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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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I decided to take it upon myself to calculate the children's scores, since things are going a bit slow in that department.


fine i guess i'm gonna count the ratings

Lakche: 8 +3.5 +7 +7 +6.5 +4.5 +3 +3.5 +6 +3 +9.5 +3 +2 +3 +6 +9.5 +8= 5.47/10, 17 votes
Ska: 7+ 3+ 7+ 6.5+ 6+ 4+ 3+ 3.5 +5 +3 +7 +2.5 +2 +3 +6 +9 +7.5= 5/10, 17 votes
Badney: 2+ 5+ 2.5+ 2.5+ 3+ 3 +2 +3 +1 +2 +4 +2= 2.67/10, 12 votes
Roddlebad: 2+ 5+ 2+ 1.5+ 3+ 2 +1 +3 +1 +2 +3 +2= 2.29/10, 12 votes

Lester: 7+7+4+4+8+5+7.5+7+5.5+6+7+6+4.5+4.5+7+6.5 = 6.03/10, 16 votes
Lana: 6.5+8.5+9+8+8.5+6.5+8.5+7+8+10+7+9+7.5+5+8.5= 7.83/10, 15 votes
Dimna: 2+2.5+2+2+4+2.5+2+2+2+2+3= 2.36/10, 11 votes
Mana: 2.5+3+3+2.5+1+3.5+1.5+3+2.5+3 = 2.32/10, 11 votes

Delmud: 7 7 9 6 7.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 7.5 8 4.5 7.5 6 6.5 7.5 = 6.97/10, 15 votes
Nanna: 7.5 8.5 8 8.5 6 6 7 9 6.5 7 7 8 7.5 7 8.5= 7.47/10, 15 votes
Tristan: 5 3 4 5 4.5 4.5 5.5 1.5 5 3.5 =4.15/10, 10 votes
Janne: 6 5 6 5 4 5 3.5 2 5 3.5 =4.5/10, 10 votes

Ha, the mounted healer got beat by the foot healer. Take that, horses!

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2 hours ago, Darrman said:

Ha, the mounted healer got beat by the foot healer. Take that, horses!

Nice change of pace! xD
I also love the custom names you made.

Well, that's nice of you to do part of what's supposed to be my job :P

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On 2/21/2017 at 8:51 PM, OliKad said:

Okay, I know that we're at the 2nd gen, but still, look at this:

Alec is god.jpeg

I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS LOL well that is a pretty damn good Alec, haha...

Anyways, I'm seriously becoming too lazy...


This Lachesis with short hair gets a 8.5/10, with positive bias.

Nanna is basically Ethlyn with low mag growth, depending on her father (I usually choose Beowolf).Nanna, unlike her mother is a Troubadour, so yeah, no blonde master knights in Gen2!  Anyways, her main purpose is being a mounted healer, even coming with a Mend staff, but she fights pretty well too. She gets all the swords of her mother, which would most likely include the Earth Sword (which would help her defeat enemies easily, since it sucks HP), the Prayer Sword and Thief Sword. She also has Charisma, and since she's on a mount right off the bat, it slightly becomes more useful, especially when she's stuck with Leif and Finn in Leonster in Ch7. She gets Pursuit with either Azel or Beowolf being dads, so that's nice, and again, makes it easier for her to kill enemies. She also gets charge with the latter dad, so that's cool as well. She benefits from sibling support (with Delmud, duh), and the easily gained lover support with Leif. 

All in all, while her magic growth sucks with Beowolf as her dad, she can still heal, and being mounted helps; however she definitely will fight really good (I mean just look at that 70% Str growth rate with Beowolf as a dad)


This kid gets a 8/10, with positive bias.

While Noish, Alec, and Beowolf were very meh characters for me, Delmud pretty much is the opposite of that. With Beowolf as his father, he gets Pursuit and possibly some good swords to kill off enemies. He also has a high Str growth, so that's nice enough to weaken and possibly ORKO enemies if he has Pursuit. Upon promotion, he gets the Continue skill, and seeing how his promotion gains are really good (besides that 1 point of Strength and 2 points of Defense. But hey, he gets more points for Skill and Speed. That's good enough for me), he gets the chances of dodging like lightning then his father could have. He also has Charisma, and he's on a horse, so that's useful, and his available in the first chapter of Gen2, so it's easier to train him and support Seliph and the rest of the gang to kill those bandits.

