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Hi there! I'm new to this forum and Fire Emblem. I picked up Fates around eight months ago and then Awakening, which ended up being my favorite game literally ever! I got introduced by a friend who since doesn't really play them as often anymore, so I felt I needed an outlet to talk about how awesome these games are. I'm also a collector of things, and Fire Emblem is no exception! I also may or may not be totally in love with Inigo. Mostly because he's a dead ringer for Kaworu Nagisa from Evangelion. And I'll never not giggle about it haha.

I'm usually pretty reserved about joining new groups but I'm hoping this one is welcoming. I'm definitely looking forward to discussing FE with everybody!

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Welcome to the Forest, Tabby!

11 hours ago, Tabby said:

I'm usually pretty reserved about joining new groups but I'm hoping this one is welcoming

No worries, we don't bite people and it's just as Slumber said.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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