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I'm just curious

Freohr Datia

zodiac sign  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. which are you?

    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Gemini
    • Cancer
    • Leo
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Pisces

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Well, the poll was made because I wanted to know how many of each this Forest had. Next...

I found this site that impressed me:

Aries or Mesh (March 21- April 20)

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and this gives the sign its adventurous spirit. People born under this sign are the born leaders, with genuine concern for those they command. They are brave, fearless and highly dominating. Aries rules the head, the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, the upper jaw, the eyes, and the face. Under planetary afflictions these people are subject to brain fever, dizziness, nosebleed, neuralgia, inflammation of the cerebral hemispheres, and diseases of the brain and face.

Arians are adventurous, impulsive, full of energy, direct and candid, and make enthusiastic lovers. Their immense energy makes them aggressive and restless, argumentative occasionally, headstrong and easily offended. On feeling affronted they often hold grudges. They usually make good athletes and climbers, soldiers, sailors, explorers, and doctors. Their ideal partners are the ones of the Earth signs, either Taurus or Virgo.

Taurus or Vrisha (April 21 - May 21)

The Bull represents this sign and indicates that Taurus people are stubborn and dependable with a bullish steadiness. People born under this sign achieve almost everything in life and are believed to be down to earth possessing strong sense of values. The Bull can be considered the work bee all the zodiacs. Taurus rules the region of the neck, the ears, palate, larynx, tonsils, thyroid gland, lower jaw, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, and cervical vertebrae, vocal chords, carotid arteries, jugular vein, and the pharynx. Taureans make very rare friends but once friends, they are faithful and generous. Highly reliable, practical, and ambitious, Taureans are good in the position of managers and professions including - banking, medicine, insurance, education, bureaucracy, farming, music and sculpture.

Taureans are reliable, responsible, affectionate and loyal. They are easy to get along with and good team player. Taureans are liable to fierce possessiveness. Their negativity is expressed in dullness, stubbornness and resistance to change. They have great fear of sickness, which makes them poor doctors or nurses. Taureans seek emotional stability and financial security and gel well with one of their own kind i.e with another Taurean.

Gemini or Mithuna (May 22 - June 21)

Gemini is denoted by the sign of Twins and is the third zodiac sign. People born under this sign are dual natured, complex and contradictory, which is very well evident from the sign of Twins. They are affectionate, courteous, kind, generous, and thoughtful towards poor and suffering. Geminians accept new activities with great enthusiasm but lack the same at the time of implementation. Their versatility makes them adaptable and of an adjusting nature. They feel good to dazzle with their intelligence and quick wit and are consequently the star of any party. They are good scientists and army personnel as well.

Gemini has rule over the arms, hands, shoulders, lungs, thymus gland, upper ribs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries, breath, and oxygenation of the blood. They are subject to diseases like pulmonary troubles, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, consumption, pleurisy, and nervous disorders. The Twin sign, seeks a partner who is mentally stimulating and can adjust to their unpredictable temperament. They get along very well with Aquarius.

Cancer or Karka (June 22 - July 22)

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the fourth zodiac sign. It is the most empathetic sign symbolized by the crab. People born under this sign are often over sensitive and concerned with expressing emotions than getting involved in superficial conversations. They can be moody, drawing into the protective shell if things around them get too intense.

Cancer rules the stomach, diaphragm, peristalsis, the pancreas, gastric vein, upperlobes of the liver, thoracic duct, chymification, and the serum of the blood. They can be good journalists, writers or politicians with a retentive memory, particularly for emotionally laden events. They are also full of suspicion and lack of faith in others. However once they develop faith, they are most loyal and always ready to cooperate. Cancerians are not easy to understand, for their moods often fluctuates from sweet to cranky. They can be untidy, sulky, devious, moody, and inclined to self-pity because of an inferiority complex. Cancer people are very fond of food and are usually hearty eaters. The ideal seek partners for Cancerians are Scorpio and Capricorn.

