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I'm just curious

Freohr Datia

zodiac sign  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. which are you?

    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Gemini
    • Cancer
    • Leo
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Pisces

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Extreme temper? I don't think so.


it takes much to push my buttons, but once someone does, i go on a warpath.

or at least that's what i've been told

Edited by Chiki
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oh my! very accurate, but that's just me.

what do you think?

hmm... Yeah, that sounds very similar to you... idk if you ever get real mad or anything ever though...

I love that site I found! It seemed to fit me so well, and it seems to do pretty good with some others also!

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Pisces or Meena (February 19 - March 20)

Ruled by Neptune, Pisces is feminine negative mutable water sign. Pisceans have strong intuitive powers and are considerate and empathic taking on other's pain without bothering for themselves. With a gentle, patient and malleable nature, they respond very readily to suggestions, good or bad. Pisces rules the feet, the toes and the fibrin of the blood. It's this kind of self-sacrifice which keeps them going.[/i]

Yes, I think I agree with this.

Pisces, by the way.

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I know why there's a lot of us, too. I realized the other day my birthday is November 14th. You know what is exactly 9 months to the day before November 14th?

February 14th.

Also known as Valentine's Day.

My parents had sex Valentine's Day, 1985. That is really weird to think about.

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Yes, I think I agree with this.

Pisces, by the way.

... For a bit I was a little thrown off, but if you mean what I think you do, Pisces and Meena are the same thing... or... is it?


Here was what mine was:

You come under the vibrations of Jupiter with Venus(positive) in the zodiacal sign of Taurus. If you do not allow the softening influence of Venus, you shall be of a very strong character. Alongwith being highly strong willed and deterministic, you shall also be very ambitious. Although being 'bull headed' & obstinate, you melt before love and emotions. You are known for your physical and emotional endurance. You are highly social and a wonderful host. You are also very artistic - love decorating, improving, harmonising your environment. You are highly sensitive to your surroundings. You are a gentleman/gentlewoman and believe in a code of honour and live by honesty and fair means. You are bound to be jealous in your affections. But you also inspire love and devotion in all. Being ambitious you like to associate with people who are one up from you but you also fight for the under-dog, the under privileged. You have strong independent views and believe in a religion of your own making. You love your home a lot and also assist in charitable work and shall receive honours for your social services. In marriage, you generally have an early marriage, but in your particular case, there may be 3 marriages. 3rd being the best and shall also have some extraordinary love affairs. As a lover you are bound to be jealous in your affections. In financial matters, you can rest assured. You shall get good opportunities of earning and growing rich. You want to grow rich not because you love money but its a means to help others. Taureans are endowed with good health but your aggressiveness and overwork might spoil it. Your lungs and throat tend to be delicate till about your middle age. You shall also be attracted to people born on the dates making '3 & '6'. Your lucky colours are : shades of violet , mauve, shades of blue. Your lucky jewels are amethyt & purple stones, turqouise and glistening stones.

bolded are what I agree with, and underlined are ones I strongly disagree with... italicized are ones I'm a bit unsure about.

for future tellings in the horoscope, I can't really do anything to them... I just have to wait and see

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I'm commenting on everything mine says >_>

Your date of birth is : Monday, October 30, 1989

You come under the vibrations of Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The influence of Jupiter strengthens your will-power and determination.

No comment here, don't really know if my will-power is anything like that.

The overriding characteristic in your case is your zealous ambition coupled with a deep regard for justic and law & order.

I don't see myself as ambitious... the law and order thing is either correct and incorrect, or neither >_>

You shall also be a humanitarian and extremely charitable - towards strangers as well as your kith and kin.

I've been but don't think I still am.

But you shall not allow loafers to misuse your generosity.

Damn right.

You are likely to make friends with people in the higher ranks.


Your home and hearth shall be blessed and provide you peace and happiness.

hope so, it sure doesn't look that way.

You are usually quite sensitive to your surroundings - the slightest unhappiness makes you melancholic and depressed.

This mostly applies to girls, I don't like seeing girls sad.

You also are a 'peacemaker' by nature, avoiding disruptions, violence of every kind.

Too bad disruption follows me.