He also doesn't suffer much from having Azel as a father, since he gets Pursuit and can benefit with using magic swords. All in all, better than those Gen1 sucky knights (for me at least) and remains a strong unit (like really, the only reason I have positive bias for him is just because he's better than those Gen 1 knights, only being competed by Aless who is the best out of all of them. There's also his handsome face with...his sort of strange but cool looking hair)


By the way, I like how Janne looks like she's more of a fighter than a healer. I guess it's because of her headband. And Tristan just looks...emo. I dunno why.

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15 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

By the way, I like how Janne looks like she's more of a fighter than a healer. I guess it's because of her headband. And Tristan just looks...emo. I dunno why.

If you were Tristan, you'd be emo, too.

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On 2/17/2017 at 2:22 PM, 1japanfan said:

I meant I've never seen it until now. I still say Tailtu and Lex is probably canon and Edain and Midir as well.

In the manga,


Edain was with Jamka, and Lex was with Ayra. I haven't read up to Tailtu yet but she's probably gonna be with Azel. 

Also, in the scrapped "Part 3" notes of FE4, Azel was meant to meet up with his children, Tinny and Arthur, and they resurrect Tailtu. This was scrapped, but something to note. 


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Has the best hair in the Second Gen. Don't @ me you know it. He's good with Fin, Beowolf, or Azel as his father. Currently pairing Lachesis with Azel to have Delmund wield the flame and thunder swords to wreak havoc. He's competent. HOWEVER. I feel like the developers completely forgot about him. He has only 2 conversations, making him one of the least talkable units. At least buffs are given at end of each conversation, but he has no lines at all after Ch.7. He has no predestined lover so he gets no extra Final Chapter buffs. 7/10


Pretty great, with her best fathers being Fin, Azel, and Claude. I'm curious as to what Levin as her father would be like, it's a shame she wouldn't be able to wield Forsetti/Holsety unfortunately. She's pretty great though, and even with a bad father, she'll always be a reliable staffbot. Plus she's mounted, so more points. Having Fin as her father gets an additional conversation and she has a couple more conversations than her brother, with Leaf or Aless (which makes a weird, incesty conversation). 8.5/10 (bias bc I also like her design and personality)


One of the better substitutes. He becomes useful if you give him Celice's Silver sword or the brave sword. It's nice that he gets that bonus talk with Oifay like Delmud. LITERALLY has more lines than the original. He also gets a cool support conversation with Roddleban, where they both benefit greatly. He and Janne have a more interesting backstory than the other substitutes; he being the son of the Cross Knight, Eve. I also like his design, so I;m giving him a generous, biased 6/10


Has an interesting backstory, but she's less useful than Nanna. Nanna could be a decent fighter and can be durable, which Janne will struggle with. At least she's a mounted staffbot, so she'll be more useful than Mana. I find it weird that she and Aless don't have any Final Chapter conversations, because Nanna does with him, but it's probably because Nanna references Lachesis, which is something Janne wouldn't know, nor have any reason to bring up. Felt a little lazy not to give her anyone else other than Leaf. I still paired her up with Aless though for the Master/Former Trusted Guard dynamic their fathers had though.


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11 hours ago, salinea said:

It's not like Ethlyn has a good mag growth in the first place...

oh, yeah. Oops.


10 hours ago, Slumber said:

If you were Tristan, you'd be emo, too.

Wait,I... I...um....hmmm....

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Yeah, Delmud's lack of writing is a real bummer for me. He somehow accidentally paired with Fee my last run and they didn't have a conversation, he doesn't have any lover conversations at all. Given how he's part of the Lachesis love triangle story and all you'd think there'd be more, but I guess we have FE5 for that.

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Lurking since Holyn, might as well contribute once.


-All around good stats



-Good skills assuming Beo. 


Have him inherit a Steel or Silver Blade and he's ready. And although it would be showing favoritism, Sig's Silver Sword or a Brave Sword make him a killing maching.




-Wtf Sterength

-If Azel or Beo father, inherits Pursuit


-C staff (B with Claude father, but why would you do that to poor Delmud?)

