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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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Lana's staff utility is incredible. Claude!Lana is indeed the best variation of her, and bringing in an early Rescue staff is pretty neat for LTC strats. Even if he isn't her dad, she's still one of the most useful units in Gen II due to staves being neat. Even at her worst, she's still equal if not slightly better than her mother. 8/10, +.5 bias for being adorable. 8.5/10

Lester's pretty cool, though he's not as useful of a unit as Midayle was in Gen I. Plus, if his and Lana's dad is Claude or Azel, then you can say goodbye to any potential Lester would have. This happens often, though, as an excellent Lana is preferable to an excellent Lester. Still, he's not bad. 5/10

Mana's meh. She still has staving utility, but it'll never compare to Lana's potential. 2.5/10

Dimna? Dumbnuts more like it. Pretty garbage since he has all of Lester's problems, but he's way worse and doesn't provide any benefits to anyone. 2/10

Edited by Zeems
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Lester and Lana's best parents are Midayle and Jamke. If you pair for Azel or Claud, Lester will suffer more than Lana will suffer with Midayle or Jamke.

Lester is a better version of Midayle if you choose his Father wisely, he'll need a Pursuit ring and Skill ring if Jamke is the Father though. 7.5/10

Lana will be a staffbot no matter what, but Midayle and Jamke give her some good combat skills when you go to the arena. 6.5/10


Mana is a weaker version of Aideen, is trash. 1/10

Dimna has better growths than Midayle, but does not have Accost. He'll chip at things, and that's it. 4/10

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7 minutes ago, qwernst said:

Lester is a better version of Midayle if you choose his Father wisely, he'll need a Pursuit ring and Skill ring if Jamke is the Father though. 7.5/10

A skill ring won't hurt even a Midir!Lester; bows aren't really known for high accuracy unless it's a killer bow.

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Lester's generally fairly flexible for pairings, he basically wants someone with pursuit who isn't called Azel, and none of his good dads are contested. He's got almost zero competition for bows unless you wanted Hero Bow!Leaf or felt like using Johalva because you hate yourself. He's mounted, available from like turn 3, he's set with the Hero Bow and generally can do enough damage to stay relevant. Being bow locked is a slight issue during enemy phase, but he can more than contribute throughout the game.


Lana is basically your main staffbot for ages and is also incredibly flexible with who her father is. She's a fantastic candidate for inheriting staves and can carry out some mad Rescue staff feats if Claude's her papa. This does however gimp Lester but you've got enough combat units to make up for one chump. She can in theory be replaced by Julia but Lana should be coming with all the staves anyway and Julia's lack of inheritence and disappearing act make her less reliable. Leaf will eventually take over her duties but she can more than help out during her existence. Corple, along with Sety and Tinny can also theoretically have A staves but they're functional way later.


Dumbnuts is basically inferior to most Lesters. He's stuck with an Iron Bow for ages and his stats aren't great outside of strength (from his secret event) and skill. Despite having pursuit he's kinda slow, and I've found he doesn't double a fair number of enemies. He comes early with a horse but he's still kinda chumpy.


Mana suffers from having almost nothing. Staff utility is nice, but without any means of getting money, she's stuck with heal for a while. Her stats don't matter but they're pretty bad anyway, she's mostly relying on staff utility but by the time she gets going, the other staff users start to steal her turf. She loses out on a lot of the utility Lana has, and she's essentially a worse Julia pre-promotion. In her defense though, she comes early and can use staves, but she's pretty low down on the pecking order.



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Lana is pretty great.  Unlike her mom, she starts with ALL THE STAVES and uses them alright until units that use them better come along and steal them.  Not overwhelmingly useful past chapter 8 though.  7/10.


Lester has great offence if he gets the brave bow that's pretty great while most of your party has average offence.  Otherwise, he's just kind of another combat unit.  5.5/10


Mana is really bad.  She's basically Aideen in gen 1 that doesn't get warp for free, and Warp doesn't exist for a long time if you're getting Mana.  She has no money to buy staves if they exist.  1.5/10


Dimna is a loser.  Somehow manages to not double despite having pursuit.  Not having any good bows in the first few maps really hurts him compared to Lester, 2/10.

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Not much to add on to what's been said, but for a quick recap:

Lana, even at her worst, will be your primary healer if you're not a crazy man/woman and wait until Coirpre shows up. For this alone, she is very valuable, and even with a bad father, will still see regular use. With a good father, her usefulness can only increase. At worst, she's a 7.5. At best, she's like an 8.5. I'll average it and give her an overall 8/10.

