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Everyone just shut the fuck up

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Damnit will everyone here SHUT UP.

When the debaters came we flamed eachother in debates.

When the Candy incident happened everyone flamed Gat.

When Shuuda bashed Script form, everyone got into a flame war.

When Masu and Kilvas split, you guessed it ANOTHER flame war.

No when Thunder Lord made a douchey topic, everyone is flameing eachother.

FOR FUCK SAKE PEOPLE, I thought we were friends...

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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We're more like roommates. We all live together, but every once in a while we got on each others nerves. It's normal for me anyway

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Really, though. Was this needed?

Violence begets violence. Unless you have the power to break arms.

But you don't. It's a bit more fun to watch things burn, realizing deep down that your better. Until the idea merges into your general self conscious and drags you down to their level.

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Look at his comeback thread...He started talking shit about the girls...XD

TL, please just cool it ok? We're only trying to get along here

Maybe Knife should say something apologetic to you or the other way around. Or both actually

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I don't see the point... If people don't like the way others are towards them, then just ignore them. It's simple. It takes a real man to ignore something that bothers them. What will you do, TL? Leave and lose, or stay, ignore Knife's joking manner which you don't like and win?

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