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Assuming Echoes implies a series of re-releases, what do you want next?


Select a Game for what you want to be the •Next• in the potential Echoes line  

127 members have voted

  1. 1. Select a Game for what you want to be the •Next• in the potential Echoes line

    • Dark Dragon and Sword of Light [1]
    • Mystery of the Emblem [3]
    • Genealogy of the Holy War [4]
    • Thracia 776 [5]
    • Binding Blade [6]
    • Blazing Sword [7]
    • Sacred Stones [8]
    • Path of Radiance [9]
    • Radiant Dawn [10]

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I'd want them to release a version of Path or Radiance with a faster engine (fates's would be perfect) and also including maniac on the western release. Its main flaws are being too easy (western version is imo by far the easiest fe game) and TOO slow. Seriously, the slowness stops me from replaying it more times, It's just awful. It's a great game held back by an awful engine and a botched localization.

I wouldn't really want them to change others fe games much. FE4 could be another option, but it's fine the way it is, and they'd have to change the story too much in order to make it appropriate for a western release.

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I'd like to play a FE4 and FE5 remake, either as one game or as Fates did with Birthright and Conquest, so that we keep their individual gameplays but actually get a discount on the other twin game. If that's too much wishful thinking, I'm fine with a standalone FE4 remake.

They could do the same with FE6 and FE7, letting us move our save files or whatever to FE6 so that certain characters are actually children of the pairing you chose, and they gain stats accordingly (the devs will need to put on some work to avoid breaking the game, though). The characters could even talk about it with others (ex, Roy telling one of the pegasus sisters that his mother was from Illia), maybe gain stats from special conversations like in FE4 or influence endings. If that is too much, I wouldn't mind if those conversations had no repercussion in gameplay/story and were there just for character development/background show.

Also, please let it be for the Nintendo 3DS.

Edited by Rapier
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  I voted for FE6: I want my rescue chains back! Also, as has been discussed, a remake of FE4 would probably try to fix its gameplay issues, which is something I do NOT want: with very few exceptions (infantry units being at a very significant disadvantage, Dew dumping around all of its money when a character needs only a couple thousand gold etc...), it's the massively unbalanced gameplay and other weird stuff that makes me LOVE FE4. Do you really think we can expect them to keep Lolsety and its +10Skl/+20Spd bonuses making any of its wielders totally nuts when the last legendary sword we had only granted Corrin +4Str/Spd/Def/Res?

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If you are asking about "want", then of course entries that didn't get released outside of Japan get much, much higher priority. Seriously, others can wait.

Out of all the Japan-only games, Genealogy unquestionably stands out the most, and is naturally next in line after Gaiden. I would think a Switch remake of Genealogy will come after the supposedly 2018 Switch FE game, reusing its engine. It just makes too much sense. If we get lucky and that sells well, we might receive a Thracia 776 remake to follow up so I can die happy:>_<:

I'm sorry Binding Blade but you will have to wait for the Switch successor:rolleyes:

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6 hours ago, Ninferno said:

If you are asking about "want", then of course entries that didn't get released outside of Japan get much, much higher priority. Seriously, others can wait.

Out of all the Japan-only games, Genealogy unquestionably stands out the most, and is naturally next in line after Gaiden. I would think a Switch remake of Genealogy will come after the supposedly 2018 Switch FE game, reusing its engine. It just makes too much sense. If we get lucky and that sells well, we might receive a Thracia 776 remake to follow up so I can die happy:>_<:

I'm sorry Binding Blade but you will have to wait for the Switch successor:rolleyes:

Like it or not, The Binding Blade has two words for it that put it at much higher priority for Nintendo to localize or remake than Jugdral does- Smash Brothers.

FE12 has literally just about everything released in the United States since 2009 going for it: Shadow Dragon (which it was a sequel to), Awakening, Smash 4, Code Name STEAM (completed fire Emblem from 12 appears in that game), Marth's appearance in Fates, and now most damningly Echoes, a remake of Gaiden to which 12 takes place less than a year after as a sequel set back in Archanea. Echoes in particular is probably what pushes 12 over the edge into "top priority" territory from a logical analysis of NoA's viewpoint.

I don't see the original 3 games being localized, as Awakening treats 1 and 3 as utterly non canon, and now Echoes came along to basically retcon 2 away, until all the other games are localized or remade. Nintendo will localize 12 before 3, if they localize 3 at all, in particular because it introduced so many features Awakening used- or I'll eat my fucking hat.

For this reason, Nintendo will possibly treat 12 as the third game and see it as "next in line" after Gaiden even if its release order we're dealing with.