Lester had the potential to be a really good unit, but even being on a horse from the start doesn't save him from the fact that he's entirely bow-locked. He's nearly useless on the enemy turn, where you're expected to do most of the enemy clearing. And despite his mother being major Ulir blood, he can't even get access to or use Ichival/Yewfalle. That said, he still has some uses, and where he can be applied, he'll do a decent job at what you need him for, and you can give him the Hero Bow(Who else would even use it) to make up for it. A good father can boost him, but it's not a huge deal, since really he just wants the Brave Bow, which he could potentially get down the line. For the time, I'll give him a 6/10.

Mana/Muirne is awful. Her access to decent staves is much more limited to Lana or Claud!Coirpre, and even if she could buy them, she is poorer than dirt. Statistically she's a wet paper towel with a glorified stick. She still gets some use here and there, but she cannot be put into the thick of it like Lana can, severely limiting her use. 4/10.

Deimne, as the trend seems to be for most substitutes, is even worse than his sister. He lacks most... really all, of Lester's merits. Bow-locked, mediocre stats, and while he gets Pursuit, his speed stat is dogshit, and expecting him to come through to beat out even the slowest enemies is something you can't really rely on. There's really nothing you can guarantee for him, unless you're being super sadistic and want to use him as a sacrifice to draw Hannibal away from Coirpre/Sharlow. Continuing the trend, 2/10.

Edited by Slumber
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Aideen doesn't have major Ullr blood, lol, just minor! Its a huge boon to Lester because he can use Silver Bows out the gate. I know the brave bow is his bread and butter, but sometimes you want to just soften a foe up or simply take them out in one hit.

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7 minutes ago, CappnRob said:

Aideen doesn't have major Ullr blood, lol, just minor! Its a huge boon to Lester because he can use Silver Bows out the gate. I know the brave bow is his bread and butter, but sometimes you want to just soften a foe up or simply take them out in one hit.

Right, only Brigid has the major... which is weird, since they're identical twins, and thus they would be genetically identical...

But FE4 is weird with blood.

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Am I the only one that's confused on Lester and Lana's designs? Lester has blue hair and Lana has orange. And all of the other Ulir family have blonde hair. Lana's hair color is close enough, but where does Lester's blue come from? It would make sense if Fin or Lex was his dad, but it seems like blonde is the dominant gene in that family.

But I really like Lana's design though. She looks like a girl from a Gundam game/anime.

Lester is pretty bad unless his father is Midir, Jamka, Fin or Lex (but more expensive with Fin and Lex if you buy a bow ahead of time.) And as everyone is stating, Lana can't really be screwed up. She at least an 8/10 with a physical father, but 10/10 with Claude as her father.

Lester is a 7/10 with a good father, but can be easily screwed up. Lana's gloriousness and majesty has to be sacrificed so Lester is playable.

Dimna is a 2. He's weaker than Midir (which is saying something). Hardly any benefits. Even his pursuit can't really save him because he isn't strong nor fast. If you put some TLC into him, he can become a 4. But I'm giving him a 2 because it's a hassle.

Mana is cute, but essentially a watered down version of Lana. She's a staffbot, and will remain that way after promotion. Thankfully Ch. 6 and Ch. 7 don't rely on your mounted units too much (especially since Dimna is there), so she doesn't have much difficulty keeping up. She just has a basic Live staff, which sucks because Saint Lana can come with an arsenal of much better staffs. I'll give her a 3. She's still useful, but she doesn't heal as well as her counterpart. She's like Aideen, but slightly worse. Just slightly.

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Now we move onto Aideen's kids and substitutes, with a nun going to war(fare) and a bowknight who gets too little lines to joke about.


These two are quite different, but their functions are still useful, more so early on. Rana/Mana are able to use a wide variety of staves from the beginning, and on promotion can fight with magic, making them a good choice for guarding the main castle, as neither are going to be keeping up with the cavalry. Lester/Dinma are bow knights, and so are good at hit and run attacking, while suffering from the usual issue of no 1-range attack. With this, even if he can't kill the enemy, he can still contribute to chipping and also others to finish the enemy off. Both of the main children are certainly better at doing this, but they get no skills from Aideen.

Rana is your first staff user for G2, but unlike G1, she can have skills and growths that make her better at fighting (or at least allow her to do more than one attack). She also can have access to the Rescue Glitch with Claude as her dad, which of course is hilariously broken, even if it's only for one unit at a time. Lester has the potential to be much better at hit and run tactics than most units in G1, but that depends on his dad because he has no skills from Aideen, and he will be looking for more powerful bows to work with. Claude gives Rana A ranks staves and Rescue, and growths to help her avoid hits and effectively use staves and defend herself on promotion. Lester is utterly terrible, with low relevant growths barring Luck and no skills or inheritance. Azel improves Lana's magic growth the most and allows her to use Elfire. He gives Pursuit to both, which helps Lester somewhat with his offence, while his growths do not help Lester, especially the low Strength and Skill. Midir gives Lester the Brave bow and can also pass the Sliver and Killer bows, and passes Pursuit and Charge which help the most with his offence. Lana appreciates the skills, and he does still help her growths for evasion, much as her magic is low enough for her to not cap. Jamke makes Lester very strong, fast and dodgy, and passes down bows like Midir. Lana does appreciate the dodging growths, but her magic is lower than usual. He passes Continue and Charge, which limits their attacks to chance, and the Pursuit ring is a necessity for Lester to be relevant. Most other parents tend to improve Lester more than Lana (like Fin, who passes down no bows, but gives Pursuit and Prayer, and growths boosting Luck and Speed with low magic, while also giving an event to boost Rana's magic).

