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What Improvements Do You Want to See?


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I've been playing for a bit now, and I understand that this game is in its infancy and the infrastructure is just in the process of being laid down. With that being said, here are some things I hope we can look forward to:

1. A world/server chat. Virtually all major Mobile RPGs in this format have this, this is definitely something that should be implemented IMO

2. The ability to send PMs to friends/other users in the aforementioned chat

3. The ability to spar with/challenge friends or other users to a friendly pvp match. Maybe an optional wager system involving limited quantities of feathers? 

4. Guilds and Guild Battles! This is more difficult to execute than chats and PMs, but I feel is crucial in this game's development, and would attract far more interest from the mobile gaming community, as well as serving to retain that of the players.

What are your thoughts, where do y'all want to see the game go in the coming months?

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I don't really like world/server chat in games. Some people get crazy, and then I end up just spectating the drama instead of playing the game. Or it gets too . . . . . "inappropriate". PM sounds pretty cool though.

I want to see increased feather rewards for higher ranks instead of this "Ranking for bragging rights" bull crap.

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1. Either lower the cost of promoting a 4 star unit into a 5 star unit or make it at least a little more attainable by making feathers easier to obtain. 

2. Being able to battle friends' teams a la Fates (you choose the map your units fight on etc)

3. Live PvP would be nice but there'd have to be a punishment for dc'ing.


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Like Arcanite said, a world/server chat would be difficult to incorporate, especially on a phone. I'm not surprised if there is some drama, inappropriate stuff, or spam on it.

PMs wouldn't be bad, though I prefer if you can just send gifts to certain friends rather than messages.

Public PVP would be hard to incorporate (i don't know why but I hardly see gatcha games do this). What would be nice to see and more likely is friend dueling (something I really want but I doubt it more thanks to the gaunlet)

As for guilds, it would actually be very awesome to have but as you said, VERY hard to execute.

I don't expect the game to add any more modes/features for a while. Especially if they're already focusing with adding new characters and hopefully a better story.

Edited by Falcom
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Though this is probably unlikely, I wish they would change up the Arena system so that it isn't so BST reliant because as it is currently a lot of units are unviable not because of their kits but simply because of pure stats. 

I also wish we could see who's challenged our defense team and not just see victories. Being able to watch replays would be doubly nice, but I'm not sure how technically feasible that is. Also while I'm on the topic of Arena defense, I think it'd be nice to have the option to challenge your own Arena defense team (controlled by AI of course) to test how effective it is. 

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In response to Sevasmios,

1. I'm a bit torn about this one. While I don't really use it, I find it interesting on occasion to see whatever people talk about in these types of chats (WoW Trade Chat, Warframe Chat, Path of Exile, etc.) However, I am a bit worried about some of the "undesirable elements" of the fandom bleeding into the worldwide chat. Since I am far more invested into Fire Emblem than other titles, I don't want the public space to become toxic.

2. Useful, but is generally considered the norm for chat features. However, Nintendo seems to have a "hands off" policy regarding chat, or at the very least restricting it. We may had MiiVerse for a while and there is the Splatoon 2 App that allows for communication, but I don't know if they will implement it in Heroes.

3. This may be fun and adds additional Friends List functionality. I support this idea.

4. I can see Guild Battles being similar to the Voting Gauntlet, where the player's leader is teamed up with 3 random characters from the guild and fights against an opposing 4 man team. However, I was never really active in guilds, so I don't know much about various "guild features" firsthand.

* * * * *

As for me, gonna repeat some thoughts.

1. Preparations Screen: I want to be able to redeploy my units and know the map layout before being thrown blindly into battle. Bonus points if they reveal additional information about the enemy, as shown in 2.

2. Detailed Enemy Status: I want to know more than just the color and weapon type of my foes, including knowing more than just the Leader in Arena matches.
-- Are they Infantry, Armor, Cavalry, or Fliers?
-- What Star Rank are enemy units?
-- Are any of the enemy units merged?

3. Feather Costs: This may be addressed in the coming update, but a common concern is upgrading a unit to 5* ranking sucks. Either the cost needs to be lessened (common consensus says 10k is more reasonable), or more feathers need to be provided. As it stands, we now can obtain 200 feathers per week due to the daily login bonus and apparently it will be easier to get Arena feathers. However, as it is not released yet, we don't know how much the Arena Rewards will be modified.

