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Best Plot Point In Each Game


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So making this as a as a flip side to the One Thing You Would Change thread. What's the one element in each Fire Emblem game (plot wise) you absolutely would not change given the chance?

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I'm only gonna do this for games I've played all the way through, in order to be fair about it...

  • Shadow Dragon (and the Blade of Light): Does "the way Manaketes are worked into the world" count? I guess it's not really specific to just this game, but the Archanea games definitely have my favorite take on Dragons/Manaketes out of the entire series.
  • Fire Emblem 7: The existence of the Black Fang. Maybe I'd change how they were handled, but I definitely would never get rid of them entirely. Even aside from nostalgia, they're a refreshing change of pace from Fire Emblem's usual Evil Empire villain faction.
  • The Sacred Stones: Lyon's relationship with the twins. Frankly, I'm kind of a sucker for protagonist/antagonist relationships like that in general, and I think it's a really nice change in dynamic compared to the villain of a Fire Emblem game being someone the heroes don't really have any qualms with having to fight. Not that there's no place for that kind of villain; it's just nice to mix things up once in a while.
  • Awakening: It's a little tough to think of something I absolutely would not under any circumstances change, but I think it'd have to be the presence and context of Plegia's hostility towards Ylisse. That's actually a really interesting bit of worldbuilding, and while I personally would've brought it more to the forefront of that conflict, I think they were definitely on the right track with it.
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Alright. . .

FE4 - If the Barhara Barbeque actually worked the way it was shown in-game, it would've been amazing. It's a great way to transition into the second half of the game.

FE7 - Last bit of Lyn Mode, where everyone says their goodbyes. I felt a bit sad watching everyone leave, but the fight's over, and they don't have a reason to stay with each other.

FE8 - Retaking Renais. . .on one hand, Orson's a traitor. On the other hand, it's not that hard to see why Renais ended up the way they did, after Orson is defeated. Shows that not everyone can get over a death (a la Garcia).

FE9 - Shinon and Gatrie leaving, since I STILL think Ike was a bad choice for leader.

FE10 - For all the flak I give this game, it has a lot of good stuff. I'll go with Tormod's introduction.

FE11 - End of the prologue, easily. Marth gets his feelings across without having to break into a novel. Runner-up is retaking Altea for good.

FE12 - Jagen vs. Lang.

FE13 - Chapter 10. Even though everything's gone to shit for Chrom, he's still gotta stand and fight.

Birthright - Meeting Leo in the swamp.

Conquest - Uhhh. . .yeah. I'll just go with beating up Iago, since the cast FINALLY does something proactive, instead of letting things happen to them.

Revelation - When Azura Does Something in Cyrkensia. Instead of being exposition/a plot device, it shows that she's willing to fight, in her own way. Having Birthright's context behind her singing makes it all the better.

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FE1/3B1/11- Wrys recruitment

FE3B2/FE12- Jagen vs Lang

FE4- Arvis

FE5- Manster, while I'd change that gameplay wise asap, it's the second best thing this series has ever done story wise imo

FE6- The early game maps do a good job of showing Roy transition into a leader

FE7- Lyn mode, even if the tutorials need to go

FE8- Lyon

FE9- The invasion of Daein

FE10- PART 2, Holy shit, while I still consider the rest of FE10's plot the worst plot in the series, Part two is by far the best story in the series as a stand alone imo

FE13- The first chapter Tiki appears in

FE14C- Leo's explanation of how the Nohrian siblings have maintained their humanity in Conquest, while it didn't make me like Camuses, it did make me more forgiving towards them. I also liked Nohrrin's speech to Iago and Hans towards endgame fsr and Camilla's boss dialouge with Hinoka at Notre Sagasse

FE14BR-Uhh...the Rainbow Sage surviving

FE14 Rev- Xander's balls finally dropping

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I don't know if these all qualify as the "best" plot point but they are things they are strong elements that I wouldn't want change.

