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In a HYPOTHETICAL FE4 remake, what would you want to see changed? (Or not changed)


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Wouldn't the third part of the game address the Incest and parent killings though? It would address what happened to the mothers who survived like Tiltyu, Lachesis and Sylvia. Adean was in Tirnanog at the start of the second generation yet we don't see her. Sylvia leaves her kids in an orphanage and is never heard from again. So much potential backstory and character development for a third part of the game I don't see why they shouldn't add it. 


Some of the things I would add or fix: 


Weapon Weight as Fire Tomes were crap because they were so heavy.

Hit Rates - Like Weight can make some weapons rarely used. Javelins are great but weigh 18 and have a hit rate of 60%. 

Let anyone buy anything for Inheritance

Give Johan and Johalva major Holy Blood just because I would love to see Helswath for a foot unit.

Fix Aura by making it lighter and weaker than Nosferatu which would give me an actual reason to have Julia wield it.

Support Conversations 

Capture - Similar to Thracia, but have a cap of say 3 per chapter. 

Fatigue - I believe, one way they can address the horse-emblem issue is by adding fatigue to the game. It made Thracia fun. Instead of missing out on the next chapter like they did in Thracia why not make them immobile for x-amount of turns. Should give foot units enough time to catch up or surpass them. 

Movement Star - Another way to make Foot units more viable would be to give them movement stars while giving the horse units nothing.



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On 1/29/2017 at 3:27 PM, JasonMendez said:

Wouldn't the third part of the game address the Incest and parent killings though? It would address what happened to the mothers who survived like Tiltyu

Unfortunately, we know what happened to Tiltyu all throughout FE4. After the defeat of Sigurd's army, she's tortured by her family for a decade, and loses the will to live. She dies sad, alone, and never getting to see Tine free, which was the one reason she kept living after Arthur escaped.

Honestly one of the most depressing endings to an FE character good or bad.

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I love FE4 to an ungodly amount.  It's currently on the fence for my favorite FE.  I would love to see a remake.

Things I would Want Changed:

Give: Money distribution is really weird in FE4.  You either give them money until they reach max or until you run out of money.  I feel like it would be much better if you could choose by 1000s or 100s.  Otherwise there's literally no reason to have Dew around.

Master Knight: LACHESIS IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER.  I love her, and the first time I played I had no clue she would end up being so ridiculously overpowered.  I just trained her because I liked her, and then she promoted and I was shocked.  While that was super cool, I feel like for sake of balance, Master Knight needs to be nerfed.  Maybe keep the usage of all weapon types, but have them be lower ranked, like B Lances/Axes/Bows and C in Tomes, keeping an A in swords?  Just find a way to still make the class change a shock while not having it break the game.

Love System: Don't get me wrong, I like having to plan where my units stand to gain support, it adds another bit of tactic to the game.  I just don't like accidentally pairing units.  If I want to pair two units but they have lower love rates, it's really difficult to get them paired without accidentally pairing them with someone else.  I would be in favor with choosing when they "Support" or get married.


Things I would Want Kept:

Huge Maps: Please don't get rid of the huge maps.  The giant maps and many goals are the best part about FE4 imo.  I love how I can sit down for like 3 - 5 hours and complete a single map, and at the end it feels so fulfilling.  Not to mention how cool it actually looks when you finally connect all the maps and see the country you're in.  It would be interesting to include a night day weather cycle to the maps as well, but I personally am fine with them how they are.

Town: I really like how the town works.  The Arena/Blacksmith/Fortune Teller and everything is just a really cool way to do your unit upkeep.  I can't really explain why, but Arena grinding at the beginning of each chapter is one of my favorite things.  It's fun to just root for characters, and then be frustrated and send them out of the castle at 1 HP.

Rings: I like the rings a lot.  Choosing who gets the right rings and who passes down each ring is interesting, especially if you're trying to balance out your army and not just giving all of the rings to Sigurd.

Inheritance: Going along with Rings, I love planning who inherits what.  Just the children in general were incredibly fun to strategize and plan out.