When it comes to inheritance, Lana really just wants a bunch of staves to effectively act as a staffbot, like Restore, Recover, Mend, Warp and Fortify and Rescue if Claude's her dad (or status staves, much as there aren't many reasons early on barring Chapter 7). As for rings, I'm going to suggest giving her the Bargain ring. Lester wants bows, like the Brave bow from Midir/Jamke, the Silver bow from G1 (When you don't want to soot things 4 times in a row), an Iron or Steel bow for the arena and the Killer bow. For rings, a Skill ring is a good choice as any bow except for the Killer Bow isn't too great for accuracy, and if he doesn't get Pursuit from his dad the Pursuit Ring is an option for him to take, though there are others who might be interested.

The substitutes are just seriously inferior to their counterparts, with Mana having atrocious growths (only res is better than any of Rana's growths) and Dinma not much better, with his best non-HP growth being Skill. Mana gets nothing passed down, no skills and is a priest. She's still a staffbot sure, but Rana would do it better anyway and the only thing Mana might have is enough Resistance to be able to go near the Wall of Edda. Dinma gets an event to make his pokes more effective, but he really does have issues with hitting and making killing enemies. Of course, he at least gets Pursuit, but with his Speed, he's going to have trouble with doubling as the game progresses.

Rana gets 7/10. She is a good staffbot who can use a wide choice of staves from early on, and she is also able to fight, and with his growths she's able to become a good fighter who will be good at defending the main castle if others take her place at using staves

Lester gets 6/10. He's far stronger than can be assumed, but he also can do a lot of the killing himself if he has a good dad behind him. But because he also can have a dad who limits his offence, I can't just count him at his best.

Mana gets 2.5/10. She's Aideen but only better at resistance, while also being unable to inherit, which matters for Rana quite a bit.

Dinma gets 2/10. He can actually still do the chipping role decently, but he's definitely not going to be as effective as Lester in general.

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Lester isn't anything special. He's got a horse, sure, but his stats aren't amazing and... yeah, I really don't have much to say about him. He gets points for availability, I guess. Showing up on like turn 3 of chapter 6 is pretty early. Maybe I could talk for longer if I ever got him a dad that gave him a bow, but I was a chump the first time and made his dad Dew and later on I just made his sister good at his expense. Sorry Lester. At least you get a bit of bias for your name hardly changing ever. Stops you from being swallowed up by the namewanking wars. He comes with no skills from mum so dad kinda needs to pick up the slack; someone with Pursuit is as always a good idea for him. Inheritance is also important for him to go anywhere. Midir exists for a reason, you know; get him Pursuit! He's not bad when he gets the brave/killer bows, but he's never gonna be a standout.
Honestly, you're kinda underwhelming for me. Take a 4 with the bias I promised you so you have a 4.5/10. Yay. Go play with Delmud in the gen 2 chump corner.

As for his sister, she's a much better unit. Even if you decided to make Lester half-competent by making dad Midir or Jamka, Lana's always gonna be decent. The staffbot is still gonna staffbot, after all. Remember when you needed to wait half the game before you could start throwing Physics at people? Well because of inheritance, you don't need to wait for anything, you've got it out of the gate! And unlike Lester who needs to cross his not-yet existent fingers that Aideen would fall for Midir or something, Lana can start with everything her mother had. Only up to B-rank, though a quick date with Claude and a conversation that kinda spoils the BBQ, you dastard, was getting Rescue for keeps really worth it, you could fall for Azel instead and get the game kinda telling you "no, wrong pairing, he goes with Tiltyu you idiot"...   can fix that and get you early Rescue to keep in gen 2! Skillwise she has nothing, though dad might give her Pursuit and Charge sometimes. She doesn't need a thing, however, as fighting isn't her job. She can't even fight until promotion anyway, though she isn't horrible in the arena with Pursuit and a wind, but why am I going on about a healer being in combat again. She also appears turn 1 so she'll be keeping you alive right from the beginning of the generation. If Celice had his way when he told her "nuns and warfare DO NOT mix", then I wouldn't be writing this, would I?
Lana does staff things. And she does them well. She's also cute and she still had her life at the end of that one ironman I did so you get bias. Take 8+1 for a nice 9/10. Now you're the lucky one that ends up with Celice for me. Always. Help him kick that incest habit a bit.

