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Voting Gauntlet: Pegasus Knights vs. Wyvern Riders


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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Dude, I meant that I don't understand Lucina's popularity, not Camilla's.

People have things that they like about characters' designs. Those things aren't the same between people, but apparently she caters to a lot of people's preferences.

Her high visibility in a popular Fire Emblem title and Super Smash Brothers also helps her case as more people are going to be familiar with who she is.

Me? Lucina has long hair, which is a plus. Her face is above-average pretty and above-average cute. Her breasts are shapely. She doesn't come off as a pushover.

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4 minutes ago, Cossack>Cavalier said:

Funny enough, I actually prefer all of Nohr's nobles aside from Leo. I suppose that's the upside of having eight of them for crying out loud. You're bound to like at least one.

Yeah, that's certainly true. I know I seem like a negative nancy a lot of the time about characters, but it just seems that aside from Ike and Ephraim, all my favorite characters are unpopular and many of the ones I dislike ARE popular (not just Lucina and Camilla, but also Chrom, Tharja, Lyn, Micaiah, Eirika, and Mia. I also am not that fond of Roy or Hector)... It's sucks so much being in such a massive minority, but I am thankful for Ike and Ephraim's popularity, and that Ike was a poll winner!

Edited by Anacybele
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9 minutes ago, Lushen said:

I think you just answered your own question.Ā  It's not that people are super attracted to Camilla, revealing boobs don't create an attraction on their own but rather entire body structure as well as facial features.Ā  However, among guys, refusing to say something immature whenever they come up, is seen as a lack of maturity (in an ironic sort of way) or masculinity.Ā 

That being said, I just started playing Fates and I must say, I find her to be a decent character.Ā  Similar to Felicia, I actually really like her character but hate her design (why did you have to make it weird with the Japanese maid outfit?).Ā  She kind of acts like a little sister but is much older than, say, elise which creates an interesting dynamic between her and your character.

What I'm saying is, the hype and hatred of Camilla revolves around those who can't risk their masculinity and those who hate that she is seen as the ultimate female form.Ā  For this reason, I've seen a lot of females who like her, as well as people like me who don't care either way.Ā  Depending on how her character progresses, I could end up liking her and ignoring her character art.

I disagree with this specifically.Ā  Xander has both spring and nonspring forms coming up but he can't be in a focus yet because his base character does not exist.Ā  Leo had a voting gauntlet as well, although never had a focus at the beginning of the game for him.Ā  Elise is just the ordinary 'characters sister' that no one cares about.Ā 

Rather, I would say IS is favoring the Nohr royals over the other.Ā  Aside from Takumi being OP

Hm... That's a fair enough viewpoint, actually. I still think Camilla is a tad bit more advertised, but you do have a very valid point about the Nohrian Family in general. Xander does get a lot of screentime in Heroes, and he's like pretty much the only non-Anna returnee to actually matter in the plot. He did get a Spring Form too, and his regular form is getting hyped up almost as much as Ike's regular form due to how long they've bothĀ been held back. Elise also got a chance in the Voting Gauntlet, even though Sakura still hasn't gotten that or even a focus summon. Leo admittedly stands out a bit less than Takumi, but Takumi is... well...Ā he's his own little story pretty much.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Me? Lucina has long hair, which is a plus. Her face is above-average pretty and above-average cute. Her breasts are shapely. She doesn't come off as a pushover.

Well put it all out there why don't ya!


5 minutes ago, Astellius said:

I also want to deliver a Hauteclere-to-da-FACE to Cherche, because I keep summoning her when I'm trying to get Minerva! I have a 5-star Cherche, which was supposed to be the real Minerva, not Cherche's fraudster dragon!! GRR. But Cordelia shall just have to take care of that mess. Someone on Team Cordelia, kill a bunch of Cherche's for me please!

Yeh Cordy has that covered. She's fighting Camilla next though which is unfortunate.

But it matters not! Cordelia's loyal followers know what they must do to claim their vengeance after their fight from Cammy! United we stand! United we fall!

FOR MACEDONNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, that's certainly true. I know I seem like a negative nancy a lot of the time about characters, but it just seems that aside from Ike and Ephraim, all my favorite characters are unpopular and many of the ones I dislike ARE popular (not just Lucina and Camilla, but also Chrom, Tharja, Lyn, Micaiah, Eirika, and Mia. I also am not that fond of Roy or Hector)... It's sucks so much being in such a massive minority, but I am thankful for Ike and Ephraim's popularity, and that Ike was a poll winner!

