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Who are you promoting to 5* next?


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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'd prefer -Res over any other negative stat, though. Last time I ran Eliwood's match-ups, I don't think there were any notable match-ups against magic that he specifically loses due to a -Res nature, whereas he has some serious difficulty not getting killed by physical units due to his lower Def.

True.  With skill inheritance I figure he's one of the better users of Iceberg/Glacies, and with -Res he loses out on two extra points of damage using those skills.  I'd be curious if that doesn't cause him to miss out on some key KOs, but maybe I'm overthinking it; I'm guessing being -Hp or Def instead puts him in one-shot range for the more powerful physical units, and that certainly wouldn't be preferable.  Either way, thanks for the input. 

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eliwood if I ever get him and do not get a 5 star eliwood from the new banner (which I probably won't since I've been trying the other banner for ninian)

if I ever get serra probably her too

i have caeda and I want to make her a 5 star but not as much as eliwood so I'm not spending my feathers

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Waiting until I finally do some more pulling so I know my choices, but as it stands Frederick is on my list of candidates since I don't have a five star green. I'm open to suggestions though.

Edited by Arthur97
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I do have 20k feathers right now but I'm not going to promote anyone as I'm currently waiting for a better red unit to replace my 5*Roy. He's kinda useless outside of killing greens and possibly holding against reds for a turn. If I reach 40k feathers before a decent red comes along, I'll upgrade Nino and Sharena to replace Minerva and Ephraim. After that, it'll probably just be units that I like or units I want to make a gimmick team out of.

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Probably Henry to sacrifice him to Sanaki.

As far as units I would like to keep, I'm not sure. I was planning to promote Fae to have at least one 5* of every weapon type, but I got a 5* one today while summoning from the Michalis banner.

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I just promoted Sharena the other day.  No regrets. xD

The next promotion is going to be harder to figure out, I think.  I've got Tharja and Sharena promoted, and...now I'm debating between Narcian and Michaelis next - having a flying unit would be nice, and I don't have a green 5* yet so this would check both of those boxes.

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1 hour ago, BANRYU said:


It's a total toss-up for me between my m!Robin, Nino, and Kagero Dx They all kinda need it and the former two especially have pretty good skills and I can get some decent stuff on Kagero (Defiant Attack 3, Reciprocal Aid, Hone Speed 2) but I'm being super indecisive about all of it ;;

In the hopes of getting more input on this I'm gonna... uhh... list relevant information about them and other units I use I guess....??


  • Def+/Spd-
  • favoritism bias
  • probably the weakest as a 4* (although TA3 probably helps with that now)
  • has Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 1, and Swap (+ vanilla set otherwise)
  • planning to go for Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker when available


  • HP+/Def-
  • minor favoritism
  • still useful but doesn't kill as often as I'd like, being 5* would probably help with that
  • custom skills: Reciprocal Aid, Hone Speed 2, and Defiant Atk 3


  • Spd+/Def- (probably the best boon/bane of any of my units TBQH)
  • only particularly good green unit (others include Beruka and Cherche, who is decent but has a poor nature and I need to train my other one up)
  • has to be run alongside Serra/Cherche/Olivia/Oboro (none of whom I prominently use in team setups) for any buffs unless I give appropriate Hones/Fortifies to my more prominently used folks
  • custom skills: Life and Death 2, Desperation 3, Rally Atk (interchangeable with Draw Back)
  • planning to go for Draconic Aura (have a spare Corrin, need to determine which to use)

My other prominently-used 5* units include Marth (Res+/Atk-), Abel (Atk+/HP-), a!Tiki (HP+/Spd-), and rarely 5* Leo (Def+/Spe-) ; other units that get used include 4* Olivia, Serra, Cherche, and Oboro.

So. What's the best call here? Who can perform well enough without being upgraded until I have the liberty to upgrade someone again....?? At first I thought Nino was the shoe-in here, but... she actually does pretty well even as 4* lol ;;

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Oboro was my priority but now... I want a green unit since I don't have one, and I have 3 candidates:

  • Anna 4*
  • Nino 3*
  • Narcian 3*

Welp, I have a big problem here, I don't know which of these 3 to promote!! But maybe... Maybe Nino could wait, since I don't have a main axe user.

