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Who's going to keep voting Ike to help him stay top man?


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RALLY FOR IKE, EVERYONE! :D *uses Rally Ike skill*

If we want him to stay atop the male group, keep voting him! I actually didn't give any votes to PoR Ike because I prefer RD Ike, but I'm highly considering doing so to help him. I'm still throwing votes to the latter because I want to see if RD Ike can actually steal no. 1 or no. 2. And how funny would it be if both Ikes were no. 1 and no. 2 in the end? lol

And do we really want to risk Ike losing the top spot to freaking Roy or Hector? With both Ikes being in the top FIVE currently, it would definitely feel like Ike fans got snubbed if Roy or Hector, who are no. 2 and no. 3, wound up winning. As it stands, Ike just may be the true no. 1 overall if the votes for both of him were combined. And I can definitely see a lot of fanrage if neither PoR or RD Ike won, yet with both still in the top five. And this reminds me, could this mean he's the most popular FE character period? This'd be sweet! Having both in the top 5 is nothing to sneeze at, you know.

Sooo, who's going to keep voting for one or both Ikes to try keeping him king of FE men?

Edited by Anacybele
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19 minutes ago, Dinar87 said:



(pssst @Dinar87 I got a warning for posting with just images, it's spam, you should edit some text into your post bruh)

Also, because I've been obligatorily posting it in every other 'vote for X' topic so far....

your waifu is trash gif v2.gif


Edited by BANRYU
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5 minutes ago, BANRYU said:


Also, because I've been obligatorily posting it in every other 'vote for X' topic so far....

your waifu is trash gif v2.gif


Funny, there's no "waifu" talk in here...

And the thread isn't really going "vote for Ike!" it's just asking who is voting for him... My "rally Ike" thing was meant to be a joke.

2 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think giving Ike any votes out of favoritism is a waste of effort. He's going to be both in the game and rank high on the poll so why bother. I'd rather vote for characters that may benefit from the extra push.

I see where you're coming from, but like I said, you never know if somehow Roy might take no. 1 and leave the two Ikes as no. 2 and 3 or something. And that definitely wouldn't sit well with people, I bet.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Funny, there's no "waifu" talk in here...

And the thread isn't really going "vote for Ike!" it's just asking who is voting for him... My "rally Ike" thing was meant to be a joke.

I see where you're coming from, but like I said, you never know if somehow Roy might take no. 1 and leave the two Ikes as no. 2 and 3 or something. And that definitely wouldn't sit well with people, I bet.

As someone who's favorites probably won't be reaching second or third place in any poll, and maybe not even get into heroes I don't feel particularly sorry if Ike getting second place sits poorly with people :^_^: 

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Be warned.....


Don't really think that people would be to mad if Ike was #2 though!:P:

sorry that I crashed your post. Here's a knoll :KnollRoll:

Edited by Tuvy
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After the Awakening waifu and husbando war...

After the war of the pet mini-game of Fates...


Heroes war... where your favorite waifu and husbando can also be called... Hero.

*Cough* Or should I say, trap inside your cellphone. *cough*

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Wow, so many no's... That's pretty sad. And I kind of made this thread for the people who ARE voting for Ike, so it'd be nice if those people showed up in here...

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It's true, it's almost as though when someone don't like something maybe they should just keep it to themselves and let people enjoy what they like, huh?

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Yeah. I mean, I expected some people to say they wouldn't vote for Ike, that's natural. But I didn't want the whole thread to be filled with "no, I won't vote for him." xP

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That doesn't mean a whole thread should be filled with negativity (well, unless it's meant to be a negative thread, I guess, but that's not the case here). We need some positive posts here too!

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