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Can I make Olivia learn Galeforce to pass to Luciana without grinding?


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Once you get her in chapter 11, dance all the way until you reach level 30. You'll need tons of healing and tank unit to stall the battle until Olivia reaches level 30.

If I reclass her into Dark Flier and let her take all kills in chapter 12-13, will that be enough for her to reach level 15?

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I don't think so. She'd need to gain 25 levels, including 15 promoted. Even if you manage to get her to level 20, reclass her on the same map, and have her take all the kills in Chapter 11, I still don't think it would be enough.

Edited by eggclipse
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No you wouldn't be able to get Olivia to pass on galeforce without some serious grinding. That is why I don't bother pairing her up with Chrom too much effort for galeforce when it is much easier to have someone who is recruited sooner (like Sumia, Maribelle or F!Robin) and you have a bit of time to get the skill on them.

Lucina can get galeforce on her own through reclassing regardless of who her mother is (except the Maiden and Sully).

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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I usualy have olivai pass down luck +4, because lucinia can't get it any other way. (where as she can get GF by reclassing).

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If I reclass her into Dark Flier and let her take all kills in chapter 12-13, will that be enough for her to reach level 15?

Not even close.

The extra 15 levels of internal level on top of starting at level 21 (promoted = 20) means you're a level 16 promoted unit trying to get experience off single digit promoted enemy units.

There is no way you're getting 14 level ups with that.

FYI: You can stall the battle to dance grind Olivia by eliminating all except the 5 units surrounding Gangrel. Gangrel and them don't aggro unless you get in their range.

IIRC, it's 247 turns to get to level 30.

Or I might be remembering wrong.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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In a word: No. You wouldn't even come close. Even if you dance abused her to 30 in her join chapter, you'd still need 14 levels in 2 chapters where most of the enemies you're fighting are still unpromoted.

Incidentally, I'm not a fan of pairing Chrom with Olivia for reasons stated earlier, in addition to her not giving Lucina anything of note.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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If you save all the early Paralogues for her and Forge some low Mt Tomes for her (milking EXP out of regular enemies) it might be possible.

I can't remember if Lucina's skillset is decided at the end or the start of Chapter 13...there are a fair amount of promoted reinforcements to farm there too, so if you took all her skills off she might be able to hit Galeforce from farming it in the middle of the map assuming you use the Paralogues.

Edited by Irysa
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If you save all the early Paralogues for her and Forge some low Mt Tomes for her (milking EXP out of regular enemies) it might be possible.

I can't remember if Lucina's skillset is decided at the end or the start of Chapter 13...there are a fair amount of promoted reinforcements to farm there too, so if you took all her skills off she might be able to hit Galeforce from farming it in the middle of the map assuming you use the Paralogues.

Are you sure that a unit being treated as though they were level 36 would be getting more than the bare minimum from the promoted enemies at that point???

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And 1400 divided by 8 = 175 kills needed. Yeah... that likely ain't happenin'.

Like I said, forge the tome to be shitty. Her mag stat sucks so she won't orko.

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What if she doesn't OHKO them and getting 2-3 battles per each kill? I also have another save where Sumia takes two level to learn Galeforce in chapter 12 and I didn't even put most kills onto her.

Comparing getting Sumia to Galeforce before finishing chapter 13 to getting Olivia to Galeforce before completing chapter 13 is a big case of comparing apples and oranges.

Like I said, forge the tome to be shitty. Her mag stat sucks so she won't orko.

You DO realize that you're suggesting something that ain't even an option in the first place, don't you...? Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Comparing getting Sumia to Galeforce before finishing chapter 13 to getting Olivia to Galeforce before completing chapter 13 is a big case of comparing apples and oranges.

You DO realize that you're suggesting something that ain't even an option in the first place, don't you...?

I did make Galeforce Sumia, twice. I just want to know if it's possible for Olivia's case. I guess I'll have to try and findout if no one tried this before.



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If you have the DLC, I strongly suggest giving her Paragon. I don't remember if you can use skill scrolls in the middle of a chapter, though. You'll definitely want it by Chapter 12, though!

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If you have the DLC, I strongly suggest giving her Paragon. I don't remember if you can use skill scrolls in the middle of a chapter, though. You'll definitely want it by Chapter 12, though!

You can use skill scrolls midchapter, it also makes recruiting Donnel a bit less time consuming.
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I did make Galeforce Sumia, twice. I just want to know if it's possible for Olivia's case. I guess I'll have to try and findout if no one tried this before.

The problem is you have a whopping 15 extra levels of internal levels to deal with.

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I did make Galeforce Sumia, twice. I just want to know if it's possible for Olivia's case. I guess I'll have to try and findout if no one tried this before.



Like Rey said earlier, Olivia has a whopping extra 15 levels of internal level to deal with, as well as a lot less chapters to work with relative to Sumia, so they don't even compare.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I did make Galeforce Sumia, twice. I just want to know if it's possible for Olivia's case. I guess I'll have to try and findout if no one tried this before.



The only reason Sumia can pull this off easily is that she joins MUCH earlier than Olivia does (Ch. 3 vs. Ch. 11) and that she starts off as a Pegasus knight. She's also more able to gain experience at the start unlike Olivia who has to rely on dance abuse before she can reclass.

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Alright. I tried. I put one spare Anna recruit chapter just in case. The result was, I get lv. 12 Olivia by the end of chapter 13.

That was close. Maybe it's possible if you spare all paralogues, or not? I'll need about 40 kills and Olivia hits too hard even with crappy weapons so I doubt it's doable without grinding.

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You DO realize that you're suggesting something that ain't even an option in the first place, don't you...?

lol I forgot you can't forge down in this game, despite it being possible in 9 to 12. rip.

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If you don't mind me asking, couldn't you just leave Olivia as a dancer? I mean, she's you're only dancer and that alone is more important than rechanging her class right? Its not like she'll get any stronger with galeforce nor its like she'll make much use of it since I believe you need to kill a unit inorder for the skill to activate which she is NOT suited for.

I haven't played Awakening for a while but in my two playthroughs of it, Olivia was definitely useful as a dancer alone.

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You can barely do this on lunatic if you save all the paralogues + non-reinforcements in c11-13 for her

whether this is a good idea is another matter entirely

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