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Fire Emblem Music discussion


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So I looked everywhere and can't really seem to find topics that talk about Fire Emblem Music.

So with that in mind, this here is to discuss Fire Emblem Music both old and new. You can talk about your favorite songs and you can also talk about composers dedicated to the Fire Emblem Music like Yuka Tsujiyoko & Hip Tanaka(since well...he's the one that inspired her to compose game music in the first place.)

You can also discuss about what songs you feel are underwhelming and how the composition of the recent FE games aren't on par with the older ones and what not. You can also discuss of why a same song is different in another game instead of being identical( for example, Binding ties in Binding Blade sounds different than the one in Blazing Sword).

You can even discuss the little sound effects that are present in FE games as well like...you know, hitting with swords, throwing axes, fanfares etc..

Regardless, you can only discuss music and sound effects related to Fire Emblem only since well, that's the whole point of this thread.

So to start off I'll post this song that I really love.

As much as I find it frustrating to like this game, I really am a big fan of the game's overall music! this song right here fits the theme of the cold maps perfectly. It feels so melancholic and epic and very memorable too! It gives you the feeling that you're stuck in a battle with a cold world situation which gives you that

Of course a couple of fanfares that I love as well

This is my most favorite fanfare and I'm glad I got Blazing sword for that reason! It feels very victorious and sounds more rewarding than the one in Binding Blade. Of course there's nothing wrong with how it sounds in Binding Blade..its just that imo, this sounds better.

On the subject of fanfares I find it odd that this one never came back

Not sure if this is a fanfare or not considering that its longer in Path of Radiance but I do want to make it a comeback seeing how its a classic and how it gives that feeling that things will only get worse from here on or the hope of a specific unit( Harken for example).

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For me, the best music in Fire emblem has to be in Sacred Stones.

Determination: (Ephraim's Map Theme)

Powerful Foe (Boss theme):

A Prince's Despair: (Lyon's Battle theme)

From Fe6 which also had an amazing ost:

Winning Road Roy's Hope:

Path of the Divine Generals:

Look, i'm going to be here all day if i keep talking, Fire emblem has had some amazing osts.

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I've got two that immediately come to mind, though naturally there are a lot of really good songs in the franchise, but I don't want to clog the entire thread.

[spoiler=Ike's Theme]

- Heroism, hope and tension. Things that should be prevalent in all Fire Emblem games.

[spoiler=Id (Beginnings)]

- The sound of a new adventure beginning. To be honest, I couldn't tell you why I love this song so much, but it has a "calm before the storm" kind of vibe to it, and it sets the mood perfectly for me.

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My all-time favorite FE music track is this one from FE5:

It really sets up the mood perfectly for a "We can do this!" scenario. I love this one from FE6 for similar reasons:

Also this one from FE4 is fantastic on how it foreshadows the end of the first half of the game.

Edited by Jave
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This is a topic I could probably talk all day about if given the opportunity, including other video games, films, classical music, etc.

I'll keep myself down to just one (and simply recommending it rather than running off at the mouth), or this post would probably turn into an essay. Sad to cut it down to the single leitmotif, but for now I'll recommend "Nyna, Forlorn Princess" from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.

[spoiler=The video]

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Uh, can I request that, instead of embedding so many videos, we link them?

For load times' (and scrolling's) sake.

That said, my favorite song in Fire Emblem is Path of the Divine Generals from The Binding Blade. I'm not sure how to describe it.

Runners up include Reminiscence from Blazing Blade, Everything into the Dark also from Blazing Blade, and Shaman in the Dark from Binding Blade.

There's also a bunch from other FE's that I don't feel like getting vids of:

Rise Above (Eirika Map 2, FE8)

Determination (Ephraim Map 2, FE8)

Lyon (Lyon's Story theme, FE8)

The Prince's Despair (Lyon's Battle Theme, FE8)

Congregation of Ambition (Final maps, FE9)

To My Love (Ena and Rajaion's theme, FE9)

Distant Travels (It's a map theme in FE7, I don't remember much more beyond that I liked it :/)

Inescapable Fate (One of the last map themes in FE7)

Dragon's Gate II ("Light" Map theme, FE7)

Final Chapter (Battle Map 5, FE2)

Beneath a New Light (Player Map 4, FE6)

Winning Road (Near Victory Theme, FE6/FE7)

Battle for Whose Sake (Zephiel's Battle Theme, FE6)

