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Will we ever see a remake/successor to the tellius series?



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  1. 1. Will we ever see a remake/successor to the tellius series?

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Because everyone can afford to pay in excess of $70-$100, right? And that tends to be for ONE of those games alone - I fail to see how you could consider those "good prices".

This 100%. I'm a diehard Tellius fangirl and not even I would pay that much for one of those games. Those are not okay prices at all.

I don't think we'll see a remake or sequel, as cool as it would be, but I do think there's a good chance the games will get a re-release of some kind due to Ike's popularity and the inaccessibility of the games. And I think FE4 and FE5 deserve to be remade before Tellius in any case.

Those who are arguing that it won't happen because Roy's game didn't see a western release despite any popularity he got, you forget that Ike's games already HAD, meaning there's an official translation to use already. Roy's game doesn't have this. It's the reason we saw the first Mother game get localized, but not Mother 3. Earthbound Beginnings had a translation ready to go, it just never got used until not long ago. FE6 doesn't have this. It'd be easier to re-release Ike's games than FE6 due to this.

Edited by Anacybele
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This 100%. I'm a diehard Tellius fangirl and not even I would pay that much for one of those games. Those are not okay prices at all.

I don't think we'll see a remake or sequel, as cool as it would be, but I do think there's a good chance the games will get a re-release of some kind due to Ike's popularity and the inaccessibility of the games. And I think FE4 and FE5 deserve to be remade before Tellius in any case.

Those who are arguing that it won't happen because Roy's game didn't see a western release despite any popularity he got, you forget that Ike's games already HAD, meaning there's an official translation to use already. Roy's game doesn't have this. It's the reason we saw the first Mother game get localized, but not Mother 3. Earthbound Beginnings had a translation ready to go, it just never got used until not long ago. FE6 doesn't have this. It'd be easier to re-release Ike's games than FE6 due to this.

Thank you for giving me hope again. As I keep saying and have said a million times now, all that's needed is a re-release so that the entry fee for playing those games isn't so ludicrously high! And add in the fact that not everyone wants to play an illegal version (since as far as I know emulators are illegal) of those games, it's clear why many people just haven't been able to play them.

Also, I agree the 4 and 5 games deserve to be remade before any of the tellius games do.

Though to be fair, couldn't nintendo just use the unofficial translations for fe6 and polish it up a bit?

Edited by Dinar87
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Though to be fair, couldn't nintendo just use the unofficial translations for fe6 and polish it up a bit?

I suppose they could, but this is Nintendo we're talking about here. They hate anything fanmade relating to their games.

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I suppose they could, but this is Nintendo we're talking about here. They hate anything fanmade relating to their games.

True. I guess this is one of the reasons they haven't officially localized mother 3 because of this. And believe me, I KNOW how terrible nintendo is with fan-related content (cough AM2R cough Pokemon Uranium COUUUUGH).

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True. I guess this is one of the reasons they haven't officially localized mother 3 because of this. And believe me, I KNOW how terrible nintendo is with fan-related content (cough AM2R cough Pokemon Uranium COUUUUGH).

Yeah, I don't understand their behavior here at all. Well, unless those games were making money, which would honestly be plagiarism and hurting Nintendo. If they weren't though, then what's the problem? People are showing how much they love these franchises without doing any harm.

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Though to be fair, couldn't nintendo just use the unofficial translations for fe6 and polish it up a bit?

No. They can't. At least, not without a mutual agreement between Nintendo and the people who worked on the translation.

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I don't know, but that seems like a fair reason to me after the horrible difficulty that's Super Mario: The Lost Levels... My god I can barely get anywhere in that game and I'm pretty good at platformers (though I could still get better, as I couldn't actually beat any of the 2D Marios, only get really close). I don't want an FE game if it's so difficult like that.

Edited by Anacybele
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I understand that but that's why I said "I hope" because I acknowledge that there's still a slim chance of even a VC release ever happening. As you said, it didn't happen for fe6 so why would it happen for fe9 or 10? But I still hope it happens for both Roy's and Ike's games.

Those who are arguing that it won't happen because Roy's game didn't see a western release despite any popularity he got, you forget that Ike's games already HAD, meaning there's an official translation to use already. Roy's game doesn't have this. It's the reason we saw the first Mother game get localized, but not Mother 3. Earthbound Beginnings had a translation ready to go, it just never got used until not long ago. FE6 doesn't have this. It'd be easier to re-release Ike's games than FE6 due to this.

