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thanks again for all the info!

1 - I got two valentine lif's, one + atk and the other + spd, and this kind of stuff always makes me wonder how much one stat can matter more than the other. I feel like you can never go wrong with choosing +Atk over pretty much anything else, but it does seem like some times +Spd would be something more welcomed by the unit, so i have a hard time determining if i should merge to remove flaws, raise some stats, possible fodder, and free space. If you have decent attack, like 55 ~ 60 (assuming some equipment), than +3 to Atk would probably not be as beneficial as +3 to Spd that can make a difference in doubling to help pick off an enemy where a single swing may not be nearly enough. So i'm thinking if i should just wait to build them both and see how they play.

2 - how long are the current normal codes going to last? I would like to get to Hector so i can use his Distant Counter and i only have about 2000 1 codes.

3 - are distant counter and close counter the same? There is a xander on the normal codes that has close counter and its description and the description for distant counter both read the same.

4- any clues about when we can get a chance at pirate Tibarn again? I would really like to get my hands on that Dive Bomb 3.

5 - i'm tier 18 on arena but i'm getting dropped down to 17 and i don't know how to raise my score to at least stay 18. I won all five of my battles against the advanced opponents presented to me, i was not able to keep all my units alive in all the battles but still. I also used a bonus hero on my team all the time. Any tips?

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Quanlity of ballots & flags I should choose now ?



I want to ask, as you see, I choose Azelle, he has "R Dual Infantry" skill, I wonder if it affect the score in this mode

Also I have some unit with best IVs for them now, I wonder should I train them or not. They are Eliwood, Roy, Mathilda, Shanna,  Ares.  They all have personal weapon .  but only can  use ar 5*. So I have to upgrade them before use. Which cost feather & green stuffs

Edited by Hasechi
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29 minutes ago, XRay said:

A slot Breath skills are really good for autobattling since you can charge Aether pretty fast, so I lean towards any Distant Counter infantry so they can inherit Repel too. Ike, Ryoma, BL!Roy, Fjorm, and Osian can be good.

Say'ri already got Close Call and VL!Ike already got Warding Breath. Dorcas is pretty slow, so he probably wants Warding Breath instead. I think those are all the Distant Counter infantry units.

There are also dragons, but they cannot use Repel. I gave my Y!Tiki Darting Breath, but that is because I still have two copies of Spurn and three copies of Close Call, so I do not care too much about missing out on Repel.

Hmm. The problem is that aside from the dragons, those are all rare units, so I don't tend to have much interest in investing in them. But it's nice to have the option, I guess.

7 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

thanks again for all the info!

1 - I got two valentine lif's, one + atk and the other + spd, and this kind of stuff always makes me wonder how much one stat can matter more than the other. I feel like you can never go wrong with choosing +Atk over pretty much anything else, but it does seem like some times +Spd would be something more welcomed by the unit, so i have a hard time determining if i should merge to remove flaws, raise some stats, possible fodder, and free space. If you have decent attack, like 55 ~ 60 (assuming some equipment), than +3 to Atk would probably not be as beneficial as +3 to Spd that can make a difference in doubling to help pick off an enemy where a single swing may not be nearly enough. So i'm thinking if i should just wait to build them both and see how they play.

2 - how long are the current normal codes going to last? I would like to get to Hector so i can use his Distant Counter and i only have about 2000 1 codes.

3 - are distant counter and close counter the same? There is a xander on the normal codes that has close counter and its description and the description for distant counter both read the same.

4- any clues about when we can get a chance at pirate Tibarn again? I would really like to get my hands on that Dive Bomb 3.

5 - i'm tier 18 on arena but i'm getting dropped down to 17 and i don't know how to raise my score to at least stay 18. I won all five of my battles against the advanced opponents presented to me, i was not able to keep all my units alive in all the battles but still. I also used a bonus hero on my team all the time. Any tips?

1. You can check Gamepress for nature recommendations:


Lif is a slow nuke whose weapon gives him automatic follow-ups, so Atk is his most-valued stat and Spd is his least-valued. Atk is also a superboon for him, so that's even more reason to go for it.

It's true that for combat units, it's pretty hard for +Atk to be a bad choice. More Atk can always be valuable for scoring easier OHKOs, while more Spd can be pretty ineffective on slow units. So for comparing Atk vs Spd, looking at Spd tends to be more helpful than looking at Atk.

I'd suggest building the +Atk Lif and setting aside the +Spd one (or turning it into a manual, if you need the space) as Fatal Smoke fodder. Fatal Smoke is an extremely powerful skill which is also new and very rare so far, so save it until you're sure you have a unit who wants it. I think it's best on really high-end tanks, but I haven't looked into it much.

