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Effy - Hopes and Expectations

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Hello everyone.

For those who might not know, so far we've got one confirmed new character who didn't appear in Fire Emblem Gaiden whose name is エフィ, which transcribes to "Efi", though most people in the West seem to call her "Effy" seeing as it's a real name of Greek origin which fits the Valentian setting. In the trailers we see her in Alm's party as early as the third map, and since she's got the Villager sprite, I think it's fair to assume she'll join him in the very beginning along with Kliff, Gray and Tobin. 

Because of a tweet yesterday which I also made a thread on, we might've gotten our first look at the new character in an Alm Cipher card: 

I speculate that the woman to the right in Alm's card is Effy since her hair color matches her sprite. Of course, it's hard to get a good look at her and get an inkling into her character, but hey. 

So while I'm well aware that we've got almost nothing to go on and this is just fun speculation that might crumble with the next Famitsu update, I was wondering what people here think she'll be like, both as a unit and character. Personally, I think she'll be quick and have high Resistance, something only Kliff had in the original Gaiden. If Falcon Knights are still as powerful as in the original game, this might serve to give Alm's party the possibiliy to get a second one in addition to Claire to balance out Celica's three. 

As for her character, well, we've got even less to go on there, but I'm going to guess she's the cheerful type at least two of the male villagers have had a crush on since they were kids. 

That's my shot in the dark. What's yours?

Edited by Thane
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3 minutes ago, Thane said:

at least two of the male villagers have had a crush on since they were kids. 

Tobin and Gray have a crush on Claire, once you get her. Therefore I guess only Kliff would have a crush on her, or vice versa.

Also I thought she was called Efi? Oh well. Can't really say anything about what she would be like, as of now, gameplay wise, but I also think she would be a more cheerful character.

Can someone link an image of her potrait? I don't really want to watch the trailer again and Google's not helping either.


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1 minute ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Tobin and Gray have a crush on Claire, once you get her. Therefore I guess only Kliff would have a crush on her, or vice versa.



That's true actually. Of course, this role might be given to Effy, as we can assume the villagers all interacted at some point in their lives, while Claire, Tobin and Gray have a grand total of 0 lines after they're recruited. 

Also, for some reason I can see Kliff and Efi being related since their hair colors are relatively similar. Either that or Effy is into the only villager who doesn't like her (though this is Fire Emblem so why not both?). The reason why I assume affection, crushes or love are involved is because, well, I think there's a reason why they wanted to balance out Alm's sausage party of a team in the beginning, and I feel like childhood romances or adoration from afar are common in Japanese entertainment media.

6 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Also I thought she was called Efi? Oh well. 

You're right, I had the English name in mind when I wrote that. Her Japanese name reads "Efi".

7 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

Can someone link an image of her potrait? I don't really want to watch the trailer again and Google's not helping either.

She doesn't have one yet; you can only see her sprite in the trailers when it goes from Gaiden to Echoes and when they're at the Mila Shrine. I think the best look we have at her so far is the Cipher card.

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Any chances of her name being localized as 'Elly'?

Some people already said but wouldn't be surprised if she's Cliff's sister as already stated. Just seems likely.

Edited by Tryhard
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1 hour ago, Tryhard said:

Any chances of her name being localized as 'Elly'?

I couldn't tell you, but they just might simply because of Effie in Fates. Judging by my very short Google search earlier today though, Effy is a name of Greek origin which would suit Zofia, which has Greek architecture. 

1 hour ago, Tryhard said:

Some people already said but wouldn't be surprised if she's Cliff's sister as already stated. Just seems likely.

Same here, but what do people base it on? Gut feeling? Similar hair colors?

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I'm more excited that she may be a female viliger than anything else.  Effy (or Elly ) is likely going to show us the viliger promotions for females.  We'll likely have Pegasus knight, Cleric, and mage (promotes to celica's class) but what else is there?  Female archer?  and then female cavalier? I feel that there's something missing. I'm assuming that you still learn spells in this game, since we see celica attacking the draco zombie in the gameplay shown in the direct.  So, if they do learn spells, I'm hoping for early Excalibur and angel magic. Or maybe they bring in new classes?  Ooh!  I wonder if they'll give us access to the dark classes. Like shamans or summoners.  I'd really like a playable gargoyle.

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I also assume she is Kliff's sister, well I hope she is, I don't really want a forced love interest for Kliff.

I also hope she has the male villager promotions. While another Peg Knight would be amazing since I do love Peg Knights, I would just prefer another Merc.

As a unit, I dunno, and I don't particularly mind how good/bad she is, I'll probably still use her.

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7 hours ago, Thane said:

Hello everyone.

For those who might not know, so far we've got one confirmed new character who didn't appear in Fire Emblem Gaiden whose name is エフィ, which transcribes to "Efi", though most people in the West seem to call her "Effy" seeing as it's a real name of Greek origin which fits the Valentian setting. In the trailers we see her in Alm's party as early as the third map, and since she's got the Villager sprite, I think it's fair to assume she'll join him in the very beginning along with Kliff, Gray and Tobin. 

Because of a tweet yesterday which I also made a thread on, we might've gotten our first look at the new character in an Alm Cipher card: 

I speculate that the woman to the right in Alm's card is Effy since her hair color matches her sprite. Of course, it's hard to get a good look at her and get an inkling into her character, but hey. 

So while I'm well aware that we've got almost nothing to go on and this is just fun speculation that might crumble with the next Famitsu update, I was wondering what people here think she'll be like, both as a unit and character. Personally, I think she'll be quick and have high Resistance, something only Kliff had in the original Gaiden. If Falcon Knights are still as powerful as in the original game, this might serve to give Alm's party the possibiliy to get a second one in addition to Claire to balance out Celica's three. 

