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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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And the results are in! The two final units of the first generation, Briggid and Claude, got respectively a rating of 5.5/10 and 5.47/10, based on 16 votes on either case.

We did it! We are done with the first generation! :D
​Since I'm still not quite sure on how to rate the child units, I'm gonna start with the fixed and semi-fixed units, which includes the lord of the 2nd generation, I named Seliph... or Celice... or Serlis... something like that.
​Hmm, interesting, very interesting indeed!

Class: Jr. Lord (Level 1)
Holy Blood: Major Baldo, Minor Naga
Personal Skills: Pursuit, Nihil

Class Skills: None
31HP (140%)
8 Strength (55%)
1 Magic (30%)
8 Skill (60%)
8 Speed (35%)
7 Defense (45%)
1 Resistance (30%)
10 Luck (45%)

My thoughts: I'll try to decribe Seliph in one sentence: He's his father, but you need to raise him, with the conpensation of him being even better than Sigurd at the end! :D
​To start, his base stats, while serviceable, are nowhere near of his father's awesome start. However, like I said, he will end up better than the ''traitor'' thanks to his quite great growth rates, except for his one flaw: his kinda shaky Speed (screw you Deirdre). I mean, it's not that much of an issue thanks to the low weight of swords, but its still worth noting. Besides that, even his Magic and Resistance (thank you Dierdre) aren't bad! However, he'll still need some babying until he reaches Chapter 20 - well, unless he gets a Paragon Band and/or a Leg Ring - but then, he'll suddenly become one of the best units in the game. Basically, Seliph will be of the same class as his father when promoting, which will net him great stat gains, but most importantly, a horse! :D (...and lances, I guess)
Then, let's just say that by Chapter 10, his Speed problems will barely matter, because he'll finally get access to his father's brithright, the Tyrfing, which will boost his Speed and Skill by 10, and his Resistance by 20! He will then just stomp through the final chapter with ease, and he'll only need this and MAYBE the uber Silver Sword to do so.

​So yeah, you might have to be patient, but Celice will eventually turn out to be one of the best units in your second army, and that's quite rare for a lord! With all that said, I'll give him a 9/10!

Edited by OliKad
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Celice is basically Sigurd. He's not quite as good though, so i'll give him a lesser rating of 9.5/10. He has a few instances where he needs some help in his generation unlike Sigurd, but he's still very very good, and can acually use magic sword unlike his father.

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I rate Seliph because he's default.

Seliph is meh without and great with horse. I have to say in the beginning he's one of the worse Gen. 2 characters. He has pursuit and access to silver weapons, but nothing else. Other foot units like Larcei or Ulster with their skills can way more stuff than him. He really needs the paragon ring to promote fast. Otherwise he will fall behind... and this isn't nice at all. This happened in my first playthrough. He couldn't even beat the arena and so I had real problems to bring him to level 20. But I learned my lesson and gave the paragon ring to Sigurd at the end of part 1.

If he's promoted, he's awesome... but there are still other potential units who are more awesome than him.

No, he's not as fantastic as his dad and not even the best unit in Gen. 2. (it's Holsety Arthur)

He's only the best against Arvis and in the first segment of the endgame because of Tyrfing.

8.5 / 10

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Anyways, Seliph-kun! The blue haired kid of Senpai Zigludo-san! 9/10.

Seliph is the lord of Gen2, but unlike Sigurd, he doesn't start off awesome. And he's on foot too. However, he fights pretty good, has good growths, but has shaky Speed thanks to Plot Device.

But really, this guy, while not as awesome as Sigurd, is still his son, and once a few level ups go by, he's, while not your best unit in Gen2, is a pretty good one. Especially if you intend to let him use the gift he got from Patty: The Brave Sword (literally anyone can be useful with it, including Patty). Although he does just fine with a Silver Sword (it's an awesome Sword, no one can deny that)

Once promoted, Seliph is basically the greatest unit of Gen2, especially with Tyrfing, a Holy Weapon that boosts his Speed, Skill and Res!

All in all, a good unit, but not to the extent of ZIGLUDO-CHAN SENPAI SEMPAI SAMA AAA aaa ok I'll stop.

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Celice is a straight 10/10.

Yeah, he doesn't start out as amazingly as Sigurd does and he needs to inherit quite a bunch of ressources in Ch.6. But where there's a few instances where Sigurd's life can legitimately be threatened [even though it'd be just from a misplay] Celice is completely idiot-proof and pretty much 100% immortal to almost everything in gen 2. The mere fact that he can solo gen 2 in nearly the same way as Sigurd does in gen 1 tells you everything.

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9.5/10 Celice needs a tad more help than Sigurd did but its not by much, he's basically his Dad with stuff fed to him to make him even better at points, but Sigurd has a stronger start despite this.