I think you both misunderstood me. My point was that the main character being popular doesn't really mean anything regarding releases. Roy got popular in America thanks to Melee around the same time Binding Blade came/was out in Japan, but Nintendo didn't see fit to capitalize on that popularity to release FE6 over here at that time.

Bolded: Mother never got localized over here simply because by the time it was ready to go with its complete English translation, the NES was already dead as a console. I'm not following your logic here.

Wasn't the main reason 6 was passed over for localization in favor of 7 6's difficulty? 6 isn't a game I'd consider newbie friendly, and it's easily my favorite of the bunch.

I dunno, that doesn't seem right to me considering that IntSys had no problem making other games in the series easier for their English releases.

Edited by AzureSen
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I don't know, but that seems like a fair reason to me after the horrible difficulty that's Super Mario: The Lost Levels... My god I can barely get anywhere in that game and I'm pretty good at platformers (though I could still get better, as I couldn't actually beat any of the 2D Marios, only get really close). I don't want an FE game if it's so difficult like that.

FE6 isn't Lost Levels level, its Normal is quite a bit harder than FE7 Eliwood Normal, but not insane or unfair. Its Hard is mostly manageable aside from a few infamous chapters (7 and 14 come to mind).

7's just more beginner friendly (and for good reason since that was part of the game design).

I do think 6 could use a localization since 7 has a few hanging plot threads put in deliberately that only get resolved in FE6.

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I could be wrong, but weren't the Tellius games the lowest selling FEs in Japan? I like PoR a lot, but this doesn't bode well for a theoretical remake/sequel.

I think Thracia did worse, but that was after the N64 had been around for a while and the SFC was long dead.

To elaborate, the N64 was released in '96, Thracia? 1999.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Why does it need a post-game? None of the other games have it (apart from Awakening), so I don't see why you need to have a post-game. Also, given the nature of RD's support system, IS would have to write support conversations for every combination of supports which just isn't feasible.

I was thinking more in Extra Maps to make more use of the late joiners.

But personally, I would like more to have more and better ways to give experience to the Dawn Brigade.

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On the topic of the tellius series selling badly, how much do you guys think it was down to factors other than the game's quality (not to make it sound objectively good or anything though)? Bad marketing and releasing RD on the same day as galaxy could've made a big impact imo.

Regarding Ike popularity in japan, now that I think about it, I agree it doesn't mean anything. While we may get a few fan service-y elements of the tellius series (mainly just Ike though) like in fates or awakening, I don't think we'll get another big tellius styled anything anytime soon.

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It kind of shocks me how often the topic of Tellius remakes/remasters/sequels/etc. comes up. I love the games, too, RD is pretty much my favorite video game ever, but aside from Akaneia, IS has never revisited any continent after its initial game or two were made and I don't expect them to with how the series has changed (and become more profitable with those changes). The most we can expect is virtual console ports. And I think that would be enough. The games aren't perfect, for sure, but they're not too old as to feel difficult to play nowadays (well, PoR might have some issues on that front).

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FE6 isn't Lost Levels level, its Normal is quite a bit harder than FE7 Eliwood Normal, but not insane or unfair. Its Hard is mostly manageable aside from a few infamous chapters (7 and 14 come to mind).

I'm not actually good at FE games, you know. I could barely beat RD on easy. I had trouble with PoR's chapter 17 on easy. I think FE7 is hard as it is on normal mode, though not as hard as RD. I just didn't bother to try finishing FE7 because I lost interest in it. FE6 sounds too hard.

And PoR and RD had poor sales because of poor marketing and release time. They're generally loved by those who DID play them.

Edited by Anacybele
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It kind of shocks me how often the topic of Tellius remakes/remasters/sequels/etc. comes up. I love the games, too, RD is pretty much my favorite video game ever, but aside from Akaneia, IS has never revisited any continent after its initial game or two were made and I don't expect them to with how the series has changed (and become more profitable with those changes). The most we can expect is virtual console ports. And I think that would be enough. The games aren't perfect, for sure, but they're not too old as to feel difficult to play nowadays (well, PoR might have some issues on that front).

I guess it all depends on if IS ever remakes any of the games again. If they eventually decide to remake 4 and 5 we could eventually get it. That is, IF they remake 4 and 5.

