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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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Fortunately Levin comes with an Elwind and Bridget with a steel bow for exactly that, so I never take it off of them. Ares is another story, but just a steel sword or whatever is fine I guess for backup purposes. Or drop the bargain ring on him or whatever, lol.

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Sorry, but I just realised @OliKad: Are you actually doing Finn G2? I remember saying that we would be back when we did G1 Fin, and I just want to clarify.

Edited by Dayni
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12 hours ago, Dayni said:

Sorry, but I just realised @OliKad: Are you actually doing Finn G2? I remember saying that we would be back when we did G1 Fin, and I just want to clarify.

I not even sure anymore, since some people said that this would be a dumb idea when I proposed it back then...

Well, what do you guys think now?

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It's best if you don't. I personally believed we should have just talked about Finn's overall usability in both generations when the time came to rate him. Besides, Finn still has his stats and weapons (if not paired that is) in Gen2, so it's still basically the same old Finn from Gen1.

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Finn in G2 is a functionally different character to be fair though. In G1 he can father kids and due to the weaker enemies holds his own a lot better. Depending on how well you leveled him in G1 sort of dictates his role in G2, though. A promoted Finn is more like an Oifey for Leif and Nana, but if he's lower leveled he's less reliable as a meatshield in that regard, though he still has great growths and can use A rank lances once promoted. G2 is overall less kind to Finn because the enemy scaling gets much higher.... but the fact you have him for almost the whole game does make him a very worthwhile character investment, so while he might be less useful in G2 it doesn't really impact his overall score. Hmm.

I'm rambling pft.

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1 hour ago, CappnRob said:

Finn in G2 is a functionally different character to be fair though. In G1 he can father kids and due to the weaker enemies holds his own a lot better. Depending on how well you leveled him in G1 sort of dictates his role in G2, though. A promoted Finn is more like an Oifey for Leif and Nana, but if he's lower leveled he's less reliable as a meatshield in that regard, though he still has great growths and can use A rank lances once promoted. G2 is overall less kind to Finn because the enemy scaling gets much higher.... but the fact you have him for almost the whole game does make him a very worthwhile character investment, so while he might be less useful in G2 it doesn't really impact his overall score. Hmm.

I'm rambling pft.

G2 Fin rules.

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Fin comes back as a pre-promoted Duke Knight with a 50+kill Hero Lance and the Prayer Skill. What a pal.

13 hours ago, Zeems said:

Unfortunately he won't keep up for very long and his brave lance is Fee's, but he's certainly helpful to keep around. 

Fee, being the best Magic Sword user in the game, doesn't need the Hero Lance. She'll either have the Critical skill on her [Levin, Noish or Jamka are her father] or enough Mag on her to never really need Critical in the first place [Claude or Azel are her father].

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Er, psyche? Brave Lance is still contested, dude. Fee flies and can use that bitch to auto-delete whoever she wants, wherever. Fin CAN have it (if you want it wasted), but it's not a given. Plus, it is more likely that Ferry has it by the end of G1, since she is there for all of it. Finn leaves and there is NO CHANCE I am letting him leave with my Brave Lance.

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4 hours ago, Yojinbo said:

Fin comes back as a pre-promoted Duke Knight with a 50+kill Hero Lance and the Prayer Skill. What a pal.

Fee, being the best Magic Sword user in the game, doesn't need the Hero Lance. She'll either have the Critical skill on her [Levin, Noish or Jamka are her father] or enough Mag on her to never really need Critical in the first place [Claude or Azel are her father].

I never really bothered having Fee specialize in magic swords. Should change that.

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It sounds fun until you realize that even with Claude-dad, her base Mag is like...3 or 4. How are you getting any kills while your Mag offense crawls to parity? Oh yeah, Brave Lance. (Leif is inheriting and keeping Magic Ring forever, btw.)

To Fin's credit, he might be able to snag it if Fee opts for the second Brave Sword. But honestly, we're really grasping for straws at that point.

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Fee still has all of Ch.6 and Ch.7 to use the Hero Lance for herself and get the +Mag/Promotion she needs to go to town with a Magic Sword.

Fin doesn't strictly "need" it but at some point somewhere between Ch.9 and Ch.10 he'll start benefiting massively from having it and the difference between him having it or not becomes obvious. Before that he'll do just fine with any Lance via his base stats though. But by Ch.10 you should have enough powerhouse / 50kill weapons in your inventory to give Fin back his good ol' Hero Lance.

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... Or have Fee use it and leave Fin in the dust. I'm not sold on Fee with a magic dad, also. Levin doesn't do so much for her magic growth, and Tailto also wants him, Claude is Imo best paired with Aideen for staff transfer (and also doesn't do much for her mag stat), and there are a few mothers who make a good case for wanting Azel.

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It wouldn't hurt to experiment Fee using predominantly magic swords for a playthrough. I once paired Azel/Briggid for Patty to have a sick 55% MAG growth. Thunder sword came in handy, but otherwise, I still prefer using dads such as Holyn and Lex for her offense. Still, was a fun idea.