4. F2P Orbs: This is especially the case now that the "2 Orbs Daily" will now be removed from Heroes. Currently, the only boost in new Orbs is "10" every two weeks due to Paralogues (3 chapters, 3 difficulties, 1 orb from a quest), as well as some orbs from monthly quests. Throw in the occasional "Event Orb," and we may have a decent number of orbs, but the question is if it is enough.
-- Personally, I think one full pull a week (20 Orbs, ~7 days, 5 Heroes) is a good ratio for F2P players. Remember, even though players can get Heroes, they may not necessarily be optimized or at 5* rank. // Granted, weekly pulls is probably too generous. I expect 2-3 pulls a month instead. // Notice: This is for "new orbs for orb scavengers." The ratio does not affect players who got into Heroes late and have plenty of Story, Paralogues, and Xenologues to play.
-- Random Trivia: Since February 2nd (the release date of Heroes), I have done 19 pulls. If we subtract 5 from that due to my purchases, then I have done a total of 14 "completely free" pulls since release. Let's say 6 weeks have passed since then, making my average about 2 pulls a week. This is obviously frontloaded due to the "Story Orbs," but it does suck trying to scavenge for Orbs after the initially supply runs out.

5. Orb Costs: Another concern for players (including myself) is that Orb Costs are a bit too high. While some still purchase despite this price (myself included), others refuse to do so unless the costs are lowered to a more reasonable level. Currently, it costs ~$11 for 5 random heroes. Players would be more inclined to purchase if the price was lowered to $9-$8 for a full pull.
-- Granted, Orbs do more than just summoning heroes, but who actually uses Orbs for Stamina Potions, Dueling Crests, and Light's Blessings? (outside of those who have far too much disposal income.)

Edited by Sire
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22 minutes ago, Sire said:

4. F2P Orbs: This is especially the case now that the "2 Orbs Daily" will now be removed from Heroes. Currently, the only boost in new Orbs is "10" every two weeks due to Paralogues (3 chapters, 3 difficulties, 1 orb from a quest), as well as some orbs from monthly quests. Throw in the occasional "Event Orb," and we may have a decent number of orbs, but the question is if it is enough.

-- Personally, I think one full pull a week (20 Orbs, ~7 days, 5 Heroes) is a good ratio for F2P players. Remember, even though players can get Heroes, they may not necessarily be optimized or at 5* rank. // Granted, weekly pulls is probably too generous. I expect 2-3 pulls a month instead. // Notice: This is for "new orbs for orb scavengers." The ratio does not affect players who got into Heroes late and have plenty of Story, Paralogues, and Xenologues to play.
-- Random Trivia: Since February 2nd (the release date of Heroes), I have done 19 pulls. If we subtract 5 from that due to my purchases, then I have done a total of 14 "completely free" pulls since release. Let's say 6 weeks have passed since then, making my average about 2 pulls a week. This is obviously frontloaded due to the "Story Orbs," but it does suck trying to scavenge for Orbs after the initially supply runs out.

You're forgetting voting gauntlets. One pull a week isn't necessary and to be honest, I think when the orbs go away it won't be an issue for veterans in particular. For new players it's gonna stink cause they also won't get the launch celebration map orbs. But if we can get 20 orbs for every voting gauntlet, and they have at least one per month that's 1 extra pull in addition to the one we get from the 10 every two weeks. Also this is a gacha game. From the beginning we were supposed to starve for orbs and give in to the craving and buy some. In fact, I'd bet money they're gonna put someone else a lot of people like in the next focus, "incidentally" right after the launch maps run out and we get no 2 orbs a day. You know what they say, though "A gacha will always be a gacha"


Maybe no one says that but still

It's a good thing re-rolling is a thing, though.

Edited by Arcanite
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If they pull things from clash of clans and summoners war, two gacha games that are popular and long running. Both have guild battles, a global and guild chat system. Summoners war has the pm method y'all were talking about, and also has live arena, a head to head between friends or random people around the globe. So it can definitely be done, I just hope they actually do it. It would be a shame if the only player interaction in an online gacha game was using one of your friends units in gauntlet battles.

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I'm think the 20 Orbs from the Voting Gauntlet was a special event due to being the "first voting gauntlet" and not necessarily an indicator of future orbs.

If we were guaranteed 20 Orbs per Voting Gauntlet (which is likely once a month), then add 20 Orbs from 2 Paralogues, (2 paralogues a month, bi-weekly), 9 orbs from monthly quests, and finally 4 orbs from logging in on Sunday, we get 53 Orbs a month. Then there is no doubt there will be events tossed in there and other factors to modify those numbers, so for easy estimations I'll just say we get 60 Orbs a month. That's not bad at all for 3 full pulls a month.