Leo or Simha (July 23 - August 21)

Leo is the fifth zodiac sign and is denoted by Lion. The creative and romantic Lion rules the Zodiac's house of pleasure. The playful Lion loves fun and is a supremely social animal. People born under this sign are marked by certain good qualities making them creative, generous, warmhearted, enthusiastic, loving, broad-minded, and faithful. Leos have a powerful presence and staying power that insures them success in their conquests. They are called the true Kings of the zodiac. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind. Those who are devout may become very obstinate in upholding traditional beliefs and will cling tenaciously, but with complete sincerity, to practices and doctrines which liberal thinkers regard as absurdly out-of-date.

The Leo usually puts up a brave fight to overcome without calling upon others for help. On giving up, Leo person is usually very sick though he recovers rapidly from illness. Leo rules the heart, aorta, vena cava, dorsal region of the spine, and the spinal cord. Leos tend to be at managerial level since they are ambitious by nature and also because they dislike manual labor. They can good as politicians, and chairman or director in business. They are excellent organizers often laying the groundwork for new projects. Leo women make exceptionally good welfare workers. Leo requires a lover who can keep up with them and certainly one who can match wits. Leo has very high expectations. The ideal Leo soul mates are Aquarians who understand the pleasure principle and work hard to keep their mate satisfied.

Virgo or Kanya (August 22 - September 23)

Virgo is ruled by mercury and is a feminine negative mutable earth sign. The perfectionist Virgo is precise and methodical. With ruling planet Mercury (symbolizes Communication), Virgos are possessed of an ability to reason clearly, resolve issues and take a romance to new heights. Virgo is precise and methodical like no other sign of the zodiac and prove to be the best employee one can ever have. They often dislike delegating and want to oversee every step of the operation themselves. With an easy going nature they are reliable and steady sort and therefore relish the opportunity to be a helpful partner. They are intellectually inquiring, studious and logical, but are good as followers than as leaders and are fond of arts, sciences and languages.

Virgo is the natural sixth house sign, the house which has rule over sickness; hence when a Virgo gets into the clutches of sickness, he is apt to become chronic invalids. Virgo rules the abdominal region, intestines, the lower lobes of the liver, the spleen, the duodenum, and the sympathetic nervous system. The afflictions may lead to cramps in the intestines, wind, colic, malnutrition, diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, constipation, worms, catarrh of the bowels, and appendicitis. Most suitable job for them is in a library or office than a workshop. The ideal soul mate for a Virgo is a well-dressed person who is empathetic and dying to show him good time. They get along well with Pisceans.

Libra or Tula (September 24 - October 23)

Libra is ruled by Venus and is the seventh sign of zodiac. The only inanimate sign of the zodiac, Libra people are more diplomatic than any other sign. People born under this sign always seek balance and harmony and like pleasing others. Librans are sociable, cheerful and charming people. Librans are sensitive to the needs of others. They are highly understanding towards the emotional needs of their companions and they meet them with their own innate optimism. As Libra is the sign of Saturn's exaltation, the sun's rays at this point, the crossing of the equator, are weakest.

This sign rules the kidneys, the lumbar region of the spine, the skin, the ureters, which are the tiny ducts running between the kidneys and the bladder, and the vaso-motor system. Librans are successful as writers, composers, fashion designers, interior decorators, critics, administrators, lawyers, and in civil services. Indecision is a problem for Librans, who find it difficult to make up their minds and strongly dislike taking sides. Librans get along with most of the star signs but the best ones for them are the gentle Taureans.

Scorpio or Vrischika (October 24 - November 22)

Scorpio a feminine negative fixed water sign and the eighth sign of the Zodiac It is symbolized by the Scorpion. Deep, mysterious and magnetically attractive, Scorpios yearn for emotional intimacy. People born under this sign are the most intense and passionate of the signs. Though they appear calm and quite but their anger can burst anytime like a volcano. This ferocious anger often ends up making lifelong enemies. Scorpions also have immense degree of willpower and are highly tenacious. Scorpio persons are of a secretive, timid, retiring nature, one who does not talk of his affairs. But there are also another type of Scorpions who are always ready to argue holding their point and during this they can become very cruel. The martial, watery sign of Scorpio is one of the least understood signs of the entire twelve.