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1 hour ago, CWGameplay said:

Master Knight: LACHESIS IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER.  I love her, and the first time I played I had no clue she would end up being so ridiculously overpowered.  I just trained her because I liked her, and then she promoted and I was shocked.  While that was super cool, I feel like for sake of balance, Master Knight needs to be nerfed.  Maybe keep the usage of all weapon types, but have them be lower ranked, like B Lances/Axes/Bows and C in Tomes, keeping an A in swords?  Just find a way to still make the class change a shock while not having it break the game.

Eh, are Master Knights really that unbalanced? Like sure on paper being able to use every weapon type is great but in practise the variance isn't all that useful since swords and wind magic dominate the others so completely (and Leif and Lachesis' magic stat is also really lacking so giving them magic offense is also a bit of a waste). You can throw a good sword or bow on them but the main advantage comes from being a good mounted staff user. Certainly has uses but only enough to put them on par with basically anyone who has major Holy Blood. At least in my experience. A rebalanced weapon triangle would certainly help them out a large amount. Give that variance some actual use.

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9 hours ago, Jotari said:

Eh, are Master Knights really that unbalanced? Like sure on paper being able to use every weapon type is great but in practise the variance isn't all that useful since swords and wind magic dominate the others so completely (and Leif and Lachesis' magic stat is also really lacking so giving them magic offense is also a bit of a waste). You can throw a good sword or bow on them but the main advantage comes from being a good mounted staff user. Certainly has uses but only enough to put them on par with basically anyone who has major Holy Blood. At least in my experience. A rebalanced weapon triangle would certainly help them out a large amount. Give that variance some actual use.

In a game with +/-20 avoid for weapon triangle, it helps to have the option to be fair.

Master knights also have their caps, move and getting Pursuit in their favour.

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5 hours ago, Dayni said:

In a game with +/-20 avoid for weapon triangle, it helps to have the option to be fair.

Master knights also have their caps, move and getting Pursuit in their favour.

Oh hey, don't want to imply they're useless. Just not as broken as they might look on paper. Especially given units like Seliph and Levin exist. There's a tier list going on right now that puts Rachesis at a comfortable 6.71. Leif I feel might be a bit too high at 8.73 (I don't really consider him better than Ares, though taking a quick look at the thread it seems he's mostly praised for his staff utility as I initially suggested was the best bit about Master Knights) but it does show how they're not undisputably the best units in the game.

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I should revamp the lover system into something less random. I know there's a system behind it but that system can lock you into pairings you do not want and there's no fixing that when the damage is already done. Instead I would add in support conversations and let the player decide the pairings through that.

I would keep the huge maps but also make sure there's more to do in them. More villages, more hidden conversations and events, and perhaps some forts between the castles that needs to be taken to stop them spawning enemy units.

Revamping the more outdated aspects of combat would be nice. Ensure the weapons and magic types are more equal to one another, replace persuit with regular doubling, those sort of things. 

Perhaps some sort of paralougue chapters for the kids. When visiting certain locations meaningful to first gen character their kids might get a little event or mission for it. Things like Arthur and Tinny getting something special in Freege that relates to Tiltyu's final days and getting one in regards from their father as well if they visit Velthomer(if descended from Azel) Dozel (if Lex) or Claude's regions. The Swordtwins and Shanan could also get a conversation when seeing where Ayra might have died. It could bring a good deal of closure for the first gen characters, maybe even have them appear as ghosts like Sigurd. 

I would keep the broken nature of the holy weapons. Legendary weapons are legendary for a reason and at least in genealogy they clearly are legendary. Its a good way to incorporate lore into the gameplay.

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Oh I didn't actually mention this before but I'd like it if enemies made more of an effort to actually reconquer castles and seize your home base. The game kind of sets up like defending your castle is an aspect of it but it's really not. Once you've defeated an enemy your perfectly fine to move onto the nxt castle with your entire army with no threat to anything you left behind. Thracia (and Fury) seems to be the only country smart enough to try conquer your bse after you've left it.

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FE4 is my second favourite FE, and personally, I am a bit apprehensive when it comes to a remake and what would be removed/censored. Even though the incest is actually not very pronounced since it really is up to the player to realise 'Oh shit Arvis and Deirdre are siblings!', regardless, it does worry me. However, if we are to get a remake, what I would like is:

-Change to the lover system. Now, I don't mind it particularly, but it would be nice if there was less randomness to the whole thing. I can't count how many times Brigid accidentally got with Finn despite the fact they would normally be at opposite ends of the map. Maybe a mini-support system where you have to confirm their marriage or something.