The Binding Blade characters are also set to appear prominently in Heroes, and we already got FE7 in the states, which had a cliffhanger ending unresolved because 6 never made it over- Nintendo will likely see it as more people being interested in a resolution for 7 (since they'll probably pretend fan translations don't exist).

Jugdral on the other has literally just Awakening and not much else stateside, as opposed to Archanea and Elibe which already have a presence here in the US. Jugdral will be localized or remade eventually if this continues- its role in awakening's main story is critical, admittedly- but Archanea and Elibe both have "unfinished business" outside of Japan, and thus its most likely for 12 and then 6 to be localized, before 4 followed by 5.

They might not localize or remake anything until after Fire Emblem Switch, but I think 12>6>4>5 would be the priority order for the games based on what HAS been localized from Nintendo's perspective, unless they localize in release order.

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On 1/23/2017 at 10:47 PM, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

Like it or not, The Binding Blade has two words for it that put it at much higher priority for Nintendo to localize or remake than Jugdral does- Smash Brothers.

FE12 has literally just about everything released in the United States since 2009 going for it: Shadow Dragon (which it was a sequel to), Awakening, Smash 4, Code Name STEAM (completed fire Emblem from 12 appears in that game), Marth's appearance in Fates, and now most damningly Echoes, a remake of Gaiden to which 12 takes place less than a year after as a sequel set back in Archanea. Echoes in particular is probably what pushes 12 over the edge into "top priority" territory from a logical analysis of NoA's viewpoint.

I don't see the original 3 games being localized, as Awakening treats 1 and 3 as utterly non canon, and now Echoes came along to basically retcon 2 away, until all the other games are localized or remade. Nintendo will localize 12 before 3, if they localize 3 at all, in particular because it introduced so many features Awakening used- or I'll eat my fucking hat.

For this reason, Nintendo will possibly treat 12 as the third game and see it as "next in line" after Gaiden even if its release order we're dealing with.

The Binding Blade characters are also set to appear prominently in Heroes, and we already got FE7 in the states, which had a cliffhanger ending unresolved because 6 never made it over- Nintendo will likely see it as more people being interested in a resolution for 7 (since they'll probably pretend fan translations don't exist).

Jugdral on the other has literally just Awakening and not much else stateside, as opposed to Archanea and Elibe which already have a presence here in the US. Jugdral will be localized or remade eventually if this continues- its role in awakening's main story is critical, admittedly- but Archanea and Elibe both have "unfinished business" outside of Japan, and thus its most likely for 12 and then 6 to be localized, before 4 followed by 5.

They might not localize or remake anything until after Fire Emblem Switch, but I think 12>6>4>5 would be the priority order for the games based on what HAS been localized from Nintendo's perspective, unless they localize in release order.

To be fair, was there really much gaiden representation/promoting from nintendo before echoes came around? If it turns out there wasn't then I don't see how a lack of promotion for 4 and 5 would mean anything.

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6 hours ago, Dinar87 said:

To be fair, was there really much gaiden representation/promoting from nintendo before echoes came around? If it turns out there wasn't then I don't see how a lack of promotion for 4 and 5 would mean anything.

Because literally a third of Awakening being nothing but "HEY GUYS LOOK ITS STUFF FROM GAIDEN SEE ITS VALENTIA AND WE HAVE ALM STUFF SEE LOOK THIS MOUNTAIN IS DUMA'S CORPSE LETS MAKE ONE OF THE MAIN ANTAGONISTS FROM VALENTIA AKA VALM" is "not much Gaiden representation". Plus Gaiden itself is strongly connected to Shadow Dragon, a game that's already localized, so that's not just Awakening but also Shadow Dragon on top of that. Then I've already gone over 12's rediculous amount of English representation, and since Lyn is winning the battle ballot AND Roy was in smash AND the first localized game was a prequel to it, The Binding Blade seems like the obvious next in line.

Judral isn't a direct sequel or prequel to any English games (like FE6, Gaiden, and FE12) nor is it a series heavily represented in smash (like FE6 and 12), Jugdral pretty much gets a few critical plot details and basically the last arc of Awakening, and even then they're extremely subtle and more implicit (but I must emphasize still important) connections. Unlike the Gaiden representation approach which was "Whack the player with a frying pan in the shape of Gaiden's boxart" blatant and in your face.



i think the fact Echoes retconned in Rigel's logo being the precursor to the Valmese crest should speak volumes to how much Awakening's representation influenced the decision to remake/localize Gaiden.

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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I want to see that one game that was talked about in Nintendo power a long time, back in like 2008, on the "what's happening in Japan section." It was the one with the first custom character. I wanted to play Fire Emblem after reading about it. (This was before I had ever played one before.)