The most appealing profession for Scorpions is one in which analysis, investigation, research, dealing with practicalities, and the solving of mysteries are relevant.The greatest danger to the health of the Scorpio comes from the generative organs and the ducts through which the excretions of the body pass, such as the urethra and the colon. The most appealing profession for Scorpions is one which involves analysis, investigation, research, dealing with practicalities, and the solving of mysteries. They get along well with Taureans.

Sagittarius or Dhanu (November 23 - December 24)

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and is a masculine positive mutable fire sign. Sagittarius, symbolized by the Archer are impulsive and inquisitive. Sagittarians have a positive outlook towards life, are full of versatility and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They balance loyalty with independence. Sagittarius rules the region of the body directly surrounding the hips, the sacral region of the spine, the coccygeal vertebrae, the femur, the ileum, the iliac arteries, and the sciatic nerves. Sagittarians are successful in social administration, in public relations, as scientists and as musicians.

They are always anxious to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. Being the travelers of the zodiac they enjoy traveling and exploration. They are ambitious and optimistic and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice and truth. As patients Sagittarians are most gentle and recover easily. Sagittarians need organized and tolerant people to spend their lives and hence they tie up best with Aquarians or Librans.

Capricorn or Makara (December 23 - January 20 )

Capricorn is a feminine negative cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn. Capricorns are very ambitious people who always reach for greater heights. People born under this sign are true workaholic and accept hard work. The sign of Capricorn is an earthy sign and ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorn people do not yield to disease very readily. The sign of Capricorn has rule over the knees, the skin, the joints, and the hair. They are scrupulous with details and adopt a rather conventional posture in business and life. These folks feel best playing it safe, since this is a fail-safe way to get to the top.

They love to undertake hardships to prove their caliber of facing and winning any problem. Loyal as a friend, they are cold but snobbish at times. They are of a wiry, and persistent nature. Capricorn people are too sensitive and very retiring. They make superb administrators, and often rise to very high positions of respect and authority in their careers. Always seeking a loving and strong partner, Capricorns get along very well with Taurus.

Aquarius or Kumbha (January 21 - February 19)

Ruled by Uranus, this is the masculine positive fixed air sign. Aquarians are the inventors and technical wizards with unusual ideas and rule computers, airplanes and astrology. They have strong convictions and seek truth above all things. The varying moods of Aquarians frequently result in ill health taking the form of nervousness. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

Aquarians are practical and idealistic people with philosophical and spiritual bent of mind. The varying moods of Aquarians frequently result in ill health taking the form of nervousness. They often take to rudeness, resentment and the silence that may burst out suddenly in extreme temper. They might excel in technical fields and those linked with electrical and radio industries. The most suitable match for Aquarians are Capricorns.

Pisces or Meena (February 19 - March 20)

Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is feminine negative mutable water sign. Pisceans have strong intuitive powers and are considerate and empathic taking on other's pain without bothering for themselves. With a gentle, patient and malleable nature, they respond very readily to suggestions, good or bad. Pisces rules the feet, the toes and the fibrin of the blood. It's this kind of self-sacrifice which keeps them going.

I read mine, which is Taurus, and I found it very very similar to me. I wanted to know if anyone else felt the same about theirs.

Following that:


Ruler of all the planets, Sun is commonly called Surya and Aditya and believed to be the source of vitality. The planets move around the Sun and are dependent on its energy for existence of life forms. Sun brings success, intellect, wisdom, fame and wealth and is the ruler of zodiac sign Leo. Good placement of Sun can give rise to fame in the area, field, or even the whole world. If ill-placed in the horoscope it is an indication of physical as well as possible, mental or emotional problems, pessimistic attitude, humiliation at the hands of others and impoverished conditions of life.


