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A month ago, I had only heard about Fire Emblem in passing. Now, I'm basically obsessed


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Hello and welcome, fire emblem in general is a great and venerable series with 14 great entries (The NES entries haven't aged terribly well though, but if you don't mind clunkiness you might like them) don't let anyone tell you otherwise, its like Zelda in that all the entries are very different games so you're going to get some division among the Fanbase, it's just inevitable with a series that changes as much is this one does.

When you're finished with awakening and fates and want to dive deeper into the series which I recommend you do, feel free to ask where you should start. If you need help with the games themselves as some of them can be hard feel free to ask as we have many people who are experts and can help you out if need be.

Here you also find a large amount of people who loves JRPG and turn based strategy games in general so feel free to ask about recommendations for other series in that genre as well or anything else really alot of the members are well-versed in a multitudes of genres and platforms (mostly PlayStation, Nintendo & PC you're not gonna find much Xbox discussion here).

Edited by Locke087
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If you're interested in other FE games, I highly recommend you start with the first game of the series (it'll help you understand the long winded descent into Awakening). Here's an LP so you can better understand the game's plot (not much focus on the gameplay in this LP, unfortunately).

I think he would prefer FE3, or FE11 and 12, compared to the first game in the series, since they are remakes of the first game (FE12 only being a remake of FE3's Book 2). But, then again, it's OP's choice. (btw that LP's quite funny, definitely going to read it all)

which one I should play next... I heard that 6 and 7 were great, and that the OP like 8 a lot. Maybe 9?

6 is a great game that you should try. Do remember that it was localized as FF3 (like how 4 was localized as FF2). I don't know much about 7 and 8, but I heard 9 was a pretty good game. Your choice though, but pretty much all FF games are enjoyable.

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Don't let some of the other comments affect you. Anyone who plays Fire Emblem is in some way a friend of mine. ;)

Welcome to the forest, and I hope you'll enjoy your stay. :D

Edited by OliKad
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Edit: I think I don't need to put my oar any further about the content in the first page(s).

I think deleting the post(s) was sign enough that badmouthing isn't a good thing in a forum.

PS: I guess this wouldn't even have happened, if this had been moved to introductions at once.

Of course I don't want to blame any of the mods. (deleting the posts was still a good move)

It wasn't expectable that this would escalate so fast.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Hi! Welcome to serenes forest! Did you know I used to be just like you where I got into the series through awakening and I thought it was the best thing ever? I genuinely felt that it was one of my favorite games of all time and it helped me through some difficult moments in my life when I was dealing with a lot of stress. But man, if you loved awakening and fates you'll (probably) love the other games in the series! I know I do!

If you're looking to play some of the older games in the series I'd HIGHLY recommend 9 and 10, as well as pretty much any title in the series. 9 and especially 10 do have a stigma for being difficult but in my experience they weren't too bad on easy mode for both. There's a few people on this site like me who praise those games almost non stop (though I can admit they're both flawed in some areas) and there's a good reason why...they're damn good games (imo don't kill me pls) and barely anyone has played them compared to the other entries in the series!

Of course, in terms of more easily obtainable games (because 9 and 10 are very rare games) I'd recommend the GBA fire emblem games. They have their own charms and qualities (like the legendary battle animations) that even 9 and 10 can't match. I'd personally recommend 8 (Sacred stones) since it has the most classes as far as I know. It also has the Rogue class and the Rogue class kicks ass!

Don't get me wrong, I still regard awakening and fates as really good games but I can't help but feel like you're me from a few years ago and I just want to encourage you to play the other games in the series because I think you'll like them.

Edited by Dinar87
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Echoing Dinar, FE7 (Fire Emblem) and FE8 (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones) are available at the Wii U eShop for USD $9.99, so it's a good way to pave your way to the GBA era, unless you prefer to use an emulator, in which case it's still good.

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Around this time last year was when I was also introduced to the series via Awakening! I loved it and quickly moved onto Fates. I intended to go back and look at some of the earlier titles (I have the WiiU titles; got a couple of chapters into 7) but Fates has kept me in its vice like grip and instead I keep replaying it. Hopefully you enjoy that as much as I do!

And half my bedroom is covered in Awakening/Fates merchandise. It's addicting indeed!

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No spoiles, my special edition Fates is still sealed

Heh, enjoy the series, OP.