Blazing Sword: The Black Fang dynamic. I like how tight-nit the original members are and how the organization changes over time because of Nergal's influence.

Sacred Stones: Lyon's death. I cried like a bitch when I couldn't prevent it but that sealed the deal on an already tragic character. That may be one of the most moving deaths in the series, in fact.

Path of Radiance: The nuanced factions. None of the countries (except for the Beasts, Hawks and Dragons, whom we don't really learn a lot about) are 100% good or bad and that makes for solid world building.

Radiant Dawn: Micaiah's story arc and her relationship with Sothe. Her forced cooperation with Begnion is how Conquest should have played out.

Awakening: Walhart's and Chrom's philosophical differences.

Birthright: Ryoma in full general armor ganking Leo Elise not being a stubborn moron and actually trying to deescalate the conflict.

Conquest: Takumi calling out Kamui for being the shitty person he is.

Revelation:Azura not hiding secrets anymore...?

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FE11: "I am a Prince before I am a son or brother."

FE12: Hardin as the villain. Sure, Gharnef sealed the deal, but the groundwork was already there.

FE4: Travant's motivations. Runner up is Arvis.

FE5: The part where Leif and his army are running away constantly. It's a unique plot thread for an FE game, and it allowed for some pretty good gameplay.

FE6: That Zephiel, despite using supernatural elements, is in control, and never being manipulated into doing something he doesn't want to do.

FE7: I liked showing Zephiel as a kid.

FE8: Lyon in Ephraim's route. Definitely the best written FE villain.

FE9: In a surprise to absolutely no one, I pick Ashnard and his delightful non supernaturalness.

FE10: This one was easy. All of part 2.

FE13: I really like that your protagonist in this game is explicitly a tactical genius. It adds an element of "yeah, this is actually a strategy game" to the strategy game.

Birthright: That some Nohr siblings actually do defect to you.

Conquest: Takumi's development was the best part of Conquest's story, faint praise as this may be.

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I'm not sure for games I haven't played. But I can say these for the games I have played:

PoR: Ike. He's my favourite FE character and I would not change one bit of his development in the storyline. Path of Radiance is my favourite game so there is quite a bit I would not change. But this is probably the one I would not change even if it meant every other part of the plot had to be changed.

RD: ...Skimir getting beaten to a pulp by Zelgius; I guess. It was a moment of sheer "pride comes before the fall." I'm sure this is not the best plot point of Radiant Dawn, but this is just what came to mind after a few minutes of thinking...

Shadow Dragon: There is not much plot there to begin, so it's hard to say what I most would not change. ...Marth's development was decent I guess?

Awakening: Chrom revealing why Plegia hates Ylisse? It was a decent bit of worldbuilding I guess...

Fates; Birthright: The scene that reveals that most of the people in Nohr's capital do their daily commute underground and that Nohr lacks good farmland. Garon transforming into a Dusk Dragon was pretty cool as well (a bit wasted but still cool).

Fates; Conquest: Takumi's gradual possession, while not really surprising, was interesting in how it was used. My only problem with it was that the final boss was an archer with a fancy bow and... that's it. Takumi is of Dawn Dragon blood, and we see possessed Garon transform in Birthright. Why not a transformation into a corrupted dawn dragon form, only for possessed Takumi to say something like, "This vessel's blood is too weak to maintain this form for long... But I will destroy you in the time I do have!" Other than that, though, it was interesting to use a Hoshidan royal as the surprise final boss.

Fates; Revelation: The rainbow sage revealing that he forged the Yato; thus bringing humanity into the war between the First Dragons, as has spent his life since hoping for some way to atone for doing so. That was a bit of good backstory into the first dragons and how humans became involved. I just wish it had been used better in the story (though; then again, I wish every part of Fates' story was either used better or replaced with something better).