Ha! I hear ya. I think we're all going to have our oddballs. From the ones you mentioned, I jump on the bandwagon for liking Lucina, Hector, and Ephraim and am right on your boat for hating Micaiah, Tharja, but jump ship by adding Ike to my personal shit list. So no worries, you're not alone! If there was ever an individual who totally represented the fanbase in terms of popularity, I think I'd be very concerned for his/her health.

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Trying to figure out best route here for round 2.Ā  If Team Cherche falls :( Who should I join next? If I want to stop Camilla, should I go Cordellia or Minerva?Ā  They seem to be main two big powers who have the best chance.Ā Do we hold the line at Cordellia or bide time and build up Minerva armada?

Ā Now their is bit of a conundrum.Ā  If the battle flag quest get reset for round two and depending on how they do the cumulative rank rewards.Ā I may goĀ with the winner of SubakiĀ vs Beruka would be my best call since I have the character for battle flag bonus.Ā  Which will help me in the long run.Ā  Morale delimma.

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Just now, Skids said:

Trying to figure out best route here for round 2.Ā  If Team Cherche falls :( Who should I join next? If I want to stop Camilla, should I go Cordellia or Minerva?Ā  They seem to be main two big powers who have the best chance.Ā Do we hold the line at Cordellia or bide time and build up Minerva armada?

Ā Now their is bit of a conundrum.Ā  If the battle flag quest get reset for round two and depending on how they do the cumulative rank rewards.Ā I may goĀ with the winner of SubakiĀ vs Beruka would be my best call since I have the character for battle flag bonus.Ā  Which will help me in the long run.Ā  Morale delimma.

Join team Minerva please!

We need all the support we can get!Ā 










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6 minutes ago, Astellius said:

I also want to deliver a Hauteclere-to-da-FACE to Cherche, because I keep summoning her when I'm trying to get Minerva! I have a 5-star Cherche, which was supposed to be the real Minerva, not Cherche's fraudster dragon!! GRR. But Cordelia shall just have to take care of that mess. Someone on Team Cordelia, kill a bunch of Cherche's for me please!

Hurtful! Ā Just because I now have at least 6 high leveled Subakis and 2 5* Cordelia while trying to get my precious Ninian does not mean I want to crush them. Ā I just really don't like the whole "perfect" side of things.Ā You should think of it as an honor for Cherche to look up to Minerva so much she'd name her precious Wyvern after her in hopes of one day aspiring to be like her. Ā And one day some of these Cherches will be on team Minerva too

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I'd say, after the last Gauntlet, I know better now.

Practicality over Preference. Not that it matters, I don't like or dislike anyone enough to chose based on that, hahahaha.

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I'd go for team Cordelia. The Pegasi team needs all the help it can get if one of them is ever going to beat Camilla or at least get a rep in the final round. They're the awesomest mounts.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say, after the last Gauntlet, I know better now.

Practicality over Preference. Not that it matters, I don't like or dislike anyone enough to chose based on that, hahahaha.

It's actually more practical to side with Minerva since it's much easier to rank, and we're guaranteed 2 wins so we only lose 500 victory feathers, but can earn much more through ranks.

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Just now, Skids said:

Trying to figure out best route here for round 2.Ā  If Team Cherche falls :( Who should I join next? If I want to stop Camilla, should I go Cordellia or Minerva?Ā  They seem to be main two big powers who have the best chance.Ā Do we hold the line at Cordellia or bide time and build up Minerva armada?

Ā Now their is bit of a conundrum.Ā  If the battle flag quest get reset for round two and depending on how they do the cumulative rank rewards.Ā I may goĀ with the winner of SubakiĀ vs Beruka would be my best call since I have the character for battle flag bonus.Ā  Which will help me in the long run.Ā  Morale delimma.

Unfortunately stopping Camilla is a very dead dream as she literally has more votes than every other team combined

Join Minerva probably, she has the second most votes. Also Arcanite can probably give you another billion reasons to join her that I'd be unable to think of.

On the topic of Lucina, I liked her whole future schtick and Masked Marth shenanigans. Her design was a near-perfect blend of 'cool' yet 'kinda cute', which really won me over as well. This might be subjective but,Ā she also kind of felt like the most capable female Lord in the series as well, and her deep sense of purpose just kinda made me more attached to her than Chrom throughout the game. She had more of a personal stake in the plot, and it was easier to associate with her plight than his. Her swordplay was also quite cool and elegant, and I just felt like she was an overall good character. And then she became too popular, at which point, a lot of her vocal dissenters came out of the woodworks.