2. We'll get Part 1 codes for the next couple weeks, then switch to Part 2. It'll still be possible to use Part 2 codes on Part 1 units, but the Part 2 units will probably be better for their cost. We might get another Distant Counter unit in the Part 2 batch, so hold off on using your Part 1 codes until we see the lineup next week.

3. CC is only available to ranged units, DC is only inheritable to melee units.

4. Pirate Tibarn is expected to get rerun on a Double Special Heroes banner, probably the next one in April, then his normal banner should get rerun in August.

5. Keep all your units alive and make sure the bonus unit gets a kill. Keeping your units alive is more important, though. You can also use units with higher stats and more high-SP skills to get higher-point battles, but keeping your units alive is the first priority.

5 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Quanlity of ballots & flags I should choose now ?



I want to ask, as you see, I choose Azelle, he has "R Dual Infantry" skill, I wonder if it affect the score in this mode

Also I have some unit with best IVs for them now, I wonder should I train them or not. They are Eliwood, Roy, Mathilda, Shanna,  Ares.  They all have personal weapon .  but only can  use ar 5*. So I have to upgrade them before use. Which cost feather & green stuffs

Yes, this is a perfect time to use 800 flags.

Duel skills are not relevant to Voting Gauntlets. For this gauntlet, the unit you choose has no effect on score.

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5 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

thanks again for all the info!

1 - I got two valentine lif's, one + atk and the other + spd, and this kind of stuff always makes me wonder how much one stat can matter more than the other. I feel like you can never go wrong with choosing +Atk over pretty much anything else, but it does seem like some times +Spd would be something more welcomed by the unit, so i have a hard time determining if i should merge to remove flaws, raise some stats, possible fodder, and free space. If you have decent attack, like 55 ~ 60 (assuming some equipment), than +3 to Atk would probably not be as beneficial as +3 to Spd that can make a difference in doubling to help pick off an enemy where a single swing may not be nearly enough. So i'm thinking if i should just wait to build them both and see how they play.

For LOAK!Líf, +Atk is definitely better as it is way more universal.

+Spd is more situational, and it is only relevant when he needs to rely on a Spd check due to enemies running Wary Fighter or Null Follow-Up. Wary Fighter and Null Follow-Up effects are common though, but not common enough to warrant +Spd over +Atk in my opinion.

For most player phase units that do not have guaranteed follow up attacks, then +Spd would be better.

8 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

2 - how long are the current normal codes going to last? I would like to get to Hector so i can use his Distant Counter and i only have about 2000 1 codes.

It seems like they last forever, so there is no rush to use any.

9 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

3 - are distant counter and close counter the same? There is a xander on the normal codes that has close counter and its description and the description for distant counter both read the same.

They are the same, but only ranged units can use Close Counter and only melee units can use Distant Counter.

10 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

4- any clues about when we can get a chance at pirate Tibarn again? I would really like to get my hands on that Dive Bomb 3.

The most reliable time would be whenever that Focus gets its annual rerun. I believe it is around August.

11 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

5 - i'm tier 18 on arena but i'm getting dropped down to 17 and i don't know how to raise my score to at least stay 18. I won all five of my battles against the advanced opponents presented to me, i was not able to keep all my units alive in all the battles but still. I also used a bonus hero on my team all the time. Any tips?

To reach 19.5, all you really need to do is to make sure your units are all merged to +10; make sure your A, B, C, and Sacred Seals all cost 240 SP or better; and make sure you run 500 SP Specials; you can still run positioning Assists like Reposition.

If you want to reach 20.5, then you will need give up positioning Assists like Reposition, as well as needing higher BST scoring units or Duel skills.

6 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I want to ask, as you see, I choose Azelle, he has "R Dual Infantry" skill, I wonder if it affect the score in this mode

Duel skills only affect scoring if scoring takes BST into account. Voting Gauntlet does not care about BST, so Duel skills have no effect here.

7 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

Also I have some unit with best IVs for them now, I wonder should I train them or not. They are Eliwood, Roy, Mathilda, Shanna,  Ares.  They all have personal weapon .  but only can  use ar 5*. So I have to upgrade them before use. Which cost feather & green stuffs

I would train Eliwood.

Ares is good, but I would not promote him to 5* yet since he needs Distant Counter to work well.

I would not bother with Roy, Mathilda, and Shanna. You should still train them to level 40, but I would not upgrade them to 5*.