The Last Dragon (Jahn's Battle Theme, FE6)

In the Name of Bern (Wyvern General's Battle Theme, FE6)

Princess of Destiny (Guinevere's Theme, FE6)

For the Commanders (Player Map 2, FE6)

Scars of the Scouring (Gaiden Map theme, FE6/7)

Ascent (Tower of Guidance Map theme, FE10)

Wisdom of Ages (Dheginsea's Battle theme, FE10)

Time of Action (It's an attack theme in FE10 whose use I forget)

March of the Lion King (Caineghis's Battle Theme, FE10)

Empress Sanaki (Sanaki's theme, FE10)

Doors to Destiny (Chapter 5, FE4)

Crossing the Desert (Chapter 7, FE4)

Light and Dark (Chapter 10, FE4)

The Final Holy War (Final Chapter, FE4)

You Have Power... Like Mine (Tiki's theme, FE13)

And many others I forgot.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I've got a couple of my favs ( and some dishonourable mentions thrown in for good measure )

FE4 - Every field map theme, but the arranged version of Crossing the Desert/Dragon Knights of Thracia is probably my favourite. HM to Royal Palace of Silesia (GBA version), Versus Arvis and the Gen 1 Map Melody.
FE6 - Beneath a New Light
FE7- Inescapable Fate, The Eight Generals, The Archsage Athos, Bern - A Mother's Wish, Treasured Hope
FE8 - ( most underrated FE OST imo ) - Truth, Despair and Hope, Land of Promise, Lyon, Lights in the Dark,
Comrades ( best recruitment theme ), Fly with the Breeze
FE9 - Vow, Power Hungry Fool, Brave General, Brave King, Lion King Caineghis, Moving Up ( actually, I liked this track so much at one point that after promoting Oscar/Kieran I would deliberately take my time selecting their 2nd weapon just so I could hear this track play ), A Grave Fate ( this track is too good for FE9... )
FE10 - Echoes of Daybreak ( best Tellius map theme ), Bearer of Hope, Child of Chaos, Queen Elincia, Empress Sanaki, Repose of Souls ( one of many reasons why 4-5 is my favourite map in the game), Beauty is a Mad Mistress ( this track never fails to crack me up ), Unending Task, A Grasping Truth ( I think everyone who has played FE10 loves this track; the drum riff in the middle of it is just amazing. Though Genealogy's Final Holy War still edges it out )
Dishonorable mentions: Nearly every battle track.
Wind Across the Plains, Going My Way ( this track + Serra = big nope ), Girl of the Plains ( yeah, I don't really like Lyn's theme or her map music :/ ), Loyalty ( same goes for Hector's theme )
Reunion ( I don't feel anything from this track... ), Sorrow ( same with this one )
That rip-off Trial Map theme taken from FE4, (which is much better), BK's battle theme, Greil Mercs ( over-rated track for an over-rated faction. Granted it's better than Eternal Bond. Speaking of which-- ),
On Glory's Wings ( I love Part II but this track is urgh ), Eternal Bond ( really, I hate this track with a passion. I had to mute it after 2 minutes :/ ), Zelgius the Brave, The Devoted, The Pledge ( seriously, what happened to FE9's Moving Up? I felt so much more powerful there! ), Ascent ( extremely grating )

But if I had to narrow it down to one per game:
FE4: Arranged version of Dragon Knights of Thracia ( Chapter 8 )
FE7: Bern - A Mother's Wish
FE8: Lyon
FE9: Lion King Caineghis
FE10: Empress Sanaki
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I recall that the theme of the Lion king really impressed me when first hearing it in Path of radiance. It helps that its a pretty rare song to hear in both Tellius games. All Laguz kings have fitting themes. The ''On black wings'' theme of Kilvas is also pretty good.

I'm not quite sure whether I like Power hungry fool on its own merrits or because Oliver says most of his funny lines when that theme plays.

I also took quite the shine to Tracia's theme for some reason.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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FE1/11: Map Theme 1

FE2: With Mila's Divine Protection

FE3/12: Young Lights

FE4: When the Rush Comes

FE5: Map Theme 1 (whatever it's called)

FE6: Shaman in the Dark

FE7: A Knight's Oath

FE8: Truth, Despair, and Hope

FE9: Power Hungry Fool

FE10: Echoes of Daybreak

FE13: "But what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals?"

FE14: Dusk Falls

A general assortment of styles I guess.

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And i have to agree with everyone that posted.

