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3DS remake of FE7+6?


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Something along these lines has been the topic of discussion in a few threads (that I've seen, at least) lately, and I know the topic has possibly been discussed before but I wanted to make a thread for it all the same to discuss things like is this a good idea, what should be added/changed, etc. etc.

But yeah, what I would like to see is the two games bundled together and packaged as a game in the style of Awakening and Fates, which is to say, Kozaki art and breeding mechanics and such, probably Fates battle mechanics, and so forth.

So... Discuss! What would you want to see out of a game like this?

Kozaki art or something new, or maybe something in remembrance of the old art style? Fates or classic style of combat mechanics as far as weapon durability, pairing up, and so forth go? New/expanded parts of the story or keeping it largely the same? Expanded shipping options or the more conservative and restricted support options of the OG games? Presence of a MU for 7's tactician as a playable unit? And so forth.

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I'd rather not see these games be tainted by the newer avatar system or a unneeded 2nd Gen (Unless the FE6 revamp is somehow connected to the fe7 one which would be one helluva long game)

Probably would like to see the same support lines, but with a more Path of Radiance system, with base convos as well, The newer core gameplay could probably be incorporated well, although I'm not sure i'd be a fan of reclass happening in these games.

General stat rebalances, and keep the general difficulty of FE6, I like the challenge FE6 HM gives, I'd rather them not water it down or make stat inflation or forges more commonplace to deal with.

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If FE6/7 are to be remade, the only changes that really need to be made are a graphics update and some rebalancing to make supports easier to get and certain units less fail, especially for 6. Nothing more really needs to be done differently.

No avatar, no reclass, no in-the-middle-of-war marriage and children, no pair up, no infinite supports.

Iron out the originals' flaws while still being true to them.

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I'd rather not see these games be tainted by the newer avatar system or a unneeded 2nd Gen (Unless the FE6 revamp is somehow connected to the fe7 one which would be one helluva long game)

Probably would like to see the same support lines, but with a more Path of Radiance system, with base convos as well, The newer core gameplay could probably be incorporated well, although I'm not sure i'd be a fan of reclass happening in these games.

General stat rebalances, and keep the general difficulty of FE6, I like the challenge FE6 HM gives, I'd rather them not water it down or make stat inflation or forges more commonplace to deal with.

I was thinking something along the lines of what FE12 did (assuming it did what I think it did, I don't know that much about it beyond it being a remake of FE3 tbh), where FE7 is its own campaign, and gameplay choices/support endings and whatnot would affect the FE6 kids' modifiers or what have you. Yeah, it'd be a hella long game if it's as I envision it, lol.

EDIT: Actually, a better example would be like FE4, where first half is FE7 and second half is 6. You get the idea.

In general I'd be in support of keeping the general difficulty (as unmarketable as that might be ~___~ maybe there's an optional mode with forges and free-grinding available, idk), but not sure what I'd want out of a reclass system, if anything. Branching promotion would be fine, I think, and the concept of being able to reclass characters like Renault into their implied former profession IS an interesting concept, I think... It's tough to say. Could go either way in that regard, but I'd imagine that if IS decided to do this, there'd probably be reclassing of some nature.

I'm not really sure, but tbf, I'd rather they not get remade than get tainted by going the way of Shadow Dragon.

The assumption is that it'll be... ideally better than that lol. But I get what you're saying, there's no guarantee that won't happen. Fair enough.


If FE6/7 are to be remade, the only changes that really need to be made are a graphics update and some rebalancing to make supports easier to get and certain units less fail, especially for 6. Nothing more really needs to be done differently.

No avatar, no reclass, no in-the-middle-of-war marriage and children, no pair up, no infinite supports.

Iron out the originals' flaws while still being true to them.

Honestly yeah, playing 6 for the first time and seeing just how crazily-balanced (read: badly lol) all the units are, I'd totally settle for a minimalistic one with updated (but similar) graphics and modified balancing.