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FE1: There isn't much to go by here, but I always enjoyed Xane (or Chainy as he is referred to in this game) as a character. He's one character I wish we would've seen other installments... Or at least someone who could do what he could...

FE2: Rudolph's actual involvement in the plot and what actually happened to the heroes was incredibly moving and a good twist... I just wish there were not hardware limitations, so we could have seen more about how he felt...

FE3: The idea of dragons degenerating... It's incredibly sad, and makes you realize that Tiki's fears are very real... Worse yet, if you played FE14's DLC, it's implied Nah is already beginning to degenerate, which means Tiki is probably much worse off (if not completely gone)

FE4: Battle of Bellhalla, hands down... It's such a shocking scene, even if you know it's coming or got all the conversations about foreshadowing... I wish something like that were used again... The only slight changes that would need to be made would be showing the fates of those who we never heard from...

FE5: Leaf in the dungeon, even if he does escape later... The game does a good job of portraying how hopeless his comrades feel... Also, in that same chapter, there's Mareeta and the Darkness Sword... The game spares no expense in showing just how dangerous she is at that point, and how emotional the conflict between her and Eveyl is... Made even worse that Eveyl can actually kill her at the point...

FE6: The true end... You have to go through a lot in what is already a difficult game to get it, but it's well worth it. Seeing Idoun finally getting a happy ending is incredible...

FE7: I feel like the whole Nino and Sonia dynamic is handled pretty well, with Nino's attempts to please her mother really making her a sympathetic character... And then there's the final confrontation, where Nino's stunned reactions are exactly what someone would probably feel at that point, and then how she finally gathers the strength to face her if they do meet in battle... It's an incredibly well-written character arc, even if the ending is somewhat sad...

FE8: Lyon's entire story was well done, especially hammering home the idea that no matter how much power you have, you can not change things that have already happened... He's easily a tragic parallel to the twins (and it's also easy to imagine them doing something similar, with Eirkia even suggesting it at the end... In fact, given the cut scene after the credits, who's to say they didn't do it eventually?)

Honorable mention goes to Monica... She has no real lines, is only really mentioned in the background. and doesn't even have a portrait, yet succeeds in being one of the most creepy things ever seen in any game in the series... The only thing that could have made her creepier if she had a portrait, and if Orson had never betrayed Renais (imagine him thinking his wife is somehow alive again and rushing to the castle, only to find out what actually happened to her; it would have had a lot of emotional impact if that was on the player's side...)

FE9: Hard to say, but I think the best part was everything involving the Herons... Reyson's anger was very realistic, and finding Leanne truly felt like a miracle... Not to mention the proud Sanaki asking them to forgive her... And the restoration scene was beautiful...

I also would not change any of Sanaki's personality at all... It's nice to see someone with such pride and well-written lines, and at the same time she knows what she's doing... Bonus points for being one of the youngest rulers in the franchise... I only wish we saw more of her on-screen (perhaps she could have fought in this game, somehow)

FE10: Sanaki is well-written, again, with some very realistic reactions to what was basically the betrayal of her surrogate parent and everything she'd ever known... Also, Kurthnaga's character is well done, especially his reaction to his brother's death, going crazy from all the battle when he's probably never fought in his life, and her fear of blood... For a character that was given so little screen time in FE9, he got very good development in the next game...

FE11: The sidequests were all well-written, even if the requirements were stupid... The only one that could have been fleshed out more was Nagi, and even then, she's still a good character as is...

FE12: I think the most interesting new character was Kuraine (for those who don't recognize the name, it's the female sniper assassin who is friends with Katarina)... To start, she's a tragic and realistic example of what happens when someone is basically raised to kill from birth... Not to mention that her death scene is one of the saddest in the game, because it implies that she acts the way she does because this is the only life she's ever known... Her DLC drives it home even further by showing what is most likely a childhood memory, and that there is some shreds of humanity in her... it really makes one wonder what could have happened if things had turned out differently (e.g. her bonding with someone like how Katarina did with Chris)... Not to mention she's a scary example of something Emeriya could have done if she had chosen to train assassins on her own, without the influence of the Darksphere (the player is likely to think this anyway, since they don't see what really happened for quite a while).

