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5 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Where did you find the glitch text? Did you just Google it?

Yep. I just searched "Glitchy text", and it was the first result that popped up.

4 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

I assume by game folder you mean history log? It's gotten pretty darn weird in there lately.

@Rex Glacies My life isn't that exciting. Sometimes, I wish I had nothing to do so I could do something else.

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I have to say, after looking at this still frame of Yuri for the past 20 minutes, she's starting to look attractive. She looks good in red.


I just wanted to make sure you haven't missed too much. It's good to think hȧ̶̺ppy thō̷̧ughts every once in a while, y'know?


I'm surprised you feel that way. I wouldn't think that a decaying corpse would have very soft hands for too long.


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1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:

C̷̯̋ä̵͓́ŗ̶̌ē̶̮f̶͎̑ṳ̷͝l̶͖̐ ̸̣̓ẅ̸̼́i̶̝͐t̸͙̕ḧ̵͎́ ̶͕́t̵͉͌h̶͉̋ä̶̝́t̸̝͊.̷̗̎ ̵͚̔I̴̻̅ ̶̠̄c̷͌ͅo̶͍̕p̷̰͂y̷̱̿/̸̬̓p̴͙̾ã̴̼s̸̗̄t̶͚̋e̷̼̽d̵̢͊ ̴̨͒ṫ̵̟h̶̗̄a̵̧͒t̴͈̽ ̵̬̊i̶̭͝n̷̻̓ţ̵́o̶̠͛ ̴̣͊a̸̰͆ ̴̤̽W̴̳͒ǫ̴͌r̸͍̎d̴̦͘ ̶̱͘d̴̦͐o̴͉͊c̶̭̒ ̷̟̄a̴͍̋n̷͇̑d̷̼̆ ̴̦͆m̵͍̄ỹ̴̱ ̷̭̀c̸̤͝ȍ̵̬m̴̜͊p̴̨̔u̸͖͆t̸̮̀è̸̖r̴̘̾ ̵͍̔c̷̳̓r̶̹̽a̸̩͋s̴̱̄h̵͔̅ę̵̿d̴͙͠.̴̧͋

Hm, alright, that's a fair concern. I'll try not to go overboard with it from now on, just in case.


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6 minutes ago, Bartozio said:
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You're aware you can skip it right? It makes the text go by a lot faster. There's probably another way to get past that point faster, but eh.

@Anime27Arts Yeah, you should totaly give this game a try!


I don't have a steam account or a good computer that I could actually run it on.  I may watch a play through sometime.


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6 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

I don't have a steam account or a good computer that I could actually run it on.  I may watch a play through sometime.

I don't know who you normally watch on YouTube, if anyone, but my main experience with the game is through watching Jacksepticeeye's playthrough of it. I've also been enjoying Sagemaster15's playthrough, although he's only just now past the halfway point.

3 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Now we're just looking into each other's eyes. 

I bet this is how all your love confessions turn out, you stud ;)


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If you make it gibberish anyway, it'll look more glitchy:


J̷u̶s̶T̷ ̵M̴8̶r̸h̷o̷I̶ ̷f̵h̶o̸Y̷9̸f̶o̴ ̴*̴U̴s̸t̶ ̴m̴O̴n̷1̵k̸a̴ ̷j̴ ̵s̸t̷ ̴M̷o̴n̶i̷k̴a̷ ̷r̸h̸y̸ ̷H̶f̷8̸r̶3̷ ̵f̴g̸e̷ ̴M̸o̵n̶i̶K̷a̴ ̷f̸3̴ ̴r̴i̸s̴I̷0̷ ̶M̵ ̷F̵_̶u̶s̴i̸L̴ ̵o̸n̵I̷k̸a̵ ̵M̸o̷n̶ ̴ ̴a̸ ̴8̶d̸ ̶7̶ ̶G̴ ̷e̸t̶ ̴ ̸e̵h̴w̶0̸ ̵2̴1̷ ̶d̷i̷ ̷M̷o̶n̶I̶k̴a̴ ̶J̵u̶s̸t̵ ̶M̴o̵n̸i̸k̸a̴

... but it also doesn't mean anything.

2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Now we're just looking into each other's eyes. 



Enjoy your time - you'll be there forever!



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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I bet this is how all your love confessions turn out, you stud ;)


This was actually pretty easy, usually I have to fight to get them but this one wanted me from the start.

4 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

If you make it gibberish anyway, it'll look more glitchy:

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J̷u̶s̶T̷ ̵M̴8̶r̸h̷o̷I̶ ̷f̵h̶o̸Y̷9̸f̶o̴ ̴*̴U̴s̸t̶ ̴m̴O̴n̷1̵k̸a̴ ̷j̴ ̵s̸t̷ ̴M̷o̴n̶i̷k̴a̷ ̷r̸h̸y̸ ̷H̶f̷8̸r̶3̷ ̵f̴g̸e̷ ̴M̸o̵n̶i̶K̷a̴ ̷f̸3̴ ̴r̴i̸s̴I̷0̷ ̶M̵ ̷F̵_̶u̶s̴i̸L̴ ̵o̸n̵I̷k̸a̵ ̵M̸o̷n̶ ̴ ̴a̸ ̴8̶d̸ ̶7̶ ̶G̴ ̷e̸t̶ ̴ ̸e̵h̴w̶0̸ ̵2̴1̷ ̶d̷i̷ ̷M̷o̶n̶I̶k̴a̴ ̶J̵u̶s̸t̵ ̶M̴o̵n̸i̸k̸a̴

... but it also doesn't mean anything.