To clarify, there would be no 'middle-of-war-marriage' lol, I agree that's dumb. It'd be more like... treat it like FE4, where FE7 ends and any pair-ups and supports that occurred there are carried over into FE6 in terms of growths/modifiers and whatnot. Honestly, the question of 'how could the breeding mechanics be applied without recruiting the kids being stupid?' was what prompted me to think of this idea, and subsequently, the thread. So I definitely agree with you in that regard.

Honestly, I think that a Fates-style remake of the two games that stays true to the spirit of the originals and irons out their flaws COULD happen in a way that's passably-executed, but the obvious question is WILL it. And honestly I can't blame people for lacking in faith in that regard after FE11/13, haha. But I'd certainly like to see it happen if it was executed properly.

Edited by BANRYU
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Honestly yeah, playing 6 for the first time and seeing just how crazily-balanced (read: badly lol) all the units are, I'd totally settle for a minimalistic one with updated (but similar) graphics and modified balancing.

To clarify, there would be no 'middle-of-war-marriage' lol, I agree that's dumb. It'd be more like... treat it like FE4, where FE7 ends and any pair-ups and supports that occurred there are carried over into FE6 in terms of growths/modifiers and whatnot. Honestly, the question of 'how could the breeding mechanics be applied without recruiting the kids being stupid?' was what prompted me to think of this idea, and subsequently, the thread. So I definitely agree with you in that regard.

Honestly, I think that a Fates-style remake of the two games that stays true to the spirit of the originals and irons out their flaws COULD happen in a way that's passably-executed, but the obvious question is WILL it. And honestly I can't blame people for lacking in faith in that regard after FE11/13, haha. But I'd certainly like to see it happen if it was executed properly.

Yeah, I'd consider FE6 a really strong contender for "worst balanced in the series" after 10, 11, and 13.

Oh, more like FE4? Hmm, well, I guess it wouldn't be too bad so long as characters with no compatibility aren't forced to interact. So... basically, just leave the shipping options alone and use the system to give some boosts to Roy, Lilina, Sue, Wolt, Lugh, and Raigh if they want.

And yeah, I could go on for a while about how much I despise 13, believe me. I can probably count things I like about it on one hand. I just don't exactly have faith in IS anymore, particularly when it comes to touching past games, because I don't want Roy or Eliwood to go the way of FE12 Marth, it would make me very sad.

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Yeah, I'd consider FE6 a really strong contender for "worst balanced in the series" after 10, 11, and 13.

Oh, more like FE4? Hmm, well, I guess it wouldn't be too bad so long as characters with no compatibility aren't forced to interact. So... basically, just leave the shipping options alone and use the system to give some boosts to Roy, Lilina, Sue, Wolt, Lugh, and Raigh if they want.

And yeah, I could go on for a while about how much I despise 13, believe me. I can probably count things I like about it on one hand. I just don't exactly have faith in IS anymore, particularly when it comes to touching past games, because I don't want Roy or Eliwood to go the way of FE12 Marth, it would make me very sad.

I think a FEW more support options for some characters would be okay, since like... some characters have very few support-based additional endings (Rath, for instance, has only his normal ending and the one where he marries Lyn), but definitely no more than like... 6-8 at the most, which is relatively few, all things considered...

But yeah, definitely want to keep it as close to the originals as possible. Even things like modified classes (wyverns with axes vs lances), addition of skills (as long as it was as minimalistic as possible), and the modified Fates weapon mechanics I'm honestly pretty iffy on, though I think... I could live with it...?

It's definitely a touchier and more difficult subject that I anticipated, TBH, but I'm not completely without hope that it could be done competently. @3@

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I think a FEW more support options for some characters would be okay, since like... some characters have very few support-based additional endings (Rath, for instance, has only his normal ending and the one where he marries Lyn), but definitely no more than like... 6-8 at the most, which is relatively few, all things considered...