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Because to be blunt, I doubt I'd want to be paying that kind of money for ONE game, much less both of them - that'd be a sizable hit to anyone's wallet. Where do you get off on stating those are "good prices"? Those are ridiculous.

So you're fine spending 60$ on say a Wii U game, a new Steam game or even a PS4 game yet for spending 20$ extra and finding the right price that suits you, that's too expensive?

If even 40$ sounds so expensive for you, then you might as well stop gaming because those are likely going to be the price points for console gaming.

Also considering how difficult it is to get the resources of old products, you have to be silly to not accept that that is going to be the price for such an old game atleast physically.

Look, its very simple, you want something very old that is going to be extremely hard to manufacture in this day and age and you expect it to come at the same price? Cause that's not going to happen at all.

And again, I don't see myself getting path of radiance on Switch mainly because I have doubts if the Switch is capable to emulate Gamecube games alone.

Edited by Harvey
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So you're fine spending 60$ on say a Wii U game, a new Steam game or even a PS4 game yet for spending 20$ extra and finding the right price that suits you, that's too expensive?

If even 40$ sounds so expensive for you, then you might as well stop gaming because those are likely going to be the price points for console gaming.

Also considering how difficult it is to get the resources of old products, you have to be silly to not accept that that is going to be the price for such an old game atleast physically.

Look, its very simple, you want something very old that is going to be extremely hard to manufacture in this day and age and you expect it to come at the same price? Cause that's not going to happen at all.

And again, I don't see myself getting path of radiance on Switch mainly because I have doubts if the Switch is capable to emulate Gamecube games alone.

...Okay, just how expensive are most of the used games YOU get? Because most of the ones I got (that I got myself, at least) don't come near the price tag I stated that PoR and RD tend to go for.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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So you're fine spending 60$ on say a Wii U game, a new Steam game or even a PS4 game yet for spending 20$ extra and finding the right price that suits you, that's too expensive?

If even 40$ sounds so expensive for you, then you might as well stop gaming because those are likely going to be the price points for console gaming.

Also considering how difficult it is to get the resources of old products, you have to be silly to not accept that that is going to be the price for such an old game atleast physically.

Look, its very simple, you want something very old that is going to be extremely hard to manufacture in this day and age and you expect it to come at the same price? Cause that's not going to happen at all.

And again, I don't see myself getting path of radiance on Switch mainly because I have doubts if the Switch is capable to emulate Gamecube games alone.

To argue that those prices will be what future console games will be is pretty silly to be honest, mostly because with inflation on its own that $100 will be worth less in future than it is at present, and said titles will likely be more expensive in future even accounting for that as fewer are there to snatch. I can understand that rarer titles can end up being more expensive than most titles, but PoR has always seemed inflated to me (I say this as someone who has not played these titles yet).

On topic, while I don't necessarily expect a new title in this region any time soon, who knows what'll happen? We know too little about things like FE mobile, and the Switch hasn't even got a full list of launch titles, or any indication of IS making statements. So really, speculation is all we have.

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...Okay, just how expensive are most of the used games YOU get? Because most of the ones I tend to get (that I get myself) don't come near the price tag I stated that PoR and RD tend to go for.

As of now, I never bought a used game but I did trade games with my neighbors and some friends of mine.

However, if my mom gets me a game from USA, then this will be my first attempt of used copy....that is if she is successful.

I don't mind paying 30$ for a used DS game or even 40$. But that doesn't mean that I should wait for these to go lower the minute they start to rise because it'll only get higher from this point since this used games are suitable for a niche market. So you have no choice but to buy it.

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The most expensive used game I bought was the Playstation version of Dragon Quest VII a couple years back, which for reference was a huge hit in Japan but not the west, and my copy is western. It appears the game sold around 200k over here in the US.

I paid $55 for it. Which is half what I'm seeing for FE9/10 individually from a quick search.

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You know, I think PoR and RD were the most expensive used games I got, both at $30 some years ago in GameStop. I got PoR in 09, and RD several months later in 2010. So I got pretty lucky. Especially after that used copy of RD stopped working properly (it froze whenever I had Leonardo attack a Peg knight). I found a brand spankin' NEW copy in the local Walmart and it was their last one!

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But can I ask you why do you want Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn when you can get them pretty much at good prices on ebay or amazon?


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