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I want to inherit some skills onto Olivia so she can help bump up my Arena score while Lilina/Nino's busy being levelled back up- just in case. Eclipse suggested a defensive proc skill like Escutcheon or Sacred Cowl, but what else is good to consider as a quick measure?

I'm keeping Hone Attack for the Blade users.

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3 hours ago, Thienphu said:


who is better as a sword unit? Lucina (+spd/-def) or ryoma (+def/-res)

They're both pretty good. Lucina is better as a pure offence sword user, while Ryoma is more balanced. Basicly, if you don't like baiting and killing on enemy phase, go Lucina, if you really like baiting and counter killing, go Ryoma. If you're somewhere in between, decide based on your team and personal bias.

2 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

I want to inherit some skills onto Olivia so she can help bump up my Arena score while Lilina/Nino's busy being levelled back up- just in case. Eclipse suggested a defensive proc skill like Escutcheon or Sacred Cowl, but what else is good to consider as a quick measure?

I'm keeping Hone Attack for the Blade users.

Fury is always good. If you want another B-skill, wings of mercy works pretty well I guess (depends a bit on your team though).

Edited by Bartozio
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3 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Fury is always good. If you want another B-skill, wings of mercy works pretty well I guess (depends a bit on your team though).

I have a spare Hinata, but not a Cain. The first Cain goes to Anna anyway.

So Escutcheon or Sacred Cowl?

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

I have a spare Hinata, but not a Cain. The first Cain goes to Anna anyway.

So Escutcheon or Sacred Cowl?

I guess it's easier for ranged units to hit her, so probably Sacred Cowl. And that's fair, you always keep Knock Back on her since she shouldn't be attacking anything anyway.

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Just now, Bartozio said:

I guess it's easier for ranged units to hit her, so probably Sacred Cowl. And that's fair, you always keep Knock Back on her since she shouldn't be attacking anything anyway.

All right, time to prowl my units for that.

(...And on second thought, I might actually want to give Fury to Enigmatic Blade Marth... eh)

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Can anyone help a poor player out with teambuilding? I can't beat the last map of chapter 11 and some paralogues on lunatic. I apologise for the long post and thank you.

Here are the units that I have: 5 stars: Lyn, Olivia, Lucina, Caeda, Effie, Ephraim, Spring Xander, Clair, Karel, Elise, Bridal Caeda, Hector, Julia, Takumi, F!Corrin, Cordelia and Mist.

4 Stars: Fir, Eirika, Marth( Masked Lucina), Xander,  M!Corrin, Sharena, Lukas, Tiki, Oboro,Gwendolyn, Jagen, Abel, Sully, Peri, Catria, Est, Shanna, Florina, Subaki, Nowi, Mae, M!Robin, Merric, Nino, Cecilia, Virion, Setsuna, Niles, Gaius, Jakob, Maria, Lachesis, Lucius, Sakura, Clarine and Wrys.

3 Stars: Navarre, Lloyd, Hinata, Hana, Laslow, Draug, Zephiel, Eliwood, Stahl, Palla, Raigh, Sophia, Henry, Donnel, Camus, Odin, Ursula, Legion, Arthur, Gunter, Michalis, Narcian, Beruka, Matthew, Felicia, Saizo, Serra, Lissa, Azama.

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5 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

I want to inherit some skills onto Olivia so she can help bump up my Arena score while Lilina/Nino's busy being levelled back up- just in case. Eclipse suggested a defensive proc skill like Escutcheon or Sacred Cowl, but what else is good to consider as a quick measure?

I'm keeping Hone Attack for the Blade users.

If your Lilina cannot handle Hector safely, Olivia is a good Hector check with Ruby Sword and Moonbow/Luna.

1 hour ago, Silent shifter said:

Can anyone help a poor player out with teambuilding? I can't beat the last map of chapter 11 and some paralogues on lunatic. I apologise for the long post and thank you.

Here are the units that I have: 5 stars: Lyn, Olivia, Lucina, Caeda, Effie, Ephraim, Spring Xander, Clair, Karel, Elise, Bridal Caeda, Hector, Julia, Takumi, F!Corrin, Cordelia and Mist.