-Buff foot units. Most of my favourite units in this game are sadly foot units and because of this have limited usage since they lag behind all the time. They really need a boost or cavalry need a nerf. Like others have suggested, a weather system would be cool, speaking of which...

-Weather and Time. I think a day night cycle would be cool af, and would help get across the fact that months or even years take place between chapters. Also weather. Not only to nerf cavalry, but also just for added aesthetic (FoW would be cool too).

-Tell us what happened to the first gen units after Belhella. While we now most of them died, it has been confirmed that all the mothers (minus Ayra, though she could have) survived. It would be cool to see Edain in Isaac, see Brigid reunited with her kids and Edain, let Tine and Arthur get closure on Tailtiu etc.

-Have the subs make cameos. If it the case that you have no sub units, it would be cool if they made cameos. Even if it is just a mention, it would be nice since they more than likely exist.

-Mini-chapters. Maybe make some chapters ala BS FE, where you played as a specific assortment of units. I think this would be another way to show us what happened between Gen 1 and 2.

-Have Deirdre be a Sage. I know this is a bit of a weird one, but I personally think Deirdre should have been a Sage rather than Shaman, but das just me.

That's about it for me personally.

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6 hours ago, Azz said:

FE4 is my second favourite FE, and personally, I am a bit apprehensive when it comes to a remake and what would be removed/censored. Even though the incest is actually not very pronounced since it really is up to the player to realise 'Oh shit Arvis and Deirdre are siblings!', regardless, it does worry me. However, if we are to get a remake, what I would like is:

-Change to the lover system. Now, I don't mind it particularly, but it would be nice if there was less randomness to the whole thing. I can't count how many times Brigid accidentally got with Finn despite the fact they would normally be at opposite ends of the map. Maybe a mini-support system where you have to confirm their marriage or something.

-Buff foot units. Most of my favourite units in this game are sadly foot units and because of this have limited usage since they lag behind all the time. They really need a boost or cavalry need a nerf. Like others have suggested, a weather system would be cool, speaking of which...

-Weather and Time. I think a day night cycle would be cool af, and would help get across the fact that months or even years take place between chapters. Also weather. Not only to nerf cavalry, but also just for added aesthetic (FoW would be cool too).

-Tell us what happened to the first gen units after Belhella. While we now most of them died, it has been confirmed that all the mothers (minus Ayra, though she could have) survived. It would be cool to see Edain in Isaac, see Brigid reunited with her kids and Edain, let Tine and Arthur get closure on Tailtiu etc.

-Have the subs make cameos. If it the case that you have no sub units, it would be cool if they made cameos. Even if it is just a mention, it would be nice since they more than likely exist.

-Mini-chapters. Maybe make some chapters ala BS FE, where you played as a specific assortment of units. I think this would be another way to show us what happened between Gen 1 and 2.

-Have Deirdre be a Sage. I know this is a bit of a weird one, but I personally think Deirdre should have been a Sage rather than Shaman, but das just me.

That's about it for me personally.

Brigid and Finn? You sure you don't mean Adean and Finn? Brigid and Finn are only available for half a map together and have extremely low chances of meeting up. I imagine you'd have to actively try to hook them up. Admittedly they do have a rather high base and growth with each other but you still need to spend over 30 turns on just that last pirate section for them to become lovers. And if you managed to get to that section within the first 20 turns then it really shouldn't be taking you that long. Not to mention that if you've played the game before and know Finn is leaving at the end of Chapter 3 you should have had him married off long before then.


Coming to think of it having fog of war that only covers a small section could be a cool feature of such large maps. You'd be able to see which enemies enter the fog but be blind to their movements afterwards. You could also give it movement too so it drifts across the battlefield slowly as turns progress.

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No, he definitely means Briggid and Fin.  A 180 base and a 10/turn growth (regardless of distance) will do that for you.  He's just that attractive.  Spending ~30 turns on the last portion of the map is very easy if you have Dew going up to the tower to get the Wind Sword.