However, I honestly think we will not be Orbs from future Voting Gauntlets, making the number go down to 33 Orbs, but I'll say 40 Orbs for easy estimations. This is what I would expect, although I will obviously be wanting "moar orbs." It is even more demanding for me since I want "perfect natures and a perfect team," which is extremely difficult in a gacha game since it relies purely on RNG.
- - - - -
As for newcomers versus veterans, it really doesn't matter. Veterans will have plenty of characters stockpiled to mess around with while they wait for new Orbs, while newcomers have plenty of opportunities for Orbs due to all of the story content. I am more concerned about the pacing of the game, specifically the hardcore players. When they have all of their characters up to 40 and hit the "Feather Wall" and "Orb Wall," what will keep them interested to continue playing? These hardcore players are the ones who tend to do in-depth analysis, run fansites, write walkthroughs, and generally show their support of the game. If they lose interest, other players may begin to follow suit.

I also understand the "Orb Drought" is intentional to entice players into purchasing. I will admit that is one factor for my purchases, but other factors including supporting the game as well as trying to get favorite characters. However, it is a balancing act. One wants there to be a drought for the temptation, but not keep it too dry so that people lose interest and simply go elsewhere. I know I'll make a terrible businessman as I rather have a happy customer than taking every penny the customer is worth. Perhaps I'm just too generous a person...

Now, for rerolling, one of the things I dislike about the F2P system is the prevalence of alt accounts and rerolling. Players should be rewarded for sticking to one account, not having multiple ones. However, F2P is F2P, and if there is a way to get an advantage in the system, people will use it.

I need to stop writing walls of text. Send halp.

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I agree with fixing the cost to promote a 4 star to 5 star. It took me forever to get a 5 star Freddy...

I also think certain characters need nerfed (Takumi for instance) and I really hope the skill inheritance doesn't make everything unfair. If it does, fix that too.

Change the Arena battles to go by level, not by stat total.

And this is really all I can think of right now.


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1 minute ago, Ewwgene said:

Real Time PVP

Like never gonna happen. In the end.. if you are both in a deathlock... you will both keep running away with the 2 spaces you have



Using a friend to substitute in your 4th character for some map (or 5 characters)

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Great responses guys! I see some regarding my potential "improvements", so I'll start with those.

People seem to have mixed feelings about global/server chat, which is perfectly understandable for the reasons provided. The possibility of vulgarity, player disagreements spiraling out of control, drama, etc. In my experience with mobile games that have this setup, there are a few potential solutions. For one, moderators can be appointed in game to police chats, and certain words can be censored. Another option would be requiring payers to pay for tokens so as to speak in world chat, with each post taking up 1 token, and allowing "free speech" in local server chats; censorship is still in effect here. This has the dual effect of forcing players to use their words wisely for a larger audience, and encouraging a sense of community with those closer to them.  

Going thru the posts, I like the common theme of more customizability in regard to arena matches that keeps getting brought up. Being able to choose the map if you're fighting friends, being able to see everyone that has challenged you (as opposed to just those who lost), the option to fight your own (AI controlled) primary arena team for the purpose of probing it for weaknesses, Live/Real Time pvp, pvp matching by lvl instead of strength, these are all worthy goals. Some may be more difficult to realize than others, but all would be nice to have IMHO. 

I also see posts asking for increased orb, feather, and promotion-related accessibility,  all of which sound reasonable in my book. I think FEH has the potential to stick around for awhile, so working with the player base on matters like these is likely in the devs' best interest. Keep it coming y'all! 

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Alright, here are my quality of life improvement I would love to see in FE Heroes.

Number #1. Prep screen: This come to play in Lunatic maps and Grand Hero Battles, in those not a single wrong position goes unpunished. While Heroes is a more simplistic game, going back to the ages of no prep screen is ridiculous.

Number #2. Being able to back away from summoning: Going into the summon session only to find orb colors that you don't want is insulting, both for F2P's limited orbs and whales' money. "When you click you are given an option of choosing yes and no, gambling is your fault" Easily changed, just have summon, jump to the orb screen, and then make the choice to gamble. I know this leads to grindy manipulation but even then you can still pull garbage of manipulated orb screens. (JUST AS I SAID IT I GOT SCREWED AND HAD TO WASTE AN ORB TO GET OUT!!!)