As for her character, well, we've got even less to go on there, but I'm going to guess she's the cheerful type at least two of the male villagers have had a crush on since they were kids. 

That's my shot in the dark. What's yours?

While everyone is pouring their soul on Efi and how she broke the 4th wall here is something I noted about Cliff. He is wearing a vest with a bow like Frederick and Efi is well dressed as well, meanwhile Tobin and Gray look like your typical FE peasants, Alm is another story, and since Lucas wears soldier armor he is not in this scene. Since they have the same skin, hair color and clothing I can safely assume they are siblings, and he likely comes form a family with money and that's why he sucks at fighting, because he barely does anything, and he accepts to go with Alm because firendship and homeland. Why he would bring Efi along or a why a wealthy family is rotting in the edge of the continent seems beyond me but we'll see later.

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Alright, let's get one thing straight. If there's any sort of romance going on between Efi and Kliff, it is from Efi to Kliff. Kliff is the dream of ALL of the ladies, and the jealousy of all the men. Therefore, it is not in character for him to have a crush of Efi. It's the other way around

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Female Villagers getting an alternate class selection sounds great to me. As you know, I've bemoaned Gaiden's lack of class diversity quite a bit. Having a second option for a flier would be cool, I hope it happens.

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2 hours ago, L9999 said:

and that's why he sucks at fighting, because he barely does anything, and he accepts to go with Alm because firendship and homeland.

I thought he had really good growths and was the best of the three villagers, but starts with the lowest base stats? Correct me if I'm wrong.

2 hours ago, L9999 said:

Why he would bring Efi along

Well it could be that Efi is the sort of cliche sister who really wants to stay with her "onee-chan" forever. Or she's also a really good friend of Alm along with the rest, as well as having some skill with a weapon, hence why she joins. Both scenarios are possible.



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Kliff did have some of the best growths and ended up the best out of your villagers, but he started with shit bases compared to the others.

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Kliff and Elly (my prediction for her localized name) definitely look like they are brother and sister. Judging from their attire, they come from a relatively wealthy family. Perhaps there are some noblemen in Alm's village? Perhaps some of the villagers work on Kliff and Elly's estate? That'd be cool. Perhaps Kliff has good growths and poor base stats because he has fighting potential he never thought he had? Pretty excited to see what they'll do. Judging form the art, Kliff looks serious, so I assume he also got a personality change (not like he had much of one in the original anyway). 

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8 hours ago, Tryhard said:

Any chances of her name being localized as 'Elly'?

Some people already said but wouldn't be surprised if she's Kliff's sister as already stated. Just seems likely.

I don't think we haven't seen a confirmed localized name for that villager girl yet. Also, I'm pretty sure that she might possibly be:

  1. she could be an another friend of Alm's from Ram and she could be recruited in Chapter 1 with the others similar like how Frey is an Altea Knight in the castle and Horace is a General in Archanea
  2. she could be possibly be from an different town and she must have been traveling and got caught in the event sometime between after Alm and his friends from Ram joined the Zofia Liberation Army and before Silque was rescued than a sister of Kliff similar to like how the exclusive characters got added in the normal chapters in New Mystery of the Emblem
  3. she could be recruited in the Paralogue chapter
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Just now, Captain Karnage said:

$5 says there going to some kind of incest subplot added with her

Don't. Just, don't go there.

29 minutes ago, Leif said:

Kliff and Elly (my prediction for her localized name) definitely look like they are brother and sister. Judging from their attire, they come from a relatively wealthy family. Perhaps there are some noblemen in Alm's village? Perhaps some of the villagers work on Kliff and Elly's estate? That'd be cool. Perhaps Kliff has good growths and poor base stats because he has fighting potential he never thought he had? Pretty excited to see what they'll do. Judging form the art, Kliff looks serious, so I assume he also got a personality change (not like he had much of one in the original anyway). 

I was thinking something like that.

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1 hour ago, Flee Fleet! said:

I thought he had really good growths and was the best of the three villagers, but starts with the lowest base stats? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Well it could be that Efi is the sort of cliche sister who really wants to stay with her "onee-chan" forever. Or she's also a really good friend of Alm along with the rest, as well as having some skill with a weapon, hence why she joins. Both scenarios are possible.



In his introduction line Kliff says he sucks, I know he gets good being a mage, I have played Gaiden before.

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24 minutes ago, 1japanfan said:

I don't really see Efi and Kliff being siblings. Kliffs hair is whitish and Efi is more blonde. Maybe that's jut me but the only similarities I see is the clothing.

Don't apply that to anime logic. The Whitewings are sisters and they all have different technicolor hair colors. 

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Honestly, aside from her being a decent unit and her and everyone else having something akin to a personality, I don't have that many expectations of Effy. I am hoping that she doesn't end up being Elise 2.0 in any regard like some people have been speculating she will if she ends up being Kliff's sister, though.

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I'm torn between which warrior path I'll make her embark on. She may make a good mage, healer, or pegasus knight.


but we get Silque relatively early so I don't see much of a point in making her another healer. And we only get 1 pegasus knight on Alm's route.


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Not sure if I support the notion that Efi has a crush on Cliff (or vice versa).  She could be the envy of some villagers, but I'd imagine all the playable villagers' relationships toward each other are strictly platonic.  Though of course, that's just pure conjecture on my part.

I'd also imagine that in keeping in line with the trend of making classes more gender-equal, they'll either give female villagers an alternate class line entirely or merely give her the same options as the men.  As for her stats/growths, she might be more lopsided.  Probably really good speed, but poor defense, or something like that.  Res will probably be around in Kliff's ballpark.

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