A great discussion topic for sure, but we'll be here all day if we keep showing our favorite themes.

in any case, great taste from everyone here xD

Remember, you don't have to post your favorite theme songs all the time here as it can also be something that you're not a big fan of or songs that you feel are underwhelming or what songs you like to see a comeback.

For example, I'm a bit down that together we ride doesn't appear as frequently as it should.....I mean, its the fire emblem theme for crying out loud!

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Remember, you don't have to post your favorite theme songs all the time here as it can also be something that you're not a big fan of or songs that you feel are underwhelming or what songs you like to see a comeback.

For example, I'm a bit down that together we ride doesn't appear as frequently as it should.....I mean, its the fire emblem theme for crying out loud!

It's not though.

The actual Fire Emblem Theme (that is literally referred to as such) has appeared in every game to date in some form, normally as a title theme. Except FE9 makes it a results theme.

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[spoiler=Ike's Theme]

- Heroism, hope and tension. Things that should be prevalent in all Fire Emblem games.

This one is my absolute favorite hands down and has been ever since I first heard it in Brawl (yeah, Brawl. lol Before I even played FE or knew much about my favorite blue-haired hero at all!). <3

Honestly, Tellius has the best music in the series, imo. It's actually orchestrated (well, not literally played by an orchestra, but written with an orchestra in mind, more or less) and so beautiful. There is one Tellius song I can't stand (Power-Hungry Fool... It's really annoying and it doesn't help that I can't stand Oliver either), but in general, I haven't found an FE soundtrack I liked more.

I actually don't really dislike FE music in general either. I think this series does music better than any other, including Zelda or Mario (for the most part. There is a track here and there I think is better or on par with FE music, but overall, FE is the best).

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Yeah, as far as I remember, FE always had awesome OSTs (and OST are very important for me, that's almost the main criterion when I watch a movie for example), (where's Together we ride ?) but I have to say, the advent of "orchestral" themes with Tellius games really pushed them on another level IMO. Since then, with each non-remake game (even if NDS FEs' soundtrack were very good), I basically wondered how IS could do better for the next one, and each time I'm surprised.

Tellius' were already awesome (Eternal Bond, know as "Ike's theme" in Smash, Time of action, The devoted, Elincia's Theme, Bearer of Hope, etc etc), too bad you spend most of your time listening to a tiny part of the OST during battles, and then Awakening came out with its great soundtrack. I mean, this game is very controversial, but if there's one point on which Awakening didn't mess up, it's clearly its OST. Even its remakes were wonderful and paid a strong tribute to the original themes. And after that Fates came out, whose each part has a strong musical identity and awesome pieces of music. Some themes are used in different paths, but in a different way, so the emotions they carry are often different (with a few exceptions like Warmth is gone, Lament that are always sad themes) and make a different atmosphere. CQ's is a bit darker and mysterious (especially during the last chapters), while Nohr's musics make a good use of flutes and bagpipes to create a nice identity, like Dusk Falls, Resolve (Dark), etc. BR's is more neutral, but still very good, and Hoshido's themes are also great (and I usually hate traditional Japanese music, that's a huge compliment I'm making there), with powerful songs like You of the Light, Alight, etc. And finally, I haven't played Revelations yet, but the themes I heard were clearly mysterious, mystic, they convey a strange and enigmatic atmosphere that perfectly fit the idea I have from Valla. And Lost in thoughts all alone is sufficiently played to make it a leitmotiv, but just enough not to be upsetting. Before I bought Fates, I really thought I was going to hear it dozen of time, but that's not the case.

To conclude, something I deeply love about recent FE soundtracks (after PoR included), is the fact that they're really modern (and they're unique, they strongly differ from standard OSTs), and that's especially well done because they are played by an orchestra (they made something totally new with it), they don't that these old school vides like, let's say, Twilight Princess' Hyrule Field Main theme. To be honest, FE soundtrack are my favorite video game soundtrack, miles ahead of more popular series like Zelda, Pokemon, or Mario.

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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I'm going to be this rare dude opting for non mainstream games and bring up TMS#FE's OST. I love it because it awakens in me some good feelings like joy, happiness and coolness, all in one piece. I enjoy them a lot, and here I bring my favorite battle theme of the game, it is beautiful:

[spoiler=Cursed Draug Battle]


Bringing up some vocal tracks, my favorite is Kiria's The Labrynth: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=W1hrnbc1nrY

It shows Kiria's awesomeness, and much more when played during her Ad-Lib Performance.