4 Stars: Fir, Eirika, Marth( Masked Lucina), Xander,  M!Corrin, Sharena, Lukas, Tiki, Oboro,Gwendolyn, Jagen, Abel, Sully, Peri, Catria, Est, Shanna, Florina, Subaki, Nowi, Mae, M!Robin, Merric, Nino, Cecilia, Virion, Setsuna, Niles, Gaius, Jakob, Maria, Lachesis, Lucius, Sakura, Clarine and Wrys.

3 Stars: Navarre, Lloyd, Hinata, Hana, Laslow, Draug, Zephiel, Eliwood, Stahl, Palla, Raigh, Sophia, Henry, Donnel, Camus, Odin, Ursula, Legion, Arthur, Gunter, Michalis, Narcian, Beruka, Matthew, Felicia, Saizo, Serra, Lissa, Azama.

Giving your team positioning Assists helps a lot. You can try Cordelia with Drag Back, Olivia, Xander/Lyn, and Nino.

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Hey I recently pulled a Katarina, but she is +hp-spd and I was wondering if she would still be a suitable replacement for my Tharja even with that bane or if i should just stick with my Tharja who is +def-res?

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48 minutes ago, mersinary said:

Hey I recently pulled a Katarina, but she is +hp-spd and I was wondering if she would still be a suitable replacement for my Tharja even with that bane or if i should just stick with my Tharja who is +def-res?

Given how similar Katarina's baseline stats are to Tharja, the non shitty IV Tharja is probably better. Katarina can be a nice source of skills though.

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57 minutes ago, mersinary said:

Hey I recently pulled a Katarina, but she is +hp-spd and I was wondering if she would still be a suitable replacement for my Tharja even with that bane or if i should just stick with my Tharja who is +def-res?

Katarina and Tharja have the same base attack and speed, so the one with the least detrimental offensive nature is going to be better (in this case Tharja). 

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I have a question regarding skillsets about two characters i'm using.

The first is Reinhard who has a grand total of 1600 sp left to spend since I did't give him a lot of skills. I don't use a cavalry team so I did't get the horse buff skill and vantage seems like a weird skill on Reinhard since he dies whenever a unit looks in his direction. I'm not entirely sure what to give him.

The other is Michalis. I assume he's better with another offensive skill to make better use of the Hauteclaire, but otherwise i'm not sure. The anti arrow skill and threaten defense work out alright for the moment.

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26 minutes ago, Sasori said:

The first is Reinhard who has a grand total of 1600 sp left to spend since I did't give him a lot of skills. I don't use a cavalry team so I did't get the horse buff skill and vantage seems like a weird skill on Reinhard since he dies whenever a unit looks in his direction. I'm not entirely sure what to give him.

Dire Thunder, Death Blow 3, and Lancebreaker 1/2/3 is the standard set both in and out of a cavalry team. Special skill and assist skill are whatever help you the most. Passive C skill depends on your team composition.


28 minutes ago, Sasori said:

The other is Michalis. I assume he's better with another offensive skill to make better use of the Hauteclaire, but otherwise i'm not sure. The anti arrow skill and threaten defense work out alright for the moment.

Hauteclere, Bonfire, and Quick Riposte 2/3 is the most common build. Assist skill is whatever helps you the most. Passive A skill is somewhat flexible; Fury is pretty common, but Iote's Shield is a decent filler skill. Passive C skill depends on your team composition.

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24 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

I have levelled 2 4* Ursula's to 40. If I combine them and they are running different skills, would they learn the others skills?


Merging duplicates allows the receiver to learn all of the sacrificed unit's skills.

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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1 hour ago, Sleypnyr said:

Is it worth merging Ursula's? Not many character have Death Blow...

Merging limited characters under 5* is a waste in my opinion. Merging gives them only a tiny boost in stats, and that boost is lost once you promote them.

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2 hours ago, Sleypnyr said:

Is it worth merging Ursula's? Not many character have Death Blow...

