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Posting issues.


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I've recently had issues posting or sending PMs or what have you. It doesn't register until I leave the page or reload, where it then posts what I'm trying to say.

It's not my internet. It's been like this for me for a few weeks.

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Mine's been like that too and sometimes it's the same for forum posts. Sometimes if you ignore the page for a solid minute it'll show up. I always chalked it up to a browser issue. What do you use? Firefox?

Edited by Alolan Darros
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You're not the only one - I often get error messages when posting, and occasionally after reloading, I see that what I had gone and posted somehow got posted twice.

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I've had this issue too, but it's not just PMs. What happens is that your post goes through, but the page refresh takes a long time (or doesn't happen at all). For PMs, open Your Messenger in a new tab, and see who made the last response. For the forums, keep the SF forum homepage open in a new tab, refresh, and see if your post shows as the newest.

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All of you guys sending Jyo a PM would be the best way to alert him of this issue.

I've had this issue as well. I don't want to flood his inbox if we all have the same issue, though.

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Honestly I always thought it was only me and it wasn't enough of something that bugged me so I didn't bring it up ((that and I thought it was a browser issue. I haven't noticed it on my phone)).

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Honestly I always thought it was only me and it wasn't enough of something that bugged me so I didn't bring it up ((that and I thought it was a browser issue. I haven't noticed it on my phone)).

Now if only YouTube could get fixed. I no longer get notifications when people reply to my comments. Now that does really concern me, since I have no way of knowing if people say anything, short of manually looking back on every video I've watched or commented on. I've not seen anybody else have this specific problem.

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I've known about this for a really long time already. I believe it's a caching issue with javascript and Cloudflare, but I don't think it's something that can be fixed very easily due to security reasons. Sorry.

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Now if only YouTube could get fixed. I no longer get notifications when people reply to my comments. Now that does really concern me, since I have no way of knowing if people say anything, short of manually looking back on every video I've watched or commented on. I've not seen anybody else have this specific problem.

It's now happening to me, you aren't alone, and some people's accounts have been closed which has also caused people to lose subscribers.

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Now if only YouTube could get fixed. I no longer get notifications when people reply to my comments. Now that does really concern me, since I have no way of knowing if people say anything, short of manually looking back on every video I've watched or commented on. I've not seen anybody else have this specific problem.

Oh jeeze now that's a rough one. I don't really use youtube comments but that can totally leave a thread hanging. Instagram used to work the same way where if someone replied to you you used to not know unless they tagged you but that was in their programming.

I've known about this for a really long time already. I believe it's a caching issue with javascript and Cloudflare, but I don't think it's something that can be fixed very easily due to security reasons. Sorry.

It's hardly the end of the world as long as the posts are going through. It's better than screwing with something that could compromise security.

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It's now happening to me, you aren't alone, and some people's accounts have been closed which has also caused people to lose subscribers.

I've seen plenty of YouTubers talk about sub losses, but I haven't seen anybody talk about the comment issue.

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