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I know that there is a lot of negativity going on around the world, and even in our own neighborhoods right now, so post something good that's happened today, that cheered you up!

When I went to gamestop to pre-order Echos, I walked over to the nintendo section to see if I could the price for the "New" 3ds, and lo, and behold, after months of searching, in the amiboo section, there he was. A Robin, two of them actually.

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4* Glassy in Mobius off of GAS.  Those that really know me well will understand what I mean by this (though whether this will make anyone else happy is debatable).

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37 minutes ago, Christianguy7 said:

When I went to gamestop to pre-order Echos, I walked over to the nintendo section to see if I could the price for the "New" 3ds, and lo, and behold, after months of searching, in the amiboo section, there he was. A Robin, two of them actually.

Wow, that's great! My Robin amiibo cost almost double the retail price, and it shipped late.

Today, I noticed that I'm doing a lot better at playing a certain piece on the cello than I used to, because of all my hard work, practice, sweat, and tears.

Seeing good results is the ultimate reward that comes from effort. :^)

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23 minutes ago, Loocarioh said:

Wow, that's great! My Robin amiibo cost almost double the retail price, and it shipped late.

Today, I noticed that I'm doing a lot better at playing a certain piece on the cello than I used to, because of all my hard work, practice, sweat, and tears.

Seeing good results is the ultimate reward that comes from effort. :^)

Cello is pretty. I like a guy called Celloforte, he has done one or two albums on Itunes. He's the Celloist for the band Skillet, and he does Cello covers of thier songs, and puts them on there, and on youtube. I'm going to probably know the double price feeling with Lucina. (That's why I'm going to pre-order Corrin, Alm, and Cecila.)

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I got back a paper which I wasn't very proud of and I got the highest grade on it. Now I'm completely done with my second-to-last semester and can focus solely on my final one.

Of course, I'm still a cramped up ball of stress at the moment, but every little bit helps!

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'something good' EYYYYYYYY


Nah but uhh. My kid is really cute. Um. What else... uhh my friend who's depressed pretty often is in a good mood today that's good! Uhhh I started playing my all-Ninja run of Birthright again lol. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

I got to go to a super expensive restaurant with my work team on Friday, one that's super high up there in the rankings for the country. I had roasted duck, it was amazing, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

I won't get to go again any time soon, but I'm definitely going again one day.

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My prof agreed to submit a research proposal so that i could get a grant (the supervisor has to fill that part).

Now I just have to wait, but i feel a little confident i might get it :D

Edited by SlayerX
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Going to have a field trip or something on Saturday, and the previous two days of school were pretty good for me, actually, that I actually even had fun in Physics' class ( I usually don't like it)


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