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The Golden Age. Act 2: Converging Paths.


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Somehow the cavalry felt underwhelming, but it also might have to do with them completely ignoring Raz's side in favor of snake meat. Well.

Raz opened her mouth, but before any question could be asked, Telmara showed he was breathing and well. Back to a silent analysis, Raz drew her bow, taking the opportunity as she found it. If I can take that one down... Back to dealing with these images as quick as possible.

Raz to M11, shoot at cav image B with her steel bow, quickswap to illuminate as usual.

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Telmara (88, 70) uses her Kaya support for the extra 2% hit she needs to wind it up on Cavalier B for 11. Aren't you lucky? (10 exp/1 wexp)

Raz (78, 40) also barely hits for 12, with 1 to spare. (96, 35) However her follow up is decidedly less accurate. (10 exp/2 wexp)

Whether or not the sand soldier understands Aaron's words (it's hard to tell), it does understand (35, 28) that it just took 15 damage. The javelin in return (23, 99) lands true as well, dealing 6 back. (10 exp/1 wexp)

Joviana's Gust (67, 86) blows the Cavalier away, rather literally, dealing 11. (33 exp/2 wexp)

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The sand soldiers certainly were very unfriendly! The horse riders all tried to gang up on Telmara right away. One of them was severely injured after Raz had missed, and severely injured enemies were about the only ones she wasn't too afraid to fight, so Velvet approached it, deciding to try out her new present from Raz to help!

Velvet uses Shuriken on the cavalier from N10

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Kaya saw Telmara attacked and hesitated a second before making her way over to the woman. There were other's injured, herself included, but Telmara needed attention. "Telmara... We need to talk later, ok? For now just... Be careful."

Kaya to M12, heal Telm

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HEALS (include 11 exp/2 wexp)

After that, woo-hoo, enemy phase! It's not very long, with only 4 foes left.

Fighter N8, Mage I11, Weston H8, Dimitrius F5

Fighter B hits Kolmar (36, 15) for 12, then dodges the counter (66, 23) in the only combat this turn (1 exp/1 wexp).

It's turn 5. Player phase begins.



Spreadsheet as usual

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kaya does HEALS (11 exp/2 wexp)

Mikhaila pays 3 HP to activate the Mask, then hits Fighter B for (49, 24) 13 damage. He whiffs her on the counterattack (60, 70) as a bonus! (10 exp/1 wexp)

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Well, somehow, things worked out. Most of the images were down now, but that left the humans in charge of them. A man named Dimitrius... I wonder why this whole Timaeus madness is gaining traction.

Raz to M9, shoot at Fighter B with her steel bow.

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Raz shoots well (67, 36) and deals 11 damage to the Fighter. (10 exp/1 wexp)

Of note, this moves her Bow weapon experience past her Tomes. Cool party.

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"Th-Thank you Kaya... Huh? T-Talk? About what? ...D-Did I do something?" She was kind of confused by the comment, but this was Kaya, so maybe there was something different than she was expecting...

Either way, they had enemies left, despite their numbers dwindling. She had to keep dealing with them.

Telmara to N9, fwoosh that fucko!

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The Fighter is decisively fwooshed (20, 55) by Telmara for 11 damage. (30 exp/2 wexp).

Other things happen that don't need detailing!

After that it's enemy phase time once again! Not very much of one, because there's only 3.

... They move, that's it! Look, you can see on the map yourselves! The mage thinks about attacking Raz, but thinks better of it. Things are winding down.

It's turn 6. Player phase begins.



Spreadsheet once again with it linked above already.

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Raz drew her bow, expecting further action from the mage, but the same simply stopped in his tracks, which caught her off-guard. What, why are you moving close? She stopped, analyzing him, just shot of firing an arrow. "Hmph. A bit late to have second thoughts on this, isn't it?" He was too far into the ground Raz and company captured, it wouldn't take him long to fall. Now what of the other two?


(What no there wasn't a move here what are you talking about?)

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Their foes were dwindling- so much so that the sandy ones were all gone. As Velvet carefully surveyed the remaining three, she noticed the hesitance of the mage as he avoided taking action, even when he was in place to do so. Putting her shuriken away, she strut towards him. "You there... your heart's not really into this, is it? I think you know it, too, since you've withheld from doing much... we are not unreasonable. Those sand creatures we had to destroy, but really, three against eight doesn't seem like the best choice you could be making, hmm?" She held up her hands to visibly retract her claws. "What do you say?"

Velvet goes to L9 then Persuades Mr. Mage

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Interestingly enough, Velvet jumped into the action and seemed to converse with the mage. Well, alright. Change of targets. Her bow drawn, Raz decided to be the first going forwards. "Bad luck." She muttered, taking aim.

Raz to J10, shoot with steel bow at Weston.

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Mage A is stunned into staying quiet, but he doesn't attack Velvet. He's Charmed for the turn. Velvet gets 10 exp.

Raz, on the other hand, approaches Weston, who looks none too pleased about her ranged weapon. "This is no test of my bladework... such battles are unsatisfying!"

Raz hits Weston normally (15, 83) and then uses Adept to hit again (3, 50), dealing 24 damage total. [14 exp/2 wexp]

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"There are better places to have your duel than a city you're holding hostage." Raz scoffed, amused by the man's simplistic mentality. You could start by actually avoiding these... too bad for you. I'm not looking for any duels right now.


Kolmar to L10, javelin mage A while we're at it.

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