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1 hour ago, Refa said:

No, he definitely means Briggid and Fin.  A 180 base and a 10/turn growth (regardless of distance) will do that for you.  He's just that attractive.  Spending ~30 turns on the last portion of the map is very easy if you have Dew going up to the tower to get the Wind Sword.

Doesn't Finn also have a high base and love growth with Taillte?

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On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 10:01 PM, Jotari said:

Oh hey, don't want to imply they're useless. Just not as broken as they might look on paper. Especially given units like Seliph and Levin exist. There's a tier list going on right now that puts Rachesis at a comfortable 6.71. Leif I feel might be a bit too high at 8.73 (I don't really consider him better than Ares, though taking a quick look at the thread it seems he's mostly praised for his staff utility as I initially suggested was the best bit about Master Knights) but it does show how they're not undisputably the best units in the game.

Nah, dude, your logic is just not good. Master Knights really are THAT good. Strong, durable, and reliable 1-2 is rare in FE4...then there's Leif running around clearing out Armor squads with a Magic Ring and Thoron. Rescue is usable by who else again? And it transports who to the throne? What about Recover? What about the ability to keep up with and kill alongside Seliph while also keeping him alive?

Those are all inherent traits to the class.

Nobody thinks Leif or Raquesis are lackluster after promotion. Their footie tenure is the entire reason they don't have more high scores than they do. You just want an excuse to be contrarian. "Oh, everyone rightfully thinks Master Knights are good because they can do anything they want... Let's find fault with that!"

Get out of here with that, lol.

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11 minutes ago, Inference said:

Nah, dude, your logic is just not good. Master Knights really are THAT good. Strong, durable, and reliable 1-2 is rare in FE4...then there's Leif running around clearing out Armor squads with a Magic Ring and Thoron. Rescue is usable by who else again? And it transports who to the throne? What about Recover? What about the ability to keep up with and kill alongside Seliph while also keeping him alive?

Those are all inherent traits to the class.

Nobody thinks Leif or Raquesis are lackluster after promotion. Their footie tenure is the entire reason they don't have more high scores than they do. You just want an excuse to be contrarian. "Oh, everyone rightfully thinks Master Knights are good because they can do anything they want... Let's find fault with that!"

Get out of here with that, lol.

You're dragging up a five day old conversation here. I don't think much more can be said about it, you've basically related all the points that have been mentioned. I've already said Leif's best asset is his skill utility. Both the Master Knights are fantastic units, they're just not as ridiculously broken as someone who's never played the game would assume since Holy Weapon users exist. I think the tier list being made now gives a fair assessment of them. Leif is up there with the best units in the game, but he's not far and away superior to everyone else. Great, fantastic even, but not broken.

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3 hours ago, Jotari said:

Brigid and Finn? You sure you don't mean Adean and Finn? Brigid and Finn are only available for half a map together and have extremely low chances of meeting up. I imagine you'd have to actively try to hook them up. Admittedly they do have a rather high base and growth with each other but you still need to spend over 30 turns on just that last pirate section for them to become lovers. And if you managed to get to that section within the first 20 turns then it really shouldn't be taking you that long. Not to mention that if you've played the game before and know Finn is leaving at the end of Chapter 3 you should have had him married off long before then.


Coming to think of it having fog of war that only covers a small section could be a cool feature of such large maps. You'd be able to see which enemies enter the fog but be blind to their movements afterwards. You could also give it movement too so it drifts across the battlefield slowly as turns progress.

I tend to like to take my time when Im doing chapters (and like Refa said hetting Dew to the tower is a pain in the ass cause it takes so long). I suppose you could say its my own fault cause I like to use the remainder of this chapter and the next to marry people and that could take a while. (Also I don't marry Finn off)

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20 minutes ago, Azz said:

I tend to like to take my time when Im doing chapters (and like Refa said hetting Dew to the tower is a pain in the ass cause it takes so long). I suppose you could say its my own fault cause I like to use the remainder of this chapter and the next to marry people and that could take a while. (Also I don't marry Finn off)

You're kind of hitting a sweet spot with your pace for Finn to get hitched. You need to beat Elsthan and Chagall within the first 18 turns at max (and fight the cross knights and save all the villages and stuff that goes with it) and then spend over 32 turns in the much easier second half. Though there are some pairings that can sneak up on you, I can't really blame the developers for giving Fin high growths with Brigid and Tiltyu since if you did want to pair him with one of them it'd be really difficult without high growths. In a more traditional system where you have to initiate conversations the only way would be to have them sit beside each other for dozens of turns after the map is basically ended so I imagine if they did make a game and change the system they might just make some pairings like that impossible.