-Best physical weapon type aka Swords


-Horrible Magic most of the time

-Low rank Staves

7+1 because she was murder incarnate with a Brave Sword in my 2nd PT and Thraciaaaaaa.


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Okay, I think that's enough for our two little charisma bots, yeah?

Now, let's focus on two of the best characters in the game, i named Master Fee and Lolsety! :D

No seriously, Ced with a Leg ring may be a 10/10 unit

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Fee is great although she's not quite as good as I remember he being. Nevertheless she's very good at combat and flying is a viable niche to have on some chapters. 7.5/10

Ced is a great staff user that also blows away arenas without a second thought. He has a bit of trouble getting around though so 6/10.

Hawk is Ced+ unless you have Claud!Ced. His high magic base is fantastic and very few units can't be hit by his status staves. 6.5/10

Hermina is discount Fee. She's needs the pursuit ring but her stats are serviceable. 7/10

Edited by Valkama
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fee is pretty great, can go magical or physical pretty easily, has dibs on a great weapon to start (hero lance).  Other than that she's just another combat unit, flying sometime helps, most of the time is a detriment, 6.5/10

sety is the best gen2 staff user with claude, and is still pretty good with any other dad.  7/10

hawk is basically what sety is with any magic dad, 6.5/10

Femina really isn't very good, awful statistically except for speed.  4.5/10.

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Fee: I love Fee. She's essentially an uber Fury. She keeps up with the others well and can potentially have some really neat skills to take advantage of in addition to her stellar combat with the brave/hero lance (Critical from Noish/Lewyn, Elite/Paragon from Lex, etc.). Flight isn't too useful in Gen II, but hey, she's worth using no matter what. 7/10, +.5 bias because she's quite neat. 7.5/10

Ced/Sety: Good foot unit and staffbot (even better with Claude!). Since he has no mount he can't really fight many enemies as well as Seliph or Leif, but he has no issue taking someone down if he can get to them. Lightning is all he needs, really. Lewyn grants him Forseti/Holsety and overkill speed, but he doesn't really need it honestly. He's more than capable without it combat-wise. Hell, even Ardan!Ced isn't terrible since he still can kill things with ease. This dude's literally unscrewable: he's either okay or overkill. But really, his staff utility is pretty neat. 7/10

Femina: She's pretty eh. Worse than Fee in every way imaginable, but her stats aren't that bad I guess. 4/10

Hawk: As Horace said, he's basically a Ced with a magical dad. So by default he's good. 7/10

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Fee is one of the most useful non-holy weapon characters in all of G2. Huge movement, unimpeded by terrain, joins super early, can start with the Hero's lance or Sword, she's your premiere bandit slayer for saving villages. She has a lot of viable father options, too - Alec makes her arrow-proof, Levin makes her obscenely fast and crit-capable, Claude turns her into the BEST staff user once she promotes, so on and so forth. Best of all, her dad does NOT impede her brother Sety, 9/10 for me. Speaking of Sety...

Sety is idiot-proof. Even with the least magically competent father, Sety comes with strong Light spell and solid bases. He won't be your BEST magic user, but he compensates by always having pursuit, whatever skills his dad drops on him, B rank access to all spells and staffs. With a GOOD dad, he just becomes absurd. Claude makes him a staffbot that can FIGHT. Levin makes him into the most obscenely OP thing in a game full of obscenely OP shit. Forsetti for at least half of G2? Starting with 30 speed thus rendering his OP speed growth totally moot but who cares because STARTING WITH 30 SPEED. Just. Damn. Sety man. He's only held back by foot movement, 8.5/10.


Hermina is... weird. She's got marginally better growths than Fury did in G1, but at the cost of significantly lower level and bases. With G2 being the hardball game it is, this really hurts her, but she's got good availability and like all Subs, plenty of stat boosting conversations, including the special Shamam cameo in chapter 9. Her speed and luck are especially good regardless, so she can dodge well, but her personal skill is.... continue, which is something that all pegasus knights get when they promote, so its wasted. 4/10, probably usable but really flawed. 

