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Does stamina ruin the game for you?


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I don't mind Stamina being a thing, but I wish they increased the cap or made the higher level missions less expensive.  Once the Training Grounds double in cost and it costs to equip skills, I can see that getting annoying real fast.  Right now, I can barely do 3 missions before my Stamina is gone.

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Going to echo what others say and that the stamina system is not a problem, but the way it's implemented is… Usually, in games like this, the system is implemented so what stops you from playing for long periods of time, but it doesn't completely discourage playing at all. With the way the stamina recharges and there's no way to increases, it's going to get very discouraging to play for more than a very short time, if at all, on higher difficulties (and to a lesser extent, on lower ones too)…


There's also the fact that a player who is truly addicted to this kind of game won't stop at having a stamina bar depleted, or having to spend money…  They will simply keep going in order to get their "fix"…


The legitimate players, on the other hand, are the ones who are frustrated and disadvantaged by this kind of thing, because they don't want to wait for something that takes so long to recharge and can't afford spend a lot of money to force it to recharge...


I feel like there should be some sort of stamina system in place, just because it's a feature of these kinds of games. However, I feel like the one in this game should be reworked a lot…  Making less stamina cost for higher-level missions,  a way for the player to decrease the rate at which it goes down,  or a way to increase the stamina cap is a start...

Edited by wheelsonfire
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Playing from other gacha games, the stamina does ruin it for me, but not enough to make me stop playing. Its hard when higher maps takes so much stam. Im used to lvling up and refreshing my bar and even go up to playing 100+stam. 

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Nah. When stamina runs out, I figure that's the game's way of telling me, "You're playing this game too much in one sitting. Go do something else."

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As others have mentioned -- not bad as it is, the insane cost of high-level story missions is the biggest problem. While I feel like the current halved costs for training tower are generous, once doubled they might be annoying as well.

Overall, though, stamina is fine. Of all the resources, feathers is the most bizarrely distributed.

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With the fact that (aside from adding a friend ID to your friends list and completing chapters for the first time) you currently have no way of earning any Fire Emblem Heroes specialty Platinum Points for playing Fire Emblem Heroes, it's very much possible to run out of Nintendo Points to get stuff like stamina potions or dueling crests (since Miitomo and Super Mario Run points are useless) very quickly unless new tasks are added for Fire Emblem Heroes. I can see people running out of applicable Nintendo Points before having to use Orbs to get more supplies and such just to advance the game more quickly.

As much as I like the game, I can see that it can reach to a point that the only reason the game would still be having updates on the long term is the whale players pouring money in for orbs to get their favorite waifu/husbando onto their mobile device ASAP, especially when event-related characters pop up in the gacha (like Christmas Robin and Tharja should the game managed to last by Christmas 2017 or the Choose Your Legends version of the poll winners).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Personally I don't understand why harder missions take more stamina in the first place. What's the point? I suppose it results in harder maps having higher stakes, but that should just be for final missions in each chapter, otherwise you basically can't use your high-level units you worked so hard to train for longer than a few minutes without it being a cakewalk.

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58 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

Personally I don't understand why harder missions take more stamina in the first place. What's the point? I suppose it results in harder maps having higher stakes, but that should just be for final missions in each chapter, otherwise you basically can't use your high-level units you worked so hard to train for longer than a few minutes without it being a cakewalk.

I think it has to do with the experience you gain in return. Idk if this is the best example but with rhythm gatcha games, in order to play songs on the hardest difficulty, you have to sacrifice a lot of stamina in return so depending on how much stamina you have (since you can level up and increase your stamina as a result) you can probably only play 2 songs on expert and then you have to wait for your stamina to recharge. 

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Just now, carefreejules said:

I think it has to do with the experience you gain in return. Idk if this is the best example but with rhythm gatcha games, in order to play songs on the hardest difficulty, you have to sacrifice a lot of stamina in return so depending on how much stamina you have (since you can level up and increase your stamina as a result) you can probably only play 2 songs on expert and then you have to wait for your stamina to recharge. 

Well yeah, but difficulty already balances experience game like it does everywhere else.

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34 minutes ago, exposure said:

Stamina will really get annoying when the release celebration is over and the amount of stamina it takes to do anything is doubled. .-. 

Just Training Grounds, but yeah, that will make it a lot more annoying.  I feel the current Training Grounds aren't too bad, but Story Missions drain me after only about 10 minutes of play.

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I'm still running through the Hard Mode levels, and the higher stamina costs mean I can only play a couple levels at a time. I dread when I have to cut my way through Lunatic, and either burn through the potions (I'm the type who would much rather wait/grind and hoard their stash of items), or play 2 levels... wait 3 hours... play 2 levels... wait... and so on. 5 Stamina for changing your skills just seems silly, and discourages tinkering and testing with alternative builds. I think the stamina system should be less restricting, and allow lategame players more freedom than it does currently.

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Honestly what annoys me about the whole stamina thing and the pay-to-replenish system is that I have a deep, visceral hatred for the concept of consumable microtransactions to begin with. Spending real money on things that have a permanent effect? Sure, go ahead. But by charging for consumables and then making those consumables near essential to enjoying the game properly, they have essentially all but created a continuous fee to play their game, which I think is tantamount to proclaiming that your game is worth infinite money.