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It was just a reference to the fact that Sigurd is almost ALWAYS hailed as a traitor by the vilains in the 2nd generation, thanks to Alvis's overall influence

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If you remember, at the end of Chapter 3, Sigurd is branded as a traitor thanks to Langobalt, Reptor and Arvis. This reputation would later disappear in Gen. 2, where he is considered as a hero by the common people of Jugdral, during the dark age

Anyway, Seliph has a worse start than his dad, but he is still an Amazing unit, especially when he promotes and finally gains a horse(which should happen pretty quickly if you give him an Elite Ring).

Vote: 9.5/10

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It was just a reference to the fact that Sigurd is almost ALWAYS hailed as a traitor by the vilains in the 2nd generation, thanks to Alvis's overall influence

If you remember, at the end of Chapter 3, Sigurd is branded as a traitor thanks to Langobalt, Reptor and Arvis. This reputation would later disappear in Gen. 2, where he is considered as a hero by the common people of Jugdral, during the dark age


Ah, I see. Thanks for reminding me.

Also, I find it odd that Seliph immediately has a really high love point with Julia, yet it decreases. Like, why add it if it's just to decrease anyways?

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GEN 2 START! Celice starts out pretty meh, but he grows into his father's shoes with time. His bases aren't great, and his growths aren't that much better then dad. He does have some magic and res from his mum, so he doesn't need the Tyrfing as badly to shrug off magic. But when Celice reaches level 20 at the expense of everyone else I mean soloing ch6 with him is a good idea right, he suddenly gets a good deal better. He gets a horse! He gets some stats! HE GETS A HORSE! Now he truly is his father's son, as Celice now becomes as awesome as Sigurd! And that's a good thing. If you want to reduce the amount of time Celice is stuck in scrub mode, give him the Elite Ring and his father's other sword. (Or the brave sword, if you prefer. That also works.) Skillwise, Celice has the ever important Pursuit from his father, and Nihil from his mother. I guess it blocks those couple lategame bosses with skills? Better have it then not, I guess.

All and all, Celice is another Sigurd except he needs to be babied a bit a ton but it saves turns so it's okay until he becomes great. As a result, he gets a slightly lower score of 9.5/10. he can also marry his sister with the power of glitches if you don't mind ironmanning 6-1 but if you reset, too bad! he'll be stuck with someone else; I prefer him with healer lady 2.0 myself.

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Well, time to deal with G2! And first off we have the prince of light himself, Seliph/Celice!

Celice is alright to start, but nothing exceptional. He's sword locked, unmounted, and his bases are alright, nothing amazing. But, well, he's Sigurd's kid, so he'll get Pursuit, the gains on promotion (2 Skill, Speed, Defence, 3 Resistance and 5 Strength), a horse, lances and Tyrfing (And those sweet boosts) for longer than Sigurd did. He also gets Sigurd's items, growths, half of Dierdre's personal growths and Naga minor blood (as well as Awareness, making him good for countering Critical), so that he'll be his dad, but better (especially that pesky Res stat). From events he'll get the Brave sword and a few events to raise stats (nothing much, barring Chapter 9 and 3 Res). Essentially, he's Sigurd+. And that's not bad at all, but he has to get 19 levels to promote and he has 6 move beforehand (hence why I'd give the leg ring to Celice: Just makes the early game a bit faster). Also, while he'll have higher Res, the game is also harder in G2 by the end, so he's going to have it tougher. However, that shouldn't make you think he's bad. Far from that, he's fantastic when he's rolling.

Also, not gonna lie, he's kinda adorable. Like, he looks like he's younger than the 17 he's supposed to be. Then again, child kings are nothing new. Also, he got Dismount..... Which is utterly pointless as he has Awareness if he was ever in danger from Horseslayers.

Pairing wise..... Well, it's not like it matters in G2 (Unless you want the endgame events). So I'll just mention that he can marry his sister with a glitch and leave it at that. I think I'll refer to inheritance from now on instead. He starts with a Slim Sword. So, what's great for him to inherit? Well, he does want a few swords (like the Silver Sword Sigurd passes, a magic sword, a blade or an Iron/Steel sword for the arena. Doesn't need the Brave Sword as he gets one) for sure, and for rings, I'd recommend the Leg Ring, Paragon Ring and maybe a Speed or Defence Ring for early on (optional, obviously.)

I'm going to rate Celice 9.5/10. G2 is tougher, and he also starts unmounted, but he is still a powerful unit. Ignore at your peril.

Edited by Dayni
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Celice is.... idk. He underwhelms me. Like, statistically he's amazing - sure he doesn't start as great as Daddy does, but once he promotes he gets a horse and thus is spearheading attacks easily and his growths are basically Sigurd's but BETTER in every way thanks to Deirdre and Naga blood, but...

He's so goddamn boring lol. Like, as a character. So for that I'm giving him a -.5 negative bias, because dammit character matters to me. He's such a wide eyed dweeby dork and its lame in comparison to how go-getter and tough guy Sigurd was. He looks like a dweeb, too. Get a real haircut like your dad, nerd!

But I can't deny how fantastic he becomes even if he's got a leveling curve. So 9/10 for me, bah!

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He's basically as good as his dad, except all his loser friends aren't as lame as Sigurd's and the second generation's enemies are a little more imposing in general. He also needs a little kit to get going but he can easily promote at the start of chapter 7.