The Sun being in its fall makes you more mellowed and gentle, and Venus in its negative aspect makes you crave for more love + affection.


You are idealistic and also morally upright. Money for you is a means to fulfill the long list of your social causes and obligations, rather than for personal needs.

Yup, not too big on morals though.

You are likely to grow rich with the help of influential friends/ in-laws/ the opposite sex.

That'd be great, don't see that happening soon though :\

Your health stands in danger due to accidents while travelling.

Shit, better stay indoors then.

But the 21st year of your life shall bring changes in your health.

It better.

Your favourable colours are shades of blue, shades of mauve, purple & dark shades. Your lucky stones are amethyst, turquoise and all dark blue and purple stones.

This one's actually true, although I'm not big on purple but I really do prefer darker colors.

Edited by Boo
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Aquarius or Kumbha (January 21 - February 19)

Ruled by Uranus, this is the masculine positive fixed air sign. Aquarians are the inventors and technical wizards with unusual ideas and rule computers, airplanes and astrology. They have strong convictions and seek truth above all things. The varying moods of Aquarians frequently result in ill health taking the form of nervousness. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

Aquarians are practical and idealistic people with philosophical and spiritual bent of mind. The varying moods of Aquarians frequently result in ill health taking the form of nervousness. They often take to rudeness, resentment and the silence that may burst out suddenly in extreme temper. They might excel in technical fields and those linked with electrical and radio industries. The most suitable match for Aquarians are Capricorns.

I think descriptions like these are too generic. But it makes sense to me.

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Your date of birth is : Sunday, March 10, 1991

You are affected by the triple vibrations of the planets Uranus and Jupiter ( negative ) and the sun. Jupiter’s effect shall make you an easy go lucky person, who looks for an ideal to work for, who strives only when inspired, but the Sun and Uranus make your life eventful and bring you much limelight. You are likely to jump from place to place , go on long journeys which shall change the course of your life- for the better. You are innately intuitive, psychic and emotional. Unlike other March borns, you shall be impetuous and headstrong in all that you do. Your impatience is your basic flaw.You are over-optimistic and too hopeful. You shall become confident and powerful gradually. You love your home and family members but at times are at a variance from them and might have to incur losses due to them. You are loyal to friends and family, respect and obey rules and regulations. You are also self-indulgent - but given a goal, can easily over come it and exemplify self denial. You love to travel, especially over the vast oceans. You also seem to believe in occult sciences, the unknown. Although you are generous by nature. you shall always be fortunate in many matters.You shall do well if put in high responsibility positions but your dominant nature refuses to ‘share’ your domains with anyone. You cannot work in a team, you can only command a team well. You are naturally strong and healthy. But being self- indulgent, can lead you to drugs and related problems. Since you are mentally more agile than others, you overwork yourself mentally. To enhance your personality, you should wear the colours of the Sun-shades of gold, yellow,bronze to golden brown, Jupiter - all shades of violet, mauve or violet-puple, Uranus all shades of sapphire,dark blues and greys.Your lucky jewels are diamonds, topaz amber and sapphire and also stones that are golden / yellow. You shall be attracted towards people born on dates making a ‘one’ and ‘four’ in any month of the year.

Ok uh...I disagree that I'm impatient. I'm super patient, actually and I exemplify self-denial? lolwut

It's really really true other than that, though! Except that I have enough willpower to not succumb to drugs and whatnot, even if I AM self-indulgent.

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Aquarius or Kumbha (January 21 - February 19)

Ruled by Uranus, this is the masculine positive fixed air sign. Aquarians are the inventors and technical wizards with unusual ideas and rule computers, airplanes and astrology. They have strong convictions and seek truth above all things. The varying moods of Aquarians frequently result in ill health taking the form of nervousness. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

Aquarians are practical and idealistic people with philosophical and spiritual bent of mind. The varying moods of Aquarians frequently result in ill health taking the form of nervousness. They often take to rudeness, resentment and the silence that may burst out suddenly in extreme temper. They might excel in technical fields and those linked with electrical and radio industries. The most suitable match for Aquarians are Capricorns.

Aquarius, because I got mine from February. Though this is not what I'm like btw. Though I do plan on going to a technical field. -.-

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