I wouldn't unless both of them were at 5*

If you wanted Death Blow, you're better off pulling for a 4* Klein instead.

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On Wind Boost, what's the deal? Is the "+3 HP > your enemy's" in regards to their max or their current? Might considering switching it, if the latter. Sounds somewhat conditional.

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4 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

On Wind Boost, what's the deal? Is the "+3 HP > your enemy's" in regards to their max or their current? Might considering switching it, if the latter. Sounds somewhat conditional.

Current at the beginning of the combat.

Edited by Vaximillian
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For Bridal Cordelia, I don't have a 5* Gordin or anything to give her Brave Bow+ is Brave Bow sufficient enough on it's own? I don't have the feather to promote to 5* and burn them. What do you run for her other skills?

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18 minutes ago, Sleypnyr said:

For Bridal Cordelia, I don't have a 5* Gordin or anything to give her Brave Bow+ is Brave Bow sufficient enough on it's own? I don't have the feather to promote to 5* and burn them. What do you run for her other skills?

Brave bow is still pretty good (it gives her 3 less attack, but other archers have 3 less base attack, so it all evens out). The rest of her skill set would ideally be Life and Death 3 and Desperation 3, along with an assist skill to get her in Desperation range.

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On 6/20/2017 at 1:27 PM, MaskedAmpharos said:

Since I don't know what boon/bane your units I have, I'm going to assume they're neutral for these builds. Also, since I have no idea what fodder you have, I'm simply going to list the ideal builds (or what I think the ideal builds are) without taking inheritance fodder into account. 


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  • Weapon: Falchion
  • Special: Draconic Aura or Bonfire 
  • A-slot: Fury
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker

Fury turns Marth into an overall solid duelist that can handle a wide variety of threats. He already eliminates most greens, and Swordbreaker is there to let him duel and beat other sword units as well. Draconic Aura and Bonfire do the same damage with a neutral Marth, so pick based on what fodder you have.


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  • Weapon: Brave Axe+
  • Assist: Reciprocal Aid
  • Special: Draconic Aura
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation

This set is an offensive glass cannon set that revolves around using getting Raven into Desperation range and then quad-attacking opponents (since Desperation will let you hit an opponent four times before they can hit back, if you're fast enough to double them). 


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  • Weapon: Blárraven+
  • Special: Bonfire
  • A-slot: Triangle Adept
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker/Lancebreaker

Pretty standard Robin build. Triangle Adept + Raven is a staple combination that allows him check all red and colorless units handily (Takumi deals 0 damage to Robin with this set unless he's +Atk). The breaker skills fix Robin's middling speed by allowing him to double and ORKO a weapon type of your choice regardless of the speed difference. The one you pick is personal preference and depends on what your team needs to get rid of most.


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  • Weapon: Brave Bow+
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker/Lancebreaker

Life and Death is easily Klein's best set, giving him a huge attack boost and enough speed to quad a number of threats he just barely doesn't double before. Swordbreaker/Lancebreaker guarantees quads on a couple common threats he isn't fast enough to double; the one you go with depends on which threat you want him to take care of more.

*The reason I don't list Assists or C skills are because those are less dependent on the individual unit and more on preference.

90% of the time, you want to put a movement-based assist skill on your unit (Reposition, Draw Back, etc). However, all of them are useful, so which ones you go with largely depends on your own personal preference. As a general rule: Reposition is good overall, Draw Back is better for ranged backline units, Swap is better for bulky frontline units, and Pivot is mostly useful on armored units to help them move around. The primary exception is if you are running a quad Brave Desperation build on a unit, in which case Ardent Sacrifice or Reciprocal Aid are recommended to bring the unit down into the Desperation HP range without entering combat, like with Raven.

C-skills are unique because, unlike A and B skills, they're more dependent on your team than on the individual unit. What's generally recommended is to look at what buffs your team needs, and then give your unit a Hone/Fortify/Spur team aura to support the team. As a general rule, you want to give the skills to the ones who need the buff least. So in your case, Raven and Klein really want an Attack boost, so you would give Hone Atk to someone else besides those two (either Robin or Marth) to make sure those two get the boost.