The Moon represents the mind indicating an individual's thoughts, feelings, expressions etc. Moon is beneficial to those born in ascending moon cycle and disastrous to those born in descending moon sign. The Moon also possesses dominance over the waters and liquids within our bodies. The Moon is responsible for growth, fertility and conception. The Moon rules Cancer Zodiac sign and is strong there in its own sign. It is powerful or exalted, in Taurus and fallen, or debilitated, in Scorpio. The zodiacs Jupiter, Sun and Mars are the Moon's natural friends.


Also known as Brahaspati or Guru, Jupiter rules both Moon and Sun controlling the movement of the planets. Responsible for luck and fortune, the planet brings success, fortune and fame. The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter it is associated with expansion, growth and and opportunity. The position of Jupiter in ones' chart serves as an indicator of one's faith, confidence, buoyancy, higher mind, wisdom, optimism and generosity. Jupiter's action is to expand, preserve and increase on all levels. A well placed Jupiter is associated with the spiritual, philosophical and intellectual realms. The ill placement of Jupiter might lead to exaggeration, delusions of grandeur and depletion of energies. Jupiter is the ruler of the fire sign Sagittarius.


Also known as Shukra, Venus governs beauty, wealth, romance, passion, music. Venus is about pleasure- love, romance and harmony in our emotional attachments, marriages, friendships and other unions. Venus is content to spread happiness and tenderness, all the while teaching us how to love and appreciate others and the things that we possess. While Mars represents the youthful male in our solar system, Venus is the charming princess. Venus rules over eyes, nose, chin, throat, sexual organs, kidneys, bladder etc. A badly placed Venus indicates dysfunction of these parts. Venus is inextricably linked to refinement, culture and grace. Having feminine energy, Venus rules both Taurus and Libra.


Sun being the king of solar system, Mars is the commander. Mars indicates martial powers, martial arts and influences energy, drive, administrative spirits and leadership abilities. Both Sun and Mars produce heat, difference being Sun has a life preserving heat and the explosive heat generated by Mars might endanger the lives. Mars rules over the bone marrow and generation of red blood corpuscles, human blood, and the disease resistant power of human body. Mars rules Aries, openly aggressive, and Scorpio, secretive in nature.


Mercury is a neutral planet that changes according to its placement in signs and houses. It is the nearest planet to Sun and thus is restless, fast changing and fickle in nature. It rules education, writers, businessman, intestines, lungs and nervous system. Both Jupiter and Mercury represent human intelligence, Mercury indicates an immature side of intelligence as compared to the more mature one of Jupiter. It rules all means of communication and intermediation. Body parts indicated by Mercury: Mercury rules over the arms, ear hearing system, and the nervous system. It is a dual natured planet and owns the dual natured signs, Virgo and Gemini.


A cold and dry planet, Saturn rules over the hard parts of human body - bones, teeth, knees and ears and indicates recurring health problems. Saturn makes its subjects work in secondary positions, doing dull routine and ordinary jobs. Various professionals like: Also historians, archaeologists, covators of museums, workers in refrigeration factories etc. are ruled by Saturn. Saturn commands to get to hard work. The planet gives huge importance to discipline and responsibility. Saturn with masculine energy rules Capricorn and Aquarius.

The planet, Venus, seemed to fit me also! =) You can check. I wanna know how well this site did. Cause they would usually be wrong about me in others.

So, after a while, I will be working on my own reply to my own. Meanwhile, you people can check this out.

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Virgo or Kanya (August 22 - September 23)

Virgo is ruled by mercury and is a feminine negative mutable earth sign. The perfectionist Virgo is precise and methodical. With ruling planet Mercury (symbolizes Communication), Virgos are possessed of an ability to reason clearly, resolve issues and take a romance to new heights. Virgo is precise and methodical like no other sign of the zodiac and prove to be the best employee one can ever have. They often dislike delegating and want to oversee every step of the operation themselves. With an easy going nature they are reliable and steady sort and therefore relish the opportunity to be a helpful partner. They are intellectually inquiring, studious and logical, but are good as followers than as leaders and are fond of arts, sciences and languages.