FE13: The plot point when Lucina realizes that Robin is the person that killed her father in the future (likely a shock to the player, as well). Made even worse if Robin is her lover or mother, and she is unable to go through with killing her... The fact that Robin is still okay with all this either way really shows how far both of them are willing to go to avert the future... Thankfully, Chrom was listening in...

FE14: I think the best plot point in the main game is the transformation into a Dragon (Corrin's, not Kana's). What was before and after wasn't handled well, but what was during was stellar... The fact that Corrin was feral was truly hammered home by the fact that he/she didn't speak and never transformed back... Not to mention that if you're playing on any mode other than Classic, it's the only mission where Corrin dies when defeated rather than retreating... I feel like this is how the Dragon form should have been handled, with something Corrin transforms into when low on HP or having fought enough times... He/she is immensely powerful, but at risk of dying... Instead we got the lame Dragonstone, and Corrin functions like any other Manakete...

Honorable mention goes to the DLC with the children... Plenty of emotional moments there, especially during the last one... I feel like this is the ending we should've gotten, or what the children should have done... Some changes would've had to have been made in the main game, but considering all the story problems it has, I wouldn't mind all that much...

Edited by wheelsonfire
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FE2: Rudolph's actual involvement in the plot and what actually happened to the heroes was incredibly moving and a good twist... I just wish there were not hardware limitations, so we could have seen more about how he felt...

In order to solve the problems of socioeconomical difference between the neighboring kingdoms i must start a war, make my son part of the enemies, then have him kill and replace me, that will clearly solve everything in the long run and there are clearly no other less extreme and complicated ways to solve this problem!

Gaiden's story was ahead of it's time.

Edited by OakTree
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Ooh, how interesting! Some positivity to counter my negativity. Balance in all things.


While there's not too much of a plot in the game, I liked Alm and Celica's different approaches to ending conflicts. Sure, Celica's boiled down to being a bit naïve and cliché, but it came out in 1992, and they didn't need to have a plot at all, really. Just some added depth and a reason to keep the two armies separated.

Sacred Stones

Everything about Lyon. Hands down the best written Fire Emblem villain of the games that I've played.

Path of Radiance

I'm tempted to say everything that has to do with Soren, but it feels like a cop-out answer after having said the same about Lyon. Honestly, there are many things that are done well here, but few that really stick out. Maybe I just wouldn't change Ike's roots, which are rather refreshing.

Radiant Dawn

Splitting up the forces at the fourth arc. One of my favorite moments in Fire Emblem, since it allows for such great character interactions. I would've said the fighting between the various factions, but since one of them is doing it only because of the Blood Pact, which I would really like to either remove or change, I feel like I can't say it's the best plot point.

Honorable mention goes to Sanaki. Now that's a well-written child character. No onii-chaning here.


Would it be cheating if I said all of Future Past? I think it's the best written plot in Fire Emblem, but it's a DLC. If that's not a valid, then I'd say chapter 10.

As an aside, I really like the family dynamics in this game. It's only done with Lucina in the main plot though, but it's one of the reasons as to why I find Awakening so damn charming.


While not given enough time to care about Hoshido and there's literally no non-selfish reason to go back to Nohr, chapter six in Birthright and Conquest are well-written and accompanied by marvelous music that really sets the mood. It's the only chapter in the game that isn't afraid to get the player slightly upset, and if the rest of the game had been like that, we would've ended up with a vastly superior product.

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Ah, yeah, Sanaki too. I don't think the fact that her father figure was using her to destroy all life is really brought up enough, but that's certainly not the fault of the game; it does a good job of showing how much the revelation crushes her. I really like the idea of a ruler who can be spoiled, haughty, and somewhat arbitrary, but at the same time, her heart is in the right place, and God help you if you fuck with her people. I almost want her as the dual protagonist of RD with Micaiah.