Number #3. Make orbs cheaper: The prices are too ridiculous. The lowest offer is 3. 3 is completely useless! It is so easy to pull garbage the lowest offer should be 20 orbs, with each offer being a multiply of 20 and properly scale the prices. Since it is "cheaper", you have more incentive to gamble, you buy the cheap option a billion times so IS gets their sweet money just fine. I just lost the 20 free orbs for cying out loud.

Number #4. Give out more feathers: If the promotion cost for 5* is going to be so high, then scale the feather givaways to accomodate. The castle conversations should give at least 800, 5 is pathetic. The Arena and Voting Gauntlet should also up the feather count 100 or 200 points each. 


If I sound salty is because I hate Jagen, Donnel, Laslow, and every 3 star garbage that stains my unit list. Might as well cover my wall with roadkilled skunks.

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1) Map preparation. I reckon this is the biggest thing the game needs right now.

2) I agree with above, I believe we should have the option to back out of summons until we get the orbs we want. It doesn't affect chances, but it would make life a little bit easier.

3) I agree about the feather costs. 10k still feels like it'd be more reasonable.


Personally, I wouldn't like to see PvP. I don't like it or the idea rewards might be locked behind it. But I can see a lot of people do want it, so I wouldn't complain if it came out. I'd just hope not too many orbs were locked behind it.

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7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

I also think certain characters need nerfed (Takumi for instance) and I really hope the skill inheritance doesn't make everything unfair. If it does, fix that too.

This won't be necessary simply because as any other Gacha game especially where there is some heavy meta involved like FEH there will be powercreep. It's just matter of when.

On topic though I would love Map preparation and what kind of units I will face not just what colour and weapon type it is Like you guys before me have already said.

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Farmable orbs.


something like finishing 10th Stratum (increase stamina cost to 15 or so) gives you a reward, 30%badges, 15% greater badges, 30% shards, 20% crystals and 5%orbs.


This way we have a reason besides leveling to use stamina, the rate is low enough for whales to keep whaling but high enough for F2P players to enjoy and grind it.

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2 hours ago, FoliFF said:

This won't be necessary simply because as any other Gacha game especially where there is some heavy meta involved like FEH there will be powercreep. It's just matter of when.

Well, I hope you're right. I don't want to see freaking Takumi with broken skills everywhere because of no nerfs and skill inheritance...

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Co-op battles and Raid battles.

Just bigger battles in general.

I'm actually fine with the slow movement, it really creates a "puzzle" feel to the game, but we need more challenges.

I have a Hector, and so far, everything has been way too easy. I'd love to see more Lunatic/Ultra Hard challenges to pour over.

This game really needs more content in the end game, stuff you can't beat just by getting a few lucky pulls.

I'd also like to see "monster units," super bosses that aren't balanced for normal gameplay as challenges.

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Something I just thought about was unit trading, or even an auction system based on stats (ie the sum of a unit's stat total) could be cool. I'd prefer the former but the latter could be interesting. 

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One thing I'd like to see changed is, in the gacha, how the Focus % and the 5* % are handled.

When you get a 5*, both percentages go back down, regardless if it was a Focus or not. Personally, I think that's bogus. I think the Focus% should remain unchanged until you get one.

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I wish they can differentiate the animation between 4* and 5* pull.

Even if i saw the smoke animation during the pull, i won't be excited at all as a part of me can already guess that it is gonna be 4*.

What they can do is.. adding another smoke animation if it is 5*. Which means the usual smoke animation gives us a 4* but 2x smoke animation will give us 5*.

That would make my pulls more enjoyable.

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A place where you can try out new team combinations and it must not cost stamina. There isn't much to do other than arena/training. At least this way I can try out some team combos while I wait.

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2 hours ago, Kiran said:

A place where you can try out new team combinations and it must not cost stamina. There isn't much to do other than arena/training. At least this way I can try out some team combos while I wait.

A free sandbox mode would be glorious, honestly. No stamina, you should be able to choose the map and deploy against any enemy team compositions of your choosing, play around with different skills... Is that asking too much? Hopefully not.

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6 hours ago, AkiraAsukai said:

I wish they can differentiate the animation between 4* and 5* pull.

Even if i saw the smoke animation during the pull, i won't be excited at all as a part of me can already guess that it is gonna be 4*.

What they can do is.. adding another smoke animation if it is 5*. Which means the usual smoke animation gives us a 4* but 2x smoke animation will give us 5*.

That would make my pulls more enjoyable.

Fair enough. Personally, I'm fine with one "poof" or none at all (two would give it away for me). When I summon, that "poof" causes electrical pulses up my spine and in turn tightens my back muscles. Imagine what two poofs would do to me lol. I do see your viewpoint on this though.

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