Or what do you think guys? Who could be good??

(Right now I only have 13,000 feathers anyway)

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I have way too many 4 star units in my arsenal that COULD be promoted, but only enough feathers to add one to the two 5 stars that I already have.

(recently) Eliwood

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Anna is looking to be my next 5* unit. Afterwards, it's either female Robin, Ursula, or Michalis (somehow got him to lv. 40 4-stars in less than 24 hrs. after getting him from the Lunatic map without spending any stamina potions). Very iffy on my +Atk/-Def Cecilia given how fragile and slow she is in combat.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I think I'll 5 star my +DEF -RES F!Corrin.  I need a genuine tank on my team and she's a good candidate for it.

Alternatively I could do Nino, Frederick, Fir, F!Robin, M!Robin, Anna, Palla, Wrys, Adult!Tiki, Narcian, Jeorge, Sharena, Odin (ha no), Felicia, or Setsuna.

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It was going to be Michalis or Anna, but then I pulled 5* Minerva, whom I like better than both on almost every front. Now I have no idea. The main contender is +ATK -SPD Effie, but she just doesn't fit into my endless kiting play style. Sharena is a possibility, but I have Cordelia; I could train Ursula but I have Reinhardt. I feel like most of my best options are outclassed by a trained 5* that I've already invested time in (both to train them and to learn how to use them to the extent of their ability), and who can fill their intended role just as well or better.

Maybe I'll just go on waiting for a good Nino to train, since I have a 5* version of every weapon type except a green tome. /side eyes my +HP -SPD 3* Nino

Edit: ohh, pulled 4* Merric in my latest pull instead. Sorry Nino, you just got usurped. Maybe when I finally pull you I'll have 20k again though!

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No idea. There aren't 4* units that do anything my current team doesn't, so I've been sitting on 20k feathers for a week.

At this rate, I may just promote Sharena. Even though I don't really use her, it seems appropriate that I would promote the story units to 5* at some point.

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Got 40,000 feathers, but no units to promote :(.

Wanted to promote Effie, but she is +spd -def, so not gonna happen.
Also considered Nowi +def - res, but I already got FCorrin and Azura, so it's a bit overkill.

Had some thoughts on Saizo (+att -res), but Corrin just fits his roll better and he is inferior to Kagero.

I only miss a grey unit in my team, right now. I only got Jeorge the other day (-att)..
Been pulling for Jaffar and got my rates up to 5%, opened a green and Hector popped up xD. 
Can't complain about that, though he is -att/+res.

Sooo just gotta wait for Kagero to pop one day..

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I decided a while ago that I'm only going to be promoting units that I know I can't get better versions of by pulling.  Otherwise, what's the point? So for the past few weeks I've been working on leveling up and promoting Alphonse, Sharena, Anna, and all the Grand Hero Battle characters to level 20 4*.  As for the first person I'll promote, I think by nature it's got to be Alphonse.  That's just a classic, I think he's supposed to be the main lord since I read the other heroes talking about the him and PC together? I also don't have a 5* sword user yet, so I might as well get one.  After him, it'll prolly be Anna, then Female Robin, Michalis, Ursula, and Sharena.  Reinhardt and Ephraim are already taking care of business at level 40 5* so I don't exactly need the last two.  I'm putting them at the bottom of the priority list for that reason.

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My second Nino (+Spd -Def) is next on the priority list, so I can merge my +Spd -HP one into her and make her even crazier.

Second would be Sharena, because I've wanted her at 5* since the game came out, but Ninos keep hogging the feathers. >_<

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I just answered this question, and promoted my 4-Star Reinhardt to 5-Star. Hopefully Dire Thunder will be worth it.

Next time, I'll probably promote Sharena, unless I get another 4-Star that I really wanna promote.

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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