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Arena Discussion Thread (inc. Assault)


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Argh, I hate dancers so much. For some reason almost every team I go against have one and I keep miscalculating or failing to predict what will move where. I haven't been able to do a deathless run these last two seasons. Got 4600-something points anyway though which puts me in top 10 for Tier 12 so it's fine, but it annoys me so much.

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4 hours ago, Skala_Bundet said:

Amazing you noted the individual scores:D::B):. Yep those should be useful as well


@azurrys : You had a fairly high score considering you're running a cavalry team with two mages. Did you occasionally surrender to get more points?


Keep those/that (argh... English...) data coming. The more similar the teams are, the easier it becomes to pinpoint individual differences. It's just really important to know how often someone surrendered (since that can really scew results)

I only surrendered once at the end of my run because I had an extra sword. IIRC it went from 680 to 684 for that match. 680 was my lower limit of scores and I think the highest I saw was 688-ish.

I think the sheer amount of SI plus the fact that they're all 5* probably had something to do with it. I'm usually forced to run 4* bonus units, which drops my score a bit. I think I also heard somewhere that v1.3 gave a boost to cavalry's arena worth? Not sure if that's right though. I'll note down the individual scores in future runs!

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Another observation: A couple weeks ago, I got a score of 4804 with fully inherited max level skills.

This week, I got a score of 4808 despite Hector only haveing Hone Atk 1, Vantage 2, and Glowing Ember.

I think with the new fight opponents within your tier system, your unit setup matters a bit less in what opponents you get? I seem to be getting more higher score opponents than I did before despite having lower SP cost inherited skills than past weeks.

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6 hours ago, Otorio said:

Yup. It might help to review this page: http://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Enemy_AI

After going through it a few times while battling in the Arena, I feel like I'm able to predict dancer teams much better now.

That explains why a scary-looking Ninian/Camilla duo I faced earlier today never managed to pull off a dance to actually reach my team until I was ready. Had a few nerve-wracking turns of hoping they'd keep messing it up, which fortunately they did. That's interesting; I wonder if taking off assists from ranged attackers is useful for defense teams with dancers? I'd give it a shot, if my (mostly) green-stacking team hadn't finally pulled off its second win to now have full points since Anna is on the team now.

It's nice how the Voting Gauntlet gives an excuse to use crests, since you need them for the flag quests. Last time, there were already the daily quests to require and grant a crest per day, and before that there weren't enough flag quests to actually need crests at all, but here it's a reason to play the arena more than usual and make sure to get a good score.

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My actual score range seems to be 678~690. Didn't know it was possible, but I fought a +1~+4 merged team (and won) worth 690 points.

Edited by Vaximillian
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Just scored a crest-less deathless 7 with a 4,812. Highest score I have ever gotten, woo!


That's ^2 Percent woah!

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Decided to spend my second crest for the Voting Gauntlet round and wrapped up a deathless run for my highest score yet! Got a pretty secure place in the highest rank, although we'll have to see how long I can keep that up.

Screen Shot 2017-05-12 at 3.03.32 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-05-12 at 3.03.08 PM.png

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Ahhhh! I had a good streak going and then lost at the last battle cause Soren was on a fort. I did it again and it's nowhere near as good. Still over 4,000 but I won't be promoted a tier sadly. As long as I don't get demoted, I'll be perfectly happy.

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Finally got around to doing my arena run. It looks like my armor team is souped up enough to out-score my main team:

+10 Ninian [+Spd, -Res] (Lightning Breath+, Dance, [empty], Triangle Adept 3, Escape Route 3, Fortify Dragons, S HP +3)
Zephiel [=] (Eckesachs, Swap, Bonfire, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte 3, Ward Armor)
+1 Gwendolyn [+Atk, -Spd] (Killer Lance+, Swap, Bonfire, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte 3, Ward Armor)
+6 Sheena [+Atk, -Spd] (Killer Axe+, Swap, Bonfire, Distant Counter, Quick Riposte 3, Ward Armor)

I lost my fourth match due to a number of mistakes on the map with three horizontal bridges and a square of four fortification tiles in the middle. My armors can't rush the center fast enough, and the opponent was also running a bulky team with Lukas and Ike, resulting in more of the opponent's units on fortifications than my own. I should probably have tried to bait them out of the middle so that my team's natural bulk and Bonfire firepower could have broken through them more easily.