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4 hours ago, Darrman said:

Go play with Delmud in the gen 2 chump corner.

excuse me good sir


you dare insult this beautiful man

how dare you

shhhh delmud, your time will come when its time to review you :'| lel

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Lana gets 7.5/10 for good staff utility out of the box (especially good with Warp and whatnot). Not!Lex gets 4.5/10 for having a mount but not really having decent enough stats to be doing anything special.

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1 minute ago, Peppy said:

Lana gets 7.5/10 for good staff utility out of the box (especially good with Warp and whatnot). Not!Lex gets 4.5/10 for having a mount but not really having decent enough stats to be doing anything special.

lol I have never seen the resemblance between Lester and Lex before. I still think that if anything Midir or Jamke is Edain's canon pairing(Lex's is probably Tailtiu)

But that's not what we are here to discuss. Lana is a pretty great early game healer as she almost always ends up good stat-wise no matter her father, comes with great staves if you passed them down but constantly trails behind due to very poor move in the game where that is most important. 5/10 with 0.5+ bias.

Lester is really only good with Midir as his father, but if this happens he is pretty great. Also he is mounted 7/10 no bias.

Mana gets 3/10 Dinma gets a 3/10

I also missed Ayra's kids so if it isn't too late...

Larcei is amazing. 8/10

Ulster is Larcei Light 7.5/10

The subs get 2/10

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2 hours ago, Inference said:

what is he doing with fee's shield ring

your opinion is invalid


I was gonna be all "she didn't need it" but they have the same DEF stat lmao

that said Delmud fights on the front lines where as I used Fee for brigand/pirate stabbing and healing Altena once she joined in on the axeman fighting. Really though I should've given Delmud a str or speed ring instead for either even bigger damage or more continue procs. Shield's kinda silly when you have prayer, pfffffft.

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13 hours ago, CappnRob said:

excuse me good sir

My DermottDiarmuid is actually pretty similar to yours, and he rocks a silver blade and a shield ring too! :D
And a Return band I forgot to set up ending at Patty's… Nobody saw that.



Here's my Fee as well:



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>Delmud didn't max luck

your a filthy dirty Beowulf spawn aren't you


also wow your Fee got gr8 magic. kek both yours and mine hit 13 luck and stopped :Y

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Maybe house Jungby and house Dozel got some shared heritage? Hell, Lex looks nothing like Dannan for that matter, or Lombard. He's allegedly only half-brothers with Dannan is why.

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Well, I'm late, but:

Lana: The adorable girl gets a 8.5/10, with positive bias.

Lana is pretty much like her mother: being a good staffbot. However, due to guaranteed inheritance, she gets staffs like Psychic, Rescue (if her father was Azel or Claude) e.t.c. right from the start and thus has an easier time to get EXP and heal characters from long distance (assuming she has Fortify or Psychic). Her stats don't really matter much- since her main purpose is healing, but she could fight once promoted. Skills also don't matter much for her, and since I usually do Midir x Aideen, she just gets Pursuit and Charge, so meh.

All in all, she's cute, and her father doesn't matter much (unless you want the Rescue staff), since she will do her job very well, especially if she inherits all her mother's staves, specifically ones like Psychic, Return and Warp.

Lester: This guy gets a 6.5/10 with negative bias.

Unlike Lana, it's easy to screw up Lester, or so I've heard. He will inherit weapons from either Midir or Jamke, and he would especially love that Killer and Hero Bow to easily ORKO enemies if possible. With Midayle as his father, he gets Pursuit, which is very welcomed in his case. He gets the inheritance advantage, but it depends on whether his father used bows. He will do fine, so long as his father isn't a red haired mage or long haired blonde priest. 

The reason I don't like him much is because of how he looks: He has blue hair, something not common among the Ulir family, and he looks a lot like Lex. I don't get why they gave him such an appearance, and I also don't like his face either. Dimna, whose portrait I looked at not too long ago, looks far better than him.


Yeah...I pretty much didn't have much to say about them. Oh well...


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OliKad is dead, my oppressive empire will take over this thread.


Holy crap, we need an update.

Also, I believe subs should be rated while taking into account an all-sub run, like FE4 RTU did. If not, then the subs just get completely obsolete.


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1 hour ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Lana is pretty much like her mother: being a good staffbot. However, due to guaranteed inheritance, she gets staffs like Psychic, Rescue (if her father was Azel or Claude) e .t.c. right from the start

Only Claude. If Azel's her dad, he gives Aideen the Rescue staff, but Lana's B rank so she can't inherit, so either you lose it until Chap 10 as usual, or you pass it on along a Claude!Sety or Claude!Corple. Either way Lana won't have it from the start. Physic staff, of course, she can start with regardless of dad.

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