But yeah, definitely want to keep it as close to the originals as possible. Even things like modified classes (wyverns with axes vs lances), addition of skills (as long as it was as minimalistic as possible), and the modified Fates weapon mechanics I'm honestly pretty iffy on, though I think... I could live with it...?

It's definitely a touchier and more difficult subject that I anticipated, TBH, but I'm not completely without hope that it could be done competently. @3@

Rath's general personality is pretty much the main reason he's pretty lacking in terms of shipping, so I really wouldn't bother changing his shipping options. There's only so much interaction one can get out of Rath, after all. It'd hurt Sue, unfortunately, but I'd imagine the boosts from inheritance would have to be small, since only 6 units get options with it.
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I feel like taking the ROM of the two games, modifying it to be more balanced, and giving it graphical updates would be the best way to remake these games.

If there HAS to be a children mechanic, then I'd prefer it being done like FE4 with the FE7 cast being the 1st gen and 6's cast being 2nd.

As for the Avatar, making him/her playable would be okay, but not making him/her more plot relevant.

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As for the Avatar, making him/her playable would be okay, but not making him/her more plot relevant.

Lyn *WAS* the first self-insert waifu in the entire series.

That being said, I am completely against Mark being able to marry anyone at all from Elibe.

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I feel like taking the ROM of the two games, modifying it to be more balanced, and giving it graphical updates would be the best way to remake these games.

If there HAS to be a children mechanic, then I'd prefer it being done like FE4 with the FE7 cast being the 1st gen and 6's cast being 2nd.

As for the Avatar, making him/her playable would be okay, but not making him/her more plot relevant.

I'd honestly be fine with that too, haha. Giving it the Fates treatment is definitely a risky/controversial move, I will freely admit.

And yeah, since (I think...??) FE7 had the first self-insert character in the series, it might make sense / be nice if the character was actually a controllable unit, so long as they're not extremely prone to potentially super-OP like Robin and Corrin very much were.

Honestly my bigger worry there is not Mark's involvement with the plot of 7 (assuming they keep it relatively minimal as they did in the game), but rather, the potential shoehorning of Mark's child into Roy's story, lol. THAT, I feel, would definitely lead to some FE12-esque unwelcome changes to Roy's plot.

As for Mark being able to support with and/or marry the FE7 characters, I'm kinda on the fence with it. If IS decided to do something like this, it's a fairly safe bet that they would probably want or push to make it a feature, since it helped make Fates and Awakening so popular.

And TBH I think a lot of girls might want to date Roy, if my female friends are any indication lol.

That being said, I am completely against Mark being able to marry anyone at all from Elibe.

I know a certain GBA critical montage on Youtube that might go a ways toward disproving this statement.

*disclaimer* I make this assertion as lightheartedly as possible just to clarify, not tryna start shit lol

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I know a certain GBA critical montage on Youtube that might go a ways toward disproving this statement.

*disclaimer* I make this assertion as lightheartedly as possible just to clarify, not tryna start shit lol

Just a matter of stating a fact: All it does is disprove it. As I hate that video with a burning passion and the reason why I have a project file of a remake.

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Just a matter of stating a fact: All it does is disprove it. As I hate that video with a burning passion and the reason why I have a project file of a remake.

Is it for the reason that I think? Bc that's actually a really great video, all things considered; so few people have crit montages like that and it's a fun thing to just... go watch every now and then, haha... Have you considered reuploading it without, uhh... that one part?

Or is it for some completely different reason?

(I was mainly kidding about the disproving thing BTW, if you couldn't tell, although I do admit it is a little surprising to hear you say you don't wanna see Mark being able to marry the Elibe characters, having seen... well, you know. Guess I was just curious as to where you were coming from there x3x)

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And yeah, since (I think...??) FE7 had the first self-insert character in the series, it might make sense / be nice if the character was actually a controllable unit, so long as they're not extremely prone to potentially super-OP like Robin and Corrin very much were.