4 minutes ago, Othin said:

Also I have some unit with best IVs for them now, I wonder should I train them or not. They are Eliwood, Roy, Mathilda, Shanna,  Ares.  They all have personal weapon .  but only can  use ar 5*. So I have to upgrade them before use. Which cost feather & green stuffs

I guess you can always wait for Ike and Ryoma to show up randomly. Fjorm is free though.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

I guess you can always wait for Ike and Ryoma to show up randomly. Fjorm is free though.

Yeah, I have all those units, just with little to no merge counts. I tend to be more interested in rare fodder for common units I can easily merge to +10, or units with really specific roles in high-end modes like AR.

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----I would not bother with Roy, Mathilda, and Shanna. You should still train them to level 40, but I would not upgrade them to 5*.----

  I dont understand ? Why we still train them when we don't want to use them ?


I still can't find a way to beat Mila Infernal.. 

Edited by Hasechi
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2 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

----I would not bother with Roy, Mathilda, and Shanna. You should still train them to level 40, but I would not upgrade them to 5*.----

  I dont understand ? Why we still train them when we don't want to use them ?

Most of those units are a lot weaker than your current rare units, at least without heavy investment. Eliwood and Ares can be good with merges and the right skills, but otherwise they'll just be bad versions of Reginn. Roy, Mathilda, and Shanna aren't particularly good in general, but they could be useful for quests like Three Heroes that require using specific units.

We just got a new set of Three Heroes quests today, although those use different units - Tiki, Nowi, and Fae.

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13 minutes ago, Othin said:

Most of those units are a lot weaker than your current rare units, at least without heavy investment. Eliwood and Ares can be good with merges and the right skills, but otherwise they'll just be bad versions of Reginn. Roy, Mathilda, and Shanna aren't particularly good in general, but they could be useful for quests like Three Heroes that require using specific units.

We just got a new set of Three Heroes quests today, although those use different units - Tiki, Nowi, and Fae.

i see thank @OthinI don't have nowi @@

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quick question, how many flags can you put up at once on the voting gauntlet? we have just a few minutes left and I'm trying to push in all i can, but i only have 1300 left, but all of my squares.

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4 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

quick question, how many flags can you put up at once on the voting gauntlet? we have just a few minutes left and I'm trying to push in all i can, but i only have 1300 left, but all of my squares.

The most flags that can be used at one time is 800:

  • Up to 100 flags can be used per ballot used.
  • There is a maximum of 8 ballots that can be held at once
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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

The most flags that can be used at one time is 800:

  • Up to 100 flags can be used per ballot used.
  • There is a maximum of 8 ballots that can be held at once

thanks! how long do you think i should wait for my last push? we got 8 mins left and x12 multiplier

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1 minute ago, Sil/phire said:

thanks! how long do you think i should wait for my last push? we got 8 mins left and x12 multiplier

Why wait? It's the last minutes of round 1, just use the dang things before it's too late.

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5 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

thanks! how long do you think i should wait for my last push? we got 8 mins left and x12 multiplier

It doesn't matter what time in an hour you act, just which hour.

Also bear in mind that unused flags from one round carry over to future rounds, as long as it's part of the same VG event.

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so in most vids i watch in youtube every one says that Hrid and Naga are not the best of units, at least compared to their peers on their respective legendary/mythic seasons. i got a copy of both in this legendary banner, are they really so dated now?

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24 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

so in most vids i watch in youtube every one says that Hrid and Naga are not the best of units, at least compared to their peers on their respective legendary/mythic seasons. i got a copy of both in this legendary banner, are they really so dated now?

Hrid is still a decent unit due to his combination of high bulk, support abilities, guaranteed follow-up, and follow-up prevention. He's held back by his low Spd and severe vulnerability to Null Follow-Up, which limits his effectiveness in PvP modes. His guaranteed follow-up and follow-up prevention are also finicky, as it relies on your ability to apply penalties on opponents. As long as you watch out for units with Null Follow-Up, he's still a solid unit in PvE modes, though, especially on a team with other units that can inflict penalties.

Naga is mostly used as a support unit in Aether Raids due to Divine Fang's effect being a good counter to Duma, who shares a season with her, and her relative lack of stats without a team built around her making it difficult for her to take an active combat role. Due to the general lack of space on Aether Raids maps, you typically cannot rely on Divine Fang as the sole means of powering up her weapon, meaning you need to have a few dragons or dragon-effective weapons on your team to boost its reliability. AR-O skills are also extremely unreliable, as the first few rounds of combat in Aether Raids are usually the most important, and most players put their functional structures near the top of the map, preventing you from being able to destroy enough of them to boost the skill's effect.

