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Light Magic & Mages Discussion


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Just now, Vaximillian said:

I'm pretty sure I haven't seen a generic enemy mage with Rexcalibur+, only with Excalibur, flier effectiveness and everything.

Guess I need to look at them generics more carefully.

I only have the vague recollection of me going "oh, huh, that's interesting" on seeing one, but I'm not 100% sure I'm not imagining it. Human memory is not exactly the most reliable of data storage systems.

Next time I'll grab a screenshot.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I only have the vague recollection of me going "oh, huh, that's interesting" on seeing one, but I'm not 100% sure I'm not imagining it. Human memory is not exactly the most reliable of data storage systems.

Next time I'll grab a screenshot.

Don't worry; you aren't imagining it. I make a habit of writing down lists of weapons that I see in FE games, and Rexcalibur+ (and also Thoron+) is on there. Bolganone+ is the only regular anima+ tome that player units can get at the moment.

Edited by Seafarer
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What I was kinda thinking based on what's in the game is that dark mages = red/blue and light mages = blue/green.

Future additions could go like:

-Micaiah (blue Lightning > Divine > Thani)

-L'Arachel (green Wind > Elwind > Ivaldi)

-Sephiran (blue Lightning > Divine > Creiddylad)

-Lyon (red Flux > Ruin > Naglfar)

-Pelleas (blue Worm > Luna > Balberith)

-Gharnef (blue Worm > Luna > Imhullu)

As for why Linde and Odin don't get the "light/dark" basic times, you could argue it's because Linde isn't technically a light mage, and dark mages in Fates are really just Nohrian mages without a major focus on dark magic. As for L'Arachel I kinda just gave her the wind tomes so Julia wouldn't be left alone.

Edited by Book Bro
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Glad the Odin thing got out of the way before I got here. And hopefully we got to the point that light magic dosen't really exist so far, (Linde is technically a thunder mage and and Julia a wind mage, for what type light magic might be Linde has a connection to thunder magic while if Julia had a connection it was to fire not wind) 

While I'd appreciate and enjoy Light magic if it was put in the game, I'll be fine with and wouldn't be that surprised if they didn't add it. How many units could even be affected by this? Lucius is out already, Ced is more associated with wind at this point, I'd love it if Homer went Light but I wouldn't say it's a necessity and well they'd have to add him on the first place, Hawk is probably even less likely and again not a necessity, only playable pre-promoted bishop type I remember who I think wouldn't go staff over light magic (or a different weapon entirely istead of a staff, like a physical weapon for Renault or Fire tomes for Cyas but I'd still put staves over light) is Oliver but he could still go staves (might help joke value), Deirdre doesn't promote like Julia (To get access to other tomes like she did, frankly I'm not thay hung up on default weapons) but I think she could go staves, Linoan could go with staves, Micaiah I think is a/the big one (they could reference awakening a couple ways but that's not her own game)  , Artur I think has less reasoning to go staff than Lucius but then Lucius covers monk turned staff user but yeah just a redundancy thing. Okay I think that covers playable units, important non playable there's what Riev, the senators (Lekain mainly)  and Sephiran? 

Anyone I'm missing feel free to mention them, the ones I think are most affected are Lucius, Micaiah, Artur and Tellius villains as a group. (The others are more fringe cases and the non Deirdre Jugdral characters have access to anima and could be covered by a Gronn/Blar/Rauorlight spell) I wouldn't be surprised if they thought Light wasn't worth it (Staff magic exists already) especially since they could figure out an idea for the major stumbling blocks ahead of time. (Ie plans for Micaiah to not need light and either plans for others or no plan to include them)

^ Is it coincidence that Pelleas went blue when he could of kinda done that anyway without different types of dark magic? (Having thunder magic access and all) 

Edited by goodperson707
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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I only have the vague recollection of me going "oh, huh, that's interesting" on seeing one, but I'm not 100% sure I'm not imagining it. Human memory is not exactly the most reliable of data storage systems.

Next time I'll grab a screenshot.

8 hours ago, Seafarer said:

Don't worry; you aren't imagining it. I make a habit of writing down lists of weapons that I see in FE games, and Rexcalibur+ (and also Thoron+) is on there. Bolganone+ is the only regular anima+ tome that player units can get at the moment.

Yes, both of you are right, I was wrong:


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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, both of you are right, I was wrong:


Tsk Tsk tsk, see sometimes ya just gotta shut up and eat your soup!


*Says the person who just lost a bet*


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7 hours ago, Book Bro said:

What I was kinda thinking based on what's in the game is that dark mages = red/blue and light mages = blue/green.

Future additions could go like:

-Micaiah (blue Lightning > Divine > Thani)

-L'Arachel (green Wind > Elwind > Ivaldi)

-Sephiran (blue Lightning > Divine > Creiddylad)

-Lyon (red Flux > Ruin > Naglfar)

-Pelleas (blue Worm > Luna > Balberith)

-Gharnef (blue Worm > Luna > Imhullu)

As for why Linde and Odin don't get the "light/dark" basic times, you could argue it's because Linde isn't technically a light mage, and dark mages in Fates are really just Nohrian mages without a major focus on dark magic. As for L'Arachel I kinda just gave her the wind tomes so Julia wouldn't be left alone.

I hope for the blue being also user for Dark Mages... While I'm not obssessed with canon powers... I have a BIG problem seeing the good Naga losing against his/her worse enemy (Loptyr)

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For the people talking about darkness Tomes being restricted to Red Tomes only, keep in mind that the female Corrin uses a Blue Breath weapon called "Dark Breath". It isn't entirely out of the question that there might be Blue Tome units with darkness Tomes in the future.

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3 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

For the people talking about darkness Tomes being restricted to Red Tomes only, keep in mind that the female Corrin uses a Blue Breath weapon called "Dark Breath". It isn't entirely out of the question that there might be Blue Tome units with darkness Tomes in the future.

That and we have Odin. 

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27 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

That and we have Odin. 

Odin in this game uses thunder tomes and the generic blue blade tomes. He can't get any dark tomes like fenrir even with inheritance. The basic dark tomes (flux and ruin) are exclusively red, so dark mages like Canas and Knoll will most likely be red.

Edited by Korath88
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14 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Honestly,I don't think we can use dragons as base. Ninian is blue when Fae is green,both have Light Breath. Adult Tiki is red when Nowi is green,yet both have Lightning Breath

I'd wagger we'll eventually see a red dragon with Light Breath and a blue dragon with Lightning Breath.

They like spreading that sort of things around.

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9 minutes ago, salinea said:

I'd wagger we'll eventually see a red dragon with Light Breath and a blue dragon with Lightning Breath.

They like spreading that sort of things around.

It's already possible to get those abilities onto those color dragons anyway with inheritance, because they aren't color-restricted. So I don't think there's much of a point in that.

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On 1/4/2017 at 8:17 AM, Othin said:

It's already possible to get those abilities onto those color dragons anyway with inheritance, because they aren't color-restricted. So I don't think there's much of a point in that.

Well... the Breaths are gonna be limited anyway... there are only like 4 options (Flame, Lightning, Light and Darkness)

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