This was exactly what I was thinking when I wrote that thing about the Avatar- for the marriage/kids part, I'm completely neutral about that- if Mark can marry and have kids, okay. If he/she can't, okay. I mainly just want to see the tactician sprite more lol (and it can potentially be an additional class in this hypothetical remake).

Is it for the reason that I think? Bc that's actually a really great video, all things considered; so few people have crit montages like that and it's a fun thing to just... go watch every now and then, haha... Have you considered reuploading it without, uhh... that one part?

I'm curious about this too; if the video didn't have that part, would you leave it as it is and not create a new collection?
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I'm curious about this too; if the video didn't have that part, would you leave it as it is and not create a new collection?


I've grown as a hacker and a video editor.

It disgusts me for more than one reason.

Another is that the animation collection isn't complete or use 60fps.

I have also lost the footage.

Reuploading a download of it will disgust the HD whore in me more than the actual video.

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I've grown as a hacker and a video editor.

It disgusts me for more than one reason.

Another is that the animation collection isn't complete or use 60fps.

I have also lost the footage.

Reuploading a download of it will disgust the HD whore in me more than the actual video.

omg. I can respect your perfectionism haha.

Well, it's good enough for me until such a time as you decide to make a new one, if you do.

So... not to press the issue too much, but I notice you're avoiding the other part of my question. Do you mind elaborating on why you don't want a marriagable MU feature in said hypothetical game? If it's a touchy subject or something then nw.

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I hate that part of myself that bought into the whole self insert thing.

This is why I've never made an MU with my name again since Awakening, with the exception of Belinda wanting my MU as a Butler in her game.

I've made defaults and OCs, but it's enthusiasm and an extreme that I cannot stand. This is why I stay away from Chrom x MU fangirls. I'll end up flaming them.

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Personally, I would hate a remake that goes full Fates mode in eugenics. But what I could imagine would be small bonuses or alterations in the 2nd gen depending on the supports in Eliwood's story. For example, Wolt's stats could change slightly if Rebecca found a husband in the army; Fir could get a personal weapon if Karla was recuited - stuff like that, but not something like FE4 where the 2nd gen can almost completely be bred in the first half of the game. [i haven't playd FE4, so this assessment may or may not be accurate]

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Personally, I would hate a remake that goes full Fates mode in eugenics. But what I could imagine would be small bonuses or alterations in the 2nd gen depending on the supports in Eliwood's story. For example, Wolt's stats could change slightly if Rebecca found a husband in the army; Fir could get a personal weapon if Karla was recuited - stuff like that, but not something like FE4 where the 2nd gen can almost completely be bred in the first half of the game. [i haven't playd FE4, so this assessment may or may not be accurate]

That is a good idea, since Fir's parents are pretty set in stone haha. Maybe like the Wo Dao VS a more basic weapon like Killing edge or even Iron something... Perhaps something similar for other nonvariable kids like Pent & Louise's, depending on whether you do THEIR supports...

Since a lot of the units in FE6 aren't related to anyone in 7, and even some that are are also nonvariable (I think of Hugh and Igrene as well), maybe there are other bonuses in the second gen for fulfilling special requirements.

Oh yeah, and other thing I forgot to mention is that it'd be nice to have canon gay support options available, IE Raven x Lucius and Lyn x Florina. And, if the marryable MU thing is implemented, those characters are also available for same-sex marraige, etc.

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I wouldn't care for it. I'm not that big a fan of 6, to be honest, but 7 is perfectly fine as it is. I feel like the pros of such a remake would be a lot of effort over nothing. If I want to play 7, I'll play 7, not 7-with-some-new-mechanics-shoehorned-in.

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That is a good idea, since Fir's parents are pretty set in stone haha. Maybe like the Wo Dao VS a more basic weapon like Killing edge or even Iron something... Perhaps something similar for other nonvariable kids like Pent & Louise's, depending on whether you do THEIR supports...

