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First FE


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22 hours ago, eclipse said:

FE7, because I thought Eliwood was cute.  Turns out the gameplay was fun, too, and here I am.

But I thought Shadow Dragon was the one that got you into FE since its your favorite game?

But yeah, Awakening was the first FE game I've played. As soon as I got into it, I was hooked and I wanted to play more...its like a world that I love and then I got into Fire Emblem and well here I am.

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35 minutes ago, Harvey said:

But I thought Shadow Dragon was the one that got you into FE since its your favorite game?

But yeah, Awakening was the first FE game I've played. As soon as I got into it, I was hooked and I wanted to play more...its like a world that I love and then I got into Fire Emblem and well here I am.

Not everyone's first game is their favorite.  FE7 holds a near and dear place in my heart, but FE11's reclassing won out.

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Blazing Sword was the first FE I played, since I was lured in by Marth and Roy in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Sacred Stones was the first FE that I actually owned though.

My favorite FE is honestly Awakening though.

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Wow, there is a lot of people coming from smash.
My story is not special anyway, but let's start.

Back in 2008 I started knowing about emulators and I was like "oh wow, free games!" (did not know it was illegal). One day, I downloaded that game "Fire Emblem", played the tutorial and thought that was complete trash. A year later a friend showed me Shadow Dragon and I played the prologue chapters (poor Abel lel) and actually liked it, so then I downloaded "Fire Emblem" and discovered that there were two of them on GBA, picked the 7 and played it (spammed Marcus, obviously). I played it in english, didn't understand anything at all about the story. I knew only years later that it was localized in Italian, too. So, I played FE7 and 8, then I saw that Awakening was coming out and just bought it.

And after playing FE13, 10, 11, 14, 1, 6 and 2 I'm here, with Fire Emblem at the third place of my personal top of series (the 2nd and 1st are respectively Zelda - which I got into near the same time as Fire Emblem and was a beautiful experience, but this is not the place to talk about that - and Pokèmon - played since I was 3 -).

This game, and the other two, are just so deep radicated in my heart that I won't ever be able to stop loving them.

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My first fire emblem was awakening and, while I'd heard about fire emblem before hand, it's promotion in smash finally edged me on to see what all the fuss was about. Now fire emblem is one of my favorite series of all time.

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Monshou no Nazo (FE3), and I still love it a lot. Skipped out on FE4 & 5 when they came out for some reason but was back on board for Elibe. I've been here way too long and I'm not leaving ever. I love Fire Emblem!

I've actually never played Smash Brothers aside from poking around with it at friend's houses. I'm not so interested in fighting games. I'm really glad it sparked some interest for Fire Emblem in the west.

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I saw Marth and Roy in Melee, interested in who they were, but never looked into it. Then, when I bought Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, there was a little promotional pamphlet that was advertising a bunch of high-profile adventure/RPG games for the GBA in its middle years. From what I recall, it was FFTA, Sword of Mana, A Link to the Past, and finally, Fire Emblem 7(Or just Fire Emblem at the time). So I was immediately curious, since I saw a badass group of dudes wielding giant weapons and fighting dragons. I eventually bought all of these games, just because I was in such a hardcore JRPG kick at the time. Fire Emblem is probably the one that left the biggest impression on me.

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My older brothers picked up Blazing Sword way back in the day because they really liked Marth and Roy in Melee. Eventually, they grew out of gaming, but then, a decade later, one of them came up and saw me playing Bloons Tower Defense on the computer. He laughed and said: "This game sucks. Wanna play a real strategy game? I know one you would enjoy." It was Sacred Stones. I was hooked. The fact that every character had a distinct personality was so interesting to me. I remember making so many mistakes that first time through... not resetting when my characters died, promoting at level 10, using Moulder, and facing the final boss severely underleveled. I remember thinking to myself, "next time I'll do better." Next time it was FE7, and I thought that I was supposed to train all of my characters equally. I was unprepared for the limited-EXP challenges, and I had to depend on Athos and Pent to slay the final boss. 

Eventually, though, I found my way here, and now I'm teaching my older bros how to play like pros. Fire Emblem is my favorite game series, which is funny, because I typically focus more on a game's story than its actual gameplay, and Fire Emblem doesn't typically have the best plots. However, the strategic elements have managed to win my mathematically-oriented mind over, so who am I to complain?

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I'd never heard of the series before Smash. I mained Ike for the longest time but never got one of the games until Awakening, which I ended up spending way too much time playing. Now I prefer the gameboy games though. They're some of the few games I still play, and Shadows of Valentia is the first game I've been excited about in a long time. 

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Know how most people found about Fire Emblem through Smash? I...wasn't one of them. I played my friend's copy of Melee alot when I was around 8 or 9 and all I thought of Roy and Marth was "these guys are pretty cool", I liked playing as Roy, and that was mainly it. It wasn't until about a year later when my friend, who never really had interest in Fire Emblem, told me about the series. At this point in my life. I had been introduced to emulators(by the same friend) and while I was a bit unsure and a bit scared about the whole "perma-death" thing, I said screw it and tried it anyway.......Best. Decision. Of my life(...ok...maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's importance still stands high for me)!

It honestly changed how I see and enjoy games, and it made me actually made me want to try to give new games a try(because it could be the next "Fire Emblem" for me).  It's a principal I still use to this day! It's quite surprising how much this series has had an influence on me(it goes quite deeper then what I've already stated, but I'll spare you the details)!;):

As for the games, FE7 got me into the series, but it was FE9 that made me love it and be the huge fan I am today(but part of that is because I used savestates constantly when I first played FE 7, 8, and 6[6 especially] and I mean like...3 every turn...I kinda sucked... When I found PoR in a gamestop, surprised that this game existed, I got it, and it made me actually use my brain since I couldn't rely on savestates anymore.)

It's these games that made this series(no matter the ups and downs they may have) without a doubt, my favorite video game series of all time(only rivaled by the Megaman series, more so the Rpg ones)!:wub:

...sorry for so much gushing for this series, I can't help it!:P:

(Oh, it took me a few years, but I actually got my friend interested in the series! Not by a large margin, but to a small degree!)

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First FE I tried was actually Blazing Blade, but I never finished it. Also tried Sacred Stones, same story.

Awakening was the one that got me permanently into the series. I know it received mixed receptions from veterans and newcomers, but I have enjoyed very few games the way I enjoyed Awakening. I put so many hours into it (and still do).

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I was first introduced to FE through SSBM, like many others on here. Somewhere in the mid 2000's I thought about buying one, but didn't get to it. Then in 2008, the idea of playing one on an emulator came to my mind, and now here I am.

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