. I believe it was a really bad lynch after the case, will explain on D2, if I am alive after people have talked about it.

I also must mention, that a lot of players in this game has reading problems and I highly suggest you start reading things properly from now o if you haven't been doing so.

I am gonna move on to individual points next and even if you choose to skim over the points about others, you better read every word for what I have to say about you

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First of all, I will start with Elemina,

you have the highest post count by far and it is NOT a good thing.
From what I can see,
1) You are skimming the thread and jumping on to the first thing that catches your attention.
2) You do not even properly read the post that you are addressing a lot of the times and make mistaken comments about things.
3) You are also trying to address every person in the game and you are losing yourself among all the data that you are trying to gather.
4) You are jumping to conclusions way too fast, just because someone thinks you are scum, you think they are too.
5) You think everyone who defends you cannot be scum as well to an extent (not a major point, because that is how I felt near the end of the day)
6) You complain too much about the activity of others

[spoiler=Now, the good and bad from what you have been doing]


1) You had a huge impact on moving us out of RVS
2) You kept the thread busy and active

1) Your excessive posts have made it very hard to navigate in the thread
2) A lot of players are not being able to catch up properly because of the mess in the thread
3) Your own folly has caused you to not read the thread
4) You failed to grasp why people were calling you scummy and called them scum for it. At least for me, you claimed my case was bad to strenghten your case on me and the reason you had for calling my case bad, was not even true
4.1) Now, only scum would gain from using untrue reasons to strengthen their case, because you are calling someone scum for untrue reasons and that is as good as not lynching scum while trying to lynch the person you want lynched
5) Your pushes on activity is very annoying, because it is extremely frustrating to have 2 pages increase in the game every hour and worse yet when you actually have other things to do. If you want to complain about activity, do it after the person has failed to not show up every 24 hours and not every 6 hours, unless they promised to be around.
6) Since you aren't reading posts right, you are looking over people who are actually active lurking as well.

The thing is, I still think your case on me was very scummy, but I can see your posts coming from a townie who doesn't read and is too excited to post more.
If you are town, I would really like you to cut the amount of posts you are making, read the posts you want to address and address them without adding or subtracting stuff from them, because you are not helping as things are.

Next up, we have Yedi,

You haven't actually been doing anything until you thought Elemina was getting lynched and went into overdrive to make a post to explain how Elemina thinks. But if you actually look at that, you only scratched the first few posts and does not even go in depth to the posts that come after. You also decided to make a case on me and Proto (seems to me like simply because we were on Elemina) and your case on me is

1. Lacks reads
2. Not pushing scumreads
3. Reads do not match with yours
of which the first 2 points are entirely wrong and the 3rd one is also wrong, because you agree with my read on Hober Mallow.

Your case on Proto, IMO is also quite bad, especially coming from you, but I am going to let Proto deal with it on D2.

Regarding your talk about quicklynching Proto:

even blitz himself said to watch out when Rainbow is inactive and it feels like (save for the few gross posts he makes every so often that) his presence in the thread has been lacking.

Coming from you, this is entirely hypocritical, before the end of the phase, you had way less presence than his

Blitz, how do you read rainbow's trend of just popping in to say a few things and then leaving for a while. from what i can tell, they've been missing for the entirety of this pre deadline discussion.

Once again, coming from you, that is very hypocritical, you very entirely missing in the thread (or might as well have been missing) until the predeadline discussion.

Now regarding activity on sf, most players don't post more than a few times a day and Proto tends to be one of the least active posters on the site, so, his activity has been very normal for his standards. You should also know that people have lives and do not have the time to sit in front of a computer playing mafia all day. When I say Proto being inactive, I mean Proto not showing up for more than 24 hours with no reasoning and not doing anything at all. Clearly not the case right now.

You also happen to have one other huge problem with your posts, which is that you start a point and let it go before it finishes. You are either extremely lazy or scum ignoring everything else. You decided to defend the meta of Elemina, yet you did not read a single case on him, you wanted to clear him on meta and thought process. That wouldn't have been a bad move, if it wasn't for the fact that you only went a few pages into the game and dropped it. The same can be said about reading my posts, you claimed for me to be scum, yet you decided not to read what my posts said and made up things I did or did not do. These are all really bad traits.

