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Count Until Mods Post! Current Count: 69 haha sex number


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2 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Man, a lot happens in a short while.

Wonderful image usage... just... make sure you filed your paperwork correctly.

Reasonable deduction, but Eclipse has occasionally threatened @Mackc2 after his "tests." That seems to imply Mack is... not on her side. On the other hand, I believe the worst she's done to you is a "Tee-hee~" which implies that she doesn't want to warn or threaten you. And since you're trying to put the blame on another, it is simply more proof that you're guilty of said unspecified crime.

I'm a say we're at 33.

Uh...right.....paperwork done correctly heheheheheh maaaaybe it is.....then again...I may need to go fix some things.

Also your reasoning would make you excellent at Mafia


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4 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

I was sniping and nothing was working :/ my luck sucks when I want it to be good.  The only seasonal unit I've pulled that I wanted too was Chrom. 

I have no idea on the count. Um 31,32? maybe

I'm just glad Tailtiu was so willing to come home, I was super worried of being disappointed on this banner of all banners. I will forever regret not trying to summon on the Spring banner...

2 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

On the other hand, I believe the worst she's done to you is a "Tee-hee~" which implies that she doesn't want to warn or threaten you.

You must've missed when she was planning to ban me because I haven't beaten Trails of Cold Steel. We may not be bitter enemies, but even adversaries can engage in small talk from time to time.


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16 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

That's right I am the mole, wait what?  

Oh no...

Do we have two moles on our hands?

14 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Also your reasoning would make you excellent at Mafia

I'd join one... but I've never been a part of a Mafia game on a forum before and I'm kinda terrified by all the rules and time-frames and stuff.

13 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

You must've missed when she was planning to ban me because I haven't beaten Trails of Cold Steel. We may not be bitter enemies, but even adversaries can engage in small talk from time to time.

I did not see that, but it is simply more proof of your guilt! The mods are our enemies in this topic, and yet you "lowered" yourself to have a casual conversation with them! For shame!

9 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

Hmm arcanite counting without putting your thoughts on the matter that's mighty sus of you ##Vote: Arcanite 

Wait, but that is quite reasonable! And talkative Arcanite, of all people, Might there be *gasp* THREE moles here?



Image result for wigglytuff


Ninja'd again, dang nabbit!


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11 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I'm just glad Tailtiu was so willing to come home, I was super worried of being disappointed on this banner of all banners. I will forever regret not trying to summon on the Spring banner...

You must've missed when she was planning to ban me because I haven't beaten Trails of Cold Steel. We may not be bitter enemies, but even adversaries can engage in small talk from time to time.


My seasonal banner bad luck started by pulling my least favorite character because she was the same color as one of my favorites in the bride banner.  The Ylissean Summer didn't mean too much but I pulled because limited editions. Nohrian Summer gave me nothing but pain suffering and a merge to my normal Leo.  If CYL counts then I did pretty good nagging 3 of the 4, ironically though the one I didn't pull was the one who I've 100% completed their game and now with this dancer banner I've gotten nothing and I've been trying for all of them!



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3 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Oh no...

Do we have two moles on our hands?

I'd join one... but I've never been a part of a Mafia game on a forum before and I'm kinda terrified by all the rules and time-frames and stuff.

I did not see that, but it is simply more proof of your guilt! The mods are our enemies in this topic, and yet you "lowered" yourself to have a casual conversation with them! For shame!

Wait, but that is quite reasonable! And talkative Arcanite, of all people, Might there be *gasp* THREE moles here?

I have a way to sort this out, 

By the power that runs within my text to randomly call people to this chat I summon thee @eclipse of the banhammer, will you impart your wisdom to us in uncovering the truth to these incidents involving ground dwelling rodents 

Oh and 41

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13 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

My seasonal banner bad luck started by pulling my least favorite character because she was the same color as one of my favorites in the bride banner.  The Ylissean Summer didn't mean too much but I pulled because limited editions. Nohrian Summer gave me nothing but pain suffering and a merge to my normal Leo.  If CYL counts then I did pretty good nagging 3 of the 4, ironically though the one I didn't pull was the one who I've 100% completed their game and now with this dancer banner I've gotten nothing and I've been trying for all of them!