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Blazing Sword: I enjoyed the Black Fang as antagonists. Sure, there may be improvements here and there to flesh them out more, but overall they are what I remember the most about the main storyline. Lyn's tale was also enjoyable for what it was, even though it seems irrelevant to the main plot.

Sacred Stones: Gotta go with Lyon. He had good intentions and tried to save Grado, only to end up being possessed by the Demon King. The Demon King did a good job at manipulating people too.

Radiant Dawn: I loved Part 2 from a story and gameplay standpoint. It focuses on Elincia trying to rule her country and quelling civil unrest, while gameplay wise it features lots of NPC allies and fun scenarios.

Awakening: Lucina's confrontation with the Avatar, especially if the Avatar is the husband or mother. It's probably the most moving scene in game, even more so than a certain sacrificial lamb. Otherwise, Future Past. Sure, it was just 3 DLC chapters, but those 3 chapters are well so well written that I am far more interested in the kid's apocalyptic future than what happened in Awakening.

Fates - Starter: Chapter Six. This is what we wanted and were sold on for Fates, the tragedy of having to choose a side. Regrettably, even this chapter had issues and afterwards the story wandered off, but that is for a different topic.

Fates - Birthright: Discovering how the people of Nohr lived and Elise's little secret. It added a bit of world building in a game that basically had none.

Fates - Conquest: The Opera House, specifically Leo and his awesomeness. He explains how to get things done even if everything else is falling apart, and should have been more of a focus, but again, different topic.

Fates - Revelations: I haven't finished it, so no comment.

Path of Radiance & Shadow Dragon - Don't remember much in terms of story, so no comment.

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I'm not sure for games I haven't played. But I can say these for the games I have played:

PoR: Ike. He's my favourite FE character and I would not change one bit of his development in the storyline. Path of Radiance is my favourite game so there is quite a bit I would not change. But this is probably the one I would not change even if it meant every other part of the plot had to be changed.

RD: ...Skimir getting beaten to a pulp by Zelgius; I guess. It was a moment of sheer "pride comes before the fall." I'm sure this is not the best plot point of Radiant Dawn, but this is just what came to mind after a few minutes of thinking...

Shadow Dragon: There is not much plot there to begin, so it's hard to say what I most would not change. ...Marth's development was decent I guess?

Awakening: Chrom revealing why Plegia hates Ylisse? It was a decent bit of worldbuilding I guess...

Fates; Birthright: The scene that reveals that most of the people in Nohr's capital do their daily commute underground and that Nohr lacks good farmland. Garon transforming into a Dusk Dragon was pretty cool as well (a bit wasted but still cool).

Fates; Conquest: Takumi's gradual possession, while not really surprising, was interesting in how it was used. My only problem with it was that the final boss was an archer with a fancy bow and... that's it. Takumi is of Dawn Dragon blood, and we see possessed Garon transform in Birthright. Why not a transformation into a corrupted dawn dragon form, only for possessed Takumi to say something like, "This vessel's blood is too weak to maintain this form for long... But I will destroy you in the time I do have!" Other than that, though, it was interesting to use a Hoshidan royal as the surprise final boss.

Fates; Revelation: The rainbow sage revealing that he forged the Yato; thus bringing humanity into the war between the First Dragons, as has spent his life since hoping for some way to atone for doing so. That was a bit of good backstory into the first dragons and how humans became involved. I just wish it had been used better in the story (though; then again, I wish every part of Fates' story was either used better or replaced with something better).

Is that a Spirit Tracks reference?

FE1: There isn't much to go by here, but I always enjoyed Xane (or Chainy as he is referred to in this game) as a character. He's one character I wish we would've seen other installments... Or at least someone who could do what he could...