I also asked you to give me a case on someone that is not based on lies before phase ended and you failed to provide me that

So far, everything you have done, can very easily be explained with a scum intention. Firstly, ignoring the thread (early part to mid part of D1) and not making content (same time period), then claiming scumreads on others with faked content (case on me), defending others without going the distance needed to save them (Read on Elemina, but stopping after going a few pages in to the game), blaming others of issues, that you are to blame for as well (claiming the inactivity on Proto) and not providing content when asked for. You also decided to ignore my points about your wrong case with a, you still don't like me, providing no reasoning for it. You also decide to push for a Proto lynch, knowing he claimed not to be around for phase end, so, we have more scum motivation there.

As things are, I think a lynch on you for D2 is a great idea and the info roles should check you out tonight.

Next up, Yoloswag

You are either the worst player playing this game here, the dumbest player here or both. If you are scum, you have done nothing but brought attention to yourself. If you are town, you have done nothing to actually explain your cases and tried to "brute force lynches" with no force behind it. You have not even tried to answer for the questions aimed at you. All I can say for you is, if you don't want to play the game without being a d*ck about it, just don't sign up.

Once again, your posts do not mention your reasoning for scumreading me or Green Poet and your case on Proto is also bad, I have asked you a few questions and you ignored them. You even hammered Green Poet with no reasoning behind it along with trying to pull a quick lynch on Proto, while he wasn't around.
On top of that, why did you even agree to lynch Green Poet with her claim?

Pretty sure I am writing this up for Yolo for no reason. Considering how dumb he has been in the game, I am pretty sure he will ignore it and continue being the d*ck he has been. I would suggest the vig to be on him, if not on Yedi. Info role used on him will be a waste though, don't bother wasting it on him.

I am gonna make another part of the post in a while (after I get home and get some chores done)

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I was gonna say Hober Mallow should talk about the questions he never answered, but I guess I will have to wait for whoever replaces him to take the stand. Would like his replacement to come up with scumreads asap

Next up on that list is Irony

I reread through your posts. Your train of logic is easy to follow as I had thought on first read and nothing scummy popped up. I still do not like the no lynch, but, it is not like you weren't contributing. Would like to see more the next day.

Is it just me, or is the person most likely to get shot you?

[spoiler=self meta]
before I get thrown under an 18 wheeler for claiming I was scumreading her, yes, I was, but my issue was that I thought she wanted to avoid contributing, since she was contributing, I stopped going after her. As for the meta part, I tend to go after newer players at the start of the game (more as town), because of certain reasons, that you have to figure out yourself, lol.

Next up, we have SB

You have been reading the thread and keeping up with it, even if you are sheeping (I am pretty sure Sheep Busser is not your nickname as scum and I am not really seeing it). As long as you keep it up, I probably won't have any issues with you?

Would like your thoughts on Spinal

I am being lazy after all that work I had to do and I think I will finish it off here, will post again if I am alive? maybe?

As for role assignments, I would suggest

info roles should target in the pool of Yedi (my case)/Refa (popular opinion)/Proto (only if you are hard scumreading him, not otherwise, because I am pretty sure he is town)/Hober (sub out, so old cases are dead)/Ryker (I don't think this will help though)

Vig should actually idle, N1 is not the night to shoot around

Protective roles should target me cause I die N1 the most, lol. But, in all seriousness, should target the person s/he think will die. I think the person most likely to die is the person who is cased by scum and town refuses to consider him/her scum or the person is an universal townread or the person is closest to finding scum, unless we go for a fear kill.

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Looks like people aren't sick enough of this game yet, everyone has returned to play.

It is now D2. D2 ends at 10:45 PM PST on November 4. With 12 alive, 7 votes are required to hammer.

Blitz is unable to post in the thread for the first 24 hours of D1.

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