If you want to use Naga for combat, you pretty much have to replace her entire skill set. I'm currently running Wings of Mercy with double Atk/Spd Bond, which gives her good mobility for cleaning up stragglers on later turns, and more reliable combat performance as I usually have 2 dragons on the team. Divine Fang combined with Altina's Brave weapon is also comically effective against enemy dragons.

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I have Atk+ Res- Eliwood & 8 copies of him. So I think it is time to train him.And I think I need your help with building him.


W: Durandal

A: Death Blow 3
: Reposition B: Axebreaker 3
P: Glacies

C: -

S  :  Close Def 3


Weapon: Blazing Durandal (Refined)

Special: Iceberg (Glacies, Luna, Galeforce, Aether)

A Skill: Fort. Def/Res 3 / Life & Death 3 / Swift Sparrow 2 

B Skill: Lull Spd/Def 3 / Desperation 3

C Skill: Odd Attack Wave 3 (Odd Speed Wave 3, Odd Defense Wave 3/Even Defense Wave 3/Speed Smoke)

Seal: Spd/Def 2 / SwiftSparrow 2

S: Close Def 3
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2 hours ago, Hasechi said:

I have Atk+ Res- Eliwood & 8 copies of him. So I think it is time to train him.And I think I need your help with building him.


W: Durandal

A: Death Blow 3
: Reposition B: Axebreaker 3
P: Glacies

C: -

S  :  Close Def 3


Weapon: Blazing Durandal (Refined)

Special: Iceberg (Glacies, Luna, Galeforce, Aether)

A Skill: Fort. Def/Res 3 / Life & Death 3 / Swift Sparrow 2 

B Skill: Lull Spd/Def 3 / Desperation 3

C Skill: Odd Attack Wave 3 (Odd Speed Wave 3, Odd Defense Wave 3/Even Defense Wave 3/Speed Smoke)

Seal: Spd/Def 2 / SwiftSparrow 2

S: Close Def 3

Eliwood wants +Spd.
Blazing Durandal [special]
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

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14 minutes ago, XRay said:

Eliwood wants +Spd.
Blazing Durandal [special]
(Any A that boosts Atk/Spd)
(Any C)
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd)

well I think I got to wait for his Spd+ copy. U said that after a merge, will get rid of Bane , right ? If I have a Eliwood with Spd+ Res- lv 40 with 33 Spd & 29 Res. After merge, his bane in res fly away & his res become neutral stat .  So he now have 33spd & 32 res. Stat base on wiki :


Low 35 28 26 20 29
Middle 39 31 30 23 32
High 42 34 33 26 35


Also is there a dancer that can heal as well ? Atk ... Push skill make my main damage dealers lose their health real fast

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1 minute ago, Hasechi said:

well I think I got to wait for his Spd+ copy. U said that after a merge, will get rid of Bane , right ? If I have a Eliwood with Spd+ Res- lv 40 with 33 Spd & 29 Res. After merge, his bane in res fly away & his res become neutral stat .  So he now have 33spd & 32 res. Stat base on wiki :

You can build him up now. Just switch to +Spd later when you get a +Spd copy.

Right now, only merge him to +1. You will need a lot of Feathers for other things, so you do not want to spend too much Feathers on one unit.

Yes, merging gets rid of the Flaw and his Res will be normal.

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I want to ask, when i find Spd+ Eliwood & train him. If I merge Atk+ Eliwood +1  to Spd+ Eliwood. What would happen ? Can all skills from atk+ eliwood transfer to Spd+ Eliwood ? ah yes, you would tell me to keep atk+ eliwood. 

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17 minutes ago, Hasechi said:

I want to ask, when i find Spd+ Eliwood & train him. If I merge Atk+ Eliwood +1  to Spd+ Eliwood. What would happen ? Can all skills from atk+ eliwood transfer to Spd+ Eliwood ? ah yes, you would tell me to keep atk+ eliwood. 

There is no point in keeping +Atk Eliwood, so just merge him into the +Spd one. All skills will transfer over.

+Atk is useful for certain builds, but other Heroes can do those builds better than Eliwood.

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10 minutes ago, XRay said:

There is no point in keeping +Atk Eliwood, so just merge him into the +Spd one. All skills will transfer over.

+Atk is useful for certain builds, but other Heroes can do those builds better than Eliwood.

So it would count as 2 merge right ? cause eliwood atk+ (one) & +1 in eliwood (2)

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Just now, Hasechi said:

So it would count as 2 merge right ? cause eliwood atk+ (one) & +1 in eliwood (2)

You will need two Eliwoods, but the game only counts that as one merge.

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