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Seliph gets a 9.5/10

He doesn't start out as strong as Sigurd, but he does inherit Sigurd's sword and will do just fine early on. When he promotes he also gets a mount, which allows him to clear a ton of enemies in a hurry.

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So, out of curiosity, I managed to find the old tier list, and get the G1 units for comparison. I just thought it might be interesting to observe the changes in the community opinion over 5 years. Of course, the individual threads still exist for those who want to look into it and get some context for why they're rated that way.

List on the left is this list, list on the right is the tier list from 5 years ago.

  1. Sigurd 9.99 Sigurd 9.96
  2. Ethlyn 8.77 Sylvia 9.5
  3. Finn 8.3 Ethlin 9.15
  4. Cuan 8.14 Lex 8.83
  5. Sylvia 7.95 Cuan 8.41
  6. Lex 7.6 Fury 8.25
  7. Erin 7.42 Fin 7.88
  8. Lewyn/Levin 7.15 Levin 7.87
  9. Midayle 6.91 Ayra 6.79
  10. Lachesis 6.71 Aideen 6.57
  11. Adean 6.65 Beowulf 6.4
  12. Dew 6.11 Alec 6.17
  13. Ayra 5.94 Noish 6.15
  14. Alec 5.89 Lachesis 6.13
  15. Jamke 5.57 Holyn 5.9
  16. Holyn 5.53 Dew 5.68
  17. Briggid 5.5 Midir 5.47
  18. Claude 5.47 Jamka 5.25
  19. Beowulf 5.32 Azel 4.63
  20. Noish 5.31 Claude 4.42
  21. Azel 4.65 Briggid 3.71
  22. Taillte 3.82 Tiltyu 2
  23. Ardan 2.04 Ardan 1.39
  24. Deirdre 1.89 Diadora 1.19

Also, I have to correct that Tinny gets A staves with Claude as her dad, instead of B like I have stated twice now. Apologies.

Edit: Apparently, the list did not work as intended (it copied in as a list, but both collapsed on upload)

Edited by Dayni
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^ Would you mind cleaning up a bit, it's not clear at all the way you put it :P

Still, I'm interested on how things have changed... or not. ;)

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Seliph can become just as good as his father but he also requires 20 levels of investment before this happens. Until then, he is footlocked but it is wise to invest in him so he can get his horse so he can seize quicker.


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The only right answer.

The only reason why he isn't a 10 is because he doesn't start off on a horse. But Seliph can get it in Chapter 7 and proceed to steamroll through the rest of Gen II. Fantastic lord.

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Also, I find it odd that Seliph immediately has a really high love point with Julia, yet it decreases. Like, why add it if it's just to decrease anyways?

Plot reasons yet again. He does like her at first, but then finally learns she's his sister and that practice is forbidden for obvious reasons.

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^Okay. But still, for Seliph to like her so much that he gets 490 love points with her is pretty weird lol.

So, out of curiosity, I managed to find the old tier list, and get the G1 units for comparison. I just thought it might be interesting to observe the changes in the community opinion over 5 years. Of course, the individual threads still exist for those who want to look into it and get some context for why they're rated that way.

List on the left is this list, list on the right is the tier list from 5 years ago.

  1. Sigurd 9.99 Sigurd 9.96
  2. Ethlyn 8.77 Sylvia 9.5
  3. Finn 8.3 Ethlin 9.15
  4. Cuan 8.14 Lex 8.83
  5. Sylvia 7.95 Cuan 8.41
  6. Lex 7.6 Fury 8.25
  7. Erin 7.42 Fin 7.88
  8. Lewyn/Levin 7.15 Levin 7.87
  9. Midayle 6.91 Ayra 6.79
  10. Lachesis 6.71 Aideen 6.57
  11. Adean 6.65 Beowulf 6.4
  12. Dew 6.11 Alec 6.17
  13. Ayra 5.94 Noish 6.15
  14. Alec 5.89 Lachesis 6.13
  15. Jamke 5.57 Holyn 5.9
  16. Holyn 5.53 Dew 5.68
  17. Briggid 5.5 Midir 5.47
  18. Claude 5.47 Jamka 5.25
  19. Beowulf 5.32 Azel 4.63
  20. Noish 5.31 Claude 4.42
  21. Azel 4.65 Briggid 3.71
  22. Taillte 3.82 Tiltyu 2
  23. Ardan 2.04 Ardan 1.39
  24. Deirdre 1.89 Diadora 1.19

Also, I have to correct that Tinny gets A staves with Claude as her dad, instead of B like I have stated twice now. Apologies.

Edit: Apparently, the list did not work as intended (it copied in as a list, but both collapsed on upload)

Seems like some got a higher score than before, some pretty much have the same, and some got lower. And then there's Deirdre, still wandering below Ardan, lol.

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I'm going with a full 10 for Seliph because there really isn't anyone in Gen 2 who can do what he does with such ease. This is what Sigurd essentially would have been had he started off mount-less for a negligible amount of time.

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