I've been wanting to see another Chameleon for a long time now. Not only is it a good gimmick in terms of Gameplay but there's a wealth of untapped story potential when it comes to shape shifters. You could have impersonators, infiltrators and says abound if they were their own race. It's amazing IS hasn't brought this back when it was something that's been around since the very first game.

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FE 4: The barbecue, or Dances in the sky.

FE 6: Zephiel & Guinevere in general (it's hard to point out specific plot points as it is all dumped at you at once).

FE 7: The Black Fang (really this is the entire reason this one's my favorite story in FE). For specific story beats Battle Before Dawn/Night of Farewells is my favorite.

FE 8: Orson's chapter

FE 9: Shiharam's chapter, Mia recruitment chapter (Sorens characterization here is awesome), and Ike's first meeting with Sanaki.

FE 10: The Dawn Brigades first chapter in part three ( as much as I love part two it doesn't belong in this game I stand by that the game should've been entirely about the Dawn Brigade) as well as the second chapter I think they're both conceptually great chapters story wise and have strong atmosphere and bring out a parts of their points well even if they are not as deafly handled as they could've or should've been.

FE 11: I want to say something but I just honestly don't remember much about this game's plot but I did like the moments with Tiki I guess.

FE 12: The entire Gra chapter (the one with Sheema) is definitely the best part of its story imo.

FE 13: The rain chapter after Emmeryn's death is is the best point of the story and the story promptly takes a nosedive after the fact.

FE 14 B: The chapter where Elise takes you through the Nohr underground is the best part of the story.

C: The communal dinner where Royals meet and have to be passive aggressive was my favorite part of the story, also Chapter 6.

R: Chapter 6, and the final battle is pretty cool.

Edited by Locke087
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Genealogy of the Holy War

The Belhalla Massacre. As much as I like Sigurd, and the vast majority of the first generation cast, that moment was one of the most pivotal moments in the entire series.

Binding Blade

Roy vs. Zephiel.

Blazing Sword

Can I just say the whole story? Please?

Sacred Stones

Lyon. Anything and everything Lyon. Best villain in the series.

Path of Radiance

Eh...maybe Shinon and Gatrie leaving, just because it shows that not everyone is okay with Ike taking over.

Radiant Dawn

Part 2.

Shadow Dragon

Retaking of Altea.


Lucina's confrontation of Robin upon learning that Robin was Chrom's killer. It's especially good if Robin is her husband.

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FE4: The Belhalla Massacre. It's a testament to how well-done it is that it still manages to be shocking, even when you know it's coming.

FE6: The true ending.

FE7: The small scope and personal stakes of Lyn Mode, which was a nice change of pace.

FE8: Ephraim's genuinely horrified reaction to Lyon's motives on his route, which felt like a way more authentic piece of character development than the aftermath of retaking Renais.

FE9: Jill's character arc.

FE10: Chapter 2 in its entirety. It's still one of the best examples of good character development in the entire series.

FE11: The triumphant return to and recapture of Castle Altea.

FE12: Jeigan vs. Lang. Gave me new respect for Jeigan, even if I will still always sacrifice him in SD for Frey.

FE13: Lucina being revealed to be Chrom's daughter from the future.

FE14 Birthright: The underground city in Nohr, which gave some much-needed backstory and exposition.

FE14 Conquest: Chapter 14, mostly because the version of Lost in Thoughts All Alone that Azura sings is fantastic, Garons of increasing discomfort, and we actually get to see at least one of the Nohr siblings live up to their claims of subverting Garon's orders when they can.

FE14 Revelation: Chapters 16 & 17. While not being able to save between the two was a pain, the frantic pacing made it feel like there was an actual time limit, and the back-to-back takedowns of two of Fates' most loathsome characters is immensely satisfying.

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Never actually did mine.