Virgo is the natural sixth house sign, the house which has rule over sickness; hence when a Virgo gets into the clutches of sickness, he is apt to become chronic invalids. Virgo rules the abdominal region, intestines, the lower lobes of the liver, the spleen, the duodenum, and the sympathetic nervous system. The afflictions may lead to cramps in the intestines, wind, colic, malnutrition, diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, constipation, worms, catarrh of the bowels, and appendicitis. Most suitable job for them is in a library or office than a workshop. The ideal soul mate for a Virgo is a well-dressed person who is empathetic and dying to show him good time. They get along well with Pisceans.


Mercury is a neutral planet that changes according to its placement in signs and houses. It is the nearest planet to Sun and thus is restless, fast changing and fickle in nature. It rules education, writers, businessman, intestines, lungs and nervous system. Both Jupiter and Mercury represent human intelligence, Mercury indicates an immature side of intelligence as compared to the more mature one of Jupiter. It rules all means of communication and intermediation. Body parts indicated by Mercury: Mercury rules over the arms, ear hearing system, and the nervous system. It is a dual natured planet and owns the dual natured signs, Virgo and Gemini.


Because I'm born in September 20

Edited by Gulcasa
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Taurus or Vrisha (April 21 - May 21)

The Bull represents this sign and indicates that Taurus people are 1. stubborn and dependable with a bullish steadiness. People born under this sign achieve almost everything in life and are believed to be 2. down to earth possessing strong sense of values. The Bull can be considered the 3. work bee all the zodiacs. Taurus rules the region of the neck, the ears, palate, larynx, tonsils, thyroid gland, lower jaw, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, and cervical vertebrae, vocal chords, carotid arteries, jugular vein, and the pharynx. Taureans 4. make very rare friends but once friends, they are faithful and generous. 5. Highly reliable, practical, and ambitious, Taureans are good in the position of managers and professions including - 6. banking, medicine, insurance, education, bureaucracy, farming, music and sculpture.

Taureans are 7. reliable, responsible, affectionate and loyal. They are 8. easy to get along with and good team player. Taureans are 9. liable to fierce possessiveness. Their negativity is expressed in 10. dullness, stubbornness and resistance to change. They have 11. great fear of sickness, which makes them poor doctors or nurses. Taureans seek emotional stability and financial security and 12. gel well with one of their own kind i.e with another Taurean.[/i]


Also known as Shukra, Venus governs 13. beauty, wealth, romance, passion, music. Venus is about pleasure- love, romance and harmony in our emotional attachments, marriages, friendships and other unions. Venus is 14. content to spread happiness and tenderness, all the while teaching us how to love and appreciate others and the things that we possess. While Mars represents the youthful male in our solar system, Venus is the 15. charming princess. Venus rules over eyes, nose, chin, throat, sexual organs, kidneys, bladder etc. A badly placed Venus indicates dysfunction of these parts. Venus is inextricably linked to refinement, 16. culture and grace. Having feminine energy, Venus rules both Taurus and Libra.

=o lots of Scorpios!

These are for each bolded part:

1. =D stubborn... sometimes

2.... would I be considered down to earth?... idk... I'm not sure about that part.

3. This would be true in school - in French today, we were partnered up and I knew something the partner didn't and in Geometry today, I was complimented on my organization.

4. this is definitely true.

5. I would think that that would be correct

6. of all these, I am already planning to be a musician, and am artistic enough to be a sculpture... I think... Anyway, that's the first thing I'm sure is not correct about me... cause there is no way I'm getting that... I wanted an astronomer... I forget who got that though. ?_?

7. yep =)

8. 1st of all, yeah, I can get along with just about anyone depending on how mean they are. 2nd of all, maybe that's why I chose "Team Sports PE" class over... I forget what it was called, but it was single-player sports... I was commented one day on how I am great at playing with teams.

9. huh??? i don't gettit... I think there could be 2 meanings behind that... does anyone else know what that means?