Some honorable mentions are:

1. Black Rain: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=zF80cNSmlo4

2. Give Me!: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=i2bcji2Rnbg

3. Dream☆Catcher: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=R-PTxLmLneQ

4. Raindrop Memories: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=3B9QDVXwU60

5. Fly: You're My Wind: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=BYYPui9mhho

6. KOWASHITAI Reincarnation: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=AtDDE667prA

Edited by Quintessence
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^highkey very jealous I haven't gotten around to obtaining a Wii U/this game yet

(Power-Hungry Fool... It's really annoying and it doesn't help that I can't stand Oliver either)

omg what power hungry fool and beauty is a mad mistress are amazing. The out-of-place sonic palette of the harpsichord in the fire emblem music world paints a tingling sensation in the mind and perfectly sets up the character (also thinking of Light of the Seven, the episode 10 trial scene, from the Game of Thrones Season 6 OST)

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I'm going to be this rare dude opting for non mainstream games and bring up TMS#FE's OST. I love it because it awakens in me some good feelings like joy, happiness and coolness, all in one piece. I enjoy them a lot, and here I bring my favorite battle theme of the game, it is beautiful:

[spoiler=Cursed Draug Battle]


Bringing up some vocal tracks, my favorite is Kiria's The Labrynth: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=W1hrnbc1nrY

It shows Kiria's awesomeness, and much more when played during her Ad-Lib Performance.

Some honorable mentions are:

1. Black Rain: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=zF80cNSmlo4

2. Give Me!: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=i2bcji2Rnbg

3. Dream☆Catcher: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=R-PTxLmLneQ

4. Raindrop Memories: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=3B9QDVXwU60

5. Fly: You're My Wind: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=BYYPui9mhho

6. KOWASHITAI Reincarnation: https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLes-uCXKWIANKXu3jOpRvH4lGqJFIvnug&v=AtDDE667prA

Oh yeah, TMS has amazing music. Can't believe I forgot about it.

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omg what power hungry fool and beauty is a mad mistress are amazing. The out-of-place sonic palette of the harpsichord in the fire emblem music world paints a tingling sensation in the mind and perfectly sets up the character (also thinking of Light of the Seven, the episode 10 trial scene, from the Game of Thrones Season 6 OST)

Your opinion is not fact, I'm afraid. I don't think this track is amazing in the slightest and that's that. You're not changing that. xP

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Count me in as another who loves "Beauty is a Mad Mistress". It really stands out for the unusual instrumentation it uses, but it's also a beautifully composed piece of music.

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It's not though.

The actual Fire Emblem Theme (that is literally referred to as such) has appeared in every game to date in some form, normally as a title theme. Except FE9 makes it a results theme.

I'm talking about this small piece that plays before the main theme


imo, the one in Melee is the best of all of them out there.

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I'm talking about this small piece that plays before the main theme


imo, the one in Melee is the best of all of them out there.

I think she's referring to your claim that Together We Ride is "the Fire Emblem theme", when it's really not.

Anyway, if there's one thing I like about FE soundtracks, is the map music. Usually it will be among my most favorite music in a given FE soundtrack. Of them all, Genealogy's is the one where I find them all enjoyable to me. Of those, particular highlights are Disturbance in Agustria, Girl of the Spirit Forest, Light and Dark, and The Final Holy War. I also like that enemy map music is country-dependant. I particularly like Granbell's and Isaach's.

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I think she's referring to your claim that Together We Ride is "the Fire Emblem theme", when it's really not.

I don't get it...if its not the main theme, then why does it play just before the main theme?

In any case, I really want back together we ride so badly!

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I don't get it...if its not the main theme, then why does it play just before the main theme?

In any case, I really want back together we ride so badly!

The BGM track in Melee is simply both Toguether We Ride and Fire Emblem Theme in a single track. Perhaps they simply decided to put TWR first because it sounded more fitting for the opening of a fighting song. Or maybe since at the time, TWR was only heard in Marth's games, and Marth is the "main" representative of FE. Or perhaps just like why TWR is for, it's to signify FE has been recruited to the Smash series, and they chose the recruitment theme of Marth's games because of him being the first to join (Roy was the latter addition of the two, after all). Who knows, it could signify many things. Or none at all.

Hmm, yeah, I suppose it would be great to have TWR as the recruitment theme again in a future game.

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