I'm pretty happy with how the team turned out, even if my handle on the play style isn't perfect. It's kind of funny seeing enemy Moonbows hit for zero damage.

Opponent scores ranged from 704 to 714, meaning my maximum possible score with this team is 4998 (so close!). I only cherry-picked the last match because it was worth 704 and I still had a dueling sword left, and the offer for on my last sword ended up worth 714.

Score: 4,974
Rank: 339 (Tier 15, ~0.5%)
Defense: 301 (2)

I've switched my defense team to the same as my offense team to see if I can pick up a win with a bonus character. Hopefully, the AI keeps my army together more often than not.

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Swap for the four units to defend the Coliseum.?


Im thiking about to put swap for defence, i all units, i think is the only way for the the attackers do not always have the advantage, since the units will change and, at least, there may be surprises.


sorry for my bad english.

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14 hours ago, Skala_Bundet said:

Amazing you noted the individual scores:D::B):. Yep those should be useful as well


@azurrys : You had a fairly high score considering you're running a cavalry team with two mages. Did you occasionally surrender to get more points?


Keep those/that (argh... English...) data coming. The more similar the teams are, the easier it becomes to pinpoint individual differences. It's just really important to know how often someone surrendered (since that can really scew results)

I always keep track for my own curiosity. I also do some limited tracking of rarity, levels and SI on the units I face. It helps me determine what I want to change when adjusting my team's skills and what trends may become vulnerabilities if I swap something, but need to trade away my answer to it.


Tier 15 score of 4812 (no surrenders; 688, 688, 688, 684, 686, 690, 688):

  • May 10 7:00 PM PT - #1827
  • May 11 9:30 AM PT - #2400
  • May 11 3:00 PM PT - #2461
  • May 12 3:00 PM PT - #3051

Still falling, but it's by a very proportionally small amount, given that between May 11 and May 12's entries, the 10% bracket grew by nearly 200 places.

Anyway, my adjusted bonus offense team (Soren, Nino, Nowi, Reinhardt) somehow managed to snag not one, but three wins, despite needing to carry a -Spd Soren. The highest one came first at 576, followed by 572 and 566. I guess with the Voting Gauntlet encouraging Arenaing for flags, the surge of play may have gotten a few unlucky people who get hard-countered by my team into a match with them (that first defense showed up a couple hours before the VG began, though). Wish we had more info on this. I find it really strange that IS thinks seeing their defense lead is somehow relevant to an entry telling us an offense team lost to our defense team.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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Update for 5006 (Tier 15):

  • 1am PDT 5/9: 21
  • 4:50 pm PDT 5/10: 177
  • 4:50 pm PDT 5/11: 215
  • 4:40 pm PDT 5/12: 238

Since I switched Reinhardt into my lead for the team slot, I figured I'd just redo the entire defense team (I was just going to leave it as Reinhardt + Flier Core at first). Reinhardt, Linde, Ephraim, and Felicia (gotta have that bonus unit =P ) have netted 3 defensive wins, giving a new high defensive score of 580.

Interestingly, I just finished up an offensive set of 7 battles with the "Nino Team Core" (Eirika, Nino, Azura) which was worth 4996 (1x 710, 5x 714, 1x 716). That leads me to believe that with another merge or two on Nino (or Eirika, if I pull another 4/5* version of her at some point), that team could actually break 5k without needing a few runs with a Nino→Hector swap.

Edit: Just started trying out a cavalry core 'cause why not...it's half hilarious, and half disgusting. I wouldn't have thought that Gravity→Reposition shenanigans would actually be effective in an Arena battle (Elise is my strongest Hone Cavalry option atm, =P ). Oh, and I guess Reinhardt and Gronnblade Cecilia do things too.

Kinda makes me want to try out other team comps as well...I don't suppose anyone has suggestions for fun combinations?