10. again, yes to stubbornness, and... dullness?... maybe, idk... but yeah, it's sometimes hard to make me change my mind about certain stuff *remembers times with her older brother* =D

11. well... thanks to that video I saw two days ago... XD that would make me agree also!

12. uuummmmm..... "get"??? XD typo!!! Well, #3 (idk who remembers this, but oh well) is a Taurus also and when we sat next to each other we got along pretty good... I haven't been in a class with him since, though =(

13. HA!!! WEALTH? YA RIGHT!... and irl, I'm probably not that beautiful =D... Definitely right about passion and music! I think I mentioned this before, but I'm all about music.

14. I would agree to this. This kinda gets the comment I made in the "st of all"in #8. I don't want there to be too much hate... there are exceptions though! =D

15. Aaawww! I'm not sure about that, but... oh well!... =o The person in my avi and sig is a princess though! =D But I musn't steal Princess Kilvas's role!

16. There's that Native American dress I still own and wear!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Pisces or Meena (February 19 - March 20)

Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is feminine negative mutable water sign. Pisceans have strong intuitive powers and are considerate and empathic taking on other's pain without bothering for themselves. With a gentle, patient and malleable nature, they respond very readily to suggestions, good or bad. Pisces rules the feet, the toes and the fibrin of the blood. It's this kind of self-sacrifice which keeps them going.

Bolded ones= Very true imho

Everything else= "meh...idk"

Edited by Fireman
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Well, the poll was made because I wanted to know how many of each this Forest had. Next...

Virgo or Kanya (August 22 - September 23)

Virgo is ruled by mercury and is a feminine negative mutable earth sign. The perfectionist Virgo is precise and methodical. With ruling planet Mercury (symbolizes Communication), Virgos are possessed of an ability to reason clearly, resolve issues and take a romance to new heights. Virgo is precise and methodical like no other sign of the zodiac and prove to be the best employee one can ever have. They often dislike delegating and want to oversee every step of the operation themselves. With an easy going nature they are reliable and steady sort and therefore relish the opportunity to be a helpful partner. They are intellectually inquiring, studious and logical, but are good as followers than as leaders and are fond of arts, sciences and languages.

Virgo is the natural sixth house sign, the house which has rule over sickness; hence when a Virgo gets into the clutches of sickness, he is apt to become chronic invalids. Virgo rules the abdominal region, intestines, the lower lobes of the liver, the spleen, the duodenum, and the sympathetic nervous system. The afflictions may lead to cramps in the intestines, wind, colic, malnutrition, diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, constipation, worms, catarrh of the bowels, and appendicitis. Most suitable job for them is in a library or office than a workshop. The ideal soul mate for a Virgo is a well-dressed person who is empathetic and dying to show him good time. They get along well with Pisceans.

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I think #9 means you don't like to share, and when you do, you expect it back ASAP. The way it's worded also makes me think it implies clingyness in relationships.

Well... when it's my two little brothers, I don't like to share, but that's only because they easily break things. Otherwise, I share a lot. So that is another thing not enitrely correct.

=D I've never had much of a true relationship... only when I was little...

So I would have no idea in that.

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I'm a libra, and the chart is quite accurate. XD

Yeah, I tried thinking of peoples' birthdays and remembered you and Des had yours recently and read Libra. I thought it sounded accurate! =)

^btw, like the name! =D

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Aquarius or Kumbha (January 21 - February 19)

Ruled by Uranus, this is the masculine positive fixed air sign. Aquarians are the inventors and technical wizards with unusual ideas and rule computers, airplanes and astrology. They have strong convictions and seek truth above all things. The varying moods of Aquarians frequently result in ill health taking the form of nervousness. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

Aquarians are practical and idealistic people with philosophical and spiritual bent of mind. The varying moods of Aquarians frequently result in ill health taking the form of nervousness. They often take to rudeness, resentment and the silence that may burst out suddenly in extreme temper. They might excel in technical fields and those linked with electrical and radio industries. The most suitable match for Aquarians are Capricorns.

oh my! very accurate, but that's just me.

what do you think?

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