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I want Jugdral and FE6 pretty much equally at this point. I loved what I played of FE4 and I've always liked 6 since the first time I played it.

But I see FE6 remake as more likely to follow SoV. In fact I could see it releasing in 2018 for 3DS before FE Switch (which I honestly see as a holiday 2018 release at best).

As for my title of choice, FE Echoes: Maiden of the Dark seems like a nice reference.

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So, anybody have any thoughts on if IS should roll the Elibe games together into one generational story like FE4?

Some stuff would be pretty easy, like Roy, Liliana, Sue, Hugh, whose fathers we know, but not the mothers, Lugh, Ray and Wolt, whose mothers we know, but not the fathers, Clarine and Klein, who we know both parents, so doing the FE4-style of children might work for them.

But then there's all of the other characters who have no relation to FE7 characters and stuff like Igrene, who was born before FE7, Fir, who has a canonical mother and father, Geese, who is the brother of Geitz, and Niime and Dayan, who are the parents of two FE7 characters.

So I think the thought is nice, but I don't know how it'd work without making those 7 characters who would be more malleable more broken than every other character.

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5 hours ago, Slumber said:

So, anybody have any thoughts on if IS should roll the Elibe games together into one generational story like FE4?

Some stuff would be pretty easy, like Roy, Liliana, Sue, Hugh, whose fathers we know, but not the mothers, Lugh, Ray and Wolt, whose mothers we know, but not the fathers, Clarine and Klein, who we know both parents, so doing the FE4-style of children might work for them.

But then there's all of the other characters who have no relation to FE7 characters and stuff like Igrene, who was born before FE7, Fir, who has a canonical mother and father, Geese, who is the brother of Geitz, and Niime and Dayan, who are the parents of two FE7 characters.

So I think the thought is nice, but I don't know how it'd work without making those 7 characters who would be more malleable more broken than every other character.

I think the general consensus is that if it's not just a Virtual Console localization of FE6's original version, they should probably include FE7 in some form as well like that

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As much as I love Archeanea, I have to agree with you guys on FE4. Jugdral is looong overdo for any sort of recognition, and it would be amazing to have a remake in the west. Archanea's had enough remakes, it's time to let someone else have a turn. 

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5 hours ago, Slumber said:

So, anybody have any thoughts on if IS should roll the Elibe games together into one generational story like FE4?

Some stuff would be pretty easy, like Roy, Liliana, Sue, Hugh, whose fathers we know, but not the mothers, Lugh, Ray and Wolt, whose mothers we know, but not the fathers, Clarine and Klein, who we know both parents, so doing the FE4-style of children might work for them.

But then there's all of the other characters who have no relation to FE7 characters and stuff like Igrene, who was born before FE7, Fir, who has a canonical mother and father, Geese, who is the brother of Geitz, and Niime and Dayan, who are the parents of two FE7 characters.

So I think the thought is nice, but I don't know how it'd work without making those 7 characters who would be more malleable more broken than every other character.

I think the general consensus is that if it's not just a Virtual Console localization of FE6's original version, they should probably include FE7 in some form as well like that

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If Elibe Saga was repackaged as a single game then any pairing you do in FE7 should prooobably only affect story in FE6 with the addition of new scenes/material instead of doing a straight up FE4 style overhaul of the mechanics. Expand on the story connections already established and fill in some holes (especially stuff like Geitz/Geese). 

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I think Elibe makes more sense from a marketing perspective, in that more people are familiar with the GBA games (with FE7 released in the West and all) than the Jugdral games.

Sadly, I suspect that if this series of remakes happens, Sacred Stones may be the last to be updated, as a completely standalone game ...

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1 hour ago, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

Fire Emblem Echoes: The Divine Blades or Fire Emblem Echoes: Scars of the Scouring. Which one sounds better as a repackage of Elibe as one game?

I like Scars of the Scouring better. There are many divine weapons throughout Fire Emblem, so I can't say the Sealed Sword or Durandal are particularly noteworthy. The Scouring, however, is unique to Elibe and factors heavily in the plot.

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4 hours ago, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

Fire Emblem Echoes: The Divine Blades




Fire Emblem Echoes: Scars of the Scouring


which one sounds better as a repackage of Elibe as one game?

Scars of the Scouring for sure.

However, coming back to the idea of bundling the title, I am now doubting that'll ever happen, mostly for monetary reasons (i.e. getting both games separately will be worth more than bundling them)

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Being that GotHW is one of the most influential games of the series with a lot of features that made it into modern games or even haven't been seen since, I'd say (as with most people in here lol) that it most warrants a remake next. After that, an Elibe game that includes FE 6+7 is... well... not an idea that most people have liked, if the topic I made about it a few months ago is any indication, haha. I think it has potential, though. 