Ignore some discouraging posts in this thread. It's the internet after all.

Just enjoy the series as you please. If you want gameplay advice or hints, feel free to make a thread. Most members here are willing to help out in a pinch.

As for game recommendations, just take them with a grain of salt. The magic you felt for Awakening there, other people feel for other games, ya?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Welcome to the forest DarkWind! When I picked up awakening a few years ago, I thought it was one of the greatest games I ever played, I just couldn't put it down.

Like what some other members said, FE7 or FE8 are probably the recommended games to continue from, FE7 because it introduces you to mechanics that run throughout the GBA trilogy not seen in the 3ds games and FE8 because of it's similarities to awakening like the world map, monster type enemies, grinding etc. Shadow dragon is another I recommend after those because it's referenced a few times in awakening and shows the story of the real Marth. It's not too hard for FE standards.

Don't let the "awakening hate comments" get you down, we are all entitled to our opinions and the best thing to do is not to get involved in those types of arguments. You'll get used to the fanbase as time goes on.

Edited by Mrguy_123
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Glad you like it and welcome. You'll have to try Fates after you're done with Awakening. Birthright is the one closest to Awakening of the Fates trio, although you can always try the others, too, if you crave more Fire Emblem afterwards, you can buy them at a discount as DLC, after you get the first version.

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Yeah, imo, Birthright is way better than Awakening. Better characters and story, and better gameplay too. It pretty much takes what Awakening does and improves it by miles.

Beware of Conquest though, I hear it's very hard. Though the gameplay seems to be closer to older FE games, so I really do wish I wanted to play it. The characters and story just aren't to my liking there, sadly...

I hope the next FE uses Conquest's gameplay though.

Also, seems like your cat loves you a lot! Maybe. Cats seem to be completely hit or miss with that. xP One reason I'm not a cat person myself.

Edited by Anacybele
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Pff, ignore Reddit, there are a lot of assholes there. I know from experience. I got downvoted to being unable to post just for saying I was disappointed that an Amiibo my mom got me that she thought was rare turned out to be common and one I didn't really want. I still appreciated her efforts, even if I had been considering giving it away... And I wound up keeping it anyway. Yet people insulted me like I was the cruelest person ever for saying this... I admit it wasn't the kindest thing ever, but it hardly makes me a horrible awful person. :/

Anyway, yeah, lava levels are cool! Radiant Dawn has one like that as well, except get this: flaming rocks fall down on the map and potentially injure units on both sides! Man that added to the intensity and it's still my favorite map in the series.

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Pff, ignore Reddit, there are a lot of assholes there. I know from experience. I got downvoted to being unable to post just for saying I was disappointed that an Amiibo my mom got me that she thought was rare turned out to be common and one I didn't really want. I still appreciated her efforts, even if I had been considering giving it away... And I wound up keeping it anyway. Yet people insulted me like I was the cruelest person ever for saying this... I admit it wasn't the kindest thing ever, but it hardly makes me a horrible awful person. :/

Um, I'm curious what the context was? Because I've seen people downvoted for being assholes pretty often, probably more often than people being downvoted for being genuinely nice. It's quite possible that you're in the wrong part of reddit, because not all subs are created equal.

Edited by Lord Raven
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From what I see there, the douchebags in the FE subreddit are limited in quantity and are often downvoted unless you're being ungrateful (like Ana probably heavily came off as). I'm not saying reddit is perfect lol but to say it's full of assholes but somehow Serenes is preferable is a lie.

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Male enemy AI do weird things? Like what/how?

I have special edition fates still sealed waiting for me after awakening heh, yes thank you for the reminder that I am the old fart here :(

No problem~! :P:

Sometimes, I'll leave a squishy character in range of something. Or I may lower someone's defenses in Fates to convince the AI to attack them. In the older games, I'd force certain thieves to hang around a lot longer than they should.


From what I see there, the douchebags in the FE subreddit are limited in quantity and are often downvoted unless you're being ungrateful (like Ana probably heavily came off as). I'm not saying reddit is perfect lol but to say it's full of assholes but somehow Serenes is preferable is a lie.

I stay active on reddit in places that aren't the Fire Emblem subforums, and what I've heard about the Fire Emblem subreddit hasn't exactly been a glowing recommendation. In other words, if you're an outsider, the Fire Emblem community on reddit looks a lot more intimidating.

Edited by eclipse
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