Hawk is the man, though. He's basically as good as Sety, he just lacks the ability to be OBSCENELY OP. But being GOOD is still nothing to sneeze at, and depending on Sety's dad, Hawk might actually be better than him growthwise. Unless Sety's dad's name is Claude or Levin, he and Hawk are likely equals at the very least. His bases are superb, all he really misses out on is inheritance, something that Sety probably doesn't have much of anyway due to his mid-game appearance. 7/10, definitely one of the best subs, if not the best.

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Two of the more useful siblings are up now, here to prove Silessia stronk.


The kids here have different roles, as you'd expect with such different classes. The sage is a powerful combat unit who can can also heal units really well and is solid across all incarnations. His main issues are foot movement and not being recruited until Manster (which is more egregious in Thracia 776). The Pegases child's basic role is about reaching places others can't, taking out what's there such as bandits or siege units, then coming back to the front line and on promotion can heal allies as well. Being recruited early on does give her a lot of time to grow from level 1.

Irregardless of their dad, they'll have Pursuit and Continue (if on promotion for Fee), so they're doing decently on offensive skills to being with. Fee would like if her father can make her bulkier, dodgier, stronger or a combination of the three through her growths, and for her kills. Sety wants a dad with a magic growth, staves and possibly rings and tomes and skills that either make him able to attack even more or allow him to survive if he gets hit (he's not untouchable after all). Levin gives both kids Critical (a nice proc with their skill), makes Fee good with speed, alright growths for growths other than strength (which Levin can boost later on) and passes Continue early. Oh, and Sety becomes a god among demigods. He still has an alright but not great magic growth (he needs to get lucky for it to cap without pairing), his other growths are at least solid, he can get everything from Levin and he has Holsety WITH PURSUIT. That is just beautiful. And this is despite the game bugging out and bringing his speed down to 17, which he will still cap and with Holsety does not care. Claude makes two great res tanks who can use magic very well and still have decent speed and skill, gives no skills but gives Sety All staves (Including Valkyrie and any C tomes he had) and Fee gets B staves (flying Restore user, who might be able to get into proximity with the wall of Edda. :D ). Lex gives Elite to make levelling them even easier (especially for Fee, Sety doesn't really need it but it's nice), Vantage is situational, but can be really easy for Sety to use, even with the lower speed and there's no inheritance for Sety without Lex killing for it. For growths, Fee becomes a physical tank (somehow has the highest defence growth in the game) and a good attacker while Sety gains a similarly tanky but doesn't have as good an offence as the magic based Setys. Noish gives the same or inferior growths than Lex, but that's no big deal when he provides Charge and Critical, which allows both of them to deal attack after attack. Azel is a paring that makes both great with magic, provides a good speed boost and allows Sety to wield Bolganone but not great on defensive growths and no new skills.

As for inheritance, Fee would like a magic sword if her dad has a magic growth, another sword would be nice as the Berserk Sword is very situational, the Brave Lance is a fantastic weapon for her, and she can also work with a Power Ring. Sety will want whatever holy weapon his dad had, some staves (fortify if Claude was his dad, a Heal/Mend staff, maybe the Silence staff or Libro), and because he has Lightning nothing else (barring maybe a 1st tier tome for the arena) For rings he'd like a Magic Ring so he might silence Ishtar in the late game.

The substitutes consist of a flier who could have been better and Hawk. It's a shame Femina hasn't got Pursuit, so she's not guaranteed to get more than one attack in, which affects taking out thieves and bandits. She also has an atrocious bulk even when compared to Fee and that's not good. And her hidden event is for 3 Defence which is split with Janne. Hawk is pretty much close to Sety's growths (shame on his low HP and lowish Luck and Skill. Magic is not an amazing growth, but better than most Setys), bases like a Sety with a magical dad (Only his Luck is really poor in comparison), Lightning for attacking and Pursuit and Continue for skills. Judgral Sages for top 5 Class in the series.

Fee is a 7.5/10. Being able to reach areas others can't to take something out is already useful, and she can still tend to be fine because of what she already gets, but depending on her dad she can be amazing at taking hits and dealing damage.

Femina gets a 3.5/10. Being able to fly is useful but isn't that exceptional, she doesn't have Pursuit, no inheritance means no Brave lance early on when it might be most useful and she is not going to be bulky at all, which will come back to bite if her high speed and luck growths don't work out.