I'm not too big a fan of pairing Fury with any magic dads since I value Fee's potential more than Ced's, but I like testing out new ideas.

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Fee's magic is good enough even with Levin dad, and magic swords cast B rank magic damage at range, and most enemies lack magic defense. She makes good use of at least one magic sword. That said, I still let her keep the brave lance because it lets her take out bandits more reliably to save villages, because even with axes their stats are so poor it rarely misses (and she can crit with it). I give Finn a silver lance, because really he's one of the few people who can use one and get use OUT of it (Alteena has the Gae Bolg, Leif usually has other weapons to juggle, Hannibal.... eh, I think there's more than one silver lance and he gets the other? I forget). He packs a huge hit with it.

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Levin!Fee starts with 1 mag, +7 from promotion, +14 from magic sword attacks, and will get 7.25 mag from levels in total. A lot of gen 2 grunts like running around with 55hp or more, res generally being (near) zero, meaning she needs to hit level 29 on average to get the 28 magic attack needed or orko. Interestingly chapter 10 and endgame grunts tend to have a bunch more res and hp.

In short, Levin!Fee can't be expected to be very useful with magic swords.

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Even if she doesn't kill them, she can significantly soften them up for others to move in and do away with. Skills help too. But yes, she's still the best contender for the hero's lance.

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With 17 votes, Blonde Batman (get it?) got a score of 8.62/10. Now imagine if we had to fight him like his father, Eldigan...

It's now the day for the last fixed character of the 2nd Gen to shine, the one who is also the beautiful *ahem* daughter of Trabant, Althena!

Class: Dragon Knight (level 17)
Holy Blood: Major Noba
Personal Skills: Continue, Critical

Class Skills: Pursuit
51 HP (135%)
23 Strength (65%)
2 Magic (7%)
17 Skill (45%)
19 Speed (60%)
21 Defense (55%)
2 Resistance (12%)
13 Luck (25%)

My thoughts: Altena is the only playable goddess Dragon Knight in the whole game (both gens included), so since the game wants to advertize well the class, then she must be great, right? Well...  she absolutely is! :D

After struggling with her personal family issues that I will not elaborate on here, she finally joins your party on Chapter 9's early moments, and pretty close to promotion, too! She has great bases, great growth rates, has the very good Continue and the kinda useful Critical skill with her, excellent all-around stats (even Speed is really good, to my surprise) and while her promotion has kind of weak gains, it does give her the awesome Pursuit Skill, which instantly redeems it! As a superb bonus, she automatically inherits the infamous Gae Bolg from his father! Maybe it's one of the weaker (and heaviest) holy weapons in the game, it still packs a lot of power and attack, and also works really well with her Critical Skill thanks to its Skill bonus, at cost of Attack Speed. Aaaaand, as a bonus to all of that good stuff, she is a flyer, which is always a good thing in Fire Emblem, even in FE4.
Really, her only flaw is her pathetic Resistance, which gets PARTIALLY fixed in some special convo with Corple. This makes her very weak to Magic and status staves, which are quite common in the final chapter,, so do watch out for that.
Other than this glaring weakness, Altena certainly lives up to his father and the goddess of the same name, since she packs a punch, is very tanky, is quite fast and skilled, has some great skills, a holy weapon and can FLY! Could you really ask for more? Not really. My score: 9.5/10

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Altenna joins at a really unfourtunate time.  She doesn't do much of anything in her join map since she joins so late, (and isn't tied to Thracia castle, why IS), leaving only chapter 10 and endgame, both of which are filled with Status staves and magic enemies, and Altenna has absolutely terrible resistance.  Her other stats are all very very good, but flight isn't terribly useful in FE4 since you don't get road bonuses and she just doesn't do anything special really.  The Gae Bolg can oneshot some annoying enemies I guess, but as a holy weapon it's eclipsed by all of the but Ichieval.  I'll give her a 3.5/10 (including +0.5 bias because she's cool) for just being another combat unit that joins very late and is weak against most of the enemies while she exists.

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She's a VERY good unit who doesn't get much use, really. If she joined two chapters earlier, she'd be an easy 9/10, but the timing of her appearance is unfortunate, and she's not somebody you want going up against half of the units in those last two chapters.

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6 hours ago, CappnRob said:

Even if she doesn't kill them, she can significantly soften them up for others to move in and do away with. Skills help too. But yes, she's still the best contender for the hero's lance.

Just damaging something is irrelevant, especially when you consider the plethora of ways the game gives you to outright kill every grunt in the game in one go.

7 hours ago, General Horace said:

toss her a magic ring and everything changes, she also has continue/critical

Yes. Though the magic ring is still contested.


My point was more that Levin is a bad parent for a magic swording Fee. Claude is essentially the same. If you want to have a magic Fee, use Azel.

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