Ouch... out of curiosity, who did you get on the bride banner? I did my best to avoid one color for that same reason, and I'm curious if they're the same. I was happy enough to get the Ylisse characters that I got, but Gaius would've been much more appreciated; again, though I was just... too frightened of failure to try. Unfortunately, Leo was put on the same banner as another flying mage, and I ended up with neither of them in the end; that was probably the worst a banner has ever gone for me. I actually got 3/4 as well on CYL, although I was lucky enough to only miss getting my least favorite (Ike), and Lyn was technically my free pick. Dancer banner took me until I got my highest ever pity rate (5.50%, so not quite as high as yours admittedly), but it did finally give me Olivia. I would love to get the rest, but I can't ignore Genealogy characters, even if they'll be added back to the regular pool of units after it ends.

42 Oh no! Do we die on the meaning of life yet again?

Edit: Wait, @Mackc2, did you send me a friend request on Heroes? I just glanced at your signature, and that seems to describe a request I got a little bit ago.

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55 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Uh...right.....paperwork done correctly heheheheheh maaaaybe it is.....then again...I may need to go fix some things.

Also your reasoning would make you excellent at Mafia


Hey you, go join the newest mafia game!  Sign-ups are open!

(actually, that goes for the lot of you)

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I'm never fully confident on my schedule, so I'm not sure I want to sign up when I might not be able to participate fully. Maybe once I become more confident in my daily plans when there's a game going, then I'll feel better about joining.

1 minute ago, Rex Glacies said:

You're dead meat... Beep.



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40 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Ouch... out of curiosity, who did you get on the bride banner? I did my best to avoid one color for that same reason, and I'm curious if they're the same. I was happy enough to get the Ylisse characters that I got, but Gaius would've been much more appreciated; again, though I was just... too frightened of failure to try. Unfortunately, Leo was put on the same banner as another flying mage, and I ended up with neither of them in the end; that was probably the worst a banner has ever gone for me. I actually got 3/4 as well on CYL, although I was lucky enough to only miss getting my least favorite (Ike), and Lyn was technically my free pick. Dancer banner took me until I got my highest ever pity rate (5.50%, so not quite as high as yours admittedly), but it did finally give me Olivia. I would love to get the rest, but I can't ignore Genealogy characters, even if they'll be added back to the regular pool of units after it ends.

42 Oh no! Do we die on the meaning of life yet again?

Edit: Wait, @Mackc2, did you send me a friend request on Heroes? I just glanced at your signature, and that seems to describe a request I got a little bit ago.

Charlotte bleh!!!!  I just wanted Caeda!

Also I feel like I'm partially the one who caused this.....opps heh maybe if I join she will let us get to a higher number again


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5 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Charlotte bleh!!!!  I just wanted Caeda!

Also I feel like I'm partially the one who caused this.....opps heh maybe if I join she will let us get to a higher number again


Yes! I wanted Caeda most by far (how perfect would she be for Marth now that supporting exists?), but Charlotte's inclusion made me too scared to even try. At least with Lyn and Cordelia, while I like Caeda more than both of them, I didn't disike either of them as much as Charlotte. Although I ended up getting Bride Cordelia, so I guess I can't complain? I still think I'd rather have Caeda, to be honest. Maybe they'll be kind and introduce a way to pick old seasonal units.


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11 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I'm never fully confident on my schedule, so I'm not sure I want to sign up when I might not be able to participate fully. Maybe once I become more confident in my daily plans when there's a game going, then I'll feel better about joining.

If you can show up every other day, it will work out.  Plus sign-ups are open NOW.  What better way to get your revenge on certain moles in this thread than to get them eliminated? :P:

(yes it's shameless advertising, and yes, I'm too busy or I'd do it myself)

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11 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Yes! I wanted Caeda most by far (how perfect would she be for Marth now that supporting exists?), but Charlotte's inclusion made me too scared to even try. At least with Lyn and Cordelia, while I like Caeda more than both of them, I didn't disike either of them as much as Charlotte. Although I ended up getting Bride Cordelia, so I guess I can't complain? I still think I'd rather have Caeda, to be honest. Maybe they'll be kind and introduce a way to pick old seasonal units.


Caeda was my favorite Shadow Dragon Character hands down, I love her voice actress, she's just great! B-but I got Charlotte....with a decent Iv if I remember correctly.  It was very sad day because I didn't get anyone else but Charlotte. 


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