Sety would be a 9/10 across pretty much all incarnations if he came early in Chapter 7, hell 7.5/10 if he came sooner in his chapter, but I'll rate him 6.5/10 because of his late availability. He's still always solid to beastly, and can't really be screwed up, only made amazing based on his dad.

Hawk is rated 5.5/10. Most of the negatives for him are that he can't inherit, and that matters more for getting staves. However, he's still good at offence with Lightning, his skills and can still heal effectively.

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Fee with Lex as her father was so damn good (I prefer physical weapons for her). I could promote her at the beginning of chapter 8 and it was easy to give her 50 kills with the brave lance to let her wreck everything. She became #2 after Forseti.




Excellent stave level and great bases. but foot unit.




Like Sety, only more magical but a bit less tanky.




Lacking of pursuit in first tier screws her to let her oneround long range mages, even early adept is no replacement for this. All in all not bad, but no match for Fee.


Edited by Magillanica Lou Mayvin
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Fee flies on a pegasus, which can be both good and bad in gen 2, but is mostly bad. She has dibs on a good weapon and with a magic dad, she can also do some magic swording. She can also use a healstaff I guess. She's useful but not great 7/10

Sety is a footsie who comes with great bases and staves. He has solid combat but will not see much of it because of being footlocked. He has staves when Leaf, Nanna and Fee should be doing most/all of your staffing, and he doesn't have two chapters of being the only staffbot around, like Rana. 3/10

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Sety is very flexible and pretty much impossible to ruin. Even with someone like Ardan as his dad he still ends up very usable. Admittedly he comes a little later than ideal, but the extra point of move over Lana and Corple mean he's the best A rank staffer outside of Leaf. His combat's good and his bases and default skills will mean he's never hurting too hard for additional attacks. Still, he's on foot and he misses out on the first half of the generation, but his existence is always a boon. 6.5/10

Fee has pretty stellar availability, but she's a little more dependent on her dad than Sety is. Flying isn't as amazing in FE4 as it is in other titles, and there's plenty of archers around to scare her unless her dad had a turban. Depending on her dad, she can either go magical or stick with the Hero Lance, so she definitely has options. Her stats are generally pretty OK and moves well so she's pretty hard to fault too much. 6.5/10

Hawk is basically Azel!Sety, except he can't use Bologna but who cares about that. He's nearly as good as Sety in general, but lacks the ability to get A staves or Lolsety so is probably like half a point worse maybe. 6/10

Femina is pretty bad, her stats just about function but no early Hero Lance and no natural pursuit so she's always going to be worse than Fee. She's at least available early and can move alright, but she'll be hurting later on when the enemies get bulkier. Her only skill is negated by the Hero Lance so that's also lame. 3.5/10

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It's really hard to screw Fee up with her versatility with both magic and strength being even. Sety, depending on the father can either be an amazing magic user or a competent staffbot. They are both 10/10 for me.


femina is weak. Her only skill is a skill she could get upon promotion. 2/10

Hawk is like a mix of Setys. Still better than Erk. 6/10

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Fee 7.5/10

Great all-round offense thanks to +7 Mag upon promotion and a high Magic cap. Gets critical skill from a lot of her more prominent fathers too, namely Noish, Jamka and Levin so between Pursuit, Continue, Critical and choosing between physical and magic attacks she has several ways to make up for her poor Str cap. Great spd cap is good too, and she pretty much always hits it for me. On top of that she's got a neat selection of weapons to choose from. To me she's like an improved version of Delmud because she's got overall better skills, more favorable caps and where Delmud will turn out to be somewhat redundant as a powerful combat unit, Fee has a unique niche of being a flying unit to make herself useful where nobody else can.

Femina 4.5/10

Pretty good spd, Continue Skill and access to the Hero Lance prevent her from being useless. I'd rate her the same as Tristan overall with some pros and cons over him. She's not bad though, especially for a substitute unit. I think sericeable is the appropriate term for her.