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52 minutes ago, Jotari said:

You're dragging up a five day old conversation here. I don't think much more can be said about it, you've basically related all the points that have been mentioned. I've already said Leif's best asset is his skill utility. Both the Master Knights are fantastic units, they're just not as ridiculously broken as someone who's never played the game would assume since Holy Weapon users exist. I think the tier list being made now gives a fair assessment of them. Leif is up there with the best units in the game, but he's not far and away superior to everyone else. Great, fantastic even, but not broken.


Its actually the contrary

Leif is MUCH more broken than what people who never played the game would assume because his weapon dominance allows him to get several leftovers weapon, but more importantly Canto Staff allows him to utterly breaks some stuff and he's the best movement control in the game. Being the second best character in the cast of monster is no joke

HW that is actually all that crazy is the Speed increasing one. Mistolteen did not get its real value until super late into the game, while.... Ichival kinda sucked


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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

You're dragging up a five day old conversation here. I don't think much more can be said about it, you've basically related all the points that have been mentioned. I've already said Leif's best asset is his skill utility. Both the Master Knights are fantastic units, they're just not as ridiculously broken as someone who's never played the game would assume since Holy Weapon users exist. I think the tier list being made now gives a fair assessment of them. Leif is up there with the best units in the game, but he's not far and away superior to everyone else. Great, fantastic even, but not broken.

No, the CLASS is BROKEN. Why do you think it never came back? This is like saying, "Oh, Dark Falcons were fine in Awakening. They should have come back to Fates as non-DLC without Galeforce nerfed."

Master Knights are brainless, dude. They take work to get, but once you get one, it does everything and never dies.

Actually, even better: let's remove all of the biases about which units Master Knight is attached to and suppose it were on Seliph or Sigurd instead. Do you think anyone would ever bother training full squads? Lol.

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I think the strongest strength of Master Knight is the staff utility, promotion gains, pursuit and being a mount (and those last two points are less of a buff for having it and more of a nerf for not having it). The thing the class is known for, being able to equip every weapon, isn't as big an advantage as one would think due to weapons being completely unbalanced in Holy War with swords and wind magic outclassing everything else. If the class in of itself was considered so superior then Lachesis wouldn't be considered worse than Ethlyn. Of course it's still objectively the best class in the game (and you can bet I always load them with as many good weapons as I can), I'm not disputing that point, I just don't consider it so unreasonably good that from the moment you have a Master Knight no other unit in the game is worth using.

And it's an idea I actually wouldn't mind see coming back, possibly as DLC with the limiting factor being lower stat caps or frozen growths. In more modern games being able to use any weapon would be a lot more potent given how they've been rebalanced and modern games for the most part don't let you 1 round basically any enemy in the game with half your cast (as Holy War allowed).

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FE4 has arguably the best story in the series though I agree that a big chunk of it is locked in lover conversations or even in developer notes. However, the Oosawa manga shows that there is SO much that can be done to extend the plot so I want to see some more detail put into it. 

Please please PLEASE do the Eldigan x Lachesis arc. That was the best part of the manga and it completely develops up the personalities of the two characters and gives a lot of Lachesis's motives. Not to mention it automatically adds some significance to Nanna and Ares. 

In regards to the incest I think that FE4 does over do it (even though I am totally ok with it). The relationship bewteen Claud and Sylvia is so basic and unexplored that the whole incest thing can be ignored or, like they do in the game, barely hinted at. The Arvis x Deirde ordeal is completely important to the plot and I think is well executed. I don't think incest will be too foreign anyway since Fates was shag your sister simulator.

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5 hours ago, GreatHylian said:

I don't think incest will be too foreign anyway since Fates was shag your sister simulator



The incest in both FE4 and Fates is dodged by making the characters (Only Corrin for Fates) either step siblings or half siblings, so uh, it might not get censored.

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