Since a lot of the units in FE6 aren't related to anyone in 7, and even some that are are also nonvariable (I think of Hugh and Igrene as well), maybe there are other bonuses in the second gen for fulfilling special requirements.

Oh yeah, and other thing I forgot to mention is that it'd be nice to have canon gay support options available, IE Raven x Lucius and Lyn x Florina. And, if the marryable MU thing is implemented, those characters are also available for same-sex marraige, etc.

This is the reason I'm afraid of this idea for a remake because if you think that IS is to respectfull their old work to not retcon the heck out of everything to provide more children options, you really need to play FE 12. You can sure bet that more of FE 6 characters are suddenly going be related to someone, who knows mabye they will add entirely new characters I make them their relatives (which will lead to massive character bloat for FE 7). People that were married him during the course of the game sure are not going to be married anymore, it's not like Canas, Hawkeye, Batre & Karla, or Pent & Loiuse's characters are at all affected by the fact that they're already married. They might have enough integrity to keep Pent & Louise, and Barte & Karla married, but you can sure bet they will make Hawkeye and Canas single and not care about the consequences.

I am surprised that this this topic comes up so much the GBA games have aged perfectly fine, IS in their current state is more than likely to add crap into the games that were never meant to be there then anything else. Look I want an official English copy of FE 6 as much the next man but IS lack of artistic integrity makes it really hard to trust that they will do a remake well.

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I'm currently playing through FE6 for the first time and one of the things I would like is for Hector to have a much larger role in the FE6 remake. Not a role where he becomes a major character or playable unit, but a role where his impact in the story until his end becomes satisfying from start to finish. I hate sounding like a Hector fanboy but I really have trouble comprehending how Hector went from being a lord who fought his way to become a leader, wielded Armads, fought a Fire Dragon and a guild of assassins, to a minor character who gets killed off in the third chapter. I know at the time, the developers didn't had that many plans on making a prequel to FE7 but if they were to remake FE6 again they should kill of a character who left an impact in the prequel much better.

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This is the reason I'm afraid of this idea for a remake because if you think that IS is to respectfull their old work to not retcon the heck out of everything to provide more children options, you really need to play FE 12. You can sure bet that more of FE 6 characters are suddenly going be related to someone, who knows mabye they will add entirely new characters I make them their relatives (which will lead to massive character bloat for FE 7). People that were married him during the course of the game sure are not going to be married anymore, it's not like Canas, Hawkeye, Batre & Karla, or Pent & Loiuse's characters are at all affected by the fact that they're already married. They might have enough integrity to keep Pent & Louise, and Barte & Karla married, but you can sure bet they will make Hawkeye and Canas single and not care about the consequences.

I am surprised that this this topic comes up so much the GBA games have aged perfectly fine, IS in their current state is more than likely to add crap into the games that were never meant to be there then anything else. Look I want an official English copy of FE 6 as much the next man but IS lack of artistic integrity makes it really hard to trust that they will do a remake well.

Maybe a controversial stance, but I'm totally OK with the amount of retconning FE12 has done. As far as I know, they added Chris (and some less important guys), the assassin subplot, Michalis not dying and something resembling a characterization for the non-plotrelevant characters.

Now I will not try and convince you (or myself) that these changes were good, but they did not throw the entire prototype out of the window. I wouldn't mind adjustments of that magnitude at all (as long as they're not as bland as Chris), for example, as Rend Keaven said, the miniscule relevance Hector and Eliwood have in FE6. For someone who has played their story before Roy's (so basically anyone who plays a potential remake), it sure is disappointing that Eliwood's only job is to give Roy command over Pherae's troops and Hector's job is to die as soon as he appears to give Roy command over all of Lycia's troops. Lyn being completely irrelevant after the tutorial and disappearing completely in Roy's story (well, it's technically the other way around - she was only created for the tutorial - but anyway...) is a flaw too, imho.

I would rather have these flaws fixed than have a remake that doesn't touch the old script to keep the fanbase quite. Why would I want to play that if nothing of relevance was changed?

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