I personally believe no publisher has any business demanding continuous payment to enjoy their game unless that game requires a continuous cash flow to maintain and that required cash flow is because of a feature that actually makes the game exceptional or something that can't be gotten from a game with a flat development cost. A prime example of such an exception would be MMOs that allow you to enjoy simultaneous multiplayer with thousands of people, or, back in the day, video arcade cabinets, which at the time had vastly superior graphics and processing to their home console counterparts.

I don't think any iphone game has any business charging that kind of money. They're just unilaterally not good enough.

Edited by Alastor15243
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8 hours ago, Maddoka said:

No, they are ALL the wrong units. And they are one of my few 4* people. The other ones are all 3*, I have like 2 healers which leaves 3 other 4* units. Most are the same colour and... Let's just say I have been extremely unlucky. XD

Edit: Aaaand I just beat it with a lot of luck. I lied, guys. Don't belive me, I'm a filthy liar.

Don't underestimate 3* units.

6 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Nah. When stamina runs out, I figure that's the game's way of telling me, "You're playing this game too much in one sitting. Go do something else."


Another game I play also has some really wonky stamina costs (imagine being able to do ONE map before needing a stamina refill. . .yeah).  Someone pointed out that it's perfect if you need to burn a lot of stamina in a hurry.  For me, that time is on the bus, on my way to work.  Figure out how to budget the various stamina costs, and it's not so bad.

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13 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

With the fact that (aside from adding a friend ID to your friends list and completing chapters for the first time) you currently have no way of earning any Fire Emblem Heroes specialty Platinum Points for playing Fire Emblem Heroes, it's very much possible to run out of Nintendo Points to get stuff like stamina potions or dueling crests (since Miitomo and Super Mario Run points are useless) very quickly unless new tasks are added for Fire Emblem Heroes. I can see people running out of applicable Nintendo Points before having to use Orbs to get more supplies and such just to advance the game more quickly.

While you can't redeem them in game for some reason, platinum points you collect via the website missions (such as staying subscribed to Nintendo's newsletter and logging into the eShop and Miiverse weekly) are all displayed on and can be redeemed on my.nintendo.com and the items will just be sent to your game. I guess it might be a problem if all you do is Fire Emblem Heroes, but those using Nintendo's consoles will have this little advantage.

As for the stamina system, I think it should be reworked into allowing you to permanently increase it like you can your castle and barracks. It wouldn't hurt to also lower the absurd costs on the higher story chapters too, though part of me thinks this is just to keep people from running through the content before they have more available. We'll have to see since apparently we're getting multiplayer and 2 maps or chapters a month.

Edited by Booton
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It's never a problem at all for people who work as Birdy Phoenix Wright already pointed out. Since it always maxes out whenever I play and only expended two of my 11 stamina potions for the past few days.

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14 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Nah. When stamina runs out, I figure that's the game's way of telling me, "You're playing this game too much in one sitting. Go do something else."

 I agree. As much I want to keep playing non-stop, I am aware that I have to stop playing at times. And maybe it is because I work, but it doesn't me at all.

And this is coming from someone who used to play games for 10 hours straight.

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14 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Nah. When stamina runs out, I figure that's the game's way of telling me, "You're playing this game too much in one sitting. Go do something else."

That's not what the stamina system is for. If it were, then they wouldn't let you bypass it with microtransactions. This is not a benevolent feature implemented for the benefit of the player, it's to milk money out of the people who really want to keep using their most powerful characters for longer than a quarter of an hour.

It's not meant to protect people with poor self control, it's meant to exploit them.

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14 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Nah. When stamina runs out, I figure that's the game's way of telling me, "You're playing this game too much in one sitting. Go do something else."

Similar thoughts to me. The dev's haven't implemented the system for that reason but I use it as a "time to go do something else" alarm. I think I would get kinda bored of this game if I was playing it for hours at a time as well.

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inb4 Nintendo makes creates a 3DS port of Fire Emblem Heroes to make more money.

No, seriously, this is not the first time Nintendo pulled something like this outside of Virtual Console releases.

  • Pokemon Shuffle was originally a F2P-with-microtransactions 3DS download game. It later got ported to mobile devices, still F2P-with-microtransactions.
  • Pokemon Rumble World was originally a free-to-start 3DS download game. It later became a full 3DS retail game with no microtransactions.
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8 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

That's not what the stamina system is for. If it were, then they wouldn't let you bypass it with microtransactions. This is not a benevolent feature implemented for the benefit of the player, it's to milk money out of the people who really want to keep using their most powerful characters for longer than a quarter of an hour.

It's not meant to protect people with poor self control, it's meant to exploit them.

I'm aware that people with poor self control would spend real money to keep playing. But I do not have poor self control regarding this game. Therefore, when stamina runs out I let my game charge and do something else.

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It will once people realize that after the "launch celebration", it will cost 5 Stamina to equip ONE skill, and the training missions will double in Stamina cost.  There is no way to increase your Stamina, like FFRK for example, so Stamina issues will be a very real thing in about two weeks.  Also, I end up wasting a lot of Stamina from sleeping, working, etc.  With FFRK, I had enough Stamina to last over 8 hours, so it was much easier to get in some play time before Stamina was "wasted".  You could also refresh the Stamina with one of the currency, which the game gave out like candy.  Heroes is super stingy with the Orb rewards.

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