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7 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

And one day some of these Cherches will be on team Minerva too

You're right.

So anyone in team cherche! Hear my calls! Read my pleas!

Give us your energy!

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2 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

It's actually more practical to side with Minerva since it's much easier to rank, and we're guaranteed 2 wins so we only lose 500 victory feathers, but can earn much more through ranks.

Admitedly, I'm not too concerned about gaining feathers. But yeah, I know the logic behind that reasoning.

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18 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Well put it all out there why don't ya!


11 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Ah, right. Bewbs.

I pay a lot of attention to them. Partly because I'm really bad at drawing them (and unlike hands and feet, they're harder to put out of frame)Ā and partly because boobs.

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4 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

It's actually more practical to side with Minerva since it's much easier to rank, and we're guaranteed 2 wins so we only lose 500 victory feathers, but can earn much more through ranks.

You'll lose slightly over 500 feathers.Ā  The last round, at least last time, gives you more feathers for winning.

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3 minutes ago, Lushen said:

You'll lose slightly over 500 feathers.Ā  The last round, at least last time, gives you more feathers for winning.

They mentioned on Twitter that they were adjusting the ranking rewards. Chances are they made each round's rewards the same.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

They mentioned on Twitter that they were adjusting the ranking rewards. Chances are they made each round's rewards the same.

I believe the last round actually still gives better rewards. I remember checking, and I'm pretty sure of it. But the disparity is much smaller now, and the rewards aren't so horribly mismatched as before.

EDIT: Yeah I checked the notifications board, and I can confirm this is indeed the case.

Edited by Ryu Yuki
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I seem to be an oddball in that I can never actually bring myself to hate any character. At most, I just don't really care about them and move on and even then thats a reach for me, for there's always at leastĀ some aspect about a character that I atĀ least find amusing? That, or I just never seem to judge them as a whole, and instead pinpoint what Ā don't and don'tĀ like

Actually... wait, IĀ lied. The only character that I genuinely hate, that I can't even explain why, is Seymour from FFX. Everything about him, from his attitude, actions, even down to hisĀ appearance, face & voiceĀ irks me for some reason, and I hate it even more for the fact I don't know why he does.

But thats unrelated

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10 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

Hurtful! Ā Just because I now have at least 6 high leveled Subakis and 2 5* Cordelia while trying to get my precious Ninian does not mean I want to crush them. Ā I just really don't like the whole "perfect" side of things.Ā You should think of it as an honor for Cherche to look up to Minerva so much she'd name her precious Wyvern after her in hopes of one day aspiring to be like her. Ā And one day some of these Cherches will be on team Minerva too

We shall welcome you to our ranks with open arms!

4 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

It's actually more practical to side with Minerva since it's much easier to rank, and we're guaranteed 2 wins so we only lose 500 victory feathers, but can earn much more through ranks.

I'm currently ranked ~16k, and I haven't spent any flags whatsoever. I was with Lucina the last time, and didn't use any flags for the first two rounds. I also didn't rank. So, yeah, Team Minerva nets you more feathers. The only win bonus we're not getting is the final won, but I'll get way more feathers from ranking.

1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

I pay a lot of attention to them. Partly because I'm really bad at drawing them (and unlike hands and feet, they're harder to put out of frame)Ā and partly because boobs.

Haha, I think a lot of people pay a lot of attention to them. Also, you could stick the feet into the ground or just chop them off, Awakening style. But it would be weird if you did that with the female front ornaments.

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Thanks to team Camilla, I believe we are nearly reaching halfway for the 10 billion milestone. I wonder, should the developersĀ addĀ another milestone (for say 15/20 billion) and we would get 25/30 orbs, 10 of each great badge, and 7,500 universal crystals if we exceed that number?

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2 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Thanks to team Camilla, I believe we are nearly reaching halfway for the 10 billion milestone. I wonder, should the developersĀ addĀ another milestone (for say 15/20 billion) and we would get 25/30 orbs, 10 of each great badge, and 7,500 universal crystals if we exceed that number?

They added another milestone after Lucina blew the first one out of the water day one.

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1 minute ago, Falcom said:

Thanks to team Camilla, I believe we are nearly reaching halfway for the 10 billion milestone. I wonder, should the developersĀ addĀ another milestone (for say 15/20 billion) and we would get 25/30 orbs, 10 of each great badge, and 7,500 universal crystals if we exceed that number?

I don't think that's gonna happen.

But since we have more flags it's probably gonna happenĀ 

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