Holy War

I'm going to say everything about Alvis so I can include the Barbara Massacre in that scope. I find his backstory to be pretty great and his subsequent spiralling out of control in the second Generation that leaves him a pretty suicidal guy that you can still feel sympathy for but also definitely view as an enemy. I would have maybe liked to have seen one or two more scenes with him in the first gen since to establish him better. You see him once in the prologue and then he vanishes until Chapter 5 where he's suddenly a mastermind behind everything but I'm actually really satisfied with how little he appears in the second Gen. It's great that they manage to convey his character so well with only a handful of scenes (and the opening chapter narration. That's such a useful feature in the series that needs to come back).


Manster is the best example of story and gameplay integration in the series thus far in my opinion. Even leaving the awesomeness of Mother and Child aside. The difficulty spike really feels as if it's appropriate given the context and the chapters have a different dynamic. Capturing and stealing weapons from your enemies is given very heavy emphasis, the Gaiden is set on a very small map and uses complete fog of war very good. Really feels like a gritty close quarters fight where it's hard to fight your opponent because of the environment rather than their stats. And then the escape chapter where they throw Galzuz and other promoted units at you which really effectively say Get The Hell Out Of There while you can. It might seem like I'm focusing more on the gameplay but it's the way the gameplay so effectively compliments the story at that point that I really adore.

Sword of Seals

The fact that Eliwood is alive. It's a very small thing, and he certainly could have been expanded on a lot more, but dammit if it keeping a parent alive isn't something the series has done before (or since).

Blazing Sword

It's a small role and we don't really get much backstory on him, but I really enjoyed Uhai for some reason.

Sacred Stones

Caellach. He carries the entire villain team for 60% of the game.

Path of Radiance

Jill's arc. She should be a shining inspiration to all minor characters everywhere. That's how you do a non-racial arc right.

Radiant Dawn

Sephiran's story. Would have been nice to see him before hand in the game (especially since I played Radiant Dawn before Path of Radiance) but I thought the manner in which they actually reveal him in the finale to be done very well. Slowly building up the story using memories so you get a good sense of exactly who he is and why he i the way he is. Even better in the Japanese version where it's implied he slaughters a bunch of people during the Serenes Massacre.

Shadow Dragon

Prince Michalis managed to come across very impressively to me despite only appearing in one chapter. I'm not quite sure exactly why but I really liked him and thought the game managed to convey really well the type of character he is, even though the actual evidence of him having some kind of redeeming traits is pretty nonexistent (in this game).

New Mystery

I didn't feel too enthralled by the Assassin Sub Plot but Kleine's death and relationship with Katarina was pretty great. Super cheap ass emotional manipulation with the cg and music, but still pretty damn great.


As a lot of people said, Future Past was much better written than the rest of Awakening combined. Shame it wasn't as long as Fate's expanded DLC, would like to know how Aversa and Validar faired in the future.



Final confrontation with Xander was nice.


Only thing that really stands out to me thinking about it now is the battle with Hinoka. At that point it really starts to bring up the question wether all of this conflict is worth it (it's...not. The method they were using to reveal Garon was stupid, but at least I could feel the weight the game was trying to display)


Hmm. I seen it coming a mile away but I suppose Gunther's betrayal. Although that's not quite accurate. It's meant to be something I wouldn't change and given the chance I would have rather Gunther stayed dead. Still though the mere idea of a playable character betraying the party is something I really like on a conceptual level.

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Everything I'm going to list has been talked about in more detail by others already, so I'm keeping this short.

FE7: Lyn mode's story

FE8: Lyon

FE9: Sanaki, especially when she apologizes for the Serenes Massacre

FE10: part 2

FE13: the parent/child dynamics Thane mentioned I think.

Fates: as Thane said, chapter 6 is really good.

For individual paths, I would love to say the part about showing life in Nohr underground in Brithright, but that really should have been in Conquest... I'll go with what blah said about Nohrian siblings defecting in Birthright and Leo in opera chapter in Conquest.

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