Sety 6.5/10

Don't even waste your time pairing Fury up with Claude or Levin hoping to get the best possible iteration Sety - in the end he'll always be a self-sufficient, unscrewable staffbot who joins just at the right time for a backup staffbot to show up. Leave Levin for Tiltyu and Claude for Aideen and do whatever the heck you want with Fury. You simply cannot screw over Sety [or Fee for that matter] though if you want to maximize his combat potential without Holsety you probably wanna pair him up with either Noish or Jamka. Even with a relatively low magic stat there are next to no enemies in this game that can survive a round of combat against a unit that hits the res stat with Pursuit, Charge, Continue and Critical.

Hawk 6/10

Hawk is generally seen as on par with Sety, for obvious reasons. Hitting res with Pursuit, Continue and a solid enough magic stat is pretty much good enough to do whatever combat you need him to do. For the most part it's only arena stuff but he's also a great castle guard in Ch.9 if you need one. Other than that he'll be able to fulfill Sety's staffboting duties. There's two things though that make me think that Hawk doesn't deserve quite as good as rating as Sety does: 1.) Claude!Sety is still strictly superior to Hawk and that's not something I'm going to gloss over even though I personally tend to argue against Fury x Claude [it is Sety's best pairing after all] and 2.) in a substitute run Hawk actually has competition as a backup staffbot in Linda who has better magic and res growth rates as well as Elite.

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You can't really screw these two up. Even without holy blood, Sety and Fee are amazing if Noish is their father. They're really versatile characters to work with, primarily because they don't have set holy blood, so you can really customize what they can be good at.


He's unscrewable. Even with a physical father his base stats should be good enough to make a competent fighter for your team. With his canon father, Lolsety breaks the game to the point he becomes the 2nd Gen equivalent to Sigurd. Claude!Sety is great too, and the Valkyrie staff can be pretty nifty. He's relevant in TWO games and all around a great guy. Plus his design is dashing so extra points. He has an average amount of conversations (4), and he receives stat boosters in two of them (like he needed them) so more points! Plus his convo with Tine is really sweet and shows a different side to his character. 10/10 can't fuck him up.


Can never be truly bad, as she's the only pegasus knight you'll get in the second generation (Hermina doesn't count). If Fury got Fin's brave lance, or some sort of magic sword, she'll be fantastic. Fee is great for saving all of them villages, too bad she can't give some of that excess money away though, unless she's married. Corpul may be a good choice for her, but that's for another discussion. She's a monster with Noish or Levin as her dad, and can be good with Azel (fire sword Fee anyone?) and Claude (so she can actually heal something). She looks like a ditz so I can relate to her. She has 5 conversations, and receives a stat boost in 3 of them and her lover will receive a stat boost in the final chapter (if he's Seliph, Oifay, or Arthur). Also, she's the only female character that is predestined with Oifay, so props to her for loving a nice mustache. She's an 8/10


The BEST SUBSTITUTE OUT OF THE BUNCH. Literally as good as Azel!Sety. I know this man is hiding his holy blood out on us. He's only inferior to Sety due to his unfortunate fate of never having holy blood and never wielding Forsetti. He's still pretty good and a beacon of light in sub runs. I love this man. Cool design too, but I have to say this. HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE HIS SISTER. I feel like they mixed up Hawk's and Amid's designs because Hawk looks more like Linda and Amid looks more like Femina. But then Hawk will have Femina as a predestined lover and they don't make a cute couple IMO. Like Ced, he has 4 conversations and will receive stat boosters in 2 of them. His only predestined paired is Linda (Tine's cousin, what a shocker).

8/10 because bias. 


She's...there. First of all, she doesn't really look like Hawk, or rather, he looks nothing like her, but I went over this already. She'll never be useless because pegasus knights are a rare commodity, but compared to Fee, she's definitely not as good. At least she has a Berserk sword when you get her though, so she can be able to take on the bandits in Ch. 6 alright. She has 5 available conversations, 4 if you given her shared one to Janne (but Femina benefits from it more), and has the same amount of stat boosters as Fee. While not a terrific unit, she's not bad, so 6/10.

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Fee is an early Peg Knight with great mobility and growths if her father is Lewyn or Claude. 8/10

Ced is a better Lewyn who can destroy anything and everything who cares if he doesn't have a mount. 9.5/10 with positive bias +0.5

Hawk is Ced without Foresti. 5.5/10 with negative bias -0.5

Femina is okay, she still has a Pegasus, so 5/10

Edited by 1japanfan
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