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Enjoy your time - you'll be there forever!



So it never ends then? Because I've got school to do.



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5 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

If you make it gibberish anyway, it'll look more glitchy:

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J̷u̶s̶T̷ ̵M̴8̶r̸h̷o̷I̶ ̷f̵h̶o̸Y̷9̸f̶o̴ ̴*̴U̴s̸t̶ ̴m̴O̴n̷1̵k̸a̴ ̷j̴ ̵s̸t̷ ̴M̷o̴n̶i̷k̴a̷ ̷r̸h̸y̸ ̷H̶f̷8̸r̶3̷ ̵f̴g̸e̷ ̴M̸o̵n̶i̶K̷a̴ ̷f̸3̴ ̴r̴i̸s̴I̷0̷ ̶M̵ ̷F̵_̶u̶s̴i̸L̴ ̵o̸n̵I̷k̸a̵ ̵M̸o̷n̶ ̴ ̴a̸ ̴8̶d̸ ̶7̶ ̶G̴ ̷e̸t̶ ̴ ̸e̵h̴w̶0̸ ̵2̴1̷ ̶d̷i̷ ̷M̷o̶n̶I̶k̴a̴ ̶J̵u̶s̸t̵ ̶M̴o̵n̸i̸k̸a̴

... but it also doesn't mean anything.

Wait, hold on... I feel like there's something in there that isn't just gibberish...

...M8? I appreciate the show of friendship, but sadly, I'm not stereotypically Australian.


The only other things I see are just Monika, but I can't imagine that would mean anything.

230 @SullyMcGully You're not necessarily helpless just yet. Again, I'd recommend checking out the game folder on your computer, and maybe checking out the folder of characters that's in there.

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Alright, I finished the third arc. Bit dissapointing, but it works to finish things up I guess.
I should start looking for a real romance story now to fill the gap...



Also, how long do you guys think it'll take Sully to figure out how to win the game?


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6 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

This was actually pretty easy, usually I have to fight to get them but this one wanted me from the start.

So it never ends then? Because I've got school to do.

I mean, if you want to finish the game...


you need to delete Monika from the game i.e. find the game files on your computer and delete the character file for Monika.

But I don't see why you would want to do that. Even unromantic me would love to spend an eternity having discussions with a wise sentient A.I.


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2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:
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Alright, I finished the third arc. Bit dissapointing, but it works to finish things up I guess.
I should start looking for a real romance story now to fill the gap...


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Also, how long do you guys think it'll take Sully to figure out how to win the game?


Just to make sure... (Sully, if you want to figure things out for yourself, then definitely don't click this spoiler please):


You started a new game after deleting Monika, right?


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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

Just to make sure... (Sully, if you want to figure things out for yourself, then definitely don't click this spoiler please):

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You started a new game after deleting Monika, right?



Yes, I did. The game deleted itself from my computer and I would now need to reinstal it to play again...


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1 minute ago, Balcerzak said:

I'm sure I'd have just got ninja'd like with my Iron Maiden attempt.

But that just means you would've stopped us right on 1,000 instead, which would be even more soulcrushing for us. But fair enough, I suppose.

Just now, Bartozio said:
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Yes, I did. The game deleted itself from my computer and I would now need to reinstal it to play again...



Alright, I just wanted to check. I think some people don't realize that there's an actual way to get to the credits, so I wanted to make sure you got that last bit with Sayori at the end.


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1 minute ago, Bartozio said:
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Yes, I did. The game deleted itself from my computer and I would now need to reinstal it to play again...



Man the game goes hardcore.

Supposedly, if you manage to find all the special scenes with each girl in the same playthrough through reloading or something of that sort, you can unlock the "true ending."


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1 minute ago, Rex Glacies said:
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Man the game goes hardcore.

Supposedly, if you manage to find all the special scenes with each girl in the same playthrough through reloading or something of that sort, you can unlock the "true ending."



I might try this out sometime if I feel up for it, since I'm intrested in what will happen in other scenario's but... I also feel like this is some kind of troll...


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By the way, @Rex Glacies, since you also seem to be a fan of dark puns: do you know what the song that plays in Sayori's big scene is called?



Feel free to check the official soundtrack if you didn't already know, or if you don't believe me. I love that name so much.


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I was literally listening to the soundtrack earlier. It's name is hilarious. Also, on that specific track on Youtube, it has a picture of all the girls except her.


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