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On 1/30/2017 at 10:35 AM, BANRYU said:

Being that GotHW is one of the most influential games of the series with a lot of features that made it into modern games or even haven't been seen since, I'd say (as with most people in here lol) that it most warrants a remake next. After that, an Elibe game that includes FE 6+7 is... well... not an idea that most people have liked, if the topic I made about it a few months ago is any indication, haha. I think it has potential, though. 

Eh. I wouldn't say it's that influential. Like it's surely a beloved game but in terms of features I say Thracia added more than it. Off the top of my head it added the weapon triangle, marriage (which took nearly twenty years to make a return) and dark/light magic (which didn't even fit into the triangle or roll later games established). It did expand on a lot of stuff (most noteable the skill system) but in terms of new features (large maps, repairing weapons, personalized inventories, holy blood) pretty much everything Holy War added was dropped. Thracia added in Constitution, Fog of War, varied chapter objectives, Paralogues, and I think the rescue command and status effects too (its possible they were in Mystery of the Emblem, haven't played it). All of which have become staples in the series (though we have removed Constitution recently much to my disapointment).

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48 minutes ago, Jotari said:

and I think the rescue command and status effects too (its possible they were in Mystery of the Emblem, haven't played it)

Pretty sure rescue wasn't in 3 from playing it, but there is a Silence staff in FE3 which is broken to all heck.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Eh. I wouldn't say it's that influential. Like it's surely a beloved game but in terms of features I say Thracia added more than it. Off the top of my head it added the weapon triangle, marriage (which took nearly twenty years to make a return) and dark/light magic (which didn't even fit into the triangle or roll later games established). It did expand on a lot of stuff (most noteable the skill system) but in terms of new features (large maps, repairing weapons, personalized inventories, holy blood) pretty much everything Holy War added was dropped. Thracia added in Constitution, Fog of War, varied chapter objectives, Paralogues, and I think the rescue command and status effects too (its possible they were in Mystery of the Emblem, haven't played it). All of which have become staples in the series (though we have removed Constitution recently much to my disapointment).

Ahh yes, the beloved feature that is Fog of War. =w=

Perhaps 'influential' is a poor choice of words... Maybe 'ahead of its time' would be better? Whatever the case, it tried a LOT of new and interesting design choices for the series (the 'dismount' command was another one that was fairly interesting, IIRC). Relative to the amount of new things it tried all at once, it was quite successful so far as I know, and like... even though not everything was kept, can any other FE game say it added so much all at once while still being as successful? (...not a loaded question or anything, I'm honestly not super sure... Tellius did a lot of cool new things, I'm sure...) Also, yeah, the whole multi-generational story is pretty cool, and barring the notion of rolling FE6+7 together, it's the only one that pulls it off in a way that particularly makes sense, from what I hear... The story in general sounds quite dark and interesting beyond anything the series has been willing to try since, and I gotta give it props for that as well. 

It's possible I'm biased here as it's the one I most wanted to try that we didn't get, yet I struggle to play it due to the older interface/control schemes and whatnot, but it's definitely the game I most wanted to see remade since I heard about it. 

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2 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Ahh yes, the beloved feature that is Fog of War. =w=

Perhaps 'influential' is a poor choice of words... Maybe 'ahead of its time' would be better? Whatever the case, it tried a LOT of new and interesting design choices for the series (the 'dismount' command was another one that was fairly interesting, IIRC). Relative to the amount of new things it tried all at once, it was quite successful so far as I know, and like... even though not everything was kept, can any other FE game say it added so much all at once while still being as successful? (...not a loaded question or anything, I'm honestly not super sure... Tellius did a lot of cool new things, I'm sure...) Also, yeah, the whole multi-generational story is pretty cool, and barring the notion of rolling FE6+7 together, it's the only one that pulls it off in a way that particularly makes sense, from what I hear... The story in general sounds quite dark and interesting beyond anything the series has been willing to try since, and I gotta give it props for that as well. 

It's possible I'm biased here as it's the one I most wanted to try that we didn't get, yet I struggle to play it due to the older interface/control schemes and whatnot, but it's definitely the game I most wanted to see remade since I heard about it. 

Hey, influential doesn't have to mean beloved! To answer the question though I'd say Thracia probably tied with just as many if not more new things with its battle system. Aside from the stuff I already mentioned that became staples in the series, it also had a load of features that never really made a proper comeback like movement growths, capturing, a combined magic/resistance stat (makes Holy Waters ridiculously useful), movement stars, fatigue and something called pursuit critical coefficient that increases your crit chance on counter attacks. Opinions on these features are rather mixed but I though all of them worked pretty well for the system they were in.

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