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rip got waitlisted at my last-choice-lowest-ranked-in-state med school


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i mean if you're talking financially then no, I don't need to go to med school, but I mean it's something i've always wanted to do

I'm cheering you on from over here.

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I'm a theater studies/chem double major, and my theater gpa is like a 3.9 and my chem (basically sGPA) is 3.1 LOL


my mcat is pretty much average, maybe a little above average, but nothing competitive

12 rejections, 1 waitlist, 12 more schools to hear back from on the back end of the cycle OH BOY

Ah...I was a bio major so my overall GPA is a bit closer to my science GPA but still, it's not exactly good. I've always been told you need like a 3.6+ science GPA and a good MCAT score, so I'm like 'uh....my science GPA is a few too many decimal points away from that...and I've been slacking like crazy studying for that MCAT'...LOL. I hate everything.

Never lose hope! Did you apply to DO schools or international schools as well?

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ahahahahahaha... you're probably fine


Nah I had too much pride to apply for DO/international, but if I should've elected to have gone DO for at least a couple of schools. :x

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You could always be a homeopathic doctor. As long as you're able to pour water homeopathic remedies from a jug medical containers, you should be fine.

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ahahahahahaha... you're probably fine


Nah I had too much pride to apply for DO/international, but if I should've elected to have gone DO for at least a couple of schools. :x

I think it's always good to apply for those no matter what! Have you shadowed DO? From the ones that I've talked to, literally the only difference is the OMT stuff, which a lot of them never use in their practice anyway. Especially if you want to go into a field involving surgery of some kind :)

if you cant maintain a good gpa then med school is not for you.

Naturally, except depending on the school that you went to, obtaining a high science GPA in particular can be much harder in comparison to other schools. The MCAT is the great equalizer across the board.

Edited by mewyeon
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I think it's always good to apply for those no matter what! Have you shadowed DO? From the ones that I've talked to, literally the only difference is the OMT stuff, which a lot of them never use in their practice anyway. Especially if you want to go into a field involving surgery of some kind :)

Naturally, except depending on the school that you went to, obtaining a high science GPA in particular can be much harder in comparison to other schools. The MCAT is the great equalizer across the board.

b-b-but muh future job prospects

also sGPA's are totally dependent on your major, too, since that will probably influence what science classes you end up taking. I just get super salty when people try to compare fields like environmental science to chemical engineering. Like CLEARLY one carries more gravitas (personally anyway, lol. i bet the amcas doesn't give two shits about majors), but UGH. Also "social science" classes are now included in sGPA calculation so you could literally buffer shitty orgo/biochem grades with tons of intro psych and anthropology courses??

why the fuck did i do a chemistry major lol

Man I also feel like such a tool for adopting this holier-than-thou stance when I haven't even gotten in anywhere yet RIP

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b-b-but muh future job prospects

also sGPA's are totally dependent on your major, too, since that will probably influence what science classes you end up taking. I just get super salty when people try to compare fields like environmental science to chemical engineering. Like CLEARLY one carries more gravitas (personally anyway, lol. i bet the amcas doesn't give two shits about majors), but UGH. Also "social science" classes are now included in sGPA calculation so you could literally buffer shitty orgo/biochem grades with tons of intro psych and anthropology courses??

why the fuck did i do a chemistry major lol

Man I also feel like such a tool for adopting this holier-than-thou stance when I haven't even gotten in anywhere yet RIP

WAIT WHAT THEY ARE??!!! I thought it was literally just BCPM? And the psych/soc stuff was only on the MCAT.

To be fair, though, it's only because I was able to take higher level science courses as a bio major that I was able to slightly make up for my awful o chem grades in my sGPA. Did you feel like the chem courses you took were helpful in that regard, as well?

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if you cant maintain a good gpa then med school is not for you.

He is maintaining a good GPA. If I understand the American system right he's getting mostly As with a handful of Bs and maybe a C or two. Those are very good marks.

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He is maintaining a good GPA. If I understand the American system right he's getting mostly As with a handful of Bs and maybe a C or two. Those are very good marks.

not good enough for med school m8

farkin straya

2 much faith in me bogan grades
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WAIT WHAT THEY ARE??!!! I thought it was literally just BCPM? And the psych/soc stuff was only on the MCAT.

To be fair, though, it's only because I was able to take higher level science courses as a bio major that I was able to slightly make up for my awful o chem grades in my sGPA. Did you feel like the chem courses you took were helpful in that regard, as well?

shit is whack


gen chem - I AP'd out lol

orgo - B

analytical - B

biochem - C+


organometallic - A

physical quantum - A

physical thermo - A-

inorganic A-

Yeah I'll say.

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He is maintaining a good GPA. If I understand the American system right he's getting mostly As with a handful of Bs and maybe a C or two. Those are very good marks.

I guess I got sniped on this but yea 3.6 gpa is good but not good enough to stand a realistic chance of getting into med school.

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I guess I got sniped on this but yea 3.6 gpa is good but not good enough to stand a realistic chance of getting into med school.

not good enough for med school m8

farkin straya

2 much faith in me bogan grades
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There's nothing wrong with a DO. There's a lot more parity nowadays than ever before. And there's the big 4 degrees of MD, DO, DPM, and DMD that give full prescribing powers, and the last two will limit your scope of practice, but you're still a full-fledged doctor. If you still want to pursue being a doctor, I recommend one of the other degrees.

I didn't want to say anything, because anything coming from me would probably not contribute much or make you feel worse, but unfortunately, that prideful attitude that I see in a lot of my colleagues is something that I hate about the profession. I made a promise to myself that I would never act like I was better than others, and a disdain for others in the medical profession is something that I hope dies out before the end of my career. It's not only the doctors' fault, to be sure. There's plenty of nurses who treat the residents like shit, and I bet the contributes to doctors' superiority/inferiority complexes later in life, but I've been actively trying to avoid that, myself.

I had a 31 on the MCAT and a 3.9 GPA and 4.0 science GPA. I didn't get my top choice of school, but I think they may have been due to knowing one of the head's daughters personally and her having it out for me. Good luck for the future.

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biochem - C+

i just finished biochem 1 jesus christ what a fucking clusterfuck. the course director is a fossil that worked in the lab that found the structure of hemoglobin, but he is also a fossil that can't lecture for shit. i'll take my a- and go onto biochem 2. heard the professors are better but the material is harder. rip

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I hate those kinds of profs like they're just there cause they're a figurehead or whatever. We had Dennis liotta (creator of emtriva) lecture for my freshman orgo I/II classes and he was honestly horrible at lecturing. Our lab section prof ended up holding his own review of concepts that we "learned" in lecture cause we clearly had no background in the experiments that we were performing

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