Edited by LordFrigid
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Got a deathless streak finally. Its getting harder to win battles using a 3-man team comp. Dragging along 4*Anna is no fun. But even deathless isn't enough to push me over to the top 10% in tier 15. Score of 4760 ranked 9451. Its clear that I need to rank up the starters so that I have a guaranteed 5* bonus every week :/ 

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So I'm in Tier 14 for the arena.  I was able to get almost near perfect run.  With my current team(Robin M, Robin F, Lucina, and Ike) who's fighting 682-690 rated teams.  So i score 4721 a personal best.  Which gives me a rank in tier 4,243.  Which puts me in the advance two tiers rank of 2,132~8,527.  Which is great and I'm glad I can still for now keep up.  Knowing that people have some insane Team Ratings from Merge system just still blows my mind as I try to climb higher to the top 10%

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Bumped up my score a bit in my most recent run.  I guess my matches were worth more points this time.  4766 is rank 8605 in tier 15.

Team: Ryoma, Azura, Reinhardt, and 4* Clarine.   

I've been having a way easier time in the arena this week.  I thought it was lucky match-ups at first, but after another deathless run with no issues, I'm thinking that maybe these new maps just suit my play style more.  I haven't really been using the defensive tiles to my advantage, though.  So I dunno.

Now I feel bad for using a couple of my dueling crests earlier in the week to get a deathless run early.  Kinda wasted those.  I only have 9 left!  (I wasted a looooot of them when the arena first changed back in April because I was having a hard time.)  I'll have to use more too if I want all the gauntlet flags.  Hope next week is as smooth as this one.  

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I've managed to get 3 defence wins this session, certainly more than usual for me. Also, managed to get a 7 streak with 4,628 points, so am projected to move up a tier this time. 

Team of: M!Robin, Selena, Cherche and Clarine

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Seriously, at higher tiers Hector is such a dead weight. Everyone can counter him. Green mage kills him, red mage kills him, any swordie kills him, even Death Blow Reinhardt (i.e. the standard Rein that is running rampant) kills him. That is like 90% of teams out there.

The more I merge my Hector, the more I find him doing nothing other than sitting uncomfortably at a far corner of the map waiting for Eldigan/Ike/Julia/Nino/Rein etc to rush over. With WoM this is a rather nice strategy to split the enemy's force, but I love Hector and it breaks my heart to see him suffering from not being able to attend the battle he so much deserves :( 

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I've managed to get 3 defence wins this session, certainly more than usual for me. Also, managed to get a 7 streak with 4,628 points, so am projected to move up a tier this time. 

Team of: M!Robin, Selena, Cherche and Clarine

All golds? And any skill of movement? Pivot switch etc?

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17 minutes ago, ignis_z said:

All golds? And any skill of movement? Pivot switch etc?

I'm not certain I did it deathless, though the last 4 definitely were.

Also, only M!Robin is a 5* unit (Knew I should have mentioned that: the others are 4*), Cherche and Selena have their default assists (Pivot and Reposition respectively), while Robin got Reposition inherited. Cherche has inherited Vantage 2 and Night Sky, Selena has Moonbow and R Tomebreaker 3, Robin has R Tomebreaker 2 (Until I get a 4* Odin again/I bother to train up a sacrificial F!Robin) and Clarine has Fortify Res and Renewal 2 inherited (hope to pass Rehabilitate on to her).

To be fair, both M!Robin and Cherche have +Att, so that helps

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Yay, finally break 4.9k! 

Accidentally used the defense team instead of the offense team in the last match, but (as usual) Soren and Reinhardt saved the day.

No regret. Now I can quit FEH and play Echoes :lol:


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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I'm not certain I did it deathless, though the last 4 definitely were.

Also, only M!Robin is a 5* unit (Knew I should have mentioned that: the others are 4*), Cherche and Selena have their default assists (Pivot and Reposition respectively), while Robin got Reposition inherited. Cherche has inherited Vantage 2 and Night Sky, Selena has Moonbow and R Tomebreaker 3, Robin has R Tomebreaker 2 (Until I get a 4* Odin again/I bother to train up a sacrificial F!Robin) and Clarine has Fortify Res and Renewal 2 inherited (hope to pass Rehabilitate on to her).

To be fair, both M!Robin and Cherche have +Att, so that helps

In interested in Defense i think 3 silver and 1 Gold Could be better than 4 Gold. 3 silver and 4700 me 4 golds deathless run 4800 im losing the urge to Play that game...

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