What would you suggest for these characters. Ike, spring lucina, Hector, lucina, takumi, eirika, robin, klien. Like best team,combo and best build for each

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I have some fodder but I need to spend it carefully & after a lot of hemming and hawing, I decided to ask for help figuring out which of my heroes should get which special. 

My special fodder includes one of each of the following: Pavise, Moonbow, Dragon Fang, Ignis, Glacies, Iceberg

These are the heroes I (a) have at 5 stars and (b) use a lot, so I'm interested in sinking resources into them: Eirika, Tharja, Masked Marth, Bride Charlotte, Nino, Kagero, Cordelia. 

I have a few 4-stars that I use a lot and want to promote, at some point, that are also worth considering: Xander, Nowi, Cherche, Cecilia.

So who should get what? Thanks for any help! 

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1 hour ago, Personette said:

My special fodder includes one of each of the following: Pavise, Moonbow, Dragon Fang, Ignis, Glacies, Iceberg

Pavise is typically considered to be trash. It takes too long to activate.

Moonbow is good for characters that can afford to forgo high-damage specials to have a short-cooldown special to one-round kill opponents that otherwise survive by only a few HP. Fast characters that don't use Brave weapons and already hit hard are typically best, like Masked Marth.

Dragon Fang is typically not often used, but has a few niche uses for burst damage potential, especially if you have access to Quickened Pulse.

Ignis is preferred on slow Killer weapon users with high Def like Lukas who are commonly double attacked and can use Quick Riposte to land a second hit with a fully charged Ignis.

Glacies is the same as Ignis, but for high-Res characters.

Iceberg is good on basically anyone with high Res and a weapon that doesn't slow the special cooldown. Typically, you want around 30 Res or more for it to be most effective.

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5 hours ago, SinfulPride said:

What would you suggest for these characters. Ike, spring lucina, Hector, lucina, takumi, eirika, robin, klien. Like best team,combo and best build for each

That's asking quite a lot, but I'll give it a shot. I'm only going to with build though since team composition has way too many variables. The bottom line is to stick them where they're needed. Ike's good if you need a tanky red unit, Hector's good if you need a tanky green unit, Spring Lucina's good if you need a fast blue magic unit, etc. Every one of them works in a large variety of teams, so there's no real right answer. 


  • Weapon: Ragnell
  • Special: Bonfire 
  • A-slot: Heavy Blade
  • B-slot: Quick Riposte

Spring Lucina

  • Weapon: Blárblade
  • Special: Moonbow
  • A-slot: Swift Sparrow or Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation


  • Weapon: Armads
  • Special: Bonfire 
  • A-slot: Distant Counter
  • B-slot: Vantage or Wings of Mercy or G Tomebreaker


  • Weapon: Falchion
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Fury
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker


  • Weapon: Falchion
  • Special: Draconic Aura
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Desperation


  • Weapon: Falchion
  • Special: Reciprocal Aid or Ardent Sacrifice
  • A-slot: Fury
  • B-slot: Renewal

First set is an overall balanced duelist set and is her most popular set. 

Second set is a frail but strong and fast offensive glass cannon set.

Third is a support-oriented cleric set for healing your allies.

Pick based on personal preference or what your team needs.


  • Weapon: Brave Bow+
  • Special: Luna
  • A-slot: Life and Death
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker/Lancebreaker


  • Weapon: Sieglinde
  • Assist: Rally Def
  • Special: Moonbow
  • A-slot: Fury
  • B-slot: Swordbreaker
  • C-slot: Hone Spd
  • Seal: Fortify Res

Eirika shouldn't really be doing much fighting since her primary job is to be a support unit. This set allows her to buff an ally with Atk +3, Def +4, Spd +4, and Res +2 all by herself, which very few units are capable of doing. She's good on any team but is best paired with a -blade tome unit like Nino, Tharja, or Spring Lucina (if you inherited Blárblade from Odin)

I already answered Robin and Klein in the last